The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, October 20, 1815, Image 3

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    a treaty figneil at Spring Wells, on
the Bth instant, by the Commis
sioners and the Chiefs of all the
tribes with which they were au
thorized to treat. The treaty is
entirely we learn, and
stipulates for the faithful perform
ance of all previous treaties
• Nat. Int .
—rt?i e #mom
Washington, October 20.
following, with the excep
lion of Wayne county, complete
the lift of returns of members elect
ed on the 2d inst. to serve in the
•. 4 • vv- i ‘
ensuing Legiftature:
Bulloch —Williams—Lockheart.
* Bryan —Bird—Vanbtaekel.
jl Emanuel —Swain— Whiddon.
Effingham—- No wlan—Powers.
Camden —Hardie—Atldnfon, &
Brow a.
&lynn— Piles —Hies.
0 The first named are Senators ,
JVumingtun, xV. C. July 8.
During the night of Sunday
last and the morning of the
following day, a most dread
ful storm of wind & rain was
experienced in this place.—
The wind which had prevail
ed at N. E. for'or 4 days*
continued to increase gradual
ly in violence till Sunday mor
ning when it was accompani
ed with frequent showers
width a violent gale which by
the evening had increased to a
storm. The rain continuing
so abundant as to drive into
the most secure dwellings, du
ring Sunday night the wind
gradually changed to the north
and then early on Monday
morning to the N, W. increas
ing in i uden'ce in every change
from 8 to 10 o'clock; it in
creased with its utmost vio
lence during its change from
N. \V\ to \V. About 10 o’-
clock it gradually came round
to S. W. when.the ram began
to cease and-the wind to come
in puffs with intervals of 4 or
5 minutes—from this time it
gradually ceased in violence
and by 3 o'clock, P. M. the
rain, ceased altogether. The
effects of the storm have been
visibly marked, by .a general
prostration of fences and trees.
The chimneys of the Cape
bear bank, of the large house
lately owned by Wm. Giles,
Esq. dec’d, of Mr. Robert
Mitchell, of the stores occupi
ed by Mr. Jennet and Messrs
XPRee & Gourre were biown
down and the roof ofjfhe iast
mentioned store was carried a
way. Thfe wharves nave
been somewhat injured, a
sleep from Bermuda ‘ sun!?,
and a brig forced from the
wharf and dnveii beiow on the
short? of Mr. Campbell’s plan
tation. Fortunately no lives
have been lost nor have we
| heard of personal injury re
ceived by any one in the town.
But along the bound the de
vastation has been widespread
and ruinous. The tide rose
in some places to 6 aril others
to 14 feet above high water
mark, highest in the direction
t of the salt works of Messrs.
Jocelyn and Grayer. ‘These
gentlemen who had deserved
ly the credit of having earned
their experiments in Saltmak
ing to a successful result, and
: led the avay to the establish*
, ment orsalt works, and winch
they had rapidly extended a
long the Sound haye been the
; greatest sufferers G i4 to 17,-
000 feet of their works have
been washed away, besides
SOOObushels of salt. Mr Jas
W. Walker and .Col. A. F
|'M‘Neil, nave lost ‘ considera
ble Sait, besides apart of their
i works. MessrsMMake, Cow
an, Geer,.and Robmson, have
suffered a total iossof-theu
works, besides a quantity of
Salt already made. Major
John HI. Loudon, and Mr. K
Bradley, suffered a partial,
though stiff severe loss, occa
sioned by .the wpid alone. In
deed we understand that not
one establishment ol me kind,
with the exception of Mr. ii.
B. Howard’s has entirely es
capecf the ravages of tilt* storm.
The loss sustained by the
different owners of these works
may be estimated at between
50 and 60,000 dollars. .The
roads have been rendered im
passible by the failing of trees
and the rising of me water
courses. Three mails are
due, and for a time all travel
ling has been prevented.
Not to be captious, nut unjust ly
Tis to confefs what’s wrong, and
do what's right.
Augusta Prices Current ,
October 20.
Cotton D. 24 26
Flour and 50
Corn 75
Corn-Meal 75
Bacon 18 3 4
Butter 57 i-2
Lard 15
Sugar * 23 to 25
Coffee 30 35
Salt 1 7 5 200
Whiskey * 75 80
Iron C 8
Cotton Bagging 80 85
A list of letters remaining in the Post-
Office, Washington , the first day of
Rev. Little Bfinnt,John Bailey 2,
Tv. Bond, James Brown . John Beck,
John Boren, 3, E. Black. Fidkr
* Inferior Court, John Candiff,
* PetergCany, Sh aciric kCoi I ins, JDan
-lid Carrington, Mrs Matilda Cam
| bell, Captain John L. Cary.
E. Davis.
| James Edmund, Mrs. Mary Er- I
! vine., • t
joliah R. Either, L. Fuililove,
“Stephen Faker.
Samuel Gardner, John Gordon,
George Gilhanr, John Gibson,
Samuel Gamage,
John Heard, John iTingfon, Win.
