Newspaper Page Text
Three dollar^ per annumlj
Volume I.j
House Os Entertainment?
William G. Springer, takes
the liberty of informing his friends
and the public in general, that he
has purchased that well known ta
vern in the town of Sparta, form
erly occupied by Mr. Jolsn Aber
crombie, every attention
will be paid to those who may think
proper to call on him.
Sparta, August 15.
1 a lie Due No. ice
After the firft day of October
next, bills of the Augusta Bank will
not be received at my office in pay
ment of taxes. . &
Those persons who are in arrears
for watches and household furniture
are requested to make immediate
payment, or else proper steps will
be taken to cause them to do so.
Collcdor of the 4 th Reve
nue District oj Georgia .
September 23, 1815.
Administrator-s Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the Honora
ble Inferior iourt of Wilkes county ,
will be mi thefirst Tuesday
in November next , at the Court
house of said county ,
Ihree -traits of land, (to wit)
one trad in laid county, on the
waters of Fishing creek, containing
two hundred acres, joining B.
Zitntnermon and others, and one
other containing one hundred and
forty acres adjoining Hammons and
others—also one other trad of land
containing two hundred two and a
half acres, No. 312, in the 7th
Diitrid formerly vVilkinfon coun
ty, now Telfair being the whole of
the eftaie of Job Huguly, dec. for
the benefit of,the heirs and credit
ors ot said deed.
August 7, 1815.
~i\Evv sTorll
Tiie fubferiber informs the Pub
lic, that he has just received a sup
ply of freffi goods, which he will
dispose of on reasonable terms for
cafn or produce.
September 15.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be soldi on Wednesday the Bth
of November next , at the late resi
dence of John Kent, dec. in Ogle
thorpe county ,
ONE negro fellow, named Den
nis, one set black smith’s tools, a
crop of corn and fodder, all the
household and kitchen furniture, a
number of horses, cattle, hogs,
sheep, &c- and a number of other
articles too tedious to mention
Terms of sale will be made known
on the day of sale. ’
Administrator ,
September 23,1815.
IE ASHING TON , (Geo.) 9 ¥HI i) AY , OCTOB& li 6, 18 1 5.
The caufe'of.die diflolution
of co-partnership between Robt.
Chivers and myfelf s is rafeality and
illegal proceedings by Robert Chi
vers. Also, Ido hereby forwam
nay person or persons whaffoever,
from paying him any money on
the Book of Harrison and Chivers
for the year 1814.
theod'k Harrison.
April 25, 1815.—rmi 17th
On the first 1 uesday in November
at the Court house in HTakeT
county, between the hours of ten
and three o’ clock, the following
property —viz :
One negio man, named Sam; a
bout nineteen years of age; lold
by virtue of an execution, on the
foredolure of a mortgage, in the
name of George Walts, fear. vs.
the administrator, of George D.
Willis,junr dtcealed.
Conditions Cash .
September 29, x 815.
, i CrumSale.
Will be sold on the \st day of Decem
ber next , at the plantation cf
Charles Conally , dec. m Franklin
county, on the’ waters of Hudson
river , a part of the personal pro
perty of said deceased—
> CONSISTING of horses, cat
tle, tiogs, Iheep, household and
kitchen furniture and plantation
At the fame time and place, will
be hired a number of negroes—a
plantation will alio be rented.’
Twelve months credit will be
given—bond with approved securi
ty will be required.
September 23, 1815..
—— . ■
Administrator’s bale.
Will be seold, oh the first Tuesday in
December next, at the Court house
in Wilkes county,
A trad: of land containing 390
acres, be the fame more or leis, be
ing all the real estate of John
Weaver, dec. to be fold in three
lots—for the benefit of the heirs h
creditors of said dece*aled, oy the
September 8, 1815. —
Liberal Wages
Will be given to two or three
Washington , ) * r
September ’29, 1815.3 1
Tor sale at this? GTE ICE.
Admijustratrix’s b'aie.
Will be sold on the firs Tuesday in
November next , at the court house
in Wilkes county.
ONE trad of land in said coun
ty, on the waters of Ke'tnp creek,
containing two hundred and eight
acres of land, more or joining
Allen Halliday and others—being
the real estate of Francis Murphey,
deed, and fold for the bentfir of the
heirs and creditors of said dec.
