The Daily evening mirror. (Macon, Ga.) 1866-1866, January 22, 1866, Image 2

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Evening Mirror. MACON, JANUARY 22, 1866. T. A, BURKE, Editor. The Fire on' Saturday Night. —About 11.]- o’oloek Saturday night, a fire broke out ju the gf Mr. EJgerly, on the north side of Cot ton Avenue, abum half way between Poplar and Pine streets, which consumed that building and several others on each side of it, ex tending east as far as the house of Mr. J. Russell, on the corner of Cotton Avenue and New street, and west as far as the alley above where it started. The jvind was very high, and nothing twit the almost superhuman efforts of the fire department kept the fire from con suming a great part of that portion of the city. Most of the buildings burned were the prop erty of Mr. John Hollingsworth, but we have not been able to learn to what extent, if any they were insured. Among the sufferers, we have heard the names of M. Edgerly, A. Red ding, Pridgeon, Peary and Cherry. The latter, we learn, lost nearly everything. The London Army and Navy Gazette , edited by W. H. Russell, of Times' correspond ence fame, in notioing General Grant’s report, says: “ General Grant’s theory of war is sira_ ply this : “ I have. 250,000 men to the 150,000 of the enemy I shall not attempt any stragetical movements. I snail not try myself in the open field or ruse campagne against Lee ; but I will fight the enemy whenever I can, in the convic tion that I will.make him lose as many men as I do, and that at last, when I have reduced my army to 150,000, he will only have 50,000, and that I must then win.’ He saw no position, practiced no grand movement, but hammered away till the head of the hammer was nearly flattened and destroyed; but at the same time other tremendous armies were hammering away at the Confederates on similar principles, yind the terrible rule in arilhmetic was worked out. But who, seriously and candidly speaking, will pronounce that such a system is entitled to the praise reserved for high efforts of military genius ? Not Gen. Gi ant, for he appeals to the great end in view as the justification of his practice.” Robert Dalby, and his World of Troubles: Being the early days of a Connoisseur, is a very pleasant book, showing the struggles of a poor boy, who born with a passion for art, struggled on till he became a respectable artist If shows what perseverance, industry and patience can do, in spite of poverty. For sale by J. W. Burke & Cos. Price, $2 00. The f’hiladelphia Home Weekly, pub lished by George W. Childs, sets forth a tempt ing literary bill of fare for the coming year, with an array of well-known writers such as no other periodical of the country claims. The publisher is one of the best known and most reliable in Philadelphia, and one who cannot afford to issue an inferior publication- The subscription price of the Home Weekly is $2.00 per year. The Columbia branch of the .South Carolina railroad was completed on the 16th inst. Trains are now running daily between Charleston and Columbia. » Kerosene or Coal, Oil.—The most-beautiful, economical and pleasant artificial light ever in vented. The Oil sold by J. H. Zeilin & Cos., is very superior, being without color or smell. jan 17—ts ic rißMiniimnvwfi'—iinnnuwTiiiiHMßi biii $\ 11 mini ■■ mu Stubblefield House, MULBEHRY STREET, Macon, Ga , B. F DENSE, Proprietor. Omnibus and Wagon at each train to convey passengers and baggage to the house. jan22-3m The Poor Man’s Paper. The best family paper is published at THREE DOLL.4FS A YEAR, by J. W. BURKE & CO. Diaries for 1866. H aying a large supply of elegant I I ARIES leftover, we propose to close them out »»t GRE TLY REDUCED PRJCPaS. Twenty or thirty different rtyles. Call and one at J. W. BURKE & CO.’S. Steam Engines for Sale. Two rxcellent Steam Engines—one of Four Horse and one of Six Horse Power. They wiil be sold very low for cash. Apply to Dec. 2 i —ts J W. BURKE & C(). HI FAMILY NEffSfAFER, AT THREE DOLLARS A YEAR. By J. W. BURKE & CO. THE DAILY EVENING MIRROR. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. I. C. PLANT t RESIDENT. W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashier. DEPOSITS RECEIVED ! Collections made and promptly remitted for. Exchange on New York . AT PAR. jau22-tf I. G. PLANT WILL CONTINUE BUSINESS AT his old office, and willunake investments for parties as they may direct. ' He will also purchase and sell STOCKS. BOND3, GOLD, SILVER. BANK NOTES, etc., on which ne will.make liberal advances, until good sales can be made, charging a small commission for the same. jan22-tf Public Laws, Ordinances, . ETC , ETCf rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL HAVE I ready for delivery, within five days from the ad journment of the Legista ure aPAMPHLET contain ing the new Constitution, the public Ordinances passed by the lata Convention, and such part of the Freedmeu’s Code as may be adopted, together with all other Public Acts passed dpring the present ses sion. Owing to the increased cost of printing and the large amount of matter to be included, th price of tne work will be TWO DOLLAKS, or three copies for FIVE DODLARS. Orders, accompanied by the cash, shouldbe sent to us at Milledgeville' as ear y as possible. Copies will be sent by mail, postage prepaid, or by Express, as subscribers may prefer Publishers of Newspapers inserting this notice will be furnished with a i opy of the work, and receive our thankp. C J. WELLBORN, jan2o-If W. H. HUNT. Advertising for the Country. The best means of oircula ling your advertisements through the country is to put them in ihe Southein Christian Advocate, pub lished by J. W. BURK S & CO. J. W. FEARS & CO.’S Wholesale Souse. TN STORE FOR SALE LOW : 50 Bales Gunuy Bagging; 250 Coils whole and half Rope;. 5,000 Lbs. White Lead; 10 Bbls. Tanner Bark Oil. J. W. FEARS & CO., Linseed Oil and Glass. 300 802. es all sizes Os Glass— -Bxlo to 25x44 300 Gals Linseed Oil; 10 Cans Turpentine in 10 gal. Cans. J. W. FEARS & CO. POWDER and SHOT. 1,000 Bags Shot—assorted and Buck ; 50 Kegs F. and G. Powder ; 50 Kegs F. and G. Powder. J. W. FE ARB & CO. Soap, Sugar and Bread. 50 bbls C, Yellow and Crushed SUGAR ; 100 boxes Palm and Turpentine §OAP; 300 boxes and half bbls. Bu ter and Soda BISCUIT. J. W. FKARS & CO. Flour, Fish and Cheese. 200 bbls. Falls of Ohio and.other brands of FLOUR 100 kits No. 1 and 2 MACKEREL; 25 l /i and % bbls. “ 100 W. R.and Hamburg CHEESE. J. W. FEARS & CO. STEAMER iKSMO** tk Charles S, J 1: Hardee WILL ARRIVE Oil TUESDAY, with 3 i.OOO lbs. Plantation IRON and 50 dozen AXES, various brands ; 250 pair TRACE CHAINS;' 50 dozen Weeding HOES. For sale by J. W. FEARS & CO. 4BF All the goods by this steamer are scarce in Georgia and New York. Our customers will do well W) send their orders at once—already large portion sold. jan22-3m J. W. FEARS & CO. ’ TlllSlllilllllffi SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY. Published by J. W. BURKE & CO. N. A. MEGRATH, Agent, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, - - GEORGIA, HAS THE CHOICEST STOCK OF Groceries, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco? TO BE FOUND IN MACON, Which will be sold at PRICES TO SIJIT TDK TIDES! HUNT HIM UP BEFORE YOU BUY! "SBA janl9-2m J. N. SEYMOUR, OFFERS AT WHOLESALE OR retail the finest Chewing Tobacc in Macon, he also keeps the lower grades of Tobacco which he. pro poses to sell on reasonable torms, jan2o—3t Masonic Diplomas, Elegantly" gotten up in col ors on Parchment aud done up in Pocket-Book style: MASTER MASON’S DirLOMAS, ROYAL ARCH MASON’S DIPLOMAS, *, COUNCIL DIPLOMAS, ENCAMPMENT DIPLOMAS, Singly or in one Case. For sale by J. W. BURKE & CO. TIE HIST Ml II THE SOUTH. A QUARTO SHEET, AT THREE DOLLARS A YEAR, published by J. W. BURKE & CO. r _ • IRON WORKS AND FLOUR