The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, February 04, 1886, Image 4

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F nshine Miwic. I a Nn Mb« iNin tkf Im- | z driirn. f itsoii "Our life •• • r ii.' > wo* N*<t M<'i*onalJ> Ml t<<i K'fcnitu*! H« the lx 4 in *l»« •or*ic«. » nJ g< KM out he ge‘» 10 bw elMmhl <T"rU * nt . m r. :-ul«r I’resbv j|, j« »!*«)« r<*Jy f° r * t Ihe *»r he tie" hie *up il> p ‘p< ;,H before going continue I the gentlemen, , , hat i time of it- I here on inf "tonmcii meny » night • than half . mile. t«-yi“g *® ini the lu itiehilier* I **' t„ 1, ( . ,hot every minute It u pie mot bueinee" hunting 4H. I ~ nml }<t theie i» »ome , t it which >• jieculiarly ti„;; What rio you think of out in thu wood* night t in iitinin electing or enow- •w?" rin;’ >:r last (old "(e ll when az-1. tn. I to transplant the in this ncighlH.rh.xxl, 1 it in the w.o h It wee cold h to fiuez.. my toe naile off, but u in in bv rolling over and over, u t drank any liquor in many hut if I could have got hold of it night 1 think 1 would have 1 it I have rode horseback iii [liU nlu'ii 1 would be so cold I I .uldii't bonu my elbows One it wa. .o <■ 'ld that ve stopped built a fire imd then we like to .to death. We w<ie afraid to o wl. "i', for fear the b .ye would r it all night Katie with us." [ow do .the people tn the mixiu e diatll.'tS treat V oil ?" >h. tbev uh kind enough to us, »I,Hie of them are very trencher I o my own part, 1 have never any limbfe Icm go through of the upp'-r comities in diivlight ii. i. iI <■ iiiol< st< d I make it a ,to treat the men like they were th i mu when 1 an. st them. They kind tr.jatment and never forgot indue's ' I ' , er l < pn "hot nt ?" Y. nd tihiea, but it was ' ».n"Zit m.’ht I wns eating a inti-ip into one night and had it it Hut of my bund." po the mo nah.tiers always go med?' , I •• \ M n o. i d t'li'i", they do. \\ Idle ~ .ini ~ r -'l"< they keen th. ir bl ’1 ~ I .• '' ~l*l ,« ~ • ti oi i" >, w.< i. vet they •i .i ..i i e U'li-n limy go uroiind i:,.. ,|iv tli'«i ie:i.rally carry then ,ins Km lii'S. !oh ( ii long wayr ith them But 1 must be off." ... -- ■* El’rf to Ufiw. I is l i U ible to witness the antis u h n an.l interest which four •r live Ii i i Ir. I p .pie watch the an- * u |, I, v lu'i «• on a crowded | .n win S ich an ip -de never fads i t ie.ii* t feeling of fiieildsbip and ii , . urn ng the looksrs on. Ihe uttl ■ f i imilltici of life are forgotten and even man’s n< ighbor is his broth, r t.*i the tune b< mg. A horse lee. ullv bulked ill Chicago, says a We.l. iii paper, and a reporter took dow i the toll"*mg utterances from the ci wd in:mediately assembled "Twist his ears” "Baek the wagon on linn." ■ fw I,t tI . "I liii >w what I d do." "S > do I.” I d hurry hiiu out of that." "S >M I "Biudfoll him" "tie gentle with him" this is fsnn niiiv voice "Recite poetry to hi ,, i.“ "Hitch another h use to him." "Wisii't he was an horse for 'bout a minute and a hall ' \ll'btHi you would." "V iu‘d sue.' Tn'ii'i * auddeidv wilks away. s<> ala ■ does the friendly crowd. • •• owe IttW Militated 'Miffttn From enly Li discretions. Excesses, Ac !t you will xnd me your name an 1 a Idreia. I wilt eeudyou by return in nt a Ire it:. ■ u * -luse -nd curs of nervous exliauadon, lost manhood, loss of memory. dimna«s of vision, and | all oth'i symptoms ari.iug from self •bus , overwork or study. Xegl.