Savannah daily times. (Savannah, Ga.) 1936-????, June 30, 1936, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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COMMUTERS PLAY WAITING GAME IN SLASH RATE WAR LONG ISLAND RAILROAD TO APPEAL COMMIS SION'S RULING NEW YORK, June 30 (TP)—Com muters who use the Long Island rail road are waiting for the line to reply to a public service commission order calling for an immediate fare rate slash. The Long Island has refused to fol low the Interstate Commerce Com mission order to drop passenger rates to two cents a mile. Company officials argued that as the line was an in terstate road, it need not follow the I. C. C. order. Commuters raised a bitter protest and, for a time, there was considerable confusion, with many passengers refusing to pay more than the two-cent rate. At least one commuter was arrested on disorderly conduct charges when he obstinately refused to pay more than two cents a mile. The P. S. C. order, handed down yesterday, ordered the Long Island to put the two cent rate into effect to morrow. However, it is doubtful that the rate cut will be made before the commission's ruling is taken to court. The Long Island already is fighting a similar transit commission order in the courts. EX-VICE CHANCELLOR PLEADS FOR MONARCHY VIENNA, June 30 (TP)—New strength was added to the move to bring back the Austrian throne today with the announcement that former REAL ESTATE LOANS M. GOLDBERG 32 BRYAN ST., EAST DIAL 4117 SUMMER SALE OF USED CARS One Big Day Left For Values We Offer Practically Every Make and Model THE CHATHAM MOTOR COMPANY BY FAIR DEALING AND HONEST VALUES HAS WON THE CONFIDENCE OF THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS IN THE PAST 20 YEARS. MR. SOL KAMIN3KY, PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY SAYS: "NOW, WE VALUE THAT CONFIDENCE MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. IT MUST BE HELD REGARDLESS." SOL FURTHER SAYS THIS IS NOT A MONEY RAISING SCHEME, BUT AN HONEST EFFORT TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF USED CARS NOW IN STOCK. OUR SALES OF NEW CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH CARS HAVE FAR EXCEEDED OUR ABILITY TO KEEP THE USED CAR STOCK NORMAL. NEW CAR SALES ARE NOW FAR ABOVE EXPECTATIONS. SINCE OUR PROFITS ARE DERIVED FROM NEW CAR SALES, WE HAVE DECLARED WAR ON USED CARS. WE WILL SELL THEM REGARDLESS OF COST. 1935 CHEVROLET 1935 PLYMOUTH MASTER “6” COACH DE-LUX SEDAN Driven 3,000 miles—Only In perfect condition. $195 DOWN $195 DOWN Balance Small Monthly Payments Balance Small Monthly Payments 1935 FORD “V-8” 1933 PLYMOUTH DE-LUX SEDAN FOUR-DOOR SEDAN With radio and accessories. A real good value—For only $l5O DOWN $125 DOWN Balance Easy Monthly Payments Balance Small Monthly Payments 1932 CHEVROLET 1931 FORD “A” FOUR-DOOR SEDAN TU-DOOR SEDAN New paint, good tires, new upholstery— Good paint, tires and upholstery—only Only $95 $75.00 Balance Small Monthly Payments Balance Easy Monthly Payments 1934 CHEVROLET 1933 CHRYSLER “6” STANDARD COACH ROYAL SEDAN A real economical value for $l5O DOWN $175 DOWN Pay Balance As You Ride. Balance Easy Monthly Payments 1935 PLYMOUTH 1934 CHEVROLET DE-LUX COUPE MASTER “6” SEDAN The perfect 2-passenger car. A rea l n * ce ca r lor only— slso DOWN $145 DOWN Pay Balance As You Ride. Balance Easy Monthly Payments 1932 PLYMOUTH 1931 PIERCE - ARROW TU-DOOR SEDAN 7-PASSENGER SEDAN See this one today for only— In perfect condition—For only $75.00 DOWN $75.00 DOWN Balance in Easy Monthly Payments. Easy Monthly Payments. CHATHAM MOTOR CO. LIBERTY AND DRAYTON 415 WEST LIBERTY ST. BIRTHDAY IS FAMILY AFFAIR HERE J*®* * -Jr -Wnntr- 1 * I Mt A 'i ’ 'I FT A A < J "Ww f I Ms z / ) w ’ v. | / % y j eg Lucille, Billy and Elsie Mae Colquitt Holding birthday parties for their three children is no trouble at aH to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Colquitt of LaGrange, Ga. For Lucille, 13, Billy, 11, and Elsie Mae Colquitt, 15, left to right above, all were born on August 11! Mathematicians have figured that the chances of a family having three children, two years apart, each with the same birthday, are 270 trillion to one. • —Central Press Vice-Chancellor Emil Fey favors a re turn to the