The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, November 17, 1815, Image 2

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    temple of truth.
Both branches of the Legflatore
proceeded this day by joint ballot,
to the election of Governor, and on
n examination of the votes, they
“Were as follows:
First Balloting.
For Governor Early, 51
Gen. D. B. Mitchell, 47
Gen. Jared Irwin, 20
Gen” John Clark,* 1
Scattering, 1
Second, Balloting.
For Gen. D. B. Mitchell, 67
’ Gov. Early, 49
Gen, John Clarkf 2
Gen. Jared Irwin, 2
Majority in favor of Gen, Mitch
ell ovef Governor Early, 18
Mietu#at Clark we are authorised To say a as
not a candidate.
‘j> ( Argus.
“""* l l 11-r il ■ ■, i tUMlil M) ■ I r nun
~~ *y ~ —*
Domestic Miscellany. -J
The hew City Hall of New-York
which is just finifhed, and com
pletely I 'furniftied-, fe* Rated to have
been economically conftrudled hav
ing cqft only fiv.e hundred and thirty
eight thousand dollars.
* Nat lnt.
Tobacco maintains its enormous
price. Samples of the. new crop
have been fold at Richmond at
twenty-one dollars and forty cents
per hundred. Foyty hogsheads of
old tobacco were, on Tuesday,
fold at Richmond, the leaf for
twenty-seven and a half dollars, the
Rem for twenty five dollars. Fine
times for planters, but inauspicious
to the general improvement of agri
culture. • .
-ff: a.
Mr. Aflieron, the britifh Agent
for the province of New- Brunswick,
writes thus explicitly of the Fishe
“London, July 10.
“ The Intercourse between the
United States and the King’s colo
nies is to be Rriftly carried on in
British veflels, and none others.
“ The Americans are excluded
from the shore fifheries, and are not
allowed Jo come into our harbors,
■as formerly to fifli; they are not to
poflefs in this refped no other right
than the fubje&s of foreign nations;
which by “ the law of nations, is
limited to three leagues from the
Bonst. Gaz.
The British have again com
menced their former infamous
pradice of firing on American ves
sels without the leaf! provication.
The American fch’r Mink, captain
Hammond on his passage from De
troit to Buffalo, was fired upon by
the British armed schooner Nawafh,
Lt. Drury, without the leaß . of
fence, and without ever hailing her.
Capt. H. after being fired upon
hoisted American colors, supposing
that to be the objed of the British,
but was fired upon the fecbnd time.
The British officer ordered a boat
to be sent a board the Nawafh—
. the boat was got out, and Capt. H,
went aboard, and after being qhef
tioned by the British officer relative
to the news of Detroit,-&c. was or
dered to return to his veflcl with-
L out having any reason afiigned for
[ this daring outrage. $
* Geo. Argus.
Canada . —lt is already known to
our readers, that it is in contem
plation by the British government
to efiablifh a considerable naval
■ force on the Lakes, which bound
i the Canadian frontier. The mill
tary force in that part of the Bri
tish dominions is Rated at
thousand men, and we have-the,
authority of the New-York|Gazette
for the fad, ten thousand troops
were expeded thither from Eng
land, & that the British areftrength
ening their fortifications at Isle au
Noix. Thefip are called precau
tionary mealutes.
Nat. lnt.
Unprecedented Phenomenon. We
have conversed with several gentei
men, of undoubted veracity from
the county of Ulßer, New-York,
who ail agree in the following very
extraordinary relation :
That they have conversed with
several credible persons from Mar
bletown, in that county, and they
mention the names of persons well
known to the editor of this paper ;
and these persons assert and declare
themselves ready to make oath, that
the Rones lying in two fields there,
on leveral luccellive days, role from
the ground, to the height of three
and tour feet, and moved along,
slowly & horizontally, from thirty
to fixry feet; and that a Rw of them
even mounted over the jtops ol the
trees ! That the perfoas who firft
beheld thele astonishing performan
ces, were disbelieved by the neigh
borhood ; but that all those who
came to lee if there was any truth
in the accounts, are prepared to
lwear to them. The last perform
ance was in an open field, without
wood or cover near it.
We understand that a gentleman
from Kinglton has taken means to
have every circumitance accurately
verifieiLby affidavits: which will
probably be laid before the public,
in a week or two.
N. V. Courier;
New-York, Gttcber 28.
Ingenious Viltany . Last evening
between 7 and 8 o’clock the in
habitants residing at the lower end
of Greenwich-ftriet, were alarmed
with the cry of stop thief! stop thief!
This immediately drew into the
street a gaeat number of men and
boys, running in all dire&ions.—
After the alarm lublided, it appear
ed that a couple of long whilkered
well drolled (harpers had been
caught in the ad of robbing the
money drawer of a Grocery (tore
near the Battery. One ol the fel
lows Hepped into the (lore, and the
other remained at the door who
alked lor tome iiquor. While the
Grocer’s back was turned drawing
the liquor, the fellow who entered
flily thrust a slender piece of whale
bone, about a foot long, through
a small hole that had been made
in the counter to drop bills through
into the drawer, and by twilling it
around the end having been dipped
in tar or something ot the lame na
ture, he fifhed up a couple of Bank
Bills, but the Grocer happening to
turn round too quick caught him
in the lad and leized him by the
collar; A fcuifle erilued, and the
Grocer finding he was like to be
overpowered cried out itop thief !
