Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 1936-????, April 05, 1936, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT LIONS ROAR AND HORSES NEIGH AS CIRCUS HEADS NORTH READY TO OPEN SARASOTA, Fla., April 4 (TP) —Somewhere north of Sarasota, a train of 100 cars is speeding toward New York. The roar of Hons—the neigh of horses—the chatter of monkeys—intermingled with the „ With Best Wishes For i 1 Continued Success ' to MSAVANNAH DAILY ’ .' Wry* 1 ' ; TIMES 1 * HARMON CHEVROLET CORP. ; 7 North Jefferson St. Dial 5147 Savannah Daily Times v We Offer Our Congratulations ane Best Wishes UA For Your Success < I Benton Brothers Transfers \\ x & Storage Co. PHONE 4171-4172 410 West Jones Street. ' : Savannah, Ga. • *» MM ' I , .W z ~ L\V \ u Congratulations and Best Wishes To \ SA VANN AH DAIL Y TIMES L Y “A HOME NEWS PAPER" f w . Kg-' " I X * ’J’ HE ATLANTIC MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY IS ALSO A 1 r HOME OWNED INSURANCE COMPANY. I 1 FOR THIRTY YEARS AN ASSET TO SAVANNAH’S GROWTH. ’'" I \ x HAS SAVED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO THE \ \ PEOPLE OF THIS SECTION THROUGH ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, ON I $ ffHEIR INSURANCE. I /i EMPLOYS ONLY SAVANNAH PEOPLE. Ii & \ RESOURCES OVER $800,000.00 LARGELY INVESTED IN SAVAN- I r Is : ENJOYS REINSURANCE CONTRACTS WITH THE LARGEST MUT- ~ K r , £ XJAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES; THERE- I 4s I BY WRITING LARGE LINES ON PREFERRED RISKS, REINSURING I Mb PART 0F THE EXCESS 0R SURPLUS BUSINESS WITH ITS REINSUR- ■ '4 I ANCE CONNECTIONS AND AFFECTING A SAVINGS TO ITS POLICY- H HOLDERS. | A SAVING POLICYHOLDERS 25 PER CENT OF THEIR INSURANCE 4 % COSTS AT THE PRESENT TIME. AS A SAVANNAH INSTITUTION DOING A NATIONAL BUSINESS IT REQUESTS A PORTION OF YOUR INSURANCE. Atlantic Mutural Fire Insurance Company | 19 EAST BAY STREET SAVANNAH, GEORGIA u Resources over 800,000 C. H. KONEMANN, President ’ J. A. PALMER. Assistant Secretary Irik fRED VESSELS, yjc# President a nnd Secret-; . . -WESSELS, Jr, Treasurer > . & L- mi ■— — -■ "—i Features for the Homemaker click of train wheels as Ringling Brothers, Barnum am Baily Circus heads for Madison Square Garden, N. Y. Along the route many stops will ■ be made. The animals must be I watered —and exercised. However, > the train will roll into Gotham in • time for ’he gala opening of the • 1936 circus season on April S. TOWNSENDITES BREACH SEEN AID TO PROBERS BY HOUSE ATTORNEY WASHINGTON, April 4, (TP James Sullivan, counsel for the House Townsend Committee, plans to use the breach between Robert Clements and Doctor Townsend — co-founders of the S2OO a month old age pension plan—to bring out the real story behind the organiza tion. Clements —recently resigned secretary of the group—will resume his testimony before the committee today. Sullivan stated that he will get Clements to divulge information on the things Townsend did against his wishes. Later, when Townsend takes the stand, Sullivan added, the I lope on Clements’ activities will > brought out. Between the two them, the Kansas City prosecutor pec’s to we~ve the real story hiud the organization that grew m 5100 to more than a million lars in a little more than a year, ’lements’ testimony on Edward rgett California Townsend nager—is an example of this itegy. For over a year, Clements d the committee, he sought ta nove Margett. But, he added. Dr .nsend stopped im. Sullivan be .eves that the story behind why Elements wanted to remove Margett and other Townaend managers will contain damaging evidence. MISSION SHELTERS THOUSANDS ATLANTA, Ga., April 4—(GPA) More htan 15,000 homeless men and boys have been provided sleeping quarters overnight, and 12,920 meals have been served to persons appeal ing for food by the Atlanta mwion since last November, it was reveal ed. in the report of the Rev. Felton Williams, director, at a meeting of the board of directors. In addition to taking care of the poor and homeless who visited the mission at 125 Ivy street, hundreds of families were given groceries, coal and clothes during the winter months. SAVANNAH Diittintes. SUNDAY. APRIL 8. 