The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, July 07, 1815, Image 3
comes dire&ly from the heart, and is, therefore, consecrated by all . those feelings which manifefts a { sincere conviclion of the virtues of the individual to whom it is ad crefled. That conviction, Gene ral, has influenced the members of the City Council, in tendering to you their thanks for your late mili tary services. You had devoted the vigor of manhood in combatting for the li berty and independence of your country ; and when that liberty wss again menaced by the fame foe, your advanced period of life did not prevent you from again un fhcathing the'Tvvord of svpnty-six in defence of the fame righteous cause. This, confident patriotism, and bravery of conduct, exhibits the true features of a chara&er in which love of country and freedom ‘predominate over every other con fiderarion. It is an example molt worthy of imitation, and it will be felt, general, when you Avail have gone to the bofem of Walhington. We humbly thank a beneficent Providence tor the return and pre servation of yourl'df and brave companions in arms It was that Providence which, am id ft the dif uefiing difficulties and privations you have detailed, infilled a ipirit in the breads of your gallant citi zen soldiers, which rendered them fuperibr to corporeal futfe.rings, anu has. iince molt graciouily restored tbf.-.n r their lollies and families. On this event, I tender to you the g : ilafions of the City Council, together with the hope, tnat, in the bofbm of your family you may “ long enjoy the happiuels, arising from the confcioulnefs of having deserved well of your country.” Permit me to add my individual feelings, and to allure you, Gene ral, of the fentimsntsof refpeft and consideration with which I am your friend and fellow citizen. Thomas U. P. Charlton, Mayor of Savannah. Maj. Gen. ‘John Mclntosh. M'lntosh county , } Bth June, 1815. 5 Sir —Your friendly letter, co ve/ing a resolution of the City coun cil, expressive of their approbation or my services on the late expedi tion to Mobile, with their congra tulations on my fafe return to the bofomof my family, I receive with grateful fejtifibility. It I have any regret, it is, that the army under my conmmand had not an opportunity of teffing their valor and patriotism, with the inva ders of their country. The flattering manner in which the corporation of Savannah have, on this occasion, exprefled them selves, impresses on my mind no * lcommon feelings; and I beg fir, you to communicate to them, the high eflimation in which I hold their good opinion, and the afiurances of their bed wishes—at the fame time, permit me to ten der you my sincere thanks for the manner you have communicated ( the resolution of the City Council, and accept the consideration of my esteem and friendship. J. M‘lntosh. „ Hon. T. U. P. Chariton , / Mayor cf Savannah. The wife of Samuel Cleaves, of Whitfield, Maine, had three daughters at a birth, all living, this month. She was delivered of three at a birth in June last, not living. 3o that in Id's than one year, this woman has had fix children !! Salem Register. ANECDOTE. After the signal defeat of the Britiih army, general Lambert im agined that his camp was entirely iurroundeU by the Americans ; and anticipating nothing out defeat & dilgrace Ihould he attemp to fight his way through, he had recourse to the following stratagem, in order to effeft his eicape. He requelled general Jackson to allow him four days to bury his dead intending to make use ot that time to makegood his retreat under cover of the night. Having accordingly got every thing in readineis for a precipitate flight, the Britiih commander on the evening previous to the expiration to the truce, put his troops in mo tion, and commenced his march protected by the total darknels which then reigned, as silently as pollible. lie had not proceeded far, however, before his progrels was arrested, as he thought, by the numerous army determined to de stroy him and his unfortunate fol io wers. Strange & unaccountable founds feemmgly proceeding from ten thouiand clamorous tongues, were heard all around-, him ; iome apparently crying out, You’ll be too late !”—others, “ Surrender ! furrentler !”—and pt tiers *• Shoot. ! {hoot! lhnot!” which so terrified the aflouilhed warrior, that he cri ed out in the agony of his foul, “ For God’s lake gentle men, don’t {hoot! We’ii give up!” lie then ft aid ail night on the spot, imder the impreflioa that he. was a prilon er ; and in the morning kht ins .aid in order to treat with the iup pofed enemy ; when finding that the army which had thus irutfrated his design, inltead of being tom* posed of bioody minded Yankees, confided of nothiug more or Ids than a numerous host of harmiels frogs, conveniently polled in the neighboring maiihes, tie became so overwhelmed with rage and lhame; that his reason forfook hnn for a time and was obliged to be confin ed on board the British fleet for several days. Fredonian. Augusta Prices Current , July .3. Cotton D. 18 50 to VJper him. Flour D. 6 25per Bar Corn D. 1 25 Bushel , Corn meal D. 125 Wms key 75 Sugiiv 23 to 3 2 Coffee 27 to 30 