The Daily evening mirror. (Macon, Ga.) 1866-1866, January 19, 1866, Image 2

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Evening Mirror. MACON, JANUARY 19, 1866. T. A. BUB.XE, ..... Editor. The President’s Message on Mexican Affairs, . In compliance wijh a resolution of the House of Representatives, President Johnson has laid before that body a report of the Acting Secre tary of State, with copies of diplomatic corres pondence in reference to the assumed Imperial claims of Maximilian. It seems that Maximilian formally and by letter conveyed by special en voy to the President, demanded the recognition by the United States of the Empire of Mexico. That the President refused even to consider the demand, and Mr. Seward returned the letter to il. de Montholon, through whom it was present ed, saying “that the United States was in friendly communication with the Republican Government of Mexico, and that, the President declined to receive the letter <flrto hold communication with the agent who brought it.” That answer was about as positive and emphatic a repudiation of the Empire as it was possible for official authority to convey, without intemperate language There remained the French Government to deal with, and in that di rection the correspondence is equally pertinent, pointed and conclusive. M. Drouyn de Lhuys, as “ the basis of an understanding with the Government of Washington,” required “ to be assured that it is not its intention to impede the consolidation of the new order of things found in Mexico, and the best guarantee the French Government could desire would be the recogni tion of the Emperor Maximilian by the Federal Government.” Mr. Seward replied: I regret to be obliged to say the condition which the Emperor presents is one which seems to be im practicable.” He plainly gave the French Em peror to understand that the United plates “re gard the attempt to establish permanently a foreign and Imperial Government in Mexico as disallowable and impracticable.’' He said that the policy of “friendship with France” “would be brought into imminent jeopardy, unless France could deem it consistent with her honor and interests to desist from the prosecution of armed intervention in Mexico;” and he de clared “that the United States will not recog nize Maximilian, even if the French troops should be withdrawn from Mexico.” All this is plain talk—direct, and to the purpose. University op Georgia.—A business letter from the accomplished President of this institu tion, informs the Columbus Enquirer, that the University opened wit h a considerable number of students, and that everything bids fair for a most successful session. This will be gratifying to Georgians especially, who should all feel an interest in its success and prosperity. JStsT The New York Chamber of Commerce has decided against co-operating in a movement to call together a national convention to devise measures to increase the production of cotton in the United States, on the ground that its culti vation is manifestly so important and profitable that “the promptings of personal interest wilt secure the desired results,” and that “this mo tive is already attracting the capital requisite to produce a large crop of cotton for the ensuing year.” This conclusion appears to have been reached after a careful investigation of the sub ject, and it serves to confirm other evidences of the success of the free-labor system in theSo(§th. A JjKw Fire Extinguisher. —It is said that a new fire-engine has been contrived, originating in the fact that water charged with ten tithes its Weight of carbonic acid is a complete extinguish er of fire. The compound is cheaply made and used with facility, being put into a small reser voir, which a man caries easily on his back to any place required, without more hindrance to active exertion than that caused by carrying an ordinary knapsack. Arrived at the place of ac tion, all the.fireman has to do is to turn a cock and direct the jet by means of a flexible tube and mouth piece upon the fire, the machinery inside giving the power of a force pump capable of throwing the jet forty feet high. The mate rial is as harmless to life, health or property as an ordinary seidlitz powder, is ready for instant use, and the longer it lias been stored in the vessel the more effective it is in action. It will extinguish a conflagration in less than five minutes—“almost instantaneously,” and costs from sl2 to $25 —elegant in shnpe and might easily be manufactured in styles that would adapt it ns an ornament either to the dining or drawing room, and thus confer upon every pri vate family of moderate means the inestimable blessing es security from one of the greatest calamities that can befall them, a disastrous and fata! fire. THE DAILY EVENING MIRROR. N. A. MEGRATH, Agent, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, - - GEORGIA, % HAS THE CHOICEST STOCK OF t % Groceries, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, TO BE FOUND IN MACON, Which will be sold at PRICES TO SPIT THE TIRES! HUNT HIM UP BEFORE YOU BUY ! jan!9-2m IRON WORKS AND FLOUR MILLS! Manufacturer of Steam Engines and Boilers, Cir cular Saw Mills and Castings, and Machinery in general. MACON FLOUR MILLS. Constantly on hand, for sale, FLOUR of all Grades ! In Cloth and Paper packages, FROM 121 TO 93 Lbs. GRITS, MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS,CHOP CORN AND OTHER FEED. janl9-3m Masonic Notice. SPECIAL MEETING OF M'ACON PODGE. No 5. will be held THIS EVENING. Mii-mig