1936 GRIMY NAIL!IPS “ CAN BE REMEDIED Powdered Pumice and Peroxide Will Restore Them to Whiteness, Says Gladys 'll Twill . BLmF* Jh Is w MF?: 1 O' • -M 11 W Z/Z A '**< By GLADYS GLAD “America’s Most Famous Beauty” According to a well-known book of folk lore, women down in the Hebrides consider the tips of the fingernails magically able to cure fits. In this country, however, some fingernail tips are enough to give a woman a fit. The kind that al ways look dirty and grayish, I mean. The sort that simply will not stay clean and white-looking regardless of how neticulous a wo man is White nail rims are essential if the hands and nails are to appear well.groomed. There are three types of prepartions generally em-, ployed to keep the nailtips white.' The first of these thre is the com ’ enty type of nail white —which is ; not one of my favorites, as it has ! a tendency to become hard and cak i ed under the nails. The second is > the nail white pencil—which, in > my opinion, is a very handy object i to own.' And the third is the liquid - bleach—which is best for use at ■ night. Oftentimes, the reason the nail : tips acquire a chronically grayish hue Is because a hard mteal imple ment or sharp file is used to clean under the nails. Such instruments usually scratch and tear the delic ate underl.ninrs cf the nails and leave them rough enough for grime accumulates in the tiny grooves and fissures, and sticks tenaciously, giving the nails a dirty, grayish ap pearance. Effective Remedy ' If the underlinings of your nail tips have become rough and scratched, powdered pumice and peroxide constitute an effective remedy. Moisten a cotton-tipped orange stick with peroxide, and dip it into the powered pumice. Then rub It under the tip of each nail. The pumice will help to wear away the roughness, and the perovide will help to bleach the nail rims white. Most nail bleaches and Whiteners are rather drying to the fingertips. They tend to harden the cuticle just under the nails. It is, therefore, ad visable to use a' good lubricant un der the nails after the pumice and peroxide treatment. If a bit of cold cream, nourishing cream, or cuticle cream is Inserted under each nail nightly, the fingertips will remain soft and smooth ,and the nail rims will be aided in retaining a clear, white appearance. ANSWERS TO QUERIES Weight ' Laura: I think that a girl five feet five inches tall and 24 years of age should weigh about 130 • pounds. Gloria: It Is indeed possible to develop and shape thin, scrawny thighs, legs and ankles. Full infor mation on this is contained in my article on “Care of the Feet and Legs”, with advice on foot health and comfort. Blonde Hair Rinse Bella: The blonde hair rinse to which you refer should be composed of the juice of one lemon, one table spoon of vinegar, one tablespoon of peroxide and a pint of clear • water. i Astringent " Betsy: An excellent astringent for a sensitive skin can be made of equal parts of rosewater, glycer ine and witch hazel. If this astring ent proves too drying, reduce the amount of witch hazel. SENATE TO TRY JUDGE FACING IMPEACHMENT WASHINGTON, April 4— (TP)— —lmpeachement trial for Florida’s Judge Halsted Ritter will begin Mon day in the United States senate. ‘ Counsel for the jurist filed a point by-point denial of every Impeach ment charge Friday. Judge Ritter de nied that he allowed excessive re ceivership fees to a former law part ner; that he made any profits from the transactions, or that he evaded income taxes. PAIR SENTENCED TO HANG VANCOUVER. B. C., April 4—(TP) Two men were sentenced to death today for the murder of a Vancou ver zank clerk. They were sentenced to be hanged June 19. The condemn- i ed men are Charles Russel and Earl Dunbar. They filed nodes of appeal | from the death sentence. Boy Can’t Get Nerve * To Propose Sure She Loves Him, Lacks Courage to “Pop” Question By VIRGINIA LEE Pie*»e Print Thia. SOS’a Helpless n QL because 1 know a lot of tel wa have the eame trouble but i«y can’t get enough courage to -k you. io help them out too. ”1 am la love with « girl. I am U and ebe !