Heard, Nathaniel Hard*, Afaph
Htinard, 2, Mrs J. Harris, Catha
riue ilenly, AbnerElenly, Samuel
Heart, Benjamin HuobarJ, Abijah
Htniy, Jefle iiiilyef, Simeon Hen
Mrs. B. Jones, Thomas Jones,
James B. Jarrett, John Jones, ln
tendafft ot Waihmgton, iVlrs: Eli
zabeth Jones
John Kutler, John Kimbrough,
Poify iCUgore. A*
Mis ffufannah Longmire, Lt.
VViiiuun Liltli, Thomas Lackie, 2,
Jo;epb Lucre, Sherod Little.
vV'illiam M'Gehee, Charles Mar
fhail, John iVl‘Cord, Charles .Ma
lone, Lutittpn iviackie, Rtv. Jas.
john Norman.
Alexander Pope, 2, Abner Pi
goi, joiiuParsci, Benjamin Peter
man, l<ev B. RuiLi, jclle ivoan,
Eh RoDesinn, Enza Rois, ReuDen
vViiliam Shearer, Peter Stroger,
A. Stevens, J. N. Smith, Cnaries
Smith, 2 irs Sarah Shorter, Eli
jah Stiff? h
iiiU’.cas vVffhs, Lemuel Woo
tten, 2,*Geurge Walton, A. Vi/ill,
William vV. Wffaamlun, William
lon vVoouaij, Siielton Welborn.
Eliza. Toung.
Jas/ Wingfield, P. M.
Aviaiiii.birau.ii's ■ kie.
Will be sold, on Tuesday the sth day
oj December next, at the Market
House in Washington,
Uttc hark, iaduie and bridle,
the property ot George D Wiiiis,
decealuen; to be fold lor the bene
fit ol the netr-and creditors of laid
dec. Terms of sale made known
on that day.
Ofiober 20, 1815, —41 eow tds
Aaniim.-uator b oaie.
Will be sold, on Wednesday, the 2sth
day oj November next, at the plan
taiion of Thomas Hancock., dec. all
the persona, property of said dec .
CONsio lTistjt oi houlepoia h
kitclieu iurmture, plantation uteu-
Tiis, bogs, cows and calves, geele,
At the fame time and place will
be renceu inff plantation or laid uec.
i’enns oi lale maue known on the
day ol laic.
ED w ECKLES, Admr.
Nanci BaNcjv.k,
Ottober 20, 1815.
- ■ .1. ■— ■ I—^V
iVUIiCC i.
The copartnership or Sterling
Grimes, Nickcltou, A Cos. has ex
pired by us own limitation A nos.
VV\ Gntnes and Andrew Knox,
having purchaied tne intertfl ot
Sterling Grimes 6i James h. JSick
effon, m the above firm—tr.ofe
having claims on, or Hand indented
to lain hnn will apply to Grunes
diu Knox lor letticment; who are
duly autnorited to dole tne lame.
The undersigned saving become
foie proprietors of the Fontainville
Mills have removed their
from Greenfboro’ to that place
olTer for Ble that well known stand
for bufine.fs lately occupied by
them. For terms apply to Thus.
W. Grimes, at the- Mills nea?
Greer,(borough, or to Andrei
Knox, Savannah.
Fontainville Mills, }
Appalachee , Del. 14, 1815. >
0 Good wages will be given at
this office to a JOURNEYMAN,
who is a good compositor, and can
come recommended as a sober man,
On the first Titetdayin November next,
at the Court-house in \Yilkp.&
county , between the Pcurshf ten ilf
three o'clock , the following proper*
ty — viz.
Two negroes, to wit : Sam, 23
years of age, and Moles, 14 or 15'-
taken as the property of John H.
MTntofh, to fatisfy
favor of Williford & Cook, vs. (aid
Also, :
Iwo negroes, to wit: jir.ney 53.
or 53 years age, and John abuur \ 5
do. taken as the property of JofepU
Anthony, dec. to fatisfy sundry ex
ecutions • vs. the executors of laid
dec. and against said deed.
Iwo negroes—Amey and her
child Wylie; taken as the proper
ty of William Goolesby, to fatisfy
’ sundry executions vs Laid Gooles
by, in favor of David and Adam
Carson, and othrs.
Conditions Cash.
September 291/j, 1815. D. Sheriff.
Public UiC,
On Friday the 22 nd day of Decent
ber next, will be exposed to public
sale , at the Plantation of William
Hopkins, dec. in Wilkes county , the
pesonal property of said dec .
CONSISTING of household &
kitchen furniture, horses, cattle,
corn and fodder. Conditions of
sale will be, twelve months credit
—the purchaser giving small notes
and good security.
October 7, 1815
Guard.,aff’s Sale. ’
Will be sold on the Ist day of Decem
ber next , at the plantation of
Charles Conally , dec . oj Franklin
county , on the waters of Hudson
river , a part of the personal pro
perty of said deceased—
’ CONSISTING effhorfes, cat
tle, hbgs, ftieep, houfgHold and.
kk chert furniture, and plantation
u tenli is.
At the fame time and place, will
be hired a number of negroes—a
plantation wiil alio be rented.
Twelve months credit will be
given—bond will; approved securi
ty wiil be required.
September 23, 1813..