Newspaper Page Text
A list of letter: remaining ht the Post
Office, Washington, June 3c th,
John Bradford, Sen.
Nathan Braziel,
Jesse H .Bramlette,
William Brown,
Rev Little Briant,
John Bailey,
John Beck,
Michael F. Boifclair,
Jofep Be van.
Daniel Cpleman,
Job Callaway,
Elizabeth Cook,
Eli Collins,
Cap*. John L. Cary,,
John Carter,
Alexander Cafwell,
William Callaway,
Jeremiah Chancellor.
John Calbot,
Elijah Dearing,
John Dodlon,
Reuben Davis.
William Elliott,
Sydnor Everet, 2
Nehemiah Edge,
Joseph R. Fisher,
Reuben Favor,
Catharine Flournoy.
Samuel Gamage,
Capt. Thomas Hide, 2
Miss Mary Hughes,
John-Harper, W„.
Richard Hudson,
Mrs Catharine Henley,
Richaid Head,
Stepen Heard,
Rhichard Hingfon, 2
Mars. Nancey Henderson.
John Johns, Senr.
Jesse Johnson,
Mrs. B. Jones,
James Jarret,
Hartwell Jackson,
William Jones.
David Kerr.
John Landrum, 2
Lt. Thomas Lamar,
Vincent B. Lowe.
Mount M. Mercer,
Harmon Mercer,
Samuel Marler,
Uriah Mitchell,
William M‘Gehee,
Thomas Maxwell,
John H. MTntoih,
George Malone.
John Noland,
Jon Norman,
Chnltopher Orr,
Eliiha Ogden.
Etnehired Ross,
Edmund k Daniel Rainey,,
Capt Jolhua Render,
Andrew Ruddell.
Andrew G. Semmes, .
Benjamin Star,
William Snelfon,
Joab Steward,
Benjamin Smith,
John Slack,
Miss Amelia Smith,
Samuel Star,
Benjamin Talliaferro, 3
Thomas Traylor.
Lemuel Wootten,
Maj. Richard Willi*,
Elizabeth Williams,
Alfred Wellborn,
Williamson Woodall,
Col. Johnson Wellborn.
Ilham Woods.
To Lease or Rent.
THE Houfe'and Lot, lately oc
cupied by Mrs. Bowen. For terms
apply to O. H. Prince. **’
Washington, June 16. rats.
Woollen-Factory Lottery.
S C H E M E.
Dols. Dols.
-i Prize of 10,000 is 10,000
2 do 5,000 - 10,000
4 do 1,000 - 4,000
8 do 500 - 4,000
20 do 100 - 2,000
40 do 50 - 2,000
100 do 20 - 2,000
200 do 10 - 2,000
4300 do 5 - 21,000
4,675 Prizes- 75>5°°
6,825 Blanks
11,500 Ticket at 5 and. each 75,500
More than two Prizes to three
blanks, being more favorable to the
adventurers, than any scheme
heretofore published in this coun
Stationary Prizes,
Ist drawn No. on the Ist day's
drawing Dols. 1,000
do sth do 500
do 10th do 500
do 12th do 100
Last drawn number 5 000
Prizes payable twenty days after
the drawing is completed, fubjeft
to a deduction of fifteen per cent. . 5
All prizes that are not called for
within twelveinomh after the draw
ing is completed, will be considered
as given for the benefit of the Fac
The proprietors feel happy in
the belief that, from the rapid sale
of tickets of late, the drawing will
commence about the time of the
convention of the next Legisla
Prizes made payable at What
ley’s Mills, Greensboro’ or Mil
ledgeville, as may best suit the
C? Tickets for sale at the Post
Office, and dVIr. Levi Echols’s,
July 21, 1815, —29 ie3wtf
l .....
The fubferiber takes the liberty
of informing his friends and the
public’ in general, that he has just
received a supply of northern ma
terials, suitable to carrying on the
Shoe & Boot making business. and
will continue to do warranted work
in the above line, at the shortest no
tice, and on the moll reasonable
terms his (hop is a few paces east
of the Post Office, where he will
always be found
Washington , X
June 30, 1815.3
Executor's Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the honor a- ..
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county, will be sold to the highest
bidder , on the frst Tuesday in
September next, at the court house in
the town of Washington , the real
estate of Richard Hillyard, dec.
CONSISTING of one trad of
land, containing one hundred and
twenty-five acres, more or less, on
Little river, adjoining Charles R.
