Newspaper Page Text
‘7; no occasion fail of being duly ap
predated by me; bow much more
fb were they upon the present, af
ter a leparation induced by causes
in which the interest of our com
mon country have been io inti
mately interwoven. It is with the
utmost cordiality I join you in ex
ultations upon the glorious issue of ■
thercontefl in which we have been ;
engaged, and the felicitations
which you have been kind enough
to address perfonlly to me,, will
constitute no inconhderable lolace
of my future life. The vigor of
youth, which had enabled me (with
others) to druggie amid the con
flid for our independence, had
fome what been impaired by inter
vening years, yet l felt upon the
fecgtnd call of my country, that its
ardor had not been subdued. Al- j
though allured that the generation
which since that period had sprung
up, were both determined and
adequate to maintain the rights tor
which their fathers had bled, still
while a capacity for service remain
ed with me, I felt that my country
was entitled to demand the per- •
/The situation of my command
h'as net been such as to prelent a
field wherein laurels might be ■
reaped, or splendid service perform- j
ed ; yet it has not been unincum- I
bered with duties peculiar and la
borious. Conscious of having per
formed thole, I return among you
ODce more to enjoy the sweets of
domeltic life, and participate in the
general flow of social intercourse.
I am, very refpeftfully, gen
tlemen, your fellow citizen.
joel Abbot, ) Cimmiitee of
H’ 9r < p- VMPBt,LL ’ v Arrangement.
D. IT. Prince, j 6
Col. L. accordingly attended at j
Echols’s tavern, where acompa- 1
ny of 40 or 50 of his friends fat
down with him at 3 o’clock, to a
dinner abundantly provided and
well served up. Major Porter (of
the) revolutionary army,) in the
chair; Col- Triplett, (also of the
revolution,) and Dost. Hay, Vice
Presi dents, aflifted by Mr. Wor-
Iham and Mr. Charlton. Ihe col
lection diffidently large for all the
purposes of sociability, and not so
numerous as to create confufion—
was harmonized by a general con
currence of sentiment; —enlivened
by the Tallies of a temporate con
viviality,- and dignified by the ex
afteft decorum —perhaps it would
be impoflible for an occasion of the
kind to have been more greatly
and more properly enjoyed and to
hftve afforded more general fatis
The following toafls were drank,
ißterfperled occasionally with
songs and the best refrefhments the
leaf on could afford.
The Federal Constitution.- The
ark of our covenant —the lanftua
ry of political believers—lt has
been found adapted to the harmo
nies of peace —invulnerable to the
{hafts of faftion, and competent to
th<s shock of war.
Washington. If we love his
memory, let us keep his command
fames Madison. Asa fchclar,
cc a ripe and a good one”—as a
statesman, liberal and profound ;
as a patriot, devoted and confident.
The Hon. fas. Monroe. In the
front rank of patriots, he Hands firft
for promotion.
Our departed father: of ‘76.
Though dead, not lod, Their fa.
cred fire still fhaii light the nation
to its illustrious destinies.
Jhe few surviving revolutionary
veterans. Deploring their daily
dimunition, the nation hangs fond
ly over them as the relics of its
maiden glories. *
The departed heroes of the late
war. Voluntary victims to glory
and their country ; can the foil
enriched by their blood ever pro
duce a coward ?
The surviving officers of the army
and the navy. To Europe their
names mean “ danger To A
merica, “ safety.”
The American Navy. Trium
phant equally abroad and at home,
it has humbled foreign insolence,
and conquered domeltic prejudice.
The Dey of Algiers. We fend
him a sample of American manu
The American Hint. Three
broad Tides & a dive to the bottom.
Governor Early. He offers him
felf a iacrifice to the conititution of
his country.
The Hartford Convention. Os
the cbulitions’ of faction the molt
wicked ; of our nations hfitory
the fhameful part. In charity let
us be silent- in decency let it be
The people of Europe. May the
calamities they are receiving from
royal hands teach ttiem to know
thar mankind were not made for
kings. -
By Major Prince , -after Col.
Long had retired
Col Nicholas Long. —A soldier
of tne old war and ot the new, who
aflilted to achieve the eariieit and
the iateft glories of his country.
fine preiider* ana vice prdulents
as they retired were iucceffively
William li. Crawford, our late
highly refpectabie Minilter to
France, arrived in this City on
Tuelday evening, in excellent
health. lie left Mr. Gallatin and
Mr. Clay in England, where he
[pent seven weeks himfelf previous
to his embarkation. We have not
yet underfteod whether Mr. Craw
ford accepts the office of Secretary
of War, to which he was appointed
in February lalt.
Mr. Bayard, who arrived in the
Neptune, is, we much regret to fay,
in a very critical date ot health,
file is with his family a't Wilming
ton, and under their affectionate
care, and the skill of our Physicians,
we hope will regain that health
which is of such value to his coun
vVe have not been able to ascer
tain whether Mr. Gallatin accepts
the Einbafly to France, which has
been conferred upon him. If he
does, it is poflible, before afluming
the duties of his office, he will visit
his family in this country.
Nat. Intelligencer.
’ New-Tork, August 1.
Confirmation of the capture of an AL
gerine Frigate and a Brig of War ,
by Commodore Decatur’s Squad
< ron.
Yesterday arrived at this port
the brig Ganges, Caph Smith from
Turk’s Hand. Capri S. informed
us, that on Sunday lad, in latitude
31), long. 72, 30, he spoke a very
fait failing coppered Brig, in
a short padiage from Naples, for
Baltimore, & was informed by the
captain, that in the Mediterranean
he fell in with Com. Decatur’s
squadron, and was informed that
they had captured an Algerine
frigate and a brig of war. It was
blowing very frefii when captain
Smith spoke the Baltimore vessel,
which prevented himlboni getting
more particulars.