Salt D. 1 SFIERIFF’s SALE. W .ii be bold, On the first Tuesday in August nest, at the Court-House in Oglethorpe county, between the hours often and three o'clock , the following property —viz : One hundred and fifty acres of land, levied on as the property of Josiah Bundurant—joins Joel Bar nett and others—by virtue of four executions in favor of Thos. F lee man, two in favour of William Carter; levied on and returned to me by Fielding Dillard, conft. Conditions Cash. P. COMPTON, Sheriff. June 28, 1815. —26 ids GAMUTS For rale at this OFT ICE. ’ LO'T, ON the 7th June last, a dark Morocco Pocket Book, containing the following papers : ONE note on Colonel Patrick Jack, for flxty dollars, dated the 4th June, 1815; oije on John Flicks, for twenty five dollars, dat ed the 4th of September, 1810 one on Charles Lockhart, for 1 3 dollars, dated the 4th June, 1815; 3 proven accounts against the ellate of Raleigh Hightower; an order for twenty dollars on Lieutenant Turpin ; several other notes and accounts, the dates of which, not recolleded. The Pocket Book also contained Letters of Adminis tration. All persons are warned against trading for the above described notes and accounts, and the per sons on whom they are, are cau tioned against paying them to any but myfelf. ARTHUR SLATON. July?, 1815. GEORGIA., 7By David Ter- Wilkm county. 3 cell, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary, for said county. -m HE REAS Peter-Kent applies for inters or adminiftfatioli on the estate 01 Dennis Kent, dec. Thele are therefore to cite and adinonith ali and lingular the kind red and creditors of laid deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, on the ill Mon day in September next, then ai}d there to Ihew cause, (if any they have) why laid letters Ihould not be granted. Given under my hand the yl of July, 1815. D. TERRELL, Clk. GEORGIA , 7 By David Ter- Wilkes County. 3 rel Clerk of the court of v)r dinary for said county. WHEREAS Phillip Thurman applies ror Letters of Adminiltra tion on the elfate of James Lee, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonjfh all and lingular the kin dred and creditors of laid deceased, to be and appear at the court of Ordinary to be held in and for the county aforefaid, on the ill Monday in September next, then & there to Ihew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 3 and day of July, 1815. D. TERRELL, Clerk. I ■ ———■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ I ■■■■■■■■■ ■ For‘saie at this Office , the following BLANKS :— Warrants of Appraifement, Letters of Adininiftration, Do. Teftimentary, Do. Guardianlhip, Administrator’s Bonds, Constables do. Collectors and other Deeds, Marriage Licence’s, Subpcentcs, Executions, Justices Warrants/ Fi-fa’s, Guardian’s Bonds, Indentures, C.a-fa’s and Commiflion of Interrogatories. May 12. an apprentice, j IWanted at this Offer* \ Administrator’s Sale.- Will be scold , on the first Tuesday in September neat, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Faddy J arret , deed between the usual hours, the following trafls of land : ONE tra£l of 117 acres, more or less, lying in Wilkes county, on the vAiters ot Beaverdam creek, adioin<r Thomas Hammock, and William Wiliams, Also, one tra£l of 218 acres adjoining the above traft, and formerly conflituted a part of it— the whole grauted originally to Flines. Each tra£l has a frnall im provement on it, and may be con lidered the belt land of the third quality. Also, a trad of 260 acres, lying on Kettle creek, adjoining Dr. Pope’s mill and Samuel Jones. This plantation is now in a high state of cultivation, in good repair, and is a desirable lituation. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchaser giving bond with approved security. RICHARD SAPPINGTON, TOMAS TALBOTT. Adrnrs. ATIIA JARRET, A dm'a* July 7, 1815. MERCHANDISING. Abraham Simons & George Ruddell, reipe&fully inform theiff friends and the public in gen ral, that they have commenced bu siness in the houle formerly occu pied by Meshac Robinson, opposite the Poll Office, to be conducted under the firm of George Rud dell & Cos. where they pu r pofe to keep a supply ot dry goods and groceries , such as they deem fuiiaole to thole who may favor them with their cultoni, which they will fell low for cash. Washington , 7 June 2,1815.3 ’ Attention! AN ele&ion will be held in the town of Washington, on Saturday the 22d of July next, for a Lieuten ant Colonel of the 18th Regiment of Georgia Militia, in lieu of Lieu tenant Col. M. Henderson, resign ed Os this eledion Vlaj. Joseph Henderson, commanding, is desi red to take notice. By order of Brigadier Gen. j JEPTHA V. HARRIS. D. G. CAMPBELL, Aid de Camp. a June 12, 1815. j WATCH-MAKER & I | JEWELER. The subscriber . refpedfully in ( forms the public, that he has com menced the above business in this place—and from his long experi ence, added to his natural genius, he flatters himself that he can give general fatisfadion to those that may favor him with their cus tom. All work committed to his charge fhail be immediately atten ded to, and the workmanship not excelled by any part of the world. j J. ANTHONY. April 7. [rrn iwi2W