Newspaper Page Text
brace, an and again on his bended
knee to receive the bit-fling of his
poor and aged, but once again hap
py mother.
H >w inscrutable are the ways of
Providence ! Brown was destined
never again to fee his native land,
nor thole who were nearest and
dearest to his heart: The barba
rians who had enfl-ved and made
him a prisoner, murdered him in
cold blood, and his corpse with
those oi leven others of his mur
dered countrymen were thrown in
to one common grave in a foreign
and a hostile land. With his dy
ing breath he commended his foul
to his Creator, and his cause to his
country. May his prayer afeend to
Heaven, and be accepted.
B. F
Commodore Chauncey is apoint
cd to the command of the Walhmg
tori and Capt >Smith to the com
mand of the franklin, American
line of battle (hips.
Raleigh Register.
Guadaloupe has reje&ed the
kind offer of the British toguarrifon
the il)an<J,-and lioifted the tri-color
ed flag.
Curracoa dill remains in posses
sion of the British, in a very unset
tled (late.
The United Ssates Stocks are high
er in Europe and America than any
other government flocks in the
world. This is good evidence that
we are a batik rcupt nation.
Niles* Register.
New-HaMpshire.—The exe
cutive power of this date is curi
cufly fixed. The governor being
a federalill ami the council having
a republican majority, it appears
that no appointments to office will
be made on which political views
have any weight or bearing—the
comic;! rejecting the nominations
of the governor, arid the governor
those of the council.
4 ■
We observe by extra&s from Pa
ris papers that the Ottoman Porte
has declared war against Russia, &
immediately after invaded Molda
via. It is added the Turks have
taken and entirely deflroyed Buch
The American.
Mahmud 11. seems to have a
woke from his lethargy—dilturbed,
perhaps, by the unmeaning ads of
the Vienna Congress -he is deter
mined to pursue open hoflility to
the legitimate Autocratical, molt
Ci, molt Catholic, molt Ho
ly and Faith Delending Sovereigns
of Europe.
Petersburg/), July iS.
Overwhelming .Calamity*
“ Gur day of dreadful yiutation
has at length arrived. Two thirds
of the late flourifhing town iff Pe
te; fburg are in ruins. About 9 o’-
clock on Sunday night, the appal
ling cry oi Fire ! founded in our
ears, and in an in flan taster, the
alarm bells confirmed the mourn
ful truth The flames were seen
to iflfue from a liable in the rear of
the dwelling hbufe occupied by Mr.
John Walker, on Bollinghrook
flrecr, and in the rritdft of a duller
of old wooden buildings, whose
combullible materials spread the
JtT roving element with eledric
velocity. In a moment, the flames
spread far*and wide, levelling in
their courle both Tides of Boiling
brook street and the north fide of
Back Itreet, while the Market
fquare, and all the adjacent buil
dings lhared a similar fate. It was
hoped that the ltillnefs of the. night
and the width of Sycamore-itreet
would flay the progress of the fire
in that diredtion. Vain hopeL
Notwithstanding anumberot houfeT
were blown up to arrest iis pro
gress, the flames caught on the welt
fide of Sycamore Itreet, and in a
few hours prostrated every house,
except two or three, as tar as little
bridge. The fire was at length ar
relted at opposite points on Old
street, having conlumed the houses
to the little bridge on both Tides of
the street except the new and valu
able building of Mr J. B. Reid,
sweeping with the bolotn of de-
Itruct almolt every house to the ri
ver’s edge At day break yelter
day morning the fire began to iub
fide, having raged wfith unparallel
ed fury nini- hours, and deflroyed
a mats ot propei ty which it is fear
ful to calculate Perlons who ne
ver saw Peterlburg may formlome
idea of our Jreadtui tituanon, when
we ltate, that not more than a do
zen itores of any magnitude elcap
ed deitruttion.
