Newspaper Page Text
The drawing of which will
commence on the Ist Monday
in Not ember next.
Au'horifed by an Act of the Le
gislature of the State of Georgia,
palled or. the 22d November 18 ! 4,
entitled “ An Act to raise money
for the. porpofe of opening and im
pro\ing the Navigation of the Oco
nee River, from the mouth of
Fishing creek, to Barnett’s shoals.”
•Scheme of h e Lottery.
Dells. Dolls.
2 prizes of 10,000 is 20*000
3- do. 5,000 - 15,000
4 do. 2,000 - 8,000
5 - do. 1,000 - 5,006
10 - do. 500 - 5,000
50 • do. 100 - 5,000
100 - do. 50 - 5,000
200 - do. 20 - 4,000
300 - do. 10 - 3,000
6 000 • do. 5 - 30-000
6674 Prizes 100,000
Subject to a dedu&ion of 15 per
cent.— 20.000 Tickets at 5 dollars
each, is 100,000 dollars j less than
two blanks to a prize.
The drawing of the lottery will
commence in Greensborough, on
the fir ft Monday in November.
Payment of Prizes will be made
in the fame place, and commence
at the expiration of sixty days, af
ter the drawing of the Lottery is
fmifhed ; of which due notice will
be given. Prizes not demanded
within fix months after the. draw
ing is finifhed, will be viewed as li
beral donations to the Oconee Na
vigation company, and payment
barred accordingly.
The Commissioners have ap
pointed Sterling Grimes their a
gent, under whose signature the
Tickets will be iffqed.
The Oconee Navigation Lottery
Office, is established in this place j
where all letters or orders directed
to the agent (poll paid) will meet .
with immediate and prompt atten
March 1815. (n)tf
February Term , 1815.
Pitt Milner , “j
Percy Pope , }> IN EQUITY.
Pho's Bibb and |
Nicholas Pope. J
It appearing to the court
that the defendants reside out of
the limits of this Hate—On morion,
It is ordered , i hat the defendants
plead anfweror demur,'not demur
ing alone within fix months or the
bill will be taken pro tonfesso , And
this rule be pubiifhed once a month
for fix months, in one of the pub
lic Oazcetes of this State.
Copy from the Record ,
D. TERRELL, Clerk.
March to.
To Lease or Rent.
THE Koufe and Lot, lately oc
cupied by Mrs, Bowen. For terms
apply to O. H. Prince.
. Washington) June 16.— 2 Ait.
£? The caufe_ of the ditTolution
of co-partnership between Robt.
Chivefs and myfelf is rafeality and
illegal proceedings by Robert Chi
vers. Also, Ido hereby forwarn
any person or persons whatsoever,
from paying him any money on
the Book of Harrison and Chivers
| %
1 for the year 1814
April 25, ißis.--rm 17th
On the first Tuesday in August next ,
at the Court House in Wilkes
county , between the hours cf ten
and three o’ clock, the following
property — viz:
One hundred and fifty seven a
cres of land, more or less, in Wilks
county, on Hutton’s fork of Long
creek, adjoining Col. M. Htnder
fon, Thomas Jarret, and others—
ninety acres, more or less, in said
county, on the waters of Beaver
dam aud Kettle creek, adjoining
said Henderson and Thomas M‘-
Laughlin ; both the above trafts
of land levied on as the property of
Aquilla Burroughs, dec. tofatisfy
lundry executions again ft the ad
ministrators of said dec. Pointed
out by the plaintiff’s attorney.
Also ,
1 wo hundred & sixty four acres
of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Reedy
creek, adjoining John Gibson, efq.
and others, whereon Benjamin W.
Halliday now lives, with the im
proveuients thereon— four negroes,
to wit: Patience, about thirty years
old, Harry, about ten, Edom, se
ven, and Louila, five—one forrei
stud hole, named Spread Eagle,
ten years old ; ail the above pro
perty levied on as the property of
Benjamin W. Holiday, to fatisfy
sundry executions against him, and
pointed out by said Holliday.
Conditions Cash.
June 30, 1815
StiLKli* F’s a ALL.
s %
will be sold,
On ihefirst 1 uesday in August next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours cj ten
three o'clock, the following proper
ty — viz.
One bay horse, about 5 feet
high ; taken as the property of
Peyton Harris, to fatisfy an execu
tion in favor of Peter Lamar, as
signee of Wm. H. Norman, vs.
Jeremiah Walker and Peyton Har
ris. Pointed out by the pltff.
Conditions Cash.
D. Sheriff.
June 30, 1815.
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the judices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, tor leave to fell 3
tracts of land, lying in Clark coun
ty —One containing 1(X)0 acres, ly
ing on the Appalachee river—one
containing G9G aci;es, on the mid
dle fork of the Oconee river—one
containing 600 acres, lying on Bar
ber’s creek in said county.—Also,
a trad, in Wilkes county, contai
ning 200 acres, lying on Rockey
creek. The above, the real Estate
of John Wingfield, dec.—Sold for
the benefit of -the heirs of said dc
„ Wm. Simpson, AdThr.
