The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, February 11, 1886, Image 4

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.wwn- . I --"- 1 — -J— l - ■* A Trein ‘Jhl.hih ban<l Slide. ha Sib nlah Tr.H a Ttwb’e I T rriM* Ww. Conner: We.lnr hy morn ing .bout 1 * t Ala.. v<iv in the virWity or r>Hi..ns» • i -i. „ i !,«• n etfirtliug turl untiMuai 1 RWrtkpnt 'l »>▼ n , i• u Arrunirmnied >' v H winch w«» B'C'l.ipo.l | im iibk ' "• ' ■'" ' gr, 1 Aboil fmm Slcrum.' >- Hl.. S U- Mounts al d tlm i.T'h nil - >•' »* areit Ur wall liutfo boulders nn*l run w.iMto wiw MU h fehfls.ofr.xU Home of «b<- boul <l<-r« pr -j'clml over level kml, mid I, fl)l -/nue on the top of one of tlx-wcin ).„k <1 w« into the widen, of the Clmttoogn river. AUmt one mile <1 Ibi put »>1 the moimt un ; begun bn..Line lorn*. ami with « treu.eml.iu* nur rushed to the vnm-.' below, wbei« it emptied a great mass of twu ami trees About one quarter -of a mih- of the ah.lo rush. I ha way ju-p.m the Chait .•; i riv< making a complete .I'ifii, loul causing the I'water to back a distance of aevaral mile*. About 7 o'clock the water I broke aroun l the sli le mid rushed I with terriblu foice into iU rcgiilm channel I elow. At the place where the slide l«ft the m untaiu si le them w n p.-rpemheular wall of about sod. ami about 5 I feet from the I »p there is » K'. at holo 20 feat in diameter, which is supposed to 1 <■ an entrance to a c.r.<■. The slide ami stripped in uintain is a wonderful hi lit, mid . umli I. *• > twi.plu me cumin;' from all n-' tiotiH , to vi w the w u lerf ' r >» 1,1 iui!'U" | ( is sii.l the not made In the sti l,n • w '.a heard a <lt.,lanc * of ten tinlva. but terrible ns it was, there was im 1 sh to life oi piopcrtv. Tin cjirth and boul Irra have been tlireaten i i'l'g to break down evi r since the h’.vv friii/.’. but no one expected ho • Hriims nre edt iih tliw A few ad ' vclitilioiia people ire in il.iir: prepara thins to Hcalo tho pI.H <’ W.l I lie' all ie cam" from ami explore the s ip posed cave. • • • || le'.mt Cf sort With In l .helie .'iY i‘ ■WtHICr '!*•’». J - b.U’K -I h».’ l ,<> a ». '♦ nt I-Hi, »!r , I ' <‘l Tn '■’■''it I. O’ . .• St! r, 8a... -I' • ■ • •• Besriied l».\ Buzzards. I trtli.-'-Hh’u 1 ' !l '■ I ~. .. iS . A .tilth - I mail Who ii' -s 1.1 the <■ is.ejii purl o! * this count) I. Ils one of thom atones ? that few pc oplp will bell v« "without ■ Be ing it.” lie says tiit he was out fox hunting, and when the ch i> ■ w n j ut the height of its excitement his I burst rm into an o’ I w> ’I t irty f > I J .|ee < Tii •It >ri •wisii 4m l. kill I I it. i ,<• i!'.. '■> it he i I i' wis i L s i'.i a . s •; i’i<- w 11 hi I •iv I i i it | thi> Ikitto >i u flirtmiCii of thru.' or f<m.i ft feet, anil the gonlii-iu ill si>s this pro vtn'ed getting <mt by iliging foot holds It'th in ; his aituati n, he bo' in Io <■ JI for help ut the top of his voice, but no assistance cinie. Hu wii conipelh il to retnmn in t ■■ well all night, iitnl the next morning B the stench arising from tin dead r.i: cus of the horra wis anythin ; bi. pie limit, an I he liotie.