The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, June 02, 1815, Image 2

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to all law, human and divine ; -but such is the mortifying news ‘■from Vienna. The duke of Wellington is arrived, and the distribution of souls is the great natter left to the congrefc to determine on the depar ture of lord Caftlereagh. On this point the question is, how this ac cession of human beings is to be made mod conducive to the relative flrength of the parties—how the {fates (hall be rounded; or, in other words, how they may be hereafter brought into the field against one another, with the molf murderous effect, in case that the prefeni lion like partition fliould be iound to be only a breathing time of preparation for future contcff. And this is the result of all our efforts, at the cod of f 700,000,000 for the deliver ance of Europe. Our readers will probably draw the conclusion which appears to us inanifeft, that France and Rufiia have an understanding on the divi sions that are to take place. France infills on home points on the left bank of the Rhine, and Luxem burg is mentioned as one. To this Rufiia fees no objection ; and Prussia will also consent, provided Purflia’s contingent of fouls (hall be found in Saxony. And thus an opening will be made for France demanding all the left bank of the Rhine. March i 8. —There was so ft von g a press yefterdav in the vicinity of the city, that every person with the appearance of a featuring man, was taken on board a render lying oft tin tower. [O/ sweet British liber -0-3 Paris, IN arch IT. General Clark, dukt of Feltre, appointed by Louis XVIII. minister war—ifiues genera! orders fraught with loyalty to the Bour bons, inveighing against the crimi nal designs of Napoleon. March 25. Ihe British embas sy has not followed the king ; lord Fitzroy Sn'merfet occupies the hotel of prince Borghefe, where lord Wellington made his, His majefiy king Joseph, brother so the emperor, arrived this day. H-s majefiy lias appointed the duke eff Gaeta, mini fie r of finances; the duke of Baffano, minister fee re t3iy os ffaie ; the duke cf Deeres, minister of the marine and of the colonies; the duke Otranto, minif tcr or the imperial duke of Revi-go, firft infpeSror general cf the geps d'armee ; the - ‘tint de Boruly, prefect of the be tv.r.-.ment of the Spine ; the coun fi-r'or Real, prefect of police. March 24. It is known that •T’ Emperor Alexander has paid - verai visits to the empress Maria T ouifa, and at each time embraced f ooiffy tiie young king of Rome. ( 0 ! the Crocodile. J H:s majelty held y off ere ay a grand Levee, which was attended by the prince arch chancellor, the principal officers of me crown, a number ut the mar&als, ministers ’ f itstc, &c. His majefiy Has loft nothing of extraordinary a&ivhv. Since : arrival in Paris he has coutinu *• • o arrange public affairs getiera!- ;, ‘til midnight. , : he Grenadiers and Cha(Tours of ••• fuard which accompanied his r y to Pans, have all received *ff d-a-.’oration jdf the legion of hon- Ui * 1 generals Lallemand (bro .,) who were arrested at La Fere, have been set at liberty, and have already arrived at Paris, to receive the reward of their fidelity. Marshal Nay's Proclamation. ORDER OF THE DAY. The marshal prince of Moskzca to the tr oops oj his government. Officers, subalterns, and soldiers; The cause of the Bourbons is loft tor ever ! The legitimate dynasty which the French nation has adpt ed, reascends the throne : it is to the emperor Napoleon, our sove reign, that it alone belongs to rule over our fine coutry ! Let the Bour bon nobility choose to expatriate themselves once more, or let them consent to live in the midst of us, what matter is it to us r The fu rred cause of liberty, and of our independence, fiiall fuffer no more from their baleful influence They have wifiled to debase our military glory ; but they are deceived : this glory is the fruit of labors too no ble, for us to be ever able to lofc the rcmemberance of it. Soldiers! The times are gone when people where governed by ftranging their rights; liberty at length triunips and Napoleon, our august emperor, will eftabiifh it for ever. Henceforth let this fine cause beour’s Sc that of all French men ! Let all the brave men whom I have the honor to command be penetrated with this grand truth Soldiers ! I have often led you to victory ; now I v/nh to lead you to that immortal phalanx which the emperor Napoleon conducts to Pans, and which will Lie there in a lew days; and there our hopes and oar hapninefs will be for ever real ize ;. Vive I’Emperor. Martha! of the Empire. (Signed) Prince of MOSKWA. Tile F-rench have in Brcft, 4 * L:’ of the fine, 16 at Toulon, and 6 at Koch fort; all the French fiamen, especially thole returned from British prisons, are devoted to Napoleon. There does not appear any dis position in Napoleon to persecute thole who served (he Bourbons —as yet ail his nieafures seem to be influ ent cd by a very liberal lpirit. He has iflued a decree for restoring tbs freedom of the press. For various reasons, Napoleon is considered as more powerful than ever. It is said be already has nearly 400,000 bayonets devoted to him. The prisoners who have returned from Rufln, Germany, England, &c. soldiers and seamen, pant for vengeance for their fufftr ings in those countries, and are with Turn as with the foul of one man. Massenet* commanding at Toulon immediately raffed the tri-colored flag—which fa on flew all over Trance, in two or three places ex cepted. it is said that Murat was ac knowledged king of Naples by all the powers at Vienna, France ex cepted. [What'will be the fats of Talleyrand Accounts of the 18th ult. from Cadiz, are of the inoft: gloomy de fciiption. They were under great apprehen(ions of an explosion in that city’ Cannon haff been plant ed in the great square, the guards had been doubled, and regiments’ were encamped outfideoi the town, with orders to be prepared to acl againfl the people at a moments no tice. Numerous petitions were laid before Parliament prayftig a repeal of the “ property tax.