: June z. iSrc.
The fubferiber takes the liberty
of informing his friends and the
public in general, that he has just
received a supply of northern ma
terials, suitable to carrying on the
Shoe & Boot making business. and
will continue to do warranted work
in the above line, at the shortest no
tice, and on the mod reasonable
terms ; —his (hop is a few paces east
of the Post Office, where he will
always tfe found
Washington , ?
June 30, 1815.5
NINE months afterdate applica
tion will be made to the Justices of
the Inferior court of Wilkes coun
ty. for leave to fell certain trafts of
land, lying in the counties of Wilks
and Wilkinson. One trad lying
on the waters of Little Rriver, con
taining 130 acres—the othtr trad
contains 202 1-2 acres.
Ading guardian for Jas. Bal
lard's Orphans.
Jum 3° ißi s’
_ , Notice.
NlNft months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county for leave to fell 46 ,and an
1-2 acres of land lying in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Kittle
creek, being the estate of Jonathan
Absalom Montgomery,
May 1, 1815. 18-mgm
[V INE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Lincoln coun
ty for leave to fell a track of two
hundred and fifty acres of land on
the waters of Pifto! Creek, adjoin
ing J Wade, and others in said
county, it being part, of the real es
tate of John Ruffetl deed, to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deed.
Clariann Russell, adm’x.
Benjamin Ruffed,)
> admr’s.
Thomas C. Ruffed, )
February Bth .1815.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Judges of the Inferior Court
of Warren county for leave to fell
the Real Estate of James B. Thomp
son, dec. for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said dec.
Henry B. Thompson,
Administrator, with the
Will annexed.
April 7,1815. mgm •
Nine months after date applica- ’
tion will be made to the honorable
the Inferior Court of Greene coun
ty, for leave to fell certain trafts
of land containing between fix and
seven hundred acres, laying in the
fork of little river, adjoining lands
of Elija Star, Dr. Linton and oth
ers, being the real estate of John
T. Sankey deed, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of the said
& > Ad?nr*s
March 3d 181 5. 1
May Term, 1815.
UPON the petition of Seaborn
Jones, Senr. flaring that Sanders
Walker, deed, in his life executed
to him his bond in the penalty of
ten thousand dollars, a copy where
of is annexed to said petition to
execute titles to two thousand nine
hundred and fifty acres of land, ly
ing in one body on the north fide of
Brier creek, and part thereof ad
joining Paris’s mill traft on faidl
creek, surveyed for and granted to
the said Walker, lying now in
Scriven county, and that the said
Walker departed this rife without
having executed such titles ; and
praying this Honorable court to di
rect Wilson Lumpkin and Young
Stokes, Executors of the last will
and reftament of said Sanders Walk
er, deed, to execute titles to the
said Seaborn to the land expressed
& mentioned in said bond. “V
Whereupon, It is ordered —That
the aforefaid Executors be and are
desired to execute titles, to the said
Seaborn Jones, to the said traft of
land delcribed in said bond, unless
cause be {hewn to the contrary at
the next September Term of this
court, according to the aft in such
cases made and provided—And it
is further ordered, that the Cle k do
publish a copy of this order in ones
of the public Gazettees of this state,
and at the public places of the
county at leafi three months before
said court.
I certify the foregoing to be a
true copy of the original.
May 5,1815.
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
! the justices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell
two trafts of land; one lying in
this county, the other in Wilkin
son, containing 200 2 1-2 acres,
(more or less.) the said being the
Real Estate of James Pollard, dec.
j Daniel Owen,
Qualified Guardian.
March 24, 18i5. (m9m)
Notice. {
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honoura
ble Judges of the Interior Court of
Wilkes county for leave to fell cer
tain trail.® of land amounting to two
thousand acres, more or less, in the
counties of Wain, Wilkinson and
Morgan, the fame being the real es
tate of Andrew Craton, deceased,
for the benefit of his heirs and cred
itors. Joseph Orr. )
& > Ei’rs.
Christopher Orr. J
Feb. 13th 1815.
’ Notice. V
Nine months after date, applica
tion witll be made to the honorable
the Inferior court of Oglethorpe
county, for leave to feel a lot of
land, lying on Max creek, belong
ing to Elizabeth Thornton, deed,
containing 58 acres ; a part of
the traft of land belonging to
Dread Thornton, deceased.
Wiley Thornton,
March 13, 1815. V
Harmon Mercer informs his
friends that he is a Candidate for
the command of Lieut. Colonel, in
the place cf Col. Henderson, re
signed—and solicits the fufirage of
his friends.