Hausburgs. Fey who recently was ousted as head of the Vienna Heimwehr, came out with his call for a monarchy dur ing an address before a gathering of Austrian veterans. The former Vlce- Chancellor spoke of Austrian Preten- der, Archduke Otto, as the “Kaiser of Austria" and pleaded for his immed iate return to Austria. Royalists Interpreted Fey’s speech to mean that the Heimwehr would join the army In supporting the drive for a re-establishment of the mon archy. , SAVANNAH DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1936 FARMER’S GROUP IN UNITY DRIVE GREATER GOVERNMENTAL BENEFITS IS GOAL OF CAMPAIGN ST. PAUL, Minn., June 30 (TP)— Leaders of the farm holiday associa tion launched a drive today to unite farmers of 25 states in a demand for greater governmental benefits. The association has called farm strikes in recent years in protest against farm mortgage foreclosures. Today the organization opened its annual convention in an atmosphere of dissatisfaction which was intensi fied by a widespread drought. The delegates will discuss measures to combat the ravages of dry weath er. They will also try to reach a deci sion on what support they are to give the Union party. The third party’s presidential nominee, Congressman Lemke of North Dakota, bases his appeal in large measure on pledges cf expanded aid to agriculture. The association president, John Bosch, will wield the gavel. Milo Reno, the militant organizer of the group, died several months ago. COXEY TO BACK LEMKE’S PARTY FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE LIKES THE AIMS THIRD GROUP MASSILLON, Ohio, June 30 (TP) —William Lemke’s new Union Party has a new backer today. "General" Jacob S. Ooxey, the leader of the fam ous “Coxey’s Army” of other days, has dropped his own presidential candi dacy to battle for the new third party. Coxey, the veteran of a dozen or more presidential campaigns had an nounced himself as presidential can didate on a farmer-labor ticket. He took his hat out of the ring with the announcement that he was joining the Lemke firing line. •‘AU political factions must come together to fight the common enemy, the money changers," said Coxey. “The money changers have named Landon and Roosevelt their servants. If either of them win, they will pre serve the system that drains interest from an impoverished people.” Coxey first won national fame in 1894 when he led an army of unem ployed workers in a march on Wash ington. “Coxey’s Army." as it was called, broke up when the “General” was arrested for walking on the White House lawn. COLLEGEPUPILS THREATEN ACTION STAND BY DEAN AGAINST CAMPUS HERO BODES TROUBLE NEW YORK. June 30 (TP)—Col umbia University student liberals are threatening drastic action in their protests at the dismissal of Robert Burke. Burke, a Youngstown. Ohio student who was president of the junior class and middleweight boxing ch-.mpion at Columbia, was forbidden to return to Columbia by an order handed down by Dean Herbert E. Hawkes. Liberal campus groups, however, insist that the expulsion order came from Pres ident Nicholas Murray Butler who is out of the country. The order barring Burke was bas ed on the undergraduate’s part in an anti-nazi demonstration staged in front of Dr. Butler’s home when the University accepted an invitation to send representatives to a University of Heidleburg ceremnoy. Leftists at Col umbia are asking college authorities to explain why Burke was picked out of a crowd of 200 for punishment. Unless Burke is allowed to return to school, American student union of ficials said, a general student strike will be called in September. mayoFwalmsley SURRENDERS JOB POLITICAL TRADE CAUSES RESIGNATION OF BIT TER LONG FOE NEW ORLEANS, June 30 (TP) Mayor Semmes Walmsley of New Orleans will surrender to the Huey Long political forces today when he steps out of office. Walmsleys re \ lation is a result of his fight with the King Fish. The two leaders became bitter political enem ies when Long forced through state laws stripping New Orleans of home rule. The Mayor recently bargained with state forces, promising to give up his post if self-government was restored to the city. State leaders snapped up the deal and scheduled the change of New Orleans political