** A striking contrast. The cry of the English populace is “bread! ci bread ! of the French. “ long live the emperor!” One wants the pleasure of a full belly, the other pants for glory. The Morning Chronicle Rates that lord Caftlereagh has been confined sick to his house ever since the arrival in London of the late accounts from France. The 40, 000,000 raised last year, and spent in favor of the Bourbon dynasty, proves that by the return of Bona parte, his lordship has paid dear for his whittle. [Many a true word spoke in jest. 1 The Pruflian general command ing near Namur, had ordered a fine of 600,000 francs to be levied on that city because the people shouted, long live Napoleon! It will not be cclle&ed, we think. The departure of Bonaparte from Elba was difeovered by the British fioop of war appointed to watch him—a fliort time after he was clear of danger ! At Leghorn he was supposed bound for Naples. Campbell, the Scotch colonel, who was appointed a fort of a keeper of the emperor, afterwards demanded the surrender of the island to the allies—but the mayor told him, if he had the means of defending it he would give it up only to the or der of Napoleon! A vessel has arrived at Boston with London dates of March 30. Every thing denotes great prepara tions for anew war, on a mrghtv fviale. Wellington appears to be appointed generalifiimo of the troops to afl: against France—the Englifli and Pruflian forces in Bel gium have formed a iun&ion. Murat was near Rome with a fine army of 95,000 men ; no doubt to operate in favor of Napo leon, Austria appears to be against him. Blucher is appointed to com mand the Pruflian troops, who are making forced marches to the Rhine. Ihe Ruffian army in Po land is ordered into Germany. It is rumoured that the princes as sembled at Vienna have resolved, if ncceffary, to fix their headquar ters at Frankfort, to superintend the operations of their armies. They are fending expresses in all direc tions. It is said that the allied forces collected, in Belgium already a mounted to 150,000 men. Lord Hill proceeded to join them. Upwards of 40,000 English men are said to be in France.—— 50,000 persons are said to have been concerned in the late Britifii mobs. V e are doubtful of the conduct that the court of Vienna will pur sue. Bavaria is to furnifh 40.000 men agair./T Napoleon. To >dl deaths eff Dethonenmits. The eventful period, comprising the last five and twenty years, can not find its parallel in the annals of tec world. In that comparatively inurt period, the following Europe an sovereigns have made their exits in one way or another, viz. jofeph 11. Emperor of Germany, dead. ! Peter a.eopold, emperor of Germa ny, dead. Louis XVI king of France, deposed and put to death Catharine II empress cf Russia, dead. Stanislaus, king of Poland, dethron ed and dead. Gustavus 111. king of Sweden, as sassinated. Paul I. emperor of Rufiia, supposed to have been assassinated. Pope Pius VII. dethroned and died a prisoner in France. Emanuel IV king of Sardinia, ab dicated. William V. Stadtholder of Hol land, deposed. Frederick William II king of Prui tt a, dead. Selim 111. emperor of the Turks, deposed and dead, supposed to have been poisoned. C'nriftian VII. king of Denmark, dead. Maria, queen of Portugal, expatria ted. Charles IV. king of Spain, deposed. Gustavus IV. king of Sweden, de posed. Ferdinand IV. king of Naples, de posed. Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France and king of Itat!y, de posed—he has however, recently dethroned the family of the Bour- and assumed the feeptre of France.— New-Tork Courier. THFaTKET’ ON Monday the sth inst. will be presented (by theThefpian Society) the jufily celebrated T ragedy of ALEXANDER; 1 To which will be added the truly Comic Opera THE POOR LOLDIER, (in two acts. On Tuesday evening, the Trage dy of DOUGLAS. To which will be added the farce of the WAGS OF WINDSOR, (in two acts.) On Wednesday evening the tragedy of BARBARROSSA. With the addition of the farce . . WE FLY BY NIGHT. (In two acts.) And on Friday evening the Comedy of the COUNTRY GIRL. With the addition of an inter refting farce. N. B. It having been suggested that, in consequence of it being the week of court, ladies who attend the Theatre may be annoyed by the admiflion of drunken or other offenfive company—to rectify this impreflion, thefociety pledge them selves, that the fame order and de cency which has hitherto been ob served, shall flill be observed ; and should the ladies feel disposed to honor the Theatre on the above nights of performance, itffs believ ed they will be as well entertained. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the es tate of Andrew Creighton, deed* are hereby requested to come and fettle the fame with the fubferiber ; and those to whom the estate is in debted, will present their accounts properly attested for settlement, CHRISTOPHER ORR. | JONATHAN ORR Executors* Wilkes county, ) May 26, loir. S v ‘ - 1 r * J*