Conditions: twelve months cre
dit, by giving Email notes, with ap
proved lecurity, and interest frpm
the date if not punduaiiy oaidr
August . 7, 1815. —32 ti
GEORGIA, ; Samuel Kile
Wilkes county. £ ;.avmg come be
fore me, and bung duly iworn, iay
eth,mat tie Liny obtained a thirty
ddiiar note oi hand, of Robert
WaiKxr, again it Joan Buln, both
of Gi teu eouiny—bearing uate in
January of Feburary laii, but winch
is uncertain—whicn note is loit or
millaid, fu that it cannot be tound.
Sworn to & iub
fcribed beiore me,
this 27111 day of
September, 1815
Übadiah Tlouknoy, J. P.
AU pel ions areiicreoy cautioned
aganiit tradiug tor lire above ue
icimcd note, auu lain Bu is warn
eu. not to pay it to any person but
my red.
Sanford Kil£.
In oticc.
After so long and patient indul
gence, tnole wtio are indebted to
the firm of W in. ana Felix GiiDert
will not. be iurpriieu to be called on
urrivtnaiiy y auu the preient price
of produce au monies the nope the
call wilt not be mehectuai. 1 hey’
are now tinany aliurea that the
days ot indulgence are nhmberea,
ana not to exienu beyona tne rirft
ot January next, in the mean
tune tne molt liberal price will be
allowea xor cotton.
Wax. u. GiLBERi,
Surviving partner .
September 29, —39 it
—.. fa
icdmuustraior a o>atc.
Full be sold on use zbth oj December
next, at toe house oj Use subscri
ber , seven negroes, belonging 10 the
estate oj k. NLurpuey, dec.
CUNbiSiIN’G 01 men, women
and chudteu. Terms ot laie—one
tmra earn; tne bat.aucc twelve
monins credit, wim iiiiaif notes and
approveu iecunty, with interelt
from the date if not punctually
September 23, 1815.
One hundred weight ot Bacon
Hams \ for which cash will be giv-
Enquire at this office.
August 25.
[Payable half yearly.
Mi sgeii an ecru s A rue 1c s.
<l Ferf Animus quascunque vices.**
. , >c- ‘ Statius
It is said that Buonaparti;., in
conversation w'ith the English Ad
miral obferved—ln lurrendering
myfelf ro any other power than
England, I.fhould be fubjcs to the
caprice and will of an individual.
In iubmitting to the Engliffi, I place
myfelf at the mercy of a nation **
There have been and will be so
many things fabricated of Bona
parte’s actions and
that it is difficult to felefft what is
orthodox. However, whether he
made the remark attributed to him
or not, the fad: of hi§ having pre
ferred England-~is a prooi (among
thousands) of his knowledge of
human nature, and decision wittt
which he applies that knowledge.
In any countty not wholly
potic, in every count) y where the
people are of any weight in lociety ,
there is created a check to tyranny
and an benevolence call
ed opinion. It is public opinion
which modifies and ameliorates the
operation of the severest ffatues ;
it il public opinion that (lands 3-
gainft the caprice of kings, and
; forces them in fome degr'ee, to a
compliance with its didates.—
Where public opinion is mod pow
erful in its contriml; there the peo
ple are moft freely Jhe influence
of this Archatus increases with
the expansion ot ; uitellect., languifli
es with its opprefnqh, and is newer
totally extinguilhed, but when Jef
potifm and priest craft have obliter
ated every vestige of literature.
m. rv v- •#’
In England, public opinion
has considerable sway : in Ameri
ca, it is all-powerful. Sensible of
this, Bonaparte, it appears, made
several efforts to escape to this coun
try. Whatever were the impref
fjdns of hatred or of prejudice
the uni*erfal sentiment, the dictates
of honor and of common juftice*
would have induced us to receive
and protedf him. Approaching
our shores, he might have exclaim
ed with \V,oolfey,
“A brave man, bufftted by the si or ms
Is come to lay his wearied bones among
you ; *°
Give him a Tittle earth for charity .”
And could we have refufed the ap
peal ?—But it has been ordered o
therwise. The appeal has not been
made, and the fearful may calm
their terrors. Buonapare lias de
livered himfeif, voluntarily to Eng
land. He has taken the chance of
the influence of that sentiment, that
popular and powerful impulse of
pride and honor—which is to de
termine his fate.
Oft his last a£L we ccnfefs, we
are of opinion, it 13 charaderiilic of
his usual policy and .courage. Os
policy , because the British are not
only to decide upon his deiliny but,
upon their own charader ;• of cou
rage, because a less decisive, a lets
elastic mind, would have funk un
£-r the whelming torrent of advev-
[N uMBt jv. 39.