Newspaper Page Text
torpor and hereditary power ?-—•
Look at the house of Medicis—at
the family of the Stuart’s—at the
late malchiers at Vienna, in the in
fignificant Charles VI.! This a
ione ought to be fufficient to cure
mankind of the mania of hereditary
Richmond Compiler.
Washington, October G.
In consequence of some im
positions practised on us, we
will in future deliver no packet
of papers from'this office, un
less it is to qne who tsasub
scnber, and has his paper con
veyed in the packet v/liich may
r be uemanded; and such per
son shall be responsible for the
safe delivery of the packet at
the place of its destination.
{jO°Non subscribers that
have had printing done at this
office, are requested, to make
immediate payment, as no fur
ther indulgence will be given.
The following gentlemen
were elected on Monday last,
in this county, to Serve in the*
next Legislature of this state.
M, Talbot, Senator.
- Alexander Pope,
f Col. Johnson Welborn,
Thomas Wingfield,
w Worth makes the man,”
Pope says; and every body
acknowledges the truth of the
sentiment; but then the ques
tion is, ; what makes worth ?
The moralist will tell you, “ it
r is virtue but the man of the
world says “it is money*’ And
indeed, in this age of reason
the latter definition seems al
most universally to prevail.—
When it is asked w much
a man is worth , the answer
generally has an exclusive re
fcrrence to. his property. If
he has wealth, the replier
„to the question says he is
1 worth so many dollars, but if
he be very poor, though he
possess the intelligence of a
Newton and the benevolence
of a Howard “ He is not worth
one cent Thus the worth of
a man like that of beef and
butter, is reckoned by dollars
and cents/’
’ -=OOO-i
Liverpool, August 4.
The London Evening papers of
Wednesday, state, that Soult had
been arrested. It appears that there j
is i'ouje intention among {he liberal 1
minded persons in London, to move
for writ of Habeas Corpus, in favor
of Bonapartepo prevent him, by me
laws of the country, from being *
Tent, illegally, beyond sea, after hav- .
ing in public documents required
and submitted to the protection of
the British natioftv
The Statesman continues to as
sert the Empress Mariah Louisa, is
ffiil devotedly atrached to Napole
on, and that she infills on accom- !
panying her hufhand through all
his reverses. Her son who is now.
according to the treaty of Paris .
Prince of Parrne, is confined at Ba
London, August 1.
A Plymouth paper received yes
terday, speaking of Bonaparte, fays:
His curiosity on every point is un
bounded, and his versatility of ta
lent and powers of conversation on
all fubjeCts, whether trifling or im
portant, astonishing : such, in
deed, is his appetite for information,
that he often freely addresses she
seamen and marines. It is impossi
ble, we have learp t from good au
thority, to imagine the fafeinations
of Bonaparte’s address, and con
verfaiion, which compel involunta
ry esteem and attachment, and be
reave even those, moft inimical to
him in their hearts, of all hostile
feelings while they remained in his
presence. When he is walking a
lone, his hands are folded behind
him, and his countenance assumes
a pensive cast ; but when engaged
io difeourfe his face exhibits a smile
of the moft engaging description,
like a* gleam of sunshine on a dark
cloud, and his gestures are earnest
and impreflive. At his meals he
exercises, what is called in England
a good knife and fork, and rarely
speaks,; in the use of liquors he is
more abstemious. In a thorough
acquaintance with men and man
ners, he is furpaflfed by few, and
particularly, which will appear re
markable, in his knowledge of
England, and the principal charac
ters in it who have signalized tfiem
felves by their abilities, in various
departments. His marshals are
almost continually on deck, in full
uniform, in converse with their
master, or the ladies and children.
Madame Bertrand has been pecu
liarly ini|uifitive concerning his def- !
tination, and frequently hints that
the emperor is poor, having only a
million of francs, or 40,0001. to
boast of, while Talleyrand, former
ly his Minister, poflefles immense
wealth in all the funds of different
august 2.
It is understood that Jerome 80.
naparte, of whom nothing has been
heard lately, lies ill of his wounds
in the fortefs of Valenciennes.
A private letter from Turin con
firms the arrest of Lucien Bona
parte in that city.
Government, it is said, has re
ceived accounts this morning, that
the Peace is signed between the
Allies and France.