Upon which the villain gave him
a knock down blow, and took to
his heels with his accomplice.——
They bbffi ran up Greenwfch-ftreet
crying stop duel! Rop thief! as loud
as they could and thus made
their escape. In*the feufle the fel
low loft his hat and whalebone, to
which was (licking when pickdd
two §ank Bills? The fame
trick fias no doubt been pradifed
before, and when the money was
miffed the clerks have been cenTur
ed. #
* Herald.
Foreign News.
| *
The ship United States, from
Havre de Grace spoke on the 28th
ult, a British ship 50 days from
Montevideo, the maf|er of which
informed that that Province & Bue
nos-Ayres, were at war with each
other. Both the parties had de
clared their independence of the
king of Spaifi ; and the objed qf
the war Was to efiablifh who should
govern, each party claiming the
right. The government of Buenos
Ayres, had fitted out a fleet under
the command of an American, by
the name of Brown, : which had
captured the whole of the Monti
vuidean fleet, & obtained the com
plete command of the whole river.
The fleet was next to failtor th£ coast.
ot Chili, to giije battle to the Roy
aliils in that Quarter. JSufinefs at
Montevideo was at a goods
of all kinds plenty and cheap, and
nothing in demand but arms, am
munition and loldiers* cloathins.
A treaty was signed at Paris the
27th of August, & ratified at Lond
on the lit of September. The
principal articles are—
The integrity of the Flench ter
• ritory to be refpeded.
France to pay a contribution of
600 millions of francs.
The allied Sovereigns to leave Pa
ris the 15th of September;
50,000 Pruffians,(so,ooo Aus
trians, 15,000 Ruffians and
15,000 Englilh, in all 120,000
of the allied troops, to remain
in Fiance until the above con
tribution is paid; the other
troops to leave Paris the 2 ft to
Bth October.
The fortrefles of Strafburg,
Metz, Little, and Befancon,
to be held by the allies.
From the “ Irish Magazinefor
August, 1815.
Melancholy c6iisequencts'i>oin the accession of
I.on is Will.
Hißory, faithful and terrible, in
all her details, so inftruclive to pos
terity, so deicriptive of tyrants, has
not recorded a more brutal and
unfeejing example of ambition and
pride, titan is exhibited in the perse
vering obstinacy which this disre
garded man has shown by forcing
himfelf to.a throne, through the
Wood of the people whom he hy
pocritically calls hfs children.-
When one reflects on the means
this tyrant has employed, and the
monsters he has aflbeiated with, and
the fanguir.ary pailion which has
marked his progress to the French
capital, we cannot suppress the hor
ror we feel at the impiety of kings,
who manifefting not the Uighteft
repugnace'to (luaghter and defla
tion, have the audacity to fay, on
the ruins of fields & cities, among
putrid palpitating carcases, that they
are called on to reign by the grace
of God!!I Will tyrants continue !
to intuit humanity by such logic ? j
Will Louis, who is uuknowp to the
prtfent race of Frenchmen, pretend
to fay, they have called him to the
throne, in preference to the glori
ous hero who embeilifired and rais
ed the French name, who never
buffered France to ; be polluted by
the invader, or disfigured by op
preffion to import a man who had \
ibid the trade, navey and indußry J
of Franse to England, and (addled
dtet France with the expense of
hiring 600,000 of the northern sa
vages, who defiled the foil and
dishonored the wositn, in the pro
ceflion which copy-eyed Louis over
the bodies of I (*),<> )(r Frenchmen
to a throne, wjuift irJis decreed
v# again fixes#? with the blood of
a Bourbon ? If Frenchmen were
the only fcy this calamity s fc
our feelings perhaps would not be®
so affeded ; but when weconfider
the perpetuity of this dynaAjj?, which
has mounted over tombs to power,
and calculates on its security by sur
rendering the refyurcts of France
to the monopoly of England, in
return for her proicClion, ct-ill be
fatal to freedom through Europe,
we lament witlfour fellow fufferers
of every creed and climate. Al- ‘
ready have our domestic enemies
celebrated the second yet urn of the
brutalized Louis, our ci
ties and villages have seen catholic
blood flowing from the orange
bayonet, to celebrate the accefliqn
of a catholic monarch. We f .ared
the return of Louis, because ! we
have experienced misfortunes ar.d
profeription as France was finking.
We were correct Jin our apprehen
fions; the firft abdication of Napo
leon was recorded by tire Sher.cock
maflacre, & followed by the Grif
fithing. Clones, and Armagh mur
ders in several quarters. The Huf
hoe Law, the mock cqnfpiraey at
Naas, and the abolition of trial by
jury followed in hasty fucceflioq.
The (2th of last July. Dublin fur-1
nifhed another official example off.
what we are to expect in Ireland,!
from the connivance of a man whO|/
has fold his own country, its fame,J(
its trade and colonies to England.
Administrators Sale.
Will be sold, at capt Kindrick’s mus
ter-ground, cn the 1 6th of Decem
ber next, all the personal property
of Dr. John 11. Triplett dec.
CONSISTING of one horse.
saddle and bridle, and one silver
watch ; with other articles too te
dious to enumerate.
Those to whom the effate is in
debted, will present their accounts
agreeably to law; and those indebt
ed to the estate are requeued to ‘
difeharge the fame.
November 3,1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold, on the zoth day cf De
cember eiext, at the late residence
of Jon Baily , laic cf this county ,
dcccd. all the personal property of
said deceased —
CONSISTING of hogs, horses,
cattle, household and kitchen fur- 1
nirure, and the corn and fodder—
on a credit of twelve months; the
purchaser giving bond with approv
ed security.
On the fame day will be rented,
part of the plantation whereon the
deceased lived.
‘Temporary Admrs.
November 0, .181 5. — 45 — 1£.