-i t ran. s of iiisaintv and earlv death Adder.«. ' T. \V Rier, I i I'u.ton St,. B: WnxntwiiuLiA* nul A I*ft, Bxt'crloncr'. Remarkable and quid ci a*. T; -I I xatfea. Send «.Amp <«'ri>i. Jed p*» ulan*. Address Dr. VBAED \CC Loulalana. the skin. Its Diseases and Cure. 1 Tlii- clasH of troublesome complaint# embraces a large Hat, some of which afflict near ly cverv family in the land. Heretofore the' treatment of nearlv all those diseases has been very unsatisfactory and unsuccessful, a»'l the people have been very much deceived bv pretended remedies. A majority are caused by an mpure,’ vitiated condition of the blood, and as most of the blood remedies ct the day re iiiiire 50 to 100 bottles before you discover that they will not effect a l in e, we offer B. B. 8.. which makes positive cures by the use of only a few bottles. The most common of the skin diseases which are cured by the use of B. B 8., the only quick Blood Purifier, are as follows: Eczemw, Old Ulcers, Impetigo, Almctshes, Eiysip* fe", I' utter, ifiiigwurm, (urliiiDcles, Scsl'llieiiw, Itching Humors, Pruritus. Blotches, Did Sores, Herpes, Pimples, Boils, Itch, Splotches, Beautiful Compexion is sought by the use of cosmetics and all sorts of external ap- j plications, some of them being poisonous. All females love to look pretty (which gentlemen do not object to) and a smooth, soft, dear complexion adds greatly to female charms. Tin* use of B. B. /»., will purify your blood, will remove blotches, splotches and bumps that appear upon the face and neck, and will tinge the pale check w ith the roseate hues ol nature. One or two bottles will convince any one of its value. No family should tail to keep />’. A //., in the house, as there is no family medicine its equal. Rheumatism. One author says: “Rheu matism is due to the pieseneel in the blood of a vegetable or: inisin ofdelinif ■ characters." Aui'th»r-a;s: "Il is due t the presence of a poison in the blood which is of the nature ol a miasm.' The disease h iving its origin in the blood, it is reasonable to suppose that it must be cured by remedies directed to the blood. A successful remrdy must produce certain changes in the composition of the blood, and when this has been accomplish ed, all pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints subside. Tins M<Tount» for the reason why ! i xtcrual upplii Htiinii full to produce permanent relief. i But we now have the remedy which acta like magic in giving relief to nil forma of iheunintnuu. rheumatic gout, rheumatism of the joints, uiuaclea and heart. It also cures syphilitic and mercurial pains and rheumatism in an , incredibly ahort time. The fee. cannot be denied that B. B B (Botanic Blood Bnlml Inis proven itself to lie the most speedy and wonderful reme dy for all Jorma of rbeutuatiaiu ever before known. Those who were prostrated in ts-d and could not get about, lima been curt,!. Men with t wo crutches, and hobbling along with stiffened and painful joint, withered fivsli, loss of deep and appetite, are cured by the use of B. B. B. Cast aside all other rem dies, use B B. B. and you will K>on have no use for crutchea Many who read thia will refuse to l>« cuied by the iim of B. B 8., but : we advise all such to drop us a jxwtal card for our B>s>k of Wonders, free, which is tilled with Btarthug proof of cures made hen* at home > lams full ii f uniat. -ml skin I i ' be Iv .hood Balm Company, At- Ga, and you may be made I b «lT.v. J Blacksmith Shop. ITik* Uns method of informing the publie :hat 1 viU opin U>e tmuitb ard wahm! I rcecutlv occupedbv Powrll Hardt, at I Harlem t n Frbuary Ist, All orders wih be pnMnpilv attended u>. ? .W g ATIINWON. THE GREAT 5,10 and 15 Cent Store, No. 526 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, G. B. DUKE, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Plain, Stamped and Japanned Tinware. Wnoi.KSAi.i and Rktaig Dealibs In Crockerr. I.imp" und Gla«"ware, Wooden and Willow-ware. etc. Jewolrv and ranev Go»»d"a specialty. I’.-ff.tiD", Guttering and Kspairing promptly attended to. an23-I TVOTICJJ. Order your Gin Ribs from I’IMJIETOX FDIiORV MAflllXß WORK CHAS F. LOMBARD, Propr. \t M. PENDLETON, Supt. maxti actv::i: and deal in MILL MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, No. 615, 617 nml 619 Kollock Street. Augusta, Georgia f'aHt-nr" of all kind" executed iren or brane. Pnllevw. Gearing., Jgutd I box*", Sn-'ar Mills. Injcctoif, Water Wheels, (iorernors. Sawn, Files, Engine fei.pplies, Ini Fronts, Balcony Castings. Ar., Ac. Special Attention Given to Repairs.! 'orreHpoiiderice wlicited. n ’ 27 me. C. P. C. M. - Clouds Creek PUR TA BL L CORN MILLS Make the vs. y best Meal. Prieea low. ' « buiJu them ir a' erv ■ ub- tantial nunnr, We also reii the KuL 1 ING IX.IECTORS, lh« bent boiler feeder made. U|dy one handle F V ,o operate The ATLAS F.nGINES aid BOILERS, the ERIE ENG IN EH and BOIL vBR I BS. the VAN DESEN JET PUMPS. Make Idk a s I 'Tf all ' l r ®P®* r kinds of machinery; aloe keep r a full stock of Engines and Mill Tittinfe, i Aetr. Cf c. R. Lombard &Co. Feendry, Maehine and Boiler Works. Eoundry, .Machine and Boiler Works. Also Mill and Engine Simply House. Augusta, Ga. CULTIVATOR. Ko “ PlmMr \ /Hl n \ I / Medal and Hlghaat Anrfe (k. wl Std ll/l o f n theQr.ataoaiUen Lx>a- ’ u‘.. aJr 3 siticQ, Louisville, ly, and a H X GJ* of biato Fairs In 1883-4. I - 1 Hi «■> antira ulul>. Wp 1 A ■ ' t ‘ iS I a * tfr’D. Tne dnin&ad alnwuly tNa Maaon ■ aZ 'ill/ rtli*bl c agents >n *> otxmpiml Uarrtfcory. . Smwl for oateioewe maiUd Addrwa, HKNCH A DROMCOLD, York, Pa. Ham. this paper. I MRS. N. BRUM CLARK !• dosing spring and summer stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods at greatly reduced prices. Zephyrsand other wools. Warner’s Health and’Nursing Corset always in stock. Crepe Veils renovated at short notice. Parties in arrears to Mrs. Clark will greatly favor bv making an early settlement. * • Mrs. H. Brum Clark. - THE - = ORGAN\ WO car «•* Kecord. rOB fatift— MET 1 ,s ” |ui« Beipocse nurabinij UullU by Few and Surpassed by Him. Aokaowiaiced by competent Jadens to be one of she BIST FOR TEE LEAST MONET. Byf.srn K'lnf to buy ar oryan do not fall to , . and price Um. We k been eetAbhibed ainoe 1866 Bad • W years' rwxxd. lEIESTHIICOTTKEOBUIIHL . _ ■SKDOTA, ILL. . • - Er' r? r 1 .4 STortS aud rtATERS, AIM WA UM ING UIUkTES. RCROOL ROOM HEATERS. Each combmiac the Radiation and VentilaUea e< aa one naa with tb« operation of a vans ata rvaaaea, ato Parlor and Cnk Sloven. Raw.. ctr r*f Eß, f L Ft nXACKM, ’ circtlan maL»d cm apphcautß. TSX utmckj toxaci a rra. cc. 7« Beekman Bt. N. Y. City We Stand at the Head 1 WITH THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, Davis, Household 1 and 111 NEW HOME Sewing Machines, NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free. 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machine* taken in exchange for above makes, to be eeld a half value, $5, $lO, sls each, warranted in good Hewing order. Sewing Machines of all makea epaired. (^yAgents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Trice Lists to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, 'Dip S< wing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augnata, Ga WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRY ! Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. HAVING purcliascd F A. BRAHE’S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and «>naolidaU< with it; lie elegant Htock formerly carried by me at my old stand under th. Central H.t.l, 1 now offer at reduced pi ices the handsomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, io , .ver a... i* tliis city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streets, and familiarly known nn “Brahes Corner.'’ Mr. BRAHE will remain with me, and will be pleased to see his friends WILLIAM SCHWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad atraat To the Millinery Trade. Do not purchase, or place your orders, until you have seen our immense eU*k. We hav. lhe prettiest, ueatest, biggest »ud most stylish line of Millinery and k'ancy Goods. To he seen in the South will occupy our store in October. Experience in the combination of colors, honest work, good material and nolite'attenti.n in guaranteed. For quality onr prices will range far below that of competing firms. Call and see us, we solicit a portion of your patronage fi r the Fall Trade. Respectfully, k». Mrs. S. E. Potts, Agent, Nos. I,CoO and 1,u20. Bread St., Augusta, Ga. AT GOODYEAR'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND A FULL LINK Os Medium and Cheaper Grades OF Open and Top Buggies, At Lower Prices than at any ether House this side of Cincinnati. This work ia all mid. U OI Lv T*i Llgh ‘ cr , 6nnmnq ami Better Finished than the clas. of work «u21.8v Jld ard ehteles. But I have just received a Full Line of Fine .enerally seld ae Stand- Family Carriages, Phaetons&Cabriolets! Jnst received another shipment of those Fine Open and Ton _ .> ■ . ders, by the best manufacturers North and East Nothml Upon ' ,peCl * l ,r ' then, vehicles but the best materials and in Onalitv KtvU . 1 r "T 1 1,1 ,11 * (,on " tr >’Ctioß if. ■ other, now iu th. market. I„ .took i Full Lhm oF ’ ? Mnd F ‘ Dl ’ b ’ ,re ™ ddleS and ’ ' Which I will offer ,( Tower Price- I ?a\ber'< g's'l '' efore been known in the history of the bnsi- Luc’nVof .uiierioL^-^b^ ’ «l> "«»"• Oak 'and H.tnloek " ni l Wag 'll Miterials, Harueae Leather, Belt H-vstuvi Voting. Ale. a full line .f HARDWARE. I Gm" *>'• ». P 'wdet Table ami P . ket Cutlery, Plow Points for all makes. Nails, Axes, II e. I .il l M. i I'Pi u I 'iks, bhovela, Hpailee, Steelyards and Seal. Beanie, Grind *'' *' l> I- I ■ x i arp' iit.i 1... 1., 1 il«n, Hinges, W indow Sash, Doors and Blinds, Farm and < bureh kelle, I am vtlenu( al Lowest link Prices, A. R. GOODYEAR, Agent, aij . -a Rucoeiter to R. H. MAT A CO. It iMd !4Un.|, Opp-v.-MtR <’,R.r ? <n i(1 l, Bank, 704 Broad St. ; Grloltc AUGUSTA, GA. J. W. Gray, Proprietor. • ;o: l'rirVA?p- l 7!’ Xim ’ ty Hoa ’, , ‘' telegraph Offices. Express Offlce, PostOffi... Oath. , * '--‘Lofroom. W. H. SIMS, Chief Cleric.