in good standing nre respectfully invited 10 at tend. J. EMMETT BLACKS HEAR, W. M. January 19—It A Card of Importance. BEING the Agent of Erwin Jc Hardee’s Line of Steam ers, running between Augustn and Savannah, and having a thorough knowledge o( the Forwarding and Commission business, 1 am prepared to act in either ca parity for my former patrons, with a guarantee of prompt attention to all consignments of Cotton. &c. References —Messrs, McDaniel & Strong. Geo. G Hull, Esq.. Richard Peters, \V. 1,. High. Atlanta Ga. jaul7— tw WM. B. DAVISON. Agent. Rooms for Rent. f PIIREE OR FOUR PLEASANT L ROOMS in a dwelling house. A kitchen room, servant’s room, carriage room and stables, singly or togethi r. F. r terms, apply on the prem ses to h Rev F. R MOULDING, Walnut street, between New and Spring. janl7 Steam Communication BETWEEN Savannah and Baltimore. Aline of new,elegant and fist-sailing STEAMSHIPS has been established to ply regular y eiweenSavannah and Baltimore—one leaving ea h cuy every Saturday Passengers by this ro"t*for N- w York will save iwo httndr and miles of s a travel, and will rec ive Through Tickets, via Philadelphia at the same rates now charged bv the New York lines. Freight will ai.-o be cheeked through to New York as low as by any o her route. WEST, BRYAN & CO, Agents, janl6-3t Junes’ Block, Savannah. Augusta Branch C. R. R, JANUARY 12. 1866. ON and after MONDAY. January 15th. Train* for Law ton ami Savannah will leave as under: Leave Augusir 7 00, a. m. Arrive Savannah 7 00, p. m. Leave Savannah 7 00, a m. Arrive Augusta 7 15, p. m. Staging reduced to 12 miles. Passage—Augusta to Savannah. sl2 J. M. SF.LKIRK, jan 16 — 6 t General Agent. WANTED. A No. 1 Book Binder. Good wages for a first class Workman. Apply to Jan. 13—ts. J. W. BURKE & CO. The Augusta Constitutionalist. Charles ton News and Favannah Advertiser, will publish twice and send bi Is to this office. BURKE & CO’S FARMER’S ALAAN AC FOR 1866 The undersigned have just Published TnE FARMER’S AI MtNAC. f. r 1866 Pbice 3 per gross hor 10 gross or Aore, $2.60 per gross. Dealers ordering 26 gross or mlre, can have their imprint and advertisement inserted without ex tra charge. Send m your orders at once to J. W. BURKE * GO., Second Street, next to Baptist Church, Macon, Ga. LIVERPOOL SALT. 1 pvfk SACKS FRESH NEW SALT, lIcJV/ MIGHTY CHEAP. jan 18—ts _jiS J. W. FEARS & CO. Tobacco! Tobacco! TULAHOMA, BEN BOYD, JAMES River, W. M. Smith Brands. janlS—tf J. W. FEARS * CO. Philadelphia Candles. 200 boxes, exceedingly janlS—tf J. W. FEARS A CO. " l Gunny Bagging and Rope. A bales bagging, low, 250 Coils ROPE, low. janlß—tf • J. w. FEARS & CO. Change of Schedule. CENTRAL RAILROAD. I Macon, Jan. 17, IGG6 J ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, THE 20th instant, a daily train, during the session of tlie Legislature. (Sundays excep ed,) will run between this place and Eatonton as follows. Leave Macon 77 a , m . Arrive at Milled evilie 9.68 a. m! Leave Milledg. ville 10 18 a. m. Arrive at Eatonton 11 45 a. m. KITUItN : Leave Eatonton l p. m . Arrive at M ilodgevill" .-. 227 p. m. Is ave Milledgeville 2 47 p. m. Ariive at Macon 545 p. m janlß-4t G ; W. SCATTEKGOOD Ass’t Sup’t. IML ]R. BEILX,! Sl Go., v (Formerly Bell, Moore C 0.,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION —-AND — Forwarding Merchants, Marietta Street, A. TILi-A.ISrT.A- 3 r : g'a.„ Consignments &re solicited, which will receive our best persona! attention, and the Forwarding b si ness carefu )y and pron ptly done. janlß-3in. LONGLEY & WALSH, auctioneers 1 AND General Commission Merchants, Cherry Street, At the Store formerly occupied byE. Bond k Cos., 3VI-A.OOISI, - - O-A , ♦ Rifxeences:—Wftmrre & Kirkland, New York; Hodgkise, Scott & Cos, do.; E. F. Wood & Cos., Boston; Fiske & Andtrsoa, do.; O. F. Chamberlain, Memphis, ’’ enn.; 9 G. Wood t Cos., Nashvil e, Tenn ; Hannon, Offuit & Cos, New Orleans; Crane, lohn-ton & Graybill, Savannah. G..; Blair. Smith & <O.. Augu«t», Ga.; L. G. Bowers, Columbus, Ga.; J R. Wallace, Atlanta, Ga. SES“ Particular Attention Given to the Purchase, Sale and Shipment of Cotton, Cotton Tarns,Osnaburgs, Sheetings,etc. JCHST H LONGLEY. I WM. WALBH, Os the .ate firm of E. Bond Os the late firm of Horne & 10. j & Walsh. jtmlß-tf National Bank of Augusta, AUGUSTA, GA. Capital, - - $500,000. W. B. DINSMORE, Pres’t; B. H. WARREN Vice Pres’t ; GEO. M. THEW, Cashier. Collections made and promptly remitted. Janl7 —ts PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, For the Pocket: Holding 6, 12, 16 or 20 Picture*. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Small Quarto: 30, 40 or 50 Pictures. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, / ' Medium Size: Holding 40 and 50 Pictures, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Oblong Style: Holding 80 and 100 Pictures. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, * Quarto Edition: Holding 200 Pictures. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Royal Quarto Edition : Holding 200 Pictures. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Royal 12mo. Edition: Holding 50 or 100 Pictures. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Os Confederate Generals, Distinguished European Personages, Fancy Heads and Sketches, COPIES II CEtEBRATED ffffi OF If. &C., Price of Plain Photographs 20 cts. each, or $2 per dozen. Colored, 40 cts. each, or $4 per dozen. Call and examine at the Book Store of J. W BURKE & CO., 2d Street, next to Baptist Church. * Jan. 19—1£