The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, December 22, 1815, Image 4

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MountFleaiant Academy Jr, .jp -|jf:. v -;-y ;0’ , * ; v-•‘'•jp/ WILL gb into operation “on the Iff ft day of next January, under the immediate drflCtion and:eon ■ troulof the fubfcribej. In this in ftitutiori prpvifton is made fbnhe iaftruftion 4 of both Male and Fe maje pupils. |Leunt Pheasant hp ibput five fmfes NortholPe terfburgn /in Elbert coun ty, Per* haps there & not m more heathy spot til theftatc of than this vicinity rate of ttihien v ‘be two dollars per month, or dollars per feflkm. Board with SIF of” candles, will be per month. No ftu r thisinftitution fora than one will end the last of May. Ihe Tecond Ifeffion will commence ©n the lotfiyf June, & end on the idtfi ofNoydaiber. ft is expe&ed that tuition VJ be paid one half M advance. TheYße&or will receive into his own family a boutioor 12 Boaters % henr\beid. November 18 —47 ‘ — - ;>y JLook Here ! Having moved our STORE on Main Street, one door below Meflrs. W ARE &SI ONE, We wiii al ways be glad to fee our friends, as We still continue to give good bar gains- We have alio just received an assortment of irefh goods T. W. SIMS, & Cos. “November 31. — 47 41 a _ -*• - Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold on the zbth of December next , at the house of the subscri ber, seven negroes, belonging to the estate of F Murphey , dec. CONSISTING of men, women and children. Terms of faie—one third cash ; the ballance twelve months credit, with fmalf notes and ‘ approved security, with interest from the date if ndt pundually paid. R. BOOKER, Administrator. September 23, 1815. *-■■■ - - -- - - Notice. caufe of he dissolution of co-partnership between Robr. Chmrsand myfelf is raigality and illegal proceedings by Robert Chi. vers, 4Up s hereby forwara nay person or persons whatsoever, • from paying him apy money on the Book of Harpfpn and Chivers for the year 18 14. THpOirK HARRISON. jfpril 2%, 1815.--rax ij-tf. ‘W'v. ’ ‘“NT *j •*■ • ■ ■’’tM’ vJP'• i: J.*-5,’- • - Now, is he i’ TfovaUe FIELI>'HANDS for falc che%for calh—-Enquire of the Printer. ! ■ * ’ ‘ v" * Nov. iy. CASH Will he given for an huhdred 6r t\yo weight of bacon-,—enquire at this office. - \ EvV•. STO!Uv£ The fubfcrlber informs the Pub ’ lie, that he has just received a sup ply of frefli goodsi which he will dispose of bn reasonable terms for calh or.produce. A. H. CFBfciON. . Executor's Sale. \ Will be sold on the first Tuesday ms k fanuqrj next at the Court W in all the persona! estate of RkhardftHlyard, dec CONSIST!IS G of the foik>/ ! ing negroes Jess, & two women, namea S-ajfc. Twelve months credit wilLhg* 1 given—-the purchaser to give with approvedfecurity. / 1 WM. HIUARD, hovember toj 181 cr— ,* Lfa ‘* ,/ , Lxeditol^'s3[e. ‘ ; Wilt be sold, cn'tJry'i^dojftlefitiiber next, at the lse residence if Wil- JhtWThurmad, dec. ftmctlcrjuing property : fit . Four negates, - houfellojd and laitchen furmture, one horf<£a flock of sheep, sjbd fome gees. Terms of sale the day of sale: > -7 f . ■PHILIP TIIUR/VIAN, micaj ah th u rm an, I* - > *,■ Eifcecuftrs. ‘ November iof 1815. —44 ts • SHERIFF* g^LE>’ n jW I L L bF go L > Ofi <j\ ucs d a y i n January kpxtj at the House in Oghfyorpe county , hours Wen? iff three 0 clock , wb^f^ltQ^ n gj^Qo r . ty , viz: • # A \ ji. y” One dark bay ten or ele ven years old, and omJbrW mare,- fix years old ; levied oftas \e pro* perty of Thomas yt the instance of John T. Lavpfrufck Also, V. une hundred and fifty attes V land, more or less, on the watera of Clouds creek,- joining Finding Dillard ; levied on as the prqfcerty of Young W. Short, ar- tfie in stance of Sufonnah Billups, William Billups, Executors of jbhn Billups, decafe, ana Robt. JBleuVoe. J Also , One hundred acres of* Rn 4 lon the waters of fc.g creek, joljng John Armfted levied on The property of John Rodgers, | the inftahee of Jno. McCarty. A;to v One bay mare, and one fe|t ler bed and furniture; levied on aj. Jie property of Wm. B. Brown,* ifhe .lftance of the trustees of ]\| bn academy* ‘ j /■/"Also, )V * One negro man, by the natit|of Daniel j? levied.