Carter, and others ; fold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
Laid deceased. Terms of sale made
known on the day.
* July 7, 18 rs.— 27 of.
Thomas W Sims, Ik Cos.
Inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that with the new
goods lately received, their assort
ment is tolerably complete. They
are in hopes by good bargains to
draw the attention of a part of the
July 21, 1815. —29 ts.
ijfhJuLr, 1815.
To all whom it may concern.
YOU are hereby notified that
the duties on household furniture,
and on gold and silver watches,
for the year 1815, imposed by the
United States, have become due
and payable ; and that an attend
ance -will be given to receive the
fame at the following times and
places : That is,
At Washington in the county of
Wilkes, on l’uefday, the firft of
August ; at Lincoln court-house,
on Thursday the third of August;
at Peterfburgh on Friday the fourth
of August ; at Elbert court house,
on Monday the seventh of August;
at Madison court house, on Tues
day, the Bth of August; and on
Wednesday, the 9th of August, at
Franklin court house. I shall be
prepared with the several papers of
the office for the accommodation of
gentlemen who live at a distance
from me.
Collcftor \th Distrill,
- Inform their friends and the
public in general, that they have
commenced the Mercantile bufi
nsfs, on the main road leading
from Washington to Lexington,
thirteen miles from the former, and
twelve miles from the latter—where
they will always have on hand a
supply of goods, and will fell low
for cash or produce.
July 14, 1815. 29 ts.
’ I Hi A I RIT
will present the Tragedy of
Cato, on Tuesday evening, the 15th
August, with the truly diverting
Farce The Boarding House.”
A frefh supply of Dry Goods
and hard-ware ; which will be fold
on reasonable terms.
July 28, 1815.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Inferior Court of Greene coun
ty, for leave to fell certain tracts
of land containing between fix and
seven hundred acres, laying in the
fork of little river, adjoining lands
of Elija Star, Dr. Linton and oth
ers, being the real estate of John
T. Sankey deed, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of the said
& > Adier's
March 3d 1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be seold , on the Jirst Tuesday la
September next , at the Court house
in Wilkes county for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors oj Faddy
Jarret , deed between the usual
hours , the following trafti of land .*
ONE tract ofi 17 acres, more or
less, lying in Wilkes county, >n the
waters of Beaverdam creek, adjoing.
Thcnnas Hammock, and William!
Wiliams. Also, one trad of 2 18
acres adjoining the above tract, and
formerly conuituted a part of it—.
the whole granted originally to jas.
Hines. Each tradt has a small im
provement on it, and may be con.
fidered the belt land of the third
quality. Also, a tradt of 260 acres,
lying, on Kettle creek, adjoining
Dr. Pope’s mill and Samuel Jones.
This plantation is now in a high ftatei
of cultivation, in good repair, and’
is a desirable situation.
Twelve months credit will be
given, the purchaser giving bond
with approved security.
July T 1 81 5 -
•gT The cause of he diflolution
of co-partnership between Robt.
Chivers and myfelf is rafeality and
illegal proceedings by Robert Chi
vers. A Ho, Ido hereby forwdrn
any person or persons whatsoever,
from paying him any money on
the Book of Harrison and Chivers
for the year 1814.
April 25, 1815.—-rm lytf.
Wilkes Superior court ,
June Term, 1815.
At a Superior court field in and
for the comity of Wilkes, June
Term, 1815,
Present his honor Judge Gresham,
Dr us ilia Coats , et al. T
vs. >.
John Coatsd j
IT is ordered that the defendant
plead answer or demur; not de
murring alone, on or before the first
day of next Term, or the bill to
be taken pro confesso , and that this
order be published once a month
for three months in the Monitor.
True copy from the minutes .
June 13, 1815.
NINE months afterdate applica
tion’ will be made to the Justices of
the Inferior court of Wilkes coun
ty, for leave to fell certain tra&s of
land, lying in the counties of Wilks
and Wilkinson. One tra£k lying
on the waters of Little Rriver, con
taining 130 acres—the other tra&
contains 202 1 2 acres.
Acting guardian for Jas. Bal
lard’s Orphans.
June 30, 1815.
NINE months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county for leave to fell 46 and an
1-2 acres of land lying in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Kittle
creek, being the estate of Jonathan
Absalom Montgomery,
Administrator .
May 1, 181 c. 18-mom