Signs Os The Times.
From the Federal Republican.
Itcould hardly be imagined,
that one of the ablest, St most
elegantly as was as usefully
conducted papers irf the Uni
on—“ The N ewv Y o itij Cou
it i er/ conducted By the inge
nious Barent Gavdenier, Esq.
| a member qi a former Con
gress, and one pi tfie most el
oquent that evqr spoke in that
assembly, has absolutely been
permitted by the people of that
city to die of inanition —to sink
for want of support. —The no
tification of this surprising e
vont appeared, a few day’s
since, in the Courier, in the
following \yqrcls :
“Third and last Call.
Fok S a i.%—The estab
lishment of the New-York
Courier and Examiner.
“ALso-The house and
lot, No. 87, Rearl street, the
same being extremely well si-,
tuated for every business but
that of priming federal news
u My political life is ended.”
But I do npt cas t iny seif upon
the generosity of my enemies.
rnaß.7r’ mrmttm inwm.
Augusta rices Current ,
October 2.
Cotton D. 25
Flour 6 50
Corn 75
Corn-Meal *75
Bacon 16 .
Butter 87 1-3
Lard 15
Sugar 23 to 25
Coffee SO 32
Salt 1 5o
Whilkey 75 80
Iron 6 6
For Sale,
Seven hundred acres of land, in
Wilkes county, lying on the waters
of Beaverdam, adjoining lands of
Leapham and Thomas Chivers.—-
This land is lo well known, and is
of so good a quality, that 1 presume
it unnecessary to lay any thing on
this head. Terms of sale calh.
October 6, 1815. —40 ts
For faie„ or exchange for land in
this county,
4. Valuable Lot Os Land,
lying on the Ocmulgee, in the 14th
Diftricfc of Wilkinson, No. 301,
with a handsome situation for a
mill—the foil is equal to any in that
county. For further particulars ,
apply at this office, or to Col. Hen
derson, who has been on the land.
Otfober 6, 1815. —at
AdminLtvatof’s Sale.
Will be told, at my hous in Wilkes
county, on the Dry-fork of Long
creek, near the road leading from
Washington to Lexington,
ON Wednesday the a2d of
November next, a part of the per
sonal property of Andrew N. Harts
field, dec. Terms will be made
known on the day of sale.
JOSIAH b. holmes.
OBober 6% 2815.
, * Notice.
p’ |
NINE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes coun
ty for leave to fell the real estate
of Wm. F. Booker, deed, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said dec.
A din in 1 si valors.
OtWber 6, 1815.
t r
\ *v *. .
On the first Tuesday m November next 9
at the Court-House in Wilkes coun
-1 ■. .
ty, between th<e hours of ten and
three o'clock , the following proper*
ty — viz:
Six negroes, to wit:—Arch, a
fellow, fifty years old j Diantfh, his
wife, thirty-five years old, Willis, a
boy, nine or ten years old, Jerry,
seven or eight years old, Alfey,a
girl, fix years pick; Lucy, three
years old ; all the above property
taken to fatisfy an execution in fa
vor of John Favors, vs. the execu
tor of Peter Strozer, dec.’
Conditions chh.
P. Sheriff,
QBober 6th, ißip
, C A H S,
For SIX or SEVEN feather
• ‘X&fb V ’ ‘LfjifcA
beds—enquire of the printer.
October 6, 1815. ,
Coroner’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday hi
November next, at the Court-House
in Wilkes county, between the hours
of ten and three o'clock, the fal
lowing property
One hundred and seventy-sour
acres of land, on Newford creek,
adjoining Wylie Pope and others;
taken as the property of Benjamin
Smith, to fatisfy an execution in
favor John Dyfon, for the use of
John Sutton, deceased against said
Smith, & Lemuel Wootten.
Conditions cash.,
Coroner .
September 29,1815.
Formate at this Office, the
following BLANKS :
Warrants of Appraifementy
Letters of Administration,
Do. Teftimentary,
Do. Guardianship,
Administrator’s Bonds,
Constables do.
Colledors and other Deeds*
Marriage Licence's,
SubpcEnxs, Executions, Justices
Warrants, Fj-fa's, Guardian’s
Bonds, Indentures, Ca-fa’s and
Commiflion of Interrogatories,
1 May i-2.