Newspaper Page Text
Parser Callaway Informs his
friends, that he is a candidate for
the place of 2d Lieutenant in the
company of the 18th Regiment.
Gflober 27,1815.
Robert Killgqre informs his
friends, that he is a candidate for
ift Lieutenant in the company of
drafted men arising out of the 19th
Regiment, and solicits their fuffrage
in thjs refpetL
j November 3.
GEORGIA, 7 Perfonaily
Oglethorpe county 5 came before me
Mrs. Henrietta’ Morgen, and being
duly sworn faith on bath, that (he
was in possession of a note of hand,
given by Beverly Daniel to Ilenney
Morgen for a sum of pidhey under
twenty dollars—-the exactsfum not
recolle&ed— and that fald note is
mislaid or loft.
>rn to before me,
this 17th of September, t
1815. \
Joseph Vinson, J. P.
GEORGIA, 7By David Ter
lYilkes county* 3 rell, Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary , for said county .
WHEREAS RutTeli Bailey ap
plies for letters of administration on
the iEftate of John Bailey, fenr.
These are therefore to cite and
admonilh all and lingular the kind
red and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the Court ot
Ordinary to be held ind and lor the
county aforefaid, on the* Ift Mon
day. in January nexr, then and
there to (hew caule, (if any they
have) why said letters lhould not
be granted.
Given under my hand the 2d of
November, 1815.
’ . Clk.
* ‘“sheriff’s"sale.
On theffrst Tuesday in December next,
at the Court* House in Elbert coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
three o'clock, the following pro
per far—viz.
’ FivC- negroes—Sarah, and four
children—Barltett, Allen, Hannah
and Loiufa ; the above negroes le
vied on as the property of Beverly
Martin, to fatisfy an execution in
favor of John Bolton,
Also ,
Three negroes—Lucy about ten
years old ; Jim, about seven years
old ; and Cato, about five years
old ; said negroes levied on as the
property of Wm. Head, to fatisfy
an execution in favor S*ml Self;
Conditions cash.
X Sheriff.
November 3,1815.
That whereas I gave Richard
Ward two notes of hand—one for
£wenty-two dollars and fifty cents,
dated the 13th of April, 1813, and
due the 25th of December follow
ing—the other dated the 13th of
April, due in the month of Octo
ber, 1813 —given for feventy-five
bufheisof corn, rated at 150 cents
per bulhel,—The above notes all
person or persons are hereby for-
Warned not to trade in any refped
whatsoever for, as I am determined
Hot to pay off said notes to no per
son or persons whatsoever, as they
Were fraudulently obtained.
November 3,1815.-43-31
On the first Tuesday in December next,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between thf hours cjten Cif
three o’clock, the following proper
ty—viz. , \
Two hundred acres of land,
more or less, in Wikles*cou'nty, on
Reedy creek, adjoining Walter
Perry and others, in the occupaney
of James Nichoifon : ievied ou to
fatify an execution in the name of
James Patterson, Adminiltrator, a
gainlt Archibald Grelharn, admr.
of Thomas Harkins, dec.—pointed
oyt by the plaintiff. \
One dark bay horse, five years
old, five feet high j levied on as
the property ot George Dardin, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of
Sally M'Kuight &c Sulannah Form
by, againlt laid Dardm—spointed
out by said Dardin.
Conditions cash.
November 3. 1815.
Willi be sold, at capt Ktndrick’s mus
ter-ground, on the \&tb of Decem
ber next , all the personal property
of Dr. John H. Eriplett dec.
CONSISTING of one horse,
saddle and bridle, and one silver
watch; with other articles too te
dious to enumerate.
Thole to whom the estate is in
debted, will prefeut their accounts
agreeably to law; and thole indebt
ed to the eitate are requested to
difeharge the lame.
| November 3, 1815.
■■ ■ - ■ ■ ~
Iffuslington di ‘tutufactory.
ALL kinds ot Copper work
done in the belt manner, viz. —
Stills made and repaired, hatter’s
! walh filh &c dye kettles, tea kettles,
j copper and pewter worms, &c. by
the subscriber.
% # Old pewter, lead and cop
per wanted ; for which cash will be
given E. M‘F.
October 2Jth, 1815. 42 ts
A list of letters remaining in tbs Post-
Office, Washington, the first day of
. Uodober.
Rev. Little Briant,John Bailey 2,
E. Bond, James Brown, John Beck,
John Boren, 3, E. Black. Fidler
Inferior Court, John Candifl,
Peter Carry,Shadrick Collins,Dan
iel Carrington, Mrs Matilda Cam
; bell, Captain JohqL. Cary.
E. Davis.
James Edmund, Mrs. Mary Er
; vine.
I JolTah R.Fifher, L. Fuililove,
! Stephen Foster.
Samuel Gardner, John Gordon,
George Gilhain, John Gibson,
j Samuel Gamage.
John Heard, John Hingfon, Wm.
1 Heard, Nathaniel Harris, Afaph
j Herbard, 2, Mrs. J. Harris, Catha
{ rine Henly, Abner Henly, Samuel
j Head, Benjamin Hubbard, Abijah
! Henly, jefie Hillyer, Simeon Hen
Mrs. B. Jones, Thomas Jones,
James B. Jarrett, John Jones, In
tendant of Walhington, Mrs. Eli
zabeth Jones.