- on the p wpkfvy of John theinftanfdof Burdelj, for Ferdinand ijhi nizy, and Paschal Murphy, for,jas. Freeman. Also, 1 v j One hundred & fixity five aqres of land, morp or less, on the waters of Indian creek; levied tan as the property William Kidd, |t the in stance of RoberfcF reeman,for John T Lawerenie. ‘Property pointed out by W. Kidd V Condtuons cash. PLEASANT COMPTON, %, Sheriff'. Nov. 30, 1815. •'* w_.. ALL perspns having or mands against the w Estate of John Qolley, jare of Wilkes county dec/ are requeued to bring them in, within the time by. lav/, and those that are indebted to the Estate are requelfed to make im mediate payment. - Francis CoHey,’ y. *l.. Sworn Executor. , Dec. 13, 1815. * 49 4t * JARTSHA TURNER f f* YF IS yet lite, or bas left any children, hagor th#y, By cpmtfmni? ‘eating witapxs, (hall receive infor mation which they become mterefted so their adUntage. * Windsor jsßigjee county, % m * Septeffir 7,181 y 0 thank the editors of the fckermnaQfifcipeA painted in peofgia, tfo give the above adver tisement, a piace in their papers, t three months—anf to fend us, edlh of them a paper eon- on the margin of which, if me ampunt due for the publica tion shall be rparked, it be sent them by post, or it mall be paid in any way thar they may, point out. # ‘V | . ■ 1-y. & W. A* Tumefy Ncv ‘17.--45- jrn. > “v’ ‘ : *1 ■ •- e J t.. ’ ‘-Mi> ’ | -A Notice. < /, fhf copartnerfhip *of Sterling Grimes, Nickelibi|, 6e Cos. has ex pired by its own limitation. ‘Thos. havings purchased th# interest o| Sterling Grimes & James H. Nipk elfon, in the above firm—fhoTe having claims on, or stands ; indebted to said firm will apply to Grimes and Knox tor feftjemjtnt; who are duly Euthorifed to the fame* STfeRLING GRIMES, JAMES, H NICKELSON, THOMAS. W; GRIMES, ANDREW KNOX. 1 * 1 The undersigned hatting become foie proprietors of the Fontainville Mills have removed their residence ,from Greerdboro* to thar place— offer for sale that well known ftancf for business lately occupied by them For terms apply to Thps. W. Grimes at the Mills near Greenfborough, or to Andrew Knox, Savannah. GRIMES & KNOX. Fontainyille Mills , ) Appalachee , 08. 14,181 5. ) v’- ? • v wit” >• r*. If “ i. Negroes For 4ale. THE fubferiber has thirty ne groes in families, which he will fell on r<&fonable terms for cash. Per sons difoofed to purchase are re quested to call at Millford, where one'haif of tht negroes may be teen” —the other not far distant. * The negroes to be delivered on Tffe &prb day of December next ’ BENAJAH SMITH. November x ~ 1815. —46 ts ; DAVID PLUMB, HA 6 /cs; RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE, * Supply of CALF SKINS, MO RGCCO SKINS, Shoe Thread ; bed Web Cord, Sic —pA few pair Ladies befit Morocco SHOES. Boots & Shoes made as usual. Dec 15. 49-ts CASH will be given for dean ‘ sLJNLN ou'COtrON r a g‘ s,-;:, at this , office, k J 1 - 7. . I- * aie. ’ • WIK nzsoLT, I x 8 16.. at the latere side s ram Mbrfon , dec nr. ff l k court 1 ty , afi the personal propel ftf saidM ‘ CONSISTINb of hor'!, . czSjM hogs, household kitep- en niture, -plantation Itbpls^:f c. vfitbi other - aFtlcjba ted^%As?;^n e p I ■ ‘* - ■ .-.C; ::■?s& VI Mph.K r™ e %y,’ m-v i fevml negpocs- confiftfngJLiH women* ?hd boys. Temuyfl made oh the day^ WM. W. BRcJt^g Dccembf-’ 51 1 815.* —4* | ;nn: II \3 R. CEIVF D M ’ YoKi.:, the fol>| BOOK ! which will Lg dlfpofcdß New-York Spelling-books, a J do. Prrmmers, Evangelical Toy* books, New-York Tree eptqr. Phi La aSelphia Primmers, Englancr Primmers, Pocket Fibles, with I Pfaims, Psalms & Hytnns,ifkrioußl Chaps, aborted ; Pikes Aritoma tic, Tutoss Afliftant, Harriot New ell, Adams* Geography, with At las— 0 lhis is a fine book for the use of schools. o Do. withouCAtlas, Reppor*s Hymns, Dic tionary, Devotional Somnium— School Testaments a?ad Webster’s Spelling books. A. H. GtBS(J?r. Dec. Ij. * STOLEN On the 24th November 1815, front the house of major j as. Patterfoa, eleven miles from Wa/hington, Wilkes county, on the road lead ing to Milledgeville 5 a ftuall bav HORSE, 6 or 7 years old, 13/ i hands high, all four of M white, roach mane, has a < m face, has lately been docked has afmall white spot on the near fide, occasioned by the saddle I will give twenty dollars for the horse and thief, or ten dollars for the horse and all ges, if delivered to rK^TfvTrni •ville,pry;Mr.CrejEfhaw,* or’ M dollars fur inform Juion of the horsel James Johackleford. Dec. 15—49—ts j Administr Jpr’s Sale. WILL BE at the markoP house in the of Wilkes county, da the firft Tues. day in February I next, all there* maihipg Personal Estate of John D. Dickinson, dec. confiding of about thirty Negroes of all deferiptions { aUo, a waggon, a horse cart, and two Sold for the benefit -of the Ifsirs of said dec. —By an or der of the honorable Inferior ccurs of Burke county. Conditions mdde known on the cray of sale. Gilbert Hay, Those persons who are m ar fears for negro hire, will please take notice that no will be given after that day. < G. H. t WsshragtoD, tsth. :Ei S .