MILLS! Manufacturer of Steam Engines and Boilers, Cir cular Saw Mills and Castings, and Machinery in general. MACON FLOUR MILLS. Constantly on hand, and for sale, FLOUR of all Grades! In Cloth and faper packages, FROM 121 TO 98 Lbs. GRITS, .M EAL,BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP COHN AND OTHER FEED. ja-nl9-3m AM iml of Importance. BEING the Agent'of Erwin <fc Hardee’s Line of Steam ers, running between .Augusta and Savannah and having a thorough knowledge ol the Forwarding and Commission business, 1 am prepared to net in either cc paciiy for jny former patrons. \\pih a guarantee of prompt attention to all consignments of Cotton. &e. . Referkni’ESt- .Messrs. McDaniel & Strong, Geo. G Hull, Esq., Richard Peters, W. L. High. Atlanta. Ga. janl7—l w WM. B. DAVISON, Agent. Rooms for Rent. up H REE OR FOUR PLEASANT I ROOMS in a dwelling house. A kitchen room, servant’s room carriage room and stables, singly or together. For terms, apply, on ttie premises to Rev F. R. COULDING, Walnut street, between New and Spring. janl7 Steam CominujiicatiQii BETWEEN Savannah and Baltimore. Aline of new, elegant and fast-sailing STEAMSHIPS has been established to ply re ul ir ! y Mel ween Savannah and Baltimore—one leaving ea li city every Saturday. Passengers by this route-for N-w York will save two nun dr and miles of s a travel, and will receive Through Tickets, via .Philadelphia, at the same rates now charged bv Die New York lines. Freight wiil also be checked through to New York as low as by any o her mute. WEST, BRYAN & CO, Agents, janl6-3t Jones’ Block. Savannah. BALTIC HRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. ACi ILHt’Y AT GA A First ClijnS Company, with a Capital of $200,000. will take Fire Risks. Losses promptly paid. J. W. BURKE, Agent. Jan. B—i w* * LIVERPOOL SALT. 1 K A SACKS FRESH NEW SALT, Lt/U MIGHTY CHEAP. jan 18—tf-SBKS J. W. FEARS & CO. Tobacco! Tobacco! TULAIIOMA, BEN BOYD, JAMES River, W. M. Smith Brands. janlS—tf J. W. FEARS & CO. Philadelphia Candles. DA A BOXES, EXCEEDINGLY M\J\J Low. b janlS-tf. J. W. FEARS & CO. Gunny Bagging and Rope. K A BALES BAGGING, LOW, fjv 250 Coils ROPE, low-. janlS—tf J. W. FEARS A CO. Change of Schedule. CENTRAL RAILROAD, ) Macon, Jan. 17, 1866. j ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, THE ■2oth instant, a daily train, during the session of the Legislature. (Sundays excepled,) will run bet * sen this place and Eatonton as follows: Leave Macon 7 a , Arrive at Mihedneville 9.58 a. m. Leave Milledgeville..... 1018 a. m. Arrive at Eatonton 1145 a. m. RLTURN: Leave Eatonton 1 p. m. Arrive at MdledgevilD 227 p! m. Li ave Milledgeville -2 47 p. m. Arrive at Macon 5 45 p[ m janlß-lt G. W. SCATTERGOOD, Ass’t «up’t. M. RTBELL & Cos., (Formerly Bell, Moore & C 0.,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION —AND— Forwarding Merchants, / Marietta Street, ATLANTA, ; r Q-A_, — . " Consignments are solicited, which will receive our best personal altention, and the Forwarding b si ness earefu ly and pron-ptiy done. j..n18-3m LONGLEY & WALSH, AUCTIONEERS AND General Commission Merchants, Cherry Street, At the Store formerly occupied by E. Bond & Cos., MACON, - - C3-A.. References:—Wetmore & Kirkland New Vnrlr • Hodgki.-e, Scott &Cp , do.; E. F. Wood iCo Boston ™ Si v' Chamberlain, Memphis rikft'jc 'v °i 4 Co -’ Nashvil.e, Tenn -. Hannon, Offuit & Co 1, New Or eans; Crane, lohn.ton & Grayfcill, Savannah. Ga.; Blair, Smith & Oo„ Augusta, Ga - Q Bowers, Co.umbus, Ga.; J. R. Wallace, Atlanta Ga.' Particular Attention Given to the ‘TDgL Purchase, Sale ..nd Shipment of Cotton, Cotton Yarns, Osnahurgs, Sheetings,etc. Os A CHN ? „ J * WM. WALSH, Os t\e at • firm of E. Bond Os the late firm .d'Horne • & °- I & Walsh. jenlß-tf National Bank of Augusta, AUGUSTA, GA. Capital, - $500,000. IV. B. DINSMORE, Pres’t; B. H. WARREN Vice Pres’t ; GEO. M. THEW, Cashier. ’ tf tiODS made and P ron >Pt!y remitted.