“ We regret to Hate that several
lives were loft by the blowing up of
houses—but we cannot obtain pos
itive information as to trie perlons,
except one, whole name is Samuel
My res, a native oi Baltimore, who
was m the employ of Mr, Thomas
“ Neithef our time nor our lim
ited iniormauoa, nor our exhault
ed Jpints, wili allow us to particu
larize. Suffice it to lay, it has in
deed been a leafon ot dreadful vili
tation to our town.
“ Before Fiiuay, vve Tail endea
vor to procure full info.tnation on
this diftrctfing luoject.”
The attual Amount of property
deltroyed, the Peterlburg Re
publican uj tne‘2ist iriitij includ
ing goods, &e. can never be alcer
tained—we do not believe we
fhouid go ‘beyond tile mark, were
we to'iay that i WO MILLIONS
OF DOLLARS woula not place
Pcterlbuig in the litusuiow in winch
it flood lilt Sunday morning.
New York, July 6 .
FIRF! Between 9 and 10 o’-
clock fait evening, a fire broke out
in a livery Itable, two doors from
the corner of Lombardy, in.MarKet
ftreet, and before it was got under
deltroyed leven buildings on Mar
ket Itreet, jthree or four buildings
on Bedlow street, and about twelve
fmail wooden houses mfide of the
New- York, July 7.
Another Fire. —A fire broke out
yesterday morning, about one o'-
clock, in a (table near the corner
of-Pump and Third Itreeis, in the
Bowery, which was not got under
until eight wooden dwelling houses
and four (tables were consumed.
lnree of the houses were the pro
perty of Mrs. Rogers, 2 of Mr.
John Hunt, one of Mr. Sinclair, &
the remainder belonged to Mrs.
Hyde and Mr. John Fleming.—-
The fire is supposed to have been
communicated by an incendiary,
of the furniture was saved. *
BRI Fish T axes.
A schedule of the dutcis payable for
windows or lights , not heretofore
chargeable with any duty.
For every window or light in
any (hop, compting house, ware
house, manufactory, or building,
for which the occupier thereof is
not chargeable with any duty on
windows or lights by virtue of an
act puffed in the 43th year of his
present majelty’s reign, the annual
sum of 3s (id.
Houses— For every inhabited
house or. tenement of the yearly
valued rent at 5/ and under 20/ a
rate ot 2x. in the pound. Oi 20/.
and underdo/, three Ihillings in the
pound. Ot 40/. or upwards, 4 s.
in the pound.
Servants— Evcfry perfonkeep
ing male-servants, to pay tor each
as follows: For one lueh tervant,
if not in livery, 4/ lOx. For one
do. if in livery 5/ l Ox. Two filch,
each, 6/ Three do. 71. Four do.
8/ Five do. 91. Six lervants,
if in livery, each 10/. Seven do.
11 / Eight do. 12/. Nine do. 13/.
Ten do 14/. Eleven and up
wards 15/.
Wiiere two or more male ser
vants lhall be retained, one or more
ot whom shall be out of livery, for
every such tervant out of livery the
further sum ot 2/ and it the matter
be a bachelor, a further sum or 5/.
Horses—By every periou keep
ing holies, tor each horde, one, 5/;
two, each 8/; three, each 9/j tour,
each 10/; five, each 4 o/. l Ox,; fix,
each 11/. lOx; eight, eacti 12/
And if the proprietor be a bachel
or, 5 per centum additional on the
amount to cuaigcable. On every
horle let to ntre 51 Every race
horle, or in training tor racing. 5/.
Arid it trie owner of iuch horle be
a bachelor, 50 per cent additional
upon the duty to chargeable. For
every other uorie or mule above
thirteen hands high, 17x 6d. O
thers are rated very low.