-d that Im ’ ai I • were s siring over the spot, I'liislly th.' bi■■ uh • I w .n to ah w 11, an lit wis then that a bright idea struck him lly dei .deil to 1 c.lle'l the buzz ilfls by the legs as the) c.iiue .lowa until he g 't a sullic.eii', ll mi >er to c ici) ipin out. I’tiil he ill I. an I when lie caught ns in.inv as In i hin Is wool 1 h »ld, ho "shew. 1” nt them, mid they tlew up, cairving him out of th? w ell. Bit s ill tiu< fax hunter was in a diie uu i I'.in buzzards tlew so r.ipidh tli it ha e > ill not t u n 1 fas • when he reached to lop without tailing back in the well Upward ttie bn/zar ls flew with their human freight, a t ths f >\ luiuter began t ide.spiu of his life utter all. When about JiM >ards tiie ground the fox huuter was ! just to let go and fall, when lie wis sitii.'s by mi tiler blight i lea lie doeifl si to lows.' . ne buzzard at a tioie fluid Im Weight would pul. them downward Acting upmtms plan, lie was IMXIU lalifiCfl sifelv Uiiuli tuv ground I‘uo geistleiu m wa > tells tins s.ori tells ilia ail s. rio is less amt aslm>aga h« actually believas it true, but u will ue a loldcr day tnau any we had during the re<-eut i ' . i d ixitore Lv v-iu ,'.t any > ody el . : i believe it. r*sej»»w»w - the skin. Its Diseases and Cure, i This das.; <>f troublesome complaints emJiracfs a large lit, some ol which afllict m ai lv cverv family in the land. Heretofore the tieatment ol nearly all these diseases has been verv iin.'Uti'faetory aid umutccmfal. and tho people have been very much deceived by pret. tided remedies. A nmjoiity are caused by an up nre vitiated condition ol lie' blood and as most of the bj,,,, | rcmedii s of the day re quire o' lo 100 bottle before \oti discover that they will not licet a < tire, we idler 11. I’>. I> vhii-li makf"' positive cures b.\ the use of only a lew bottles. The most common ol the skin dise.i-i - w hi. Ii are cured bv the ii'" ol 15. 15. I»., the ottlx qitiek Blood Purifier, are as follows; Ec/u inst, Old Ulcers, Impetigo, Absc. such, 1-h 'Hip' Ins, Do Tetter, liingw im, Curbunck'H, S il ihe.i, Itching ilumolH, Ihui it'll, Blotches, Oi l Sores, Herpes, I’iinpk'H, Boils, Itch, .Splotches, Beautiful Compexion i Bv the use of cosmetics and all sorts of external ap plication . some of them being poisonous. All females love to look I .ell . w hi'-h gentlemen do not object to) and a smooth, 'oft, clear complexion adds .iil\ to female charms. rhe' use of 15. 15. /A, will pttrifv \out blood, will remove blotches, splotches and bumps that appear upon the lace an I neck, and will tinge the pale I i, with the roseate hues ol nature. (Jne or two bottles will <■ ivinee any one of its value. .No family should lad to keep /> /». />.. in the house, as there i - n i iamily medicine its equal. Rheumatism. (Inc author says: “l.'licu lil.i isin i ■ due to th * pre etiee 1 in the If i> I of a vegetable "iofd iiirte -h it-1 -ters." : 1 t t . i lit <i. .< i>!> hi i.. t :<• > 1 whit I, is of the nature 01 a i;i. in. ' Th ■ tlis a<e li i ving its origin in the bl til. it is reas Liable to siipi.o<e that it must be cured l>. lemedie' directed to the bl Mid. \ smeessiul remedy must jir ilm e certain < lianges in the ■ coaq 0.-iiioa oi the blood, and \v.i ii tin-Im.'been accomplish ed. all pain, swelling and stillness of the joints subside. I ills mc i nits for tli<> r.»ss<ni why i \l‘i nit applications fail to produce . I erinaiieut relief. But we now have the remedy w Inch nets like m.v ;e iu giving relief to nil I "ini' of rheumatism, rheumatic gout, i rhi'iumiti-iii ul the joints, muscles mid heart. It also cures syphilitic mid im . cminl pains mid rheumatism in mi un r>.nlnv short time, the fae. cannot be debit d that B. I>. B. (Botanic B! i>d lias proven itself to be tin- most sjieedy ami wonderful reme- ; ,1\ for nil forms of rheumatism ever' bi fore known. Those who were i pi 'trated in bed and could not ge i: out, have been cured. Men with t x ' 1 1 uti lies, and hobblingaJong with : i i I tinful ji ...t. withered : th s’i. I'ss of sleep ami appetite, are i eu. .1 by t..e use of li. B. B. Cast aside all other rem dies, use B. B. B mid vm will soon hate no use foi crutches. Manv who read this will refuse to be c.ued by the use of B. B. li., but , »< i lii»e a 1 such to drop us a postal i l<u "in Book of Wonders, fret. >vl .t ii is filled with startling proof ol • its made l:er<> at home. It also ntiiius full information about blood d s,m dise is s. which everybodi should read. Address Blood Balm t'ompanv. At via. <ia. and you mav be made happy. f r lea the Drug Store o'. Dr. D. Peeples, Harlem Ga. I aug-2'i j iiliiJE lIMi.L BIRMk Sllor., .lair i lining aiui stianip.i uig tion I in ui<- . .alt,: and in s, ».< iim.c luanner by j M.IM OSH A ROBERTS. | il t-a nt r.t’.J ba n U;v« aa a cad. i\.lu, *U«uUoa« * THE GREAT 5,10 and 15 Cent Store, No. 526 Broad Street, Augusta, (la, G. B. EUHE, Proprietor,, MANUFACTUREK AND DEALER IN Plain, Stamped and Japanned Tinware. Wb xsp Rrriia Dbxlibh I» Ir , l<,.rv. • tOl i«w jr o. W.». leu aicl Willow-ware, etc. It,. »n23.J_ _ a w—«La- O Order \ our (1 in I’ibs from PiAllli.llA FiilAllin’ nil MV'HM UOIIK CHAS F. LOMBARD, I’i p'r. MM- PENDLETON, Supt. MA.xi i Air: :,7. and deal in I MILL MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, No. Gls, Cl7 and Gl9 K Hock Street. Augusta, Georgia — :o: —— >■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ *■■ -■ ‘ ■ 1 ■ 11,1 l i . nt. , lU.cony ( a.-tingH, Ac., Ac. Special Attention Civen to Repairs.’ J. . ■ ■' I—l u. c . P. c. M. S ciouds {retk ■ Q poItTABLLCOIIXMILLS -i'll Bl - s ! ,/j >' J U Make thi VO y best Meal. Prices low. MVwl E? >**■'*** * "Va. ~ PfJ !&' ' '-d f 'Qt' i 'SriSK liu '<■ 1 I tin ri' a’crv ub tai tial mantie', MK k ‘Ac WwBWaH Ml e- th- Ki 1.,1N<. I x.l ECTORS.*}«.- wNI ;,.t 1, ilcr I-"I'-Imaiie. Only one handle O r-C to operate, 'll"' VII AS ENGINES nui " / I ' W '• 1 BOILERS, the ERIE ENGINES and BOIL- / -V . i 1- y \V\ i ts. , t „. VAN DVSEN JET PVMPB. Make f■ ’• I ! . W ■ \ lll( j a i r all kimlH i t machinerv: aleo keep J J.y! •'■■fc-■' 11111 ’■tcck'ii Euginee and Mill FittiugH, -Sft C (c. R. Lombard & Co. roundly. Machine and Boiler Works, foundry. Machine and Boiler ’A’orks. Also Mill and Engine nb- Hee p \ pcrjicfq On. CULTIVATOR. \ double Hote Corn Planter z / I ?A rrti ttachmrnts co»n~ /A A- -7’f.A plete in on, /[ \U ft ■*- ' i Received Medal and Hi chest Awards // ; j i>i Merit a*, ihe Greattiooihernlxpo- V*' '• ; 1 si’irn, Lonisv!be. Kv and a num- ‘ bur of biate Fairs in 1883-4. H'-'Vy.y ?THIWtMOBMIELII. ■A v i I Thoii’nnds in use giving entire satisfac* V/ ' • - scasun IS %p/ ’ ii/ ’ / ix*reetdues as large as last year. V* I'll ’ R r L!ABL r AGENTS wanted in all un- I;, J occupied territory. _ V ■ Send for catalogue mailed free. Addreaa, HENCH & DROMQCLD, York, Pa. Nam this paper. | MRS N. BRUM CLARK Is closing spring and summer stock of Millinery and Fancy I Goods at greatly reduced prices. Ze hyrs and other wools. Warner'' Health and Nursing Corset always in stock. Crepe Veils rem vated at short notice. Part es in arrears to Mrs. Clark will greatly favor by making I an early settlement. I Mrs. K. Brum Clark. 1 WESTERN OOff COTTAGE biKLH LJO V em- i’ Uecorcl. rOR Bairtiful SWEET I°VND Y JHISH T° i IASTT r . . ; ' i. ESIGN Eir.' 'j' .j®Durability Eqaalled by Few and Surpassed by None. Zckxxowhsiged by ca imp tent judges to be one of Uiu BEST FOR THE LEAST MONEY. B you arr going buy an orjnin do not fail to •end for our aral. • < ai.d price h>t. We bare be« n o'.it ed and have a 3) years’ recortL TBE WESTERN COTTAGE ORGAN C(L 1 MENU OTA, 11.1.. & if F" 1 st.ives a ... itatzrs, a:r warming g; ' . ' :: "M nE'.TERS. Each :: liatioa and Vcntilados of an opxn r:ax v. i the operation of a warm air ruEKACR, a 8 . Parlor and C ok Steves I.VIPr.ISIAI. u 1.-. ACES. Ac’ Circulate malie 1 on appi. cation. TZ2 mrasr miucz & rrs. co. 76 Beekman St. N. Y.Citv. We Stand at the Head WITH TTTE .JUS---.. LIGHT RUNNING Igllll domestic, Davis, Household frlfejiwiiL AXD Hl NEW home Sewing Machines, NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free epaired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lifts to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, Tlie Sewing Machine and Organ Dealcre, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga WATCHES! DIAMONDS! JEWELRY I Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia, o nAVING purchased F. A. BRAHE S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and .onsolidated with it: he elegant stock formerly carried 1 y me at my old stand under the Central Motel, 1 now offer at reduced prices the handsomest s*eck <»f Jewelry, Silverware, &c., Bee ■ 1Q this city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streets, and familiarly known at “Brahes Corner.” . . Mr BRAHE will remain with me. and will be pleased to see his friends. M ILLIAM SCIIM EIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad street To the Millinery Trade. Do not purchase, or place your order?, until you have Been our immense stoek. We hare the prettiest, neatest, biggest and most stylish hue of Millinery and Fancy Goods. To be seen in the South will occupy our store in October. Experience in the combination of colors, honest work, good material and ponte attention i» guaranteed. I or (jaahtv our prices will range far below that of conmoting firms. Cali Ind s'ee us, we solicit apm ofyonrpain c forth F Respsetfcllv, Jw. - . Agent, Nos. and i.Cou. iiroau St., Augusta, Ga. AT GOODYEAR’S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND A FULL LINE OF Medium and Cheaper Grades OF Open and Top Buggies, At Lower Prices than at any other this side of Cincinnati. This work is all made to order, ire Lighter Running and Better Finished than the class of work generally sold as Stand ard Vehicles. But I have just received a Full Line of Fine Family Carriages, Phstons S Cabriolets I Just received another shipment of those Fine Open and Top Buggies, made upon special or d'Ts, by the best manuf icturers North and East. Notb’ng being used in the construction «f these vehicles but the best materials, and m Quality, Style and Finish, are unequalled by any others now in the market. In stock a Full Line of ‘ Saddles and Harness —All Grades! Abich I will offer •. t I ower Price* than have ever before been known in the history of the busi ness Milburn. Studebaker and St ndard Plant tion Wagons, al] sizes Oak and Hemlock > -le Leather, <’alf Skins shoe Finding-. Carriag- and Wagon ds, Leather, Belt Lacing of superior quality, Rubber and Leather L-e.ting. Also a full lint of t IIARDM ARE. Guns, Shells, Powder. Shot. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Plow Points for all makes, Nails, Axes, Hoes, Picks and Mattocks, Pitch Forks, Shovels, Spades, Steelyards and Seale Beams, Grind Stones. Lakes, i’udxock*, Carpenter louis, Files, Hinges, V. indow Sash, Lucre and Blinds, Farm and church bells, which I am uttering at Lowest Cash Prices. A. R. GOODYEAR, Agent, ...u j r. . Succetßor to R. H. MAY & CO. At the Old Stand. Oppnofite Genrgnißailio.iit Bank, 704 Froa<l St. Globe Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. J. W. Gray, Proprietor. ? e‘ L°f’et’iF X ln?. y J«» < ?E er t-- HoU ' , f- 1, : ' la l’ ll Express Office, Tent Offiee. On th. VSIM; 1 CS ” iO&>UUU w. H. SIMS, Chief Clerk.