The How John Adams, as
| American Minister, was introduced
to the Prince Regent, at a levee, on
the Bth June—delivered his cre
dentials, and was graciously receiv
Raleigh Register.
The Wasp. America has again
triumphed on the waves. The U.
States’ sloop of war Wasp has
captured and funk two English
men of war near JVlarenham. This
will give Britifli courts martial an
other occasion to express their
thanks to the captured officers and
seamen for fuffering themselves to
be beaten by Yankees.
Savannah Republican.
Man Selling . According to
accounts (received in fi.ondon,)
from Wurtemberg the king of that
country will receive from the Bri
tish government £. 11- 2 s. sterling
for each man , to the number of
‘29,000. which his majesty has
bound himfelf to bring into the
field againd the common eneyiy.
These payments commence with
the fird of April, and are to contin
ue for one year, in equal monthly
A Picture Os Friendship.
Alexandria , August i.
Arrived at this port on Friday
lad, the fchr. Two lifters, Captain
Booth, in the ffiort paflage of to
days’- from Bermuda, and only .50
hours to the capes of Virginia ;
ballad and lpecie, to J. Gird and
others—Captain B. has politely fa
vored us with a file of Bermuda
papers up to the 15th inst. Capt.
Booth reports the insolence of the
Britifli to be infqtferable, and that
! the Yankees were the conttant
’ theme of their abuse ; that on the
4th of July the American flag was
hoisted below all other nations.
Quick passage. Commodore
[ Decatur failed trom this place on
| the 28th’ May, and arrived at Gib
; raltar in 24 days, on the 18th of
: June—a handsome fpecimenof the
. failing of American Iquadrons.
j Columbian.
Extrad of a letter from Fitchburg ,
Mass, dated July 9, 1815.
‘‘We celebrated the glorious 4th
by the erection of a lhperb Liberty
Pole, 90 feet in height, and adorned
with the American flag presented
by the ladies of fi'itchburg, which
! went up amidst the hearty cheers of
hundreds of freemen. Lad night
a gang of wretches, 10 or 15 in
number, adembled together, & lop
ped down this symbol of our liberies /
Two of them were seized in the
aft ; when lo! they both proved to
be members of the “ Washington
Benevolent Society.”
Boston Pat.
The trade of New-OiLans is in
creasing with adonifhing rapidity.
At the latter end of June, i 80 mer
chant vessels had arrived there since
the peace.
A large” whale was lately caught
on the Jersey shore. He was’dif
covered asleep upon the beach and
was killed by fome laborers with
their feythes! *•Vastly like a
*7 ?) h ’
Northern paper.
- v- ■ ■**■
Augusta Prices Current ,
July 31.
Cotton D. 15 to 18
Flour 6 00
Corn 75
Corn-Meal ‘75
Bacon • - 10 to 12
Butter 25
Lard 1 5
Sugar 24
Coffee • 28
’ Salt 1 37 I*2 to 1 50
Valuable Property For Sale.
I offer for sale my LOTS in the
town of Washington, as follows:
One lot fronting the public
square between the Court House
and Poll Office: 47 by 262 leer,
well improved, with a well of ex
cellent water”; —a dwelling house
20 by 30 feet with a fned 13 feet,
in which is a convenient STORE
ROOM ready fixed for business.-
Kitchen 16 by 24 —Smoke-house
12 by 12 —dairy 10 by 12 —falt-
koufe 8 by 12 feet; and other
convenient houses and a good gar
den. All which is well enclosed
and shaded in front and back with
China Trees. A (table lot, 40 by
150 feet fronting the cross (freer,
on which is a (table newly built—
-18 by 32 feet Any person wish
ing to purchase can fee these lots,
and know the terms by applying to
the fubferiber
Washington, August iS, 1815.
Executor's Sale.
Agreeable to an order of the honor
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county , will be sold to the highest
bidder, on the first Tuesday in
September next,'at the court house in
the town of Washington > the real
estate of Richard Hilly ard, dec.
CONSIS TING of one traft of
j land, containing one.hundred and
i twenty-five acres, more or iefs, on
’ Little river, adjoining Charles R a
; Carter, and others ; fold for the
| benefit of the heirs and creditors of
! said dGceafed. Terms of sale made
kngwn on the day.
July 7,1815.--27 9/. ■_
•j'A 1 uu— -S 1 g 1 *£z judpyr
hig 1 jv.o\ otpao;
sjoAtt{3 putt uoji.tJßfj-jo qoog oqt
■ uo Xauom Xue tuiq StfiXed uioj;
! ‘uoAacjjrrpA stiojjad to uoj.iad Xun
’ iucauoj Xrpjoq op j c uj;y *s.isa
: -iq3 uoqojj Xq simipaoeoud jiffbqi
PUB Xn|BOJt:.J SI JpjXlU pUU SiOAttlji
: uooMjoq drqsjaimrd-oo jo
uounjojiip oq? to ojnvD sqj
For sale at this Office , the
following BLANKS /
Warrants of Appraifement,
Letters of Adminiftfation,
Do. Teffimentary,
Do. Guardianfitip,
Administrator's Bonds,
Conflables do.
Colle&crs and other Deeds,
Marriage Licence’s,
Subpoenas, Executions, Justices
Warrants, Fi-fa’s, Guardian's
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
Commission of Interrogatories.
May 12.