Carriages —-Carriages, with
four wiiceis, by every per foil keep
ing them, to pay lor each, one 24/;
two, each, 23/; three, each 25/;
four, e;|pn 27 1 ; five, each 29; fix,
each 31/; leven, each 33/; eight,
each 35/; and for every ad
ditional oody to be iuccdfively
uled on the lame carnage or pair
of wheels 11/; and, it the owner
be a bacelor, 50 per cent, addition
al, upon the amount To chageable
On carriages, wttn lets than four
wneels, for every such carriage,
drawn by two or more horse, 1 ?/.
For every other, 12/. For every
additional body, 1/. ss. These do
not include lax carts, upon
which the duty is much lower
For every carnage kept, for the
purpoie ot bung let to hire, with
out horle, to be uled therewith by
any coach maker, &c. where such
carnage ihafi have four wheels, 20/.
For every carriage, with four
wheels, to be let to hire with horses,
by any paymaster, &c. 16/. For
every coach, diligence, caravan, or
chaile, with four wheels, or more,
used as a stage coach, for passen
gers, 20/.
Dogs —For every greyhound,
pointer, setting-dog or
1/. lOx- For every hound, lurch
er, or terrier, 1/. For every other
dog, i2x. For every pack of
hounds, not exceeding 20 couple,
40/. Do not exceeding 30 do.
60/. Do. not exceeding 40 do.
701. . London Courier.
House of Commons, A fay 2£>.
Major Gen Packenham . —Gen.
Gafcoigne enquired, whether it w§s
the intention of Government to
propose the eredion of a monu
ment to the memory of Major Gen.
Packenham ?
Lord Caftiereagh said, that how
ever meritorious might be the cha
racter of that lamented Officer, oh
however distinguifned his fcrvicesf’
yet the particular occasion on
which he lost his valuable life was
not of that description which could
justify his Majesty’s Ministers in
proposing to record it by a public
♦ The following letter from Admi
ral lyler to Captain Dickinson,
found on board the Penguin, fur
niflies irrefutable proof of thefu~,
perior (kill and courage of ourgal-F
lant lars By this letter, it ap-*’
pears, that the Penguin was expre
ssly fitted to capture the Wasp, a
veflel of one third greater force
than the Hornet, and the Penguin
was captured by the Hornet, after
an action of 22 minutes in which
the dil'parity of lols is almost incre
Cape Town, 31 st Jany. ISIS.
Dear Sir,
You will fee by your orders, and
the intlligence I lend you, the pur
port of your cruise. In the event
of your meeting this said Wasp,
rnealure his force well before y m
dole with him. If he has long 1 3
pounders, which I doubt, you can
have no chance, but very clbfe, and
never let him board you, as he is
io much higher than you, which
gives him great advantage- I have
desired 12 marines to be lent you
fi4jm the Medwary, to keep
a constant fire at his tops,
where he has guns. If you fee nor
hear any thing of him in the run
pointed out in your orders, take
care and return before your provi.
fions are short Discharge young
Leach into the Harpv, and’ Mr.
Olof Burgh into the Cumberland.
VVilhing you a fortunate cruise,
I am, faithfully yours,
Capt Dickerson,
H. vl. Sloop Pjrriguin.
official View
The following is a copy of a dif
parch from the Duke of Otranto
(Fouche) to Prince Metternich,
the Austrian prime tninifter :
“ My Prince—Every event has
confirmed what I predidted to you
fix months ago; harken to me with
attention & confidence; we may, in
the peculiar circumstances, and the
imminent situations in which we
are placed, influence in a powerful
manner, the approaching and per
haps eternal destinies of France, of
Austria, and of Europe. You are
deceived refpeding what is going
on, and what is preparing in the
mid ft of us You will judge of
the reports of a people rash and
blind by the misfortunes which
strike without the power to enlight
en them You are given to under
stand at Vienna, that Napoleon has
been brought back to the throne
by the army alone ; that there are
none on this fide but a soldiery
drunk with war But forthwith
you will know that our army has
not been recruited in public houses.
Generals, Captains, loldiers, ail
are drawn entirely from the bolom -
of the nation ; and for 2 5 years
our army has executed almft a!-