John Kiftler, John Kimbrough,
Polly Killgore.
Mis Susannah Longmire, Lt.
William Little, Thomas Lackie, 2,
Joseph Lucre, Sherod Little.
William SPGehee, Charles Mar
fliali, John M‘Cord, Charles Ma
lone, Littleton Mackie, Rev. Jas.
johfu Borman.
Alexander Pope, 2, Abner Pi
got, John Jf&rker, Benjamin Peter
man, Kev.TJ. Ruilc), jcile Roan,
Eh Robcrlo'j, Eliza Kois, Reuben
Ramey*. f t
* VViUiat?* Sheerer, |’etcr Stroger,
A. Stevens, J. W. Sfoith, Charles
Smith, 3 Mrs. Sarah Shorter, Elf •
jah Smith,
i’nohia% Lemuel Woo
tten, 2, George’ Walton, A. Wist,
William W. Wiiuamlbn, Wiliiam
fon Woodall, Shelton VVelborn.
Eliza Young.
An additional class of thirty pu
pils, between the ages oi lix and
ten years, will be received at the
Pustalozzian Institution on
the 20th ot January next. Appli
cations tor. admilfion may be ad
drehed to either ol the lubfenbers.
Should the number exceed that
of the pupils propoied to be admit
ted, (as is expected) the fidt Nappli
cants wall be preferred. The ne
cellary teachers are provided.
Board and tuition at a hundred
and ten dollars per year.
WM. W. 8188,
The Editors ol the Georgia
Argus and Savannah Repuolican
are requeued to inlert tne above
three tunes and forward their ac
counts to this office lor payment.
Odlobcr 2jtb, j&ic. -42 ts
Thepubljc are hereby cautioned
agamit trading lor a note given by
Johan B. Harris to mffpor the sum
of sixty five dollars, date
(to the bell of my recollection) in
in the month ot February, 1811
which laid note was traded and m
dorled by me to i faunas Grelham,
Elq. tor lels than halt the amount
it called for, upon the express con
dition that i-was not in case to be
come retpouiible for toe payment
thereof, iam therefore determin
ed never to pay laid note or any
pari thereof.
GEORGIA, ? Perfonaily came
Wilkes county, y before me, John
Sappmgton, and made oath that
the above statement is just and true.
Sworn to before me this 7th Sep
tember, 1815.
Josiah 8. Holmes, J. P.
Loft, or rnifiaid, sometime in the
year 1814, one note of hand, com
monly called a promifary note,
given by Susannah Silvey, to my
felf, four hundred and fifty dollars.
It was given fome time in the year
eighteen hundred and fix, and it
became due twelve months from
the date.
GEORGIA, > In person
Oglethorpe county. 3 before
me, Abra.lja.Hi’Silvey, be
ing duly fworns depofeth andTaith,
that the above statement is just and
Sworn to, before me,
this 15th July, 1815.
Floyd Stewart,
P.—yr imsm
Coroner’s .Sale.
Will is sold oh the first Tuesday m
November next, at the Court-House
in Wilketcounty, between the hours
of ten and three o'clock, the fol
lowing property:—
One hundred and seventy-sour
acres of land, on Newford creek,
adjoining Wylie Pope and others
taken as the property of Benjamin
Smith, to fatisfy an execution in
favor John Dvfon, for the use of >
John Sutton, deceased against: said
Smith. & Lemuel Wootten.
Conditions cash.
September 29, 1819.
Nine months alter date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Judges of the Inferior Court
of Warren county for leave to fell
the Real E Hate of James B. Thomp
son, dec. for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said dec.
, Henry L hony soy.
Administrator , with the
Will annexed.
April 7, 1815. 111901
The drawing of which will
commence on the Ist Monday
u. November next.
Authorifed by an Act of the Le
gislature of the State of Georgia,
pal Ted on the 22cl November, 1814,
entitled An Act to raise money
for the purpose of opening and im
proving the Navigation of the Oco
nee River, from the mouth of
Filhing creek, to Barnett’s (hoals.**
Scheme of the Lottery'.
Dolls. Dolls.
3 prizes of 10,000 is 20,000
3 do 5,000 - 15,000
4 do. 2,000 - 8,000
5 - do. 1,000 - 5.000
10 - do. 500 ■ 5,000
50 - do. 100 - 5,000
too - do. 50 - 5,000
200 - do. 20 - 4.000
300 - do. jo * 3.000
6000 - do. 5 - 30 000
6674 Prizes 100 000
Subject to a dedu&ion of 15 per
Cerft.— 20,000 Tickets at 5 dollars
each, is 100.000 dollars ; less than
two blanks to a prize
The drawing of the lottery will
commence in Greensborough, on
the firft Monday in November.
Payment of Prizes will be made
in the fame place, and commence
at the expiration of sixty days, af
ter the drawing of the Lottery is
finifhed ; of which due notice will
be given. Prizes not demanded
within fix months after the draw
ing is finilhed, will be viewed as li
beral donations to the Oconee Na
vigation company, and payment
barred accordingly.
The Commifijoners have ap
pointed Sterling Grimes their a
gent, under whose signature the
Tickets will be issued.
The Oconee Navigation Lottery
Office, is established in this place j
where all letters or orders directed
to the agent (poll paid) will meet
with immediate and prompt atten
March 1815s (u)tf