• 11.‘ have been go. ’ng »cgather for ceven months. We have talbi * about different things vbee w eare married. I have beaten around the bush, but I never could come to the point to ask her right out. “ Let’s get married? Isn’t there another way to say it? Maybe I m bashful, but I don’t think It's that. I’m crazy about the girl and I know she loves me too. “Do you think it is O. K. to buy furniture on a payment plan? My Job Is a steady ne, so I’m su-e we will get along swell. Maybe you wonder why I don’t have anything served since I have a good jc'l Well. I have been the support of the fam ily but now xjy di> has a sood steady Job. “I wan to get married soon. Tlease don’t let me wait too lorj for an -n-wer.” Bless your c, my dear boy, the way ask girl to marry you doesn’t matter, does it, as long as you get the idea cross? You don’t have to get down on your knees any more; that’s a comfort. It seems a matter to me just to say to a jirl, “You know I’m crazy about you, honey. Will you marj’ me just as soon as ever you can?” Not So Simple However, it doesn’t seem as sim ple as that, for I’ve asked several married men to tell me what their technique was when they popped the question, and so far I’ve only had one helpful hint. • That man fought through the war in the Canadian army and he said he was on furlough in England, and only had one evening and the following morning with his girl. They had been corresponding for. three years. He said to her, “I suppose you’ve gotten yourself tied up with some fellow since'l went away?’’ She said she hadn’t and he said, ‘,,‘How about taking me?” Now I call that pretty neat, al thoug he admits that she hcA teas ed him since about the way; he put it. Maybe you could show her'an-a<- versitement of a house or apkrt- Congratulations to ■ a f ' Savannah’s New Daily Newspaper And Wishing It Lots of Success Cochran Coal & Wood Co. 1501 WEST BROAD STREET 7' ■ ■ Alnutt Music Co. 216 WEST BROUGHTON STREET C. D. Kenny Co. 116 WEST OONGRESS STREET Walthour & Lynes CITIZENS TRUST BLDG. •i f . 'rfa.y- - . • Thomas C. Helmly 20 EAST BRYAN STREET E. & W. LAUNDRY 715 EAST BROAD STREET Howell Service Station 402 WEST BAY STREET G. E. Allen * Louis Rayola 2520 BULL STREET meat, or aom« taranaro to give yoa oourago. aad »»b b«r ts abo would Hko to Uva la each a piae* *baa aba martiea or ba*e •< tno turonure Ilka that, aao th*a add. "You ra go !ng to marry mo, areal yo« hockoy?’ It ihM* eagfaattona do not i«»n practical, •me o>< aiata and I'l have thought of eoma moto. Toa bava tba adaaotagd of knowing eh> loves you. anyway, eo you aeeda'* bo formal at an and you can bane on thr tact that ebe’e dying to bear tho guoatlon pot. ao matter bo* Its don*. Tho bout of luck to you Son, and lot mo know how it oomoe out. There waa no n«od to eand the dima. but as you did. I’ll hold It until hear that you’re all set and than celebrate with It- Under the circumstances I think | it is all right to buy the furniture on the installment plan, but don’t buy too much at a time so as to make it too much of a burden. GEORGIA LICENSE TAX DEADLINE EXTENDED BY TALMADGE ORDER ATLANTA, Ga., April 4 (GPS)— Governor Talmadge haa granted a thirty-day extension of the time for 1 payment of state license taxes with out a penalty. The new deadline is : ——■— i ' Congratulations and Best » Wishes To J SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES t i ' Beer and Wines, and Your i ■ * • ’ Favorite Beverage J Patz Grill r - • ■■■ , I . ... 1 “SERVICE WITH A SMILE” > WE DELIVER 21 W. CONGRESS ST. DIAL 9188 and 3-1943 ; *.v. " ■ ' ■ ' W May 1 mxeae OS April 1 The nata coPe«U app»oxn»«t* 18(0 </W> pee annum tiem cccvt uor.aJ and bcen/e t-xea. which a. poo to the •ariou* county tax c< lector* rernuua ty 'b*n> ’c U compttuler gert-tal. Bec»u*e erf tb» mu up o’er »taie ftr«n r * , » »rd th* change tt. ecmptr<- ,v “* •#» collection# of \icrna* taxe» have reported thus far. Auto Loans easily and/ quickly I i GEORGIA INVESTMENT CO. 311 Savannah Bank Bldg. Phone 4184