power for to day. The man taking Walmsley’s place is Conservation Commissioner Colonel Robert Maestri, one of Huey’s lieutenants. WHOOPSTmYDEAR! BOY’S PET RATTLESNAKE IS TAKEN AWAY BY THE POLICE NEW YORK, June 30 (TP)—Young Sanford Glass is mourning the loss of his pet today. He blames his older sister, Harriet, for the whole thing. Sanford, a 17-year-old Erasmus High school student, kept his pet, “Willie,” in a box under his bed. Har riet, however, didn’t like the idea of "Willie" from Sanford’s bedroom and transported him to the prospect park zoo over the young student’s bitter protests. “Willie." you see, is a four-foot, dia mond-black rattlesnake. POLL TO SETTLE WORKER STRIKE RADIO FACTORY AGREES SUBMIT DIFFERENCES TO LABOR VOTE CAMDEN, N J., June 30 (TP) Hopes rose today for an early settle ment of the strike at the R C. A.- V.ctor plant. A strikers’ committee went into a huddle with a company spokesman at Philadelphia. Out of the conference came an agreement to ake a poll to determine which of two unions represents the major of the 12,000 R. C. A.-Victor workers. The electrical and radio workers union called the walkout eight days ago. There followed a series of dis orders, arrests and disagreements. 7 he union president was arrested. The ten tative agreement today approves a poll of workers, with the provision that the strike be called off, and that the company agrees to suspend opera tions unt 1 the balloting is completed. LANDON RESUMES PARTY COUNCILS G. O. P. NOMINEE IS GET TING SET FOR HARD CAMPAIGN ESTES PARK. Colo. June 30 (TP) Politics comes back into its own at the Landon summer ranch this morn ing after a five-day exile. Governor Alf Landon has put in al most a solid week of rest, riding and hiking at the mountain resort. The presidential nominee’s trout fishing plans were upset by muddy waters, caused by heavy rains. ’ Today, the first of the Kansas gov ernor’s advisors are expected to ar rive for a sries of war councils. Al though Landon plans to do no active campaigning until late in July, he has plenty of work before him as a presidential nominee and a governor. The men scheduled to confer with Landon today are his political ad visor, Charles Taft of Cincinnati; the Columbia university economist, Ralph Robey, and Congressman Wil liam Ekwall of Oregon. ALABAMA CELEBRATES BANISHMENT OF TOLLS MONTGOMERY, Ala., June 30 (TP). —The state highway depart ment, civic clubs and other associa tions in a score of Alabama cities are ready to celebrate the freeing of the state’s 15 toll bridges. Last week the Alabama Supreme Court affirmed a decision whereby the highway department may assume $3,800,000 bonded indebtedness ness against the bridges. The deci sion removed the last barrier in the deeply involved two-year financial legal transaction. The decision also enabled Gover nor Bibb Graves to discharge a cam paign pledge which many financial experts said was impossible. Bondholders of the Alabama Bridge Corporation have until July 10 to file a petition with the Supreme court for a rehearing. “SOUTHERN” JUDGE DIES KEY WEST, Fla., June 30 (TP)— The southernmost resident in the United States is dead. He was Vining Harris, judge of the Key West crim inal court. His home was on the southernmost point of Key West, the southernmost city in the country. lIrEDERAL Savings . * loan association 808 REALTY BUILDING SAVANNAH, GA. ——T-Fl— —P— —— | J. ...J Real Estate Loans LOWEST RATES REPAYABLE ANY TIME INTEREST ON UNPAID BALANCE ONLY PROMPT SERVICE- -NO RED TAPE Investment, Savings FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID GUARANTEED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCY WITHDRAWABLE UPON DEMAND For Further Details See: ★ CHAS. E. BELL, Secretary Telephone 3-1490 || A New Home II or I II IMPROVEMENTS ON YOUR PRESENT HOME I II IS THE BEST I INVESTMENT FOR I I BONUS I I MONEY I i El II - CONSIDER THESE SUGGESTIONS - 11 || SCREENED PORCH-GARAGE-MODERN KITCHEN I I || FINISHING THE ATTIC SPACE II II PAINTING II HI I I WE WILL BE PLEASED TO DEVELOP YOUR 11 II PROJECT WITHOUT CHARGE FOR THE SERVICE. || || HARDWARE - ROOFING - WALLBOARD || || GOLD BOND PRODUCTS ■ II The Bright Brooks I II Lumber Co. I Il HENRY ST., AND A. C. L. TRACKS—- PHONE 4109 I PAGE FIVE