Newspaper Page Text
with my hand.
Done at the city of Wafliing
ington, this eighteenth day
of February, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and fifteen, and of
the sovereignty and indepen
dence of the United States
the thirty-nith.
By the President,
Acting Secretary of State.
Alexandria , February 24.
The Delegates on their way to
Washington travelled in company
with several chiefs of the Six Na
tions of Indians who had served un
der General Brown ; but as Toon
as the latter became acquainted
with the objeft of their journey,
they peremptorily refufed to let
them proceed further in the fame
vehicle; so that the Convention
had to disembark itfelf and wait
until the next day for the means
of tranfporation. On their arrival
at Wafliington they reported them
selves to the Secretary of State and
requelled an introduction in their
official capacity to the President, the
honor of which Mr. Monroe de
clined, but fignified his willingness
to afford them an opportunity of
feeing the President as private citi
zens, to which the delegates would
not agree and moved off, but re
turned on the following day to clofc
with Mr. Monroe’s preposition and
received for answer, that the Sec
retary was too much engaged, but
that Mr. Dallas might be more at
leisure. who accordingly introduced
ufem oiveiteu ot tiieir official capa
city. So that the mighty “ doings
of the wife men of the Eafl” will
result in their going home without
-even mentioning the mighty fub
jeCl for which they were delegated.
f Herald. J
Norfolk, Feb. 25.
On Thursday, arrived in Hamp
ton Roads, the Spanifli fliip St.
Philip, a cartel from England. On
board this ship, are Lieufs. Wuf
fon and Allen, Mr. Dennison, Pur
ler, and 94 of the crew of the late
U. S. sloop of war Argus , also, 12
or the President, 2 of the Growler,
and 3 of the Julia, captured on the
Lakes ; with Captains M’Dowell
and.M’Kenzie of the U. S. army,
and 150 privates, taken in the de
tachment under Colonel Boiler.
By this veiled, we receive intelli
gence, that the U. S. ilopp of war
Syren wms captured oil’ the Cape
of Good Hope, by the Bntifli fliip
•of war Midway, of 74 guns.
We have conversed with the offi
cers of the late U. S. Hood of war
Argus, arrived in the cartel St. Phi
lip, which fliip put into TenerifFe,
and left there on die eighth of Ja
nuary ; they fay they heard nothing
of the capture of the Wasp.
The Dutch and Algerines.
The London Globe of Dec. £3,
flares, that on the 22d Dec. the
following Dutch frigates failed from
the Texel, under the command of
Com. Tulleken, for the purpose of
convoying the Mediterranean fleet;
the Zealand, Rotterdam, Yiflel,
pugerand, Eendragt and Havik.
It is ynderftood that their ulterior ;
destination is to wage hoftiliues a
gainst the Algerines, unless they
deliver up the Dutch seamen whom
they hold in captivity.
ALGIERS.—It is reported, (&
we w’ould fain hope correctly) that
our government mean to fit out
a powerful Expedition against the
Pirates of Algiers—Com. Rodgers
in the flag-fliip—that Hull, Bain
bridge, and our brilliant lift of Na
val Heroes, will accompany him,
with the two 74’s, frigates, trans
ports, he. (Enquirer.
Boston, Feb. 22.
We learn, that orders have been
sent from Wafhingjon for the im
mediate equipment of the Indepen
dence, 74 guns, Com. Bain bridge,
for sea ; probably destined to the
Mediterranean. — Centinsl.
Alan ilia, Feb. 24.
Volcano of Albany, (Province
of —The rnoft tremen
dous rupture commenced the last
day of January, and the lava con
tinued to ifl’uc 10 days ; 5 totfns
destroyed, and 1200 people peril
It appears that the celebrated
Frepcli general If u wee pop, the he
ro of Caftlebar, has been trusted by
gen. Jackfoii, with the command
of the important post on the right
bank of the Miflifiippi, oppofiteto
the encampment of the main ar
my. This general Humbert, who
has risen from the ranks to the dig
nity of a general, and was second
in command to general Hochc, in
Bantry Bay—is the fame general
Humbert who In the year 1798,
landed in Ireland with 800 French
soldiers, and wkh this fhiall force,
and fotno undilciplined and ill
arrned Tii sh peasants, kept at bay
during a whole fortnight ap army
of 10,000 English veterans under
the command of gen. Lake. It is
laid that he repaired to pur camp
at firft, not with a view’ to tender
his profeflional l e;'vices, but to en
joy the feene as /an amateur of the
military art, bat that his em’nufi
af:n being raid'd to the highest by
the. ftitoxicdie'd perfume of his be
loved gunpowder, lje loon, took an
active ‘part, and was dlfti.ngulihed.
by our great commander, and pla
ced in a high t: uft and
refponftbiiiry. What mult then
that army be, when fuck men as
.Humbert, aoeuftorned to the ,chief
command, and their foreheads
crowned with well earned laurels,
are contented to accept and proud
to act a subordinate part r With
armies’ so led, and , f° compoTed,
America may bid ‘ defiance to a
world in arms.
(Demo. Press.)
Philadelphia , February 20.
The privateer Chaffeur, captain
Bovle, of Baltimore, has put into
Martinico to refit, having had a
desperate action 1 with the Britiih
lioop cl war L’Efpiegle. The sloop
of war was in the acl of striking
her colors, when a Britifli frigate
hove in fight, and obliged the pri
vateer to nicer off.— (True Anar.
Governor Strong*s Preclamation.
Governor Strong has iflued his
proclamation for a day of public
falling and prayer.—ln this proc
lamation, not one word is said of
the recent interposition of provi
dence in the wonderful viclory on
the Mifttflippi, nor are we invited
to’ pray cor* the lately or oa -annau,
but only that our fisheries (cod and
alewives) may be raftered as ?n for
mer times !—(Boston Patriot.
From the London Public Advertiser.
Wanted —The spirit which an
imated the conduct of Eliza
beth, Oliver and William .
Better negociatcrs, or more
Lost—All idea of national dig
nity and honor.
Found—That any infignificant
state may insult that which li
fe J to call herfeif Mistress of
tlia Waves.
vYe team that the Mi lifters ci
Holland and Sweden are both
now on 2 viftt to this city.
Nat. Intel.
House of Representatives.
February 24.
Relations with Algiers.
The following report, yesterday
transmitted to the Houle by the
President of the United States, was
read :
The ading Secretary us State,
to whom was referred the resolu
tion of theHoufe ofßeprefentatives
of the loth iaftant,,, requelling the
President of the United States to
cause to be laid before that house
such information as he fliull deem
necessary to be communicated
touching the state of relations ex
isting between the United States
and the Barbary Powers, has the
honor to state, that, according to
the latest accounts from Morocco,
Tunis and Tripoli, our relations
with those powers remained upon
their former footing, nor is there
any particular reason to believe
that any change has fines taken
place. _
It will Appear by the documents
accompanying the meflage of the
President to Cmgrefs on the 17th
November, 1812, that the Dey of
Algiers had, violently, and wirhout
just cause, obliged the Consul of
U. S. and all American citizens
then in Algiers, to leave that place
in a manner highly often five to
their country & injurious to them
fclves, and in violation of the Trea
ty then subsisting between the tw r o
nations. It appears, moreover,
that he exacted from the Consul,
under pain of immediate imprison
ment, a large sum of money, to
which he had no claim but what
originated in his own iujuftice.
Hiefe adds of violence and out
rage have been followed by the
capture of, at least, one American
vefiel, and by the seizure of an A
merican citizen on board a neutral
vefiel. The unfortunate persons,
thus captured, are yet held in cap
tivity, with the exception of two of
them, who have been ranfemed.
Every effort to obtain the release of
the others has proved abortive ; &
there is feme reasons to believe that
they are held by the Dey as a means
by which he calculates to extort
from the United States a degrading
Treaty. JAS. MONROE.
Department of State, ?
February 20, 18:5. y
Mr. Bibb, from the committee
on Foreign Relations, reported a
bill to repeal certain ads therein
mentioned (viz. the ads prohibit*
ing trade alia Atevcourfe with cur
late enemy, and prohibiting the ad
miiilon into Qur waters of the ene
my’s vessels,) and the bill was read,
On motion of Mr. Ribb, the
Committee of Foreign Relations
were difehurged from the further
consideration of the petition of Jus
tin and Elias Lyman.
nnm H*” ft
To Pn-rr.R FamiliAs ; \
Which means in English
ther Jerry fays)
Patrick Familiar.
The terror and dismay which
you undoubtedly feel at feeing ?.
female pen drawn against you is*
natural. But however you may be
confounded, you ought not to be
furpriled—your publication last
week was. enought to cut you off
from the hopes of mercy. You
have courted your fate, and the only,
atonement now in your power is, 7
to await it, what ever it may be,
with silent and fubmifiive resigna
tion. I know not however, that I
final 1 be as severe and inexorable as
you have just reason to exped.—l
have. lately attended a charming
dancing parry ; the company was
agreeable, the tr.ufic was excellent,
and its happy est eels on the tone of
my temper has not yet entirely fub
And do you think there is any
holiness in a wooden image, or
(which is exactly the fame in prin
ciple) that there is any intrinsic lin
in a fiddle ? No 1 lam certain
you never conceived so stupid a
thought. But (lift I undedtand
you tocenfureballs i:ageneral,(whe-
ther they are attended by girls at
fchool or any other persons) as
meetings of a dubious complexion,
between bad and very bad—meet
ings which it they are not in their
character as black as the blackest of
fin, are at least of a veay dark
brown. That theydeprave the af*
fedtions and prepare the mind of
the unhappy dancer for the comif
fion of any fort of wickedness.—
Now it is my fortune to differ froiii
you as directly as words can ex
press. Dancing, and its attendant
circuni fiances, while it unites the .
cultivation and improvement or
taste with the benefit of exercife
while it discountenances, exclude*
and suppresses all forts of vice and
diflipation, it refines, enlarges and
exalts the best affections of the
mindi and prepares it for the re
ception and exercise of every ami
able and every manly virtue. It
is not for me, a inifs in her teens,
to argue about .the conftittution of
the human mind, and the compar
ative eflcCls of moral influences and
all that; but I fay, (and the word
of a lady you are not to question)
that I am a finer girl, h have more
of the virtues as w’ell as the graces
about me while I am figuring
through a country dance, than if i
vere pouting at home and envying
those that are there. Tour sex you
know Mr. Patrick, that the young
er part of them will fieek pleasure
and amusement of feme fort. The
efferveflence of youthful spirits wii*
overfliow in fome direflion—na
ture has said it—now whether
would you lay the feene of their
amusements in a ba’ii room v/heie 1
no vice, no excess, no indecency
even no indecorum can gain ad.
million, or would you if you could,
turn them loose with one-anotho*
and consign them to cards, dice
and the bottle, the neverfailing
fnbftitutQa for fe mal? society ? i