Newspaper Page Text
Washington, December 1. :
The Rev. Mr James E. ‘Welch,
of Lexington, Kentucky, will deliver a
fermonon Sunday n.xt, in the Chapel,
at U o'clock. A- M.
■ -
The feeling of the legitimates of
France towards us,.is strongly portray
ed in a letter from Bordeaux, which we
this day publish. We cannot but be
lieve, however, that the French people
generally refpedf our government : A
reciprocity of sentiments and principles
for many years interwove their inter
ests with ours, and even Bonaparte, un
til forced to the contrary, as a counter
check to British measures, acknowledg
ed our worth, and regarded our prol
The hostility of the French Royahjls
towards the United States Ihouui cre
ate no wonder at this time, nor much
regTet ; as all monarchies are inimical
to republics very little, or no faith
fliould be placed in their alliance or
friendlhip ; they cannot, consistent
with iruth, with prosperous principles
which are so much at iflue with their
own From France we have nothing to
fear Though the jealou. interievence
of England Ihould divert her sympathy
from us, or raise in her bosom a dispo
sition tepulfive to our friendlhip, her
powers of annoyance are too weak; her
days of triumph are over ; and her pre
fers agitated state, bespeaks those even
of her national exigence numbered
Os England we should be cautions
Our late contest with her has {lamped
with indeliable chara£lere, her une
qual claim toevry auifice, cruel & un
warrantable. In open and equal con
flicts w*h us, file must ever (brink from
our fu.ierior rkL) and biavery, but in
those means, bribery and intrigue, by
which (lie has so often triumphed
in the overthrow of Other nations, we
are difquailfied by nature and by pract
ice to cope with her in hopes of any
possible chance of r uccefs Open violation
ol right, {hould cell for open avowal
of hostility—then be the war between
two nations, honorable as between two
gentlemen. Oursftia'ti ever be such...
the righteous fight—the word of battle
justice—no burning of houfet, no rav
ishing of women, no imffacree of prfon
0 Since writing the above, we*
have received the oppreflive news,
that an English seventy-sour has
wantonly funic the United States*
brig L'Epervier, and consigned her
brave litte crew to a watery grave!
Are such matters to be tamely pall
ed over ? is the government always
to be on the temporiling fide ? the
spring of retaliation to be forever
bent down, or will it rife at this
sanguinary ad, with renovated
force ? Can any American read
this deed, and not feel disposed to
vengeance ? ll Cry havoc ! and let
dip the dogs of war ” until ample
expiation is obtained through the
Unices of English. blood—They
must be taught to respect those by
Whom they would be refpe&ed.
- f”
0 The Commissioners have fin
iihea running the line of divifibn Tn
the Creek Nation.
r v#*
The Legillature have made the
following appointments:
Charles Harris and Isaac Minis,
efqrs. Directors of the Planters’
Dr. G. V. Pro&or. health-offi
cer, and Robert Grier, Efq‘ Har
{ bor Master, f<3r the perd: of Savan
l nah. •
Brigadier General John Floyd,
* Maior General of the iftJDivifon,
Georgia Militia, in place of Gen.
John M*lntofh, religned.
| Colonel Thomas P. Hamilton, j
’ of Jalper county, Brigadier Gene- i
ral in place of Dr William Lee, de
•:/.*wwWiWMWßirjiCiuipili” tiupw-i h
Georgia Legislature.
Tuesday , 14 ih November, 1815.
The Senate took up the reolu
tion from the houie of Reprefen- !
tatives on the fnbjed matter of ap
pointing a joint committee to en
quire into the condud of the Judg
es of the Superior court, &c.—Mr.
Nowlan moved to difeharge the
appointment of a joint committee,
and on the question being put, it
was loft. Mr. Cook then propos
ed to amend the Resolution to read
as follows, to wit:
Resolved , that a
appointed on the part of the House,
to join such as may appointed by
the Senate, to prepare and report
an address to his Excellency the ;
Governor for the purpose of re
moving from office John Macpher
fon Berrien, Judge of the Superior
court of the Ealtern circuit; Robert
Walker, judge or the Superior
court of the Middle circuit; Young
Gresham, Judge of the Superior
court of the vVeftern circuit; 6c Ste
phen W. Harris, Judge of the Su
perior court of the Ocmulgee cir
cuit, for usurping power not given
them by the Conflitution of this
state, in declaring certain ads of
the Legislature unconstitutional, at
a Convention held at Augusta, on
13th of January, 181.5, as well as
fubiequent extra judicial proceed
On the question to agree to the
foregoing resolution, the yeas and
nays uere as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Bracewell, Cleve
land, Cook, Cullens, Daniel, Doo
ly, Foster, Hatcher, Hopkins,
Hudfpeth, Knight, Lane, Moore,
Montgomery, Newfom, Robinson,
Swam, Williams, and Wimber
Nays—Messrs. Blackmon, Bird.
Byne, Charlton, Cuthbert, Flour
noy, Freeman Hamilton, Harden,
Hardie, Harris, Hudson, Milton,
Nowien, Park, Piles, Talbot, Walk
er, and Ware.— l 9.
There being a tie, the Preftder.t
decided in the negative. The Re
solution from the House of Ite
prefentatives was ordered to lie on
the table.
Augusta Prices Current ,
November 27.
Cotton D. 28 50
Flour 7
Corn 68 3-4
Corn-Meal 75
Bacon 18 3-4
Butter 371-2
Lard 15
Sugar 23 to 25
Coffee * 30 33
Salt 1 62 1-2
Whifkcy SO
Iron 7 8
Cotton Bagging SO 85
[ Onthefirsl Tuesday in January next,
at the Court House in Oglethorpe
county, between the hours often, id
th\e o'clock, the following proper
ty, viz.:
One dark bay mare, ten or ele
-1 ven years old, and one sorrel mare,
| fix years old ; levied on as the pro
perty of Thomas Scroggin, at the
instance of John T. Lawrence.
One hundred and fifty acres of
j land, mcire or lets, on the waters
of Clouds creek, joining Fieiding
Dillard ; levied on as the property
of Young W. Short, at the in?
fiance of Susannah Billups, and
William. Billups, Executors of John
Billups, decale, and Robt. Bledfoe.
One hundred acres of land, on
the waters of Big creek, joining
John Armfted ; levied on as the
property of |John Rodgers, at the
instance of {no. M‘Carty. Also,
One bay mare, and one feather
bed and furniture ; levied on as the
property of Wm. B. Brown, at the
instance cf the truftces of Meson
One negro man, by the name of
Daniel; levied on as the property
of John Center, at the instance of
Thos. Burdtil, for Ferdinand Phi
nizy, and Pafehal Murphy, lor Jas.
One hundred & lixty five acres
of land, more or less, on the waters
of Indian creek ; levied on as the
property William Kidd, at the in
stance of Robert Freeman, for John
T. Lawerence. Property pointed
out by W. Kidd.
Conditions cash.
Nov. 30, 1815.
1 GEORGIA, ‘ V By'jobWc:-
Elbert county, 3 ton, Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary, for said county.
WHEREAS Gaines Thompson
applies to me lor lettereof admin
istration (with the will annexed) on
the estate and eflecls of Joseph
Cornels, late of said county, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonilh all and Angular the kind
red and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the Court of
Ordinary to be held in and for the
county aforefaid* on the ift Mon
day in January next, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted;
Given under my hand the igth cf
November, 1815.
ON the 26th instant on the road
leading from Waffiington to A
thens, a frnall book, containg a five
dollar bill, and a note for nine dol
lars, on James Norris, in Ogle
thorpe ; there was a!fo, a few lines
in it, addressed to Mr. M‘Kinney
of Augusta. The person who has,
or may find the book, will confer
a favor on the fubferiber by leaving
it at Mr. M‘Cords, Oglethorpe
Nov. 3,0,
GEORGIA, } By Job Wesm
EVSert county , \ Clerk of the Court
cf Ordinary for said county
WHEREAS William Thomp
son applies for letters of adguniftra
: tion on the estate and eff-ih ot Jo
: feph Cornels, late of said county,
! dec.
These are therefore, to cite & ad
it van ifh all and fingufar the kindred
and creditors of laid deceased, to
be and appear at a Court of Ordi
nary to be held-tn and for the coun
ty aforefaid, on the ift Monday in
January next, to shew cause. if any,
why said Letters should not be
y ran ted.
Given under my hand this agth
day of November , 1815.
Mount PJeafant -A cademy
w., *■’
WILL go into operation on the
firfi day of next January, under
the immediate direction and con
troul of the fubicriber. In this in
dilution provision is made for the
instruction of .both Male and Fe
male pupils. Mount Pheasant
lias about five miles North of Pe
terfburgh, in Elbert county. Per
haps there :s not a more healthy
spot in the state of Georgia, than
this vicinity. The rate of tuition
will be two dollars per month, or
10 dollars per feflion. Board with
the exception of candles, will bo
eight dollars per month. No (In
dent can enter this institution for a
shorter period than one feflion.—
The fir ft feflion will end the iaft of
May. The second feflion will
commence on the 10th cf June, &
end on the 10th of November. It
is expected that tuition will be paid
one half in advance. The Rector
will receive into his own family a
bout 10 or 12 Boarders.
November 18.—47 3t.
~Look Here! ~~~
Having moved our STORE on
Main Street, on,e door below Messrs.
WARE & STONE. We will al
ways be glad to fee c%r friends, as
we still continue to give good bar
gains. We have alio just received
an assortment of frefh goods
T. W, SIMS, & Cos.
November 31. —47-4:
GEORGIA , J Dy David Ter -
Wilkes County. 3 rel Clerk of the
court of Ordinary for said county.
WHEREAS William Arnett
and Samuel Arnett applies for let
ters of Administration on the eftato
of John Quints, deed.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at the court
of Ordinary to be ‘held in and for
the county aforefaid, on the ift
Monday in January next, then and
there to shew cause, (if any they
have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 2 yth
day of November , 1815.
D. TERRELL, Clerk.
Nov/ is he Li e.
for sale cheap for cafh—Enquire of
the Printer.
Nov. 27.
Will be given f r n U ’dred or
, two weight of ba.tri—enquire 2:
j this office;