The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, March 25, 1886, Image 4

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State Gleanings : < I .JtI.XT EVES IS AS MOULDED Bl THE STATE PAPERS. I The News of the W <*ck (lather ed and Hoik'd Down An Hour With the Scribe.'of the Press. Tl»* r<-in a fannl) in Gtow ‘'k c unty «rti •dating of a man, bit wif ml lbr« childr* •», , wlpw weight i* lee* titan tWo hon* 4r<*l jkiuihl*’. Tb*i*‘ »* aii«»Haa-r fawily that altogether wrii(b ju*< tw-» Ihoneaml Rimi ni irr Umu the rtr*t family mentioned. Prohibition w«rrka •nely in Lumpkin. Wbifo *<rtur <>f the i Jtiltr *lnnk< im mn ! <>H afl*T an oe<*Mi«fUal jug of bug there i* not hoar tb< <lrnukcnne*« and r<»«lyi«m among the hogroow a> flit r« wv wb<-n whisky van add h»-r<*. H.. write* <mr cornrapon dent Mw'»n f‘« lagrapb. Tb» large poplar t •nm *r Captain Ahn an'tor’a, in Waehingt n, b*« quite a history. It It mb-uf 27 !• • • diarn • r. I‘nd’r tin * i»d • /»f tin* romantic tr«' th' first *' ' >.••><» u» <" ■' vuk 1 mi 1 b springer tl.« that Presbyterian ordained in tin was sei apart to hi* " 'rk of pn aching Mr. H. N. Nichols, of Pulaski county, h« I a young man ploughing a g I* »rse last w<- k and he dr v» th' h'«r»« n t i» •’■< nt'. Into a burning stump bole, and tin- Iroiw* g"t l>oth hind I* i t and legs Into the the fin* and b-tors the stiff* ring animal could erinite th** hair end »«kin w«« <le*D ■-1 nd hie hoofs will probably shod or grow of!. He will not Im Ht for use for many months Tbs Lumpkin Unind train on tin Ann ricus, Preston arid Lumpkin h«<l was olmtmch <1 by liriiAh, plank, eb- , in a row gap n< ar Kendall a croaeifig, with a view to ditching the train Monday afb riitM»n. Ih‘ obMiutions w< r<- seen in time to prevent an accident and tin r«»a<l wa» cleared. Tuesday morning the row gup was filled up again with crosstie*, plank and brush, hoi the rngin* < r was on the lookout ami found the olmtrin b• !•* b«toi« nc'dent. Last Natnrday Mies Annie Thurmond, of M'oiioe county, daughter of Mi V II Thur mund, by mistake, brook a d<wn of laudanum, instead of part’goi io. Hhc was troubled with >rv<>re headache, and after taking flu- lamia num I »><k a walk Park • am* «»n and-hr not reluming, the family «• nt to look 1< r her ami found her a short dietetic* away in a comatose etale, Bhs was Uk< n home ami thu fasoly physician obulu< «l in turn to < onntrrast the influenza of tin- laudanum and Have her life. Dublin <la*stt< (hills Harri*. a m gro who used to figure quite prominently in pdilio*. and who tnadi the ra< • fvr llrpieMnlativ. on the llopilldiSaii ticket 10 tin-< <>uhty ai \oral year* ago, wan laat wn-k M nt to the alm*hoii*M. He ba* been afKlcted w ith drop-v and oilier dla<'A»<'N tor Nome time md to *it taiihou from hi* rare, hi 1 had reached a point near atarvation. Hi* legs had nuolli u until the akin liurateil, and worms had ealvii into the rtawli. AimTirim lli roi dri (’apt .!• bu A Cobb, a b<V>-U<*toi to the human i«r< ha* di- .en d • •urr remedy to make dnldii nh < Ihr m* • Cwt ch a Wild iuhbit kill Inin, cut hi* In ud oil. •plil the head in two, take the brain* out, and while Warm, tub tin- gfiim <»f tin ■ hild. Il<> ••ya it la n aurv remedy. IHa great-grand mutln r, ami all in* family for generation* back, have «• d thia ienn-dy with p« if> <T nu ■ OMI. Coilrji i Many th<»ii*Aiid of barrel •tavaa are now bring brought to WilhniiiHburg ami thia place from the white <»nk hammock* •d tba an rrou tiding country when they wcr< rived. Quantitn a of cellar ia alao bviug brought to three place* for ahipment to flu Northern market* Judge Back, of Mmgan, i* <mgag«d "U a ucawndoun cwntiart for atavra lobe •hipped direct to (h>rtn.tii). where they will be need in barrel* fur wine and Im •< t Ihe cinlar will go principally <•(<> th< midiut.H tura ftirmlure. wbudi -minim h h -th pi.wdiMin the fact of the high p< h*h it h atiaerpliblo of, It arama that the hard wm»da of Mouthwe'it Georgia are coming into nutter. Athena Hainer ’‘ There ia no niom-y in fartniig in the Houth.*’ remarked a gintleimn ton* the other day, “and thia ia the rraaun that «»nr planter* at < ho badly of! In the dav* of alavory, when farmer* emld cunt nd thru lalor, and only had to pay f ed ad tlothi *. not one in an hundred madt a dollar ch ar I from their plantation*, ami then -protit* wen tn the inert aae ot neg roe*. If they could gr* tiib land Io frr<| the alavca'lliv niaatvt wan wvll aatiMticd What, then, <in we <*p« ct whvnwt niuat d« |H'nd on a thrift!' «* labor, that ia idle ball ot it* ttnir, and leaving < «eh hand from 875 to tldO a year Iwmdv* ’ I’lu land* of tin Mouth art I**l panning into the hand' . I north rrn capitah»ta. and the day i* not far diaUnt when our farnn i* will be ranting them at eo much per acre it i» fa*t coming t > thi*, but our farm ma don’t •erm !• .it The only •alvation 1< ft fur them i* to n l< am f.u m* and do then own work. There ia n»m u y • hued labor. If mime change im nut made in our •yvtetu of agriculture the South will a u I* come to th« Xirtli what Inland i* t I land. to* a Prabibilioaist. Eiutmim Sbjhinki 1 have alwayw been an anti probibