Newspaper Page Text
On the first Tuesday in June next ,
at the Court-house in IVilkes
county, between the hours often iaf
three o'clock, the following proper
ty — viz.
One negro man by the name of
Sawney 22 or 23 age ; ta
ken as the property of Vincent B
Low, to fatisfy sundry executions
in favor of Lewis Prudehomme &
others, pointed out by defendant.
One negro woman by the name
of Diifey 22 or 23 years of age; ta
ken as the property of Samuel
Tv ellborn, to fatisfy an execuricn
in / avor °f Allen Eafton, against
U iiiiam Goolefby & Samuel Well
born. Pointed cut by defendant.
One bay horse, 2 sorrel mares,
J forre! colt, : bay filly, 1 yo ke
of oxen and cart, and sixty or se
venty barrels of corn ; taken as the
property of John Bradford to fatis
fy two executions in favor of Ben
jamin Wooten, against John Brad
ford and Jefie Cox.
One fprrei rrare, 3 beds, bed
heads and furniture, 1 folding ta
ble, 1 pine flab, 8 chans, 2 chests
of drawers, 3 roote r ploughs, 2 pair
chain tiaces . taken as the proper
ty of Arthur iVI. Charlton, to fat is -
fy 1 undry executions in favor of
Janies Corbett and others.
Two beus, bed (leads and furni
ture, 1 pine table 1 trunk, 6 fplir
bottom chairs, 1 cotton wheel, 1
cupboard, 1 Dutch oven 1 loom 1
pair fad irons and one coffee mill;
taken as the property of Barksdale
Na !y, to fatisfy an execution in fa
vor of the executors of John An
derson, deed, againfl said Ually and
William Williams. Pointed out
by defendant
Forty acres of land, be the fame
more or less, in Wilkes county, on
the waters of Clarke’s creek, ad
joining William Mallory, and
others, unoccupied at the time of
the ievy j taken as tne property of
JofephM. Callaway, to fatisiy an
execution in favor of the Execu
cutors of Godfrey Uartsfield.
Pointed out by the defendant.
One house and lot in Washington,
m the occupancy of George Rob’
flon / taken as the property of
Garland Daracott, to fatisfy sundry
executions— executed and return
ed to me by John Riley, constable.
Conditions Cash.
May 5, 1815.
GEORGIA, IBy Matthew
Bgietkorpe county. \ Rainey. Clerk
of the Court of Ordinary for said ;
WHEREAS Thomas S. Bailey
applies for letters of Adminiff ration
on tne est ate of William Bailey,
deceaf'ed: J
i hefe are therefore to cite and
adtnonifh all and singular the kind*
red and creditors of faici deoeafed,
to be and appear at the next Court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters fhouid not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 2nd
day cf May, 1819.
Matthew rainey,
c. c. ©.
On the first Tuesday in June next ,
a! the Court House in Elbert coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
tnree 0 clock , the following pro
One feather bed, bedstead and
furniture, one cupboard, one grind
lione, one lock-chain, one pair
steelyards, one cow and yearling
with a bell, three ewes and two
lambs with a bell ; levied on as
the property of John Naifh, to fa
tisfy an execution in favor of Man
ning and Bibb, and in the poflef
fion of the defendant.
A i so
, ° ne ne K r o man by the name of
Toney, pointed out by Archibald
Stokes, ex or; levied on as the
property of I iiomas Stokes, decYl
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Edmond Harper, and in the polTef
fion of the executor.
\ls< >
One negro woman by the name
of Peg; levied on as the property
of Willis Stodghill, to fatisfy an
execution in favorofCharnal High
tower, and in the pofleflion of the
One sorrel mare and one forrei
iilley , levied on as the property of
Henry Shackelford, jun. to fatisfy
an execution in favor of Oliver
White, and in the poffeflion of the
Conditions cash.
r ’ la y 5’ I<f Hs iS-tds
W>l! m • ‘ /A
On the frst 7 uesday in June next ,
at the Court House in Oglethorpe
county , between the hours of ten j
and three o'clock, the following 1
property — viz,: ‘ j
I wo hundred acres of land, on
Big creek, joining William Owen,
dec and, others, and three negroes,
Raphael, osal and her child Nicey j
levied on as the property of Math
ew Anderson, ad’rnr of Nathaniel
Anderson, dec. at the instance of
the heirs of Nath’! Anderson, dec.
Conditions Cash.
P- CO VIP TON, Sheriff
Maya, <Bl5 1 S-tds
1 MtL L BE SOLD, on the ist Tues
day in June next. at the Court
house in Wilkes county, between the
nours of ten and three o'clock , the
following property , Viz.
200 acres of land, lying on
Long creek, adjoining Marshall
Martin and others, with the im
provements thereon; levied on by
virtue of an execution, to tne di
reded, in favor of Hannah Ilen
derfon and Benjamin Stovall, ad
miniflrators of William Benderfon,
dec. vs. Auguflin Edwards & Wm!
Johnson—Conditions Cash.
Coroner cf Wilkes County .
May 5, 1815. . 18-tds
Administrator’s Sale
WILL BE SOLD, on the firft
Tuesday in July next, at the court
house in Wilkes county, all the
REAL ESI AT. E of Josiah Hen
derson & Thomas Hsnderfon, dec.
lying on the waters of Long creek,
in Wilkes county. 12 months
credit will be given ; bond with
approved security will be required.
John Heard, Adm'r.
May j, 18: j, 18-tds
On the first Tuesday in June next,
Court House in IVilkes
county, between the hours of ten
and three o'clock, the following
property —viz: *
ivvo hundred and fifty acres of
hnrf, more oriels, in Wilkes coun
ty, on the waters of Reefy creek
adjoining Benj. W Haliday and o
thers, with the improvements, in
c.usi:Rg the store hbufe and public
place called Fair Play, and the tj fol
lowing negroes, viz. Phtbe, about
35 years old, Hetty about 1;, and
,her chi.d John, Hannah 16, and
Spencer 11 or 12, one road wag-
gon and team, one Left of black
hnMis tools, one feather bed and
furniture, one walnut desk, and five
cows and calves; all the above ta
ken as the property of Maj. James
I atterion, to satisfy sundry execu
tions in the name of James Thomp
son, Guardian, and others, vs. Lid
Pattcrfon, property p ftnted out by
laid Pattcrfon. ‘ •
. v 3 - rcs °f land, more or less,
c P unt y ' m Hardin’s creek,
acjotning Gharity Gammage and
others, improved, whereon Samuel
Gammage now lives, and taken as
ms property to fatisfy an execution
111 the “ameof Robert Hahifbn for
John Wood against laid Gammage,
pointed out by Lid Gammage. °
Also ,
One negra man, named Moses,
about 23 years old ; taken as the
property of Mefliach Turner, dec.
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Sam’l Yarbrough againfl the exec
utors of Mefliach Turner, dec. and
pointed out by the executors.
Also ,
One hundred and sixteen acres
01 hind, more or Id's, in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Fishing
creek, adjoining Anselm Anthony
and others, whereon Nancy Wil
hams (widow) now lives, with its
improvements; taken a-; the pro
perty of John Williams, fen. to fa
tisfy an execution in the name of
Win. & Felix Gilbert, againfl said
Williams, pointed out by the plain
tiff. 1
r Two hundred and forty.'fix acres
of land, more or Ids, in (aid coun
ty, on the wafers of Piitol creek,
whereon Mary Eindfey now lives*
adjoining Abraham Eindfey and
others; taken as the property of
1 homas Eindfey, fen. deck! to fa
tisfy an execution in favor or the
executors of Godfrey Hartsfield,
dec. againfl Thomas Eindfey, jun
Thomas Lindsey, fen. and Beni.
Runell. J
Four hundred and fifty acres cf
land, mOl eor less, in said county,
on Fishing creek, adjoining John
Cratin and others, rlow in the oc
cupancy of Eldad McLendon,
known by the name of the Weft*
brook trad:; taken as the property
of col. Dennis McLendon, dec. to I
fatisfy the balance of coff effundry !
executions againff said dec.
j Conditions — Cash.
May 4, 1815. ,8-tds
Cn toe fust Tuesday in June ne:<t,
at the Court Isouse in Libert count y ,
between the hours of ten and three
0 clockdhefollowing property: viz
One hundred & thirty fix acres
of land more or less, with the im- j
piovemenrs thereon, on the waters
of Deep creek, in Elbert county,
joining William Christian and
others; levied on as the property
of John Brumfield, to fatisfy an ex
ecution in favor of James Manning
afiignee. °
Two colts, one a tyvo year old
horie colt, the other a three year
old filly; levied on as the proper
ty of Drury Oglefby, pointed out
by, and in pofielfion of the defend
ant, to latisly an execution in fa
vor of William Woods, furvivinr
co-partner for John H Brewer. °
One hundred and eighty.four
acres of land, more or less, well
improved, in Elbert county, on
the waters of Gold-Water creek
joining James Riley and others [
levied on as the property of Johrl
Graft, to fatisfy an execution in
favor of William Woods, Execu
tor of Middleton Woods, dec.
Also ,
. One negro woman, Gcnny ; le
vied on as the property of Clem
ent Harrison, to fatisfy an execu
tion in favor of Beall and Dept
Said property pointed outby Mat
fh/ r w .T WftliiHns, and in pcfTeflion
Oi said Williams.
Also ,
. acres A land, more or lefi
m i'dbert county, on Cedar creek,
aujoinmg Benjamin Maddox and
others— 40 acres, more or less, in
fam county, on Cedar creek, occu
pied by Francis Powell, Sr adjoin
ing Patrick MWlullan, and Benja
min Maddox; levied on as the
property of Honorias Powell, to
latisfy an execution in favohoftho
Executors of Middleton Woods
deceased. Conditions cash.
May 5, 1315.
Administrator’s Sale.
M ill be sold at pubic A u Eli on , at the
house cf William Richardson, in
Oglethorpe county, on the 24 th of
June next. J
Ihe household and kitchen fur
nitme of Clement K. Harrison, of
Columbia county, deed.
ierms cf Sale made known ca
the day.
~ Administrator.
May 1, 1815.
Administratrix’s Sale
on the’ fir!t
I uelday in July next, at the court
nou!e in Wilkes county, all the
REAL ESTATE of Hannah Hen
derson, dec. lying on the waters cf
Long creek, in Wilkes county. -
Twelve months credit will be given,
bond with approved security will be
required. *v Henderson,
Administratrix .
May 1, i3rr. 18 tds
GE jJ R , ? B d David Ter -
H tikes County. 3 rel Clerk cf the
court of Ordinary fer said county.
WHEREAS Nancy Hancock
and Edward Echols applies for let
ters of Administration on the EL
tate of Thomas Hancock, dec’J.
rp p 7 -w us
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters fliould not
be granted.
Green wider my hand this 2 stb
day of April , 181 5.
D- TERRELL, Clerk.