Newspaper Page Text
frida\\?une 2.
AGAIN has the bloodthirsty
policy of England involved the
Creek. Indians in a quarrel with
the United States—and these
wretches who after being lupport
ed toy our government, when they
otherwii'e mull inevitaoly have
ilarved, are pouring out the lull
cup ot their ingratitude on the
peaceiul citizens ot our country.
By a gentleman recently trom the
agency we learn, that they had dri
ved!* back the commissioners, who
were proceeding to run the line—
driven of! the lettiers on Alabama
—eeciared that all travelling thro*
thetr country by white persons
fhouid be put a (top to, and declar
ed that tneir boundaries ihould
remain as they were in 1811.—
ihis refutation of the Indians we
underhand was taken in confe
9ty*t:ce of a declaration of Colonel
Nljciioils, on the Apalachacola, that
the Giitifh Government would
guarantee to the “.reek Indians as
their allies, all their possessions as
they ex’:lied in 1811. This is one
more evidence of the truly pacific
and very righteous disposition of
the Britifh—fiil! I marring under
the wounds inflicted by our deserv
edly enraged countrymen, they
con iefeend to molt infamous means
(•- Ihvdding the blood ot those who
are the friends of peace —the friends
of humanity.
Mirror cf the Tunes.
The United States Schooner
Hornet arrived at the Navy Yard
few days ago from Portsmouth,
Nation,!l Inteliig encer.
Neiv-TorkMay i 7
The U. S Ingate ConUitution,
capt, Stewart from a o ratio, came
up Tom the Hook yefferday after
noon, and anchored off the battery.
Pailing the torts (he lin'd a salute.
She left St. Louis, Marannam,
north coast of Brazil, on the 19th
April, where the prisoners were
landed. On the 26th, fell in with
a Bririlh 74 to windward of the
VvL I. Blands, and concluded there
was peace from her manoeuvres ;
to a certain which captain Stewart
weft efFLSt. Johns, Porto Rico,
am lent his boat ashore, where he
learnt the ratification of the treaty
We underltand, fays the Enqui
rerfUfom £ gentleman from Buck
ingham. that it is said upon respect
able authority, that Mr. Epps, after
deducting the bad votes, is fairly
elefted. It is added that Mr. E.
was determined to purge the polls
and contest Mr. Randolph’s Elec
tion. v
General fm-v.s Wilkinson, we
learn has b; < r- appointed Collector
of the r “ of New Orleans, which
appe. v- f .: ort r. t .■- s accepted,
♦ Washington, N. C. paper.
JfA oMziaiicn. When the news
of th- <attl.‘ ar Mew .Orleans and
the d-:.v.. Ohr brave generalPack
enharn was - firir received in Lng
la | 7 lington wait
c ‘-n (■ • hv.'.r Regent, when the
Prince, ruvcWng fbe hand of the
duke, uttered, in a broken voice,
and with eyes swimming in tears,
the following line from Hamlet :—
tc My lord, it had been so with us,
had we been there.”— Columbian.
Hartford , April 19.
Connecticut election. From the
accounts that have been received
from various parts of the (late, we
may fafely calculate upon an acces
sion to the republican party in the
House of Reprefeutatives, of about
twenty. Many towns, which for
years before have been federal have
now chosen republicans. The
county of Fairfield fends twenty
eight representatives, 15 of whom
it is afeertained are real republicans
and three are quids, who may
“ learn to do well.”— Mercury.
Tire Meditcrratmn Fleet.
The firfl squadron or division of
this fleet, destined to act againlt the
Algerines, is at anchor in this har
bor, under failing orders, and will
depart in a lew days for the Medi
terranean, to rendezvous at Port
Mahon, in the island of Minorca.
The whole force to aflemble in that
sea, we presume, will be under the
command of commodore Decatur.
File van division confifls ol the
following vefltls :
Guerriere, com. Decatur, captain
W. Lewis.
Macedonian, captain Jones.
Conflellation, Gordon.
Ontario Elliott
Epervier (brig) Downes
Firefly, It com. Rodgers
Flambeau, JJ. Nicholson.
Spark, Gamble
Spitfire, Dallas
Torch, Chauncey. lb
Reports have in this mor
ning to which we give conliderable
credit, that the French have beaten
the Englilh in a decisive battle in
Belgium; that king Louis had
fled into England ; that England
has formally declared War again A
France; that the Algerine Iquad
ron has palled the ilraits and is out
upon tiie Atlantic.
American Mercury.
The ship Indus from Alexandria,
arrived at Bolton on the 12th in
stant The captain reports that on
the 10th in the morning, oil'the
south (hoals, (poke a ship, it blow
ing frefh could not be certain of all
her answers. but understood fne
was from Bordeaux in 27 days, is
certain she for New-York
—Enquired if it was known that
Bonaparte was in Paris with jour
hundred thousand men, and they said
it was a fa£t.
In a few days, perhaps, in a few
hours, we fliall have abundance of
news. Another bloody game is
about to be commenced by the al
lied sovereigns which will exhibit
scenes of bloodlhed never before
witnefled in the coutries of Europe.
The French people it seems will ad
here to the fortune of Bonaparte.
From France l his morning the
fchooner* Manlius, Captain Young,
arrived at this port from Bordeaux,
which (he left on the 10th of April.
From Capt. Y. we learn verbally,
that Bordeaux declared for the Em
peror Napoleon on the 2d April—
that all Englishmen there had fled,
among them the Mayor of the city
Monsieur Lynch, who gave up
Bordeaux to the Britiih, That all
France was in favor of the Empe
ror, and there was not the lead
doubt but he would maintain him
felf triumphantly, in defiance of all
that might combime againfl him.
No troops of the allies were know n
to be advancing towards France,
nor was it known tlmt they had
declared againlt him. We have
been politely favored by the captain
with Bordeaux papers of the sth
and Gth April. On hastily run
ning them over, we find no parti
cular leading article of interest,
other than what is already known.
Balt. Papt. loth inst.
The retreat of Ferdinand VII.
front Spain, must excite a great
deal of sympathy in Boston, where
his virtues and piety obtained al
molt as much celebrity and admira
tion, as if he was the Bulwark of our
Religion. Aurora.
The inquisition in Spain appears
to have had but a short triumph,
very little longer than that of the
Hartford Convention. — lbid.
When Louis XVIII. was running
away from Paris, he called upon
his faithful nobles to remain behind.
One of the readers of the jour
nal will be glad to learn, whether
Governor Morris , of New-York,
who a few months pall delivered
fofublime an oration on the reiter
ation ol the Bourbons will not fur
nilh the public with a requiem on
their abdication ?
Abraham Simons & George
Ruddell, refpcdfully inform
their friends and the public in gen
ral, that they have commenced bu
fintfs in the house formerly occu
pied by Meshac Robinson, opposite
the Poll Office, to be concluded
under the firm of George Rud
dell & Cos. where they purpose
to keep a supply ot dry goods and
groceries , such as they deem suitable
to those who may favor them with
their custom, which they will fell
low for cash.
Washington, ? et
June 2, 1815.5
(fj° Hook here cannons, and
come on thou .speculator! !! Afi)
On Tuesday the 6th of June next
(it being the burial day of the great
Mahomet) I ofler my lots in Wash
ington for sale.
Analusus , ct Deo , ana domini, dei
May 31.
GEORGIA, I “ By Matthew
Oglethorpe county. ) Rainey, Clerk
of the Court of Ordinary for said
WHEREAS Rebeckah Frank
lin and Cuthbert Collier applies for
letters of Adminillration on the
eflate of Nelson Franklin, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonilh all and Angular the kind
red and creditors ol laid deceased,
to be and appear at the next Cdurt
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to (hew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters lhould not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 17th
day of May , 181 c.
C. C. O.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
at the Court-House in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten
and three o'clock , the following
property —viz :
Two hundred and twenty Five
acres of land, more or lei's, in
Wilkes county, on Kettle creek,
adjoining Thos. Green and others,
with the improvements—now in
the occupancy of Edward Bond ;
levied on as the property of Thos.
Bond, deceased. to fatisfy sundry
executions againfl the executor of
laid dec. pointed out by one of the
plaintiff’s attorneys.
June 2, 1815.
On the first Tuesday in “July next,
at the Court House in Oglethorpe
county, between the hours of ten iP
three o'clock , the following proper
ty, viz:
One hundred and thirty acres of
land, more or less, in Oglethorpe
county, on th£ waters of Little Ri
ver, adjoining Samuel Brooks and
ethers ; levied on as the property
of Abfalom Echols, by virtue of 2
executions from the Jultices court,
in favor of Young Stokes ; levied
on and returned to me by William
Grelham, Conflable.
One yellow bay horse ; levied
on as the property of Travis Ever
et, to fatisfy an execution in favor
of John Wynne, property pointed
out byfaid Wynne.
Conditions cash.
June 1, 1815.
Cn the first Tuesday in July next,
at the Court house in Elbert county,
between the hours of ten and three
0 ‘clock , thefollowing property: viz .
One trafl of land lying on Goo
dy’s creek, in Elbert county, well
improved, containing G 45 acres,
more or less, joining lands of
j Thomas Tate and others, occupied
| by William Goode, and levied or
as the property of laid Goode, to
! iaisfy an execution in favor of Ca
leb Tate.
Conditions cash.
June 2, 1815.
jt\fTER the expiration of nine
months application will be made to
the honorable Inferior court of
j Wilkes county, for leave to fell a
! trad; of land in said county, con
taining three hundred and ninety
acres, (more or less) it being the
real eltate of John Weaver, dec.
to be fold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased.
Elizabeth Weaver, aclm’x.
Richard Sappington, adm’r.
Odober 8, 1814.
months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Greene
county, for leave to fell five hun
dred and forty-five acres of land,
more or less, in said county, being
the real eflate of Wm. Veafey, dec.
for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors of said deceased.
Januarv 07, 18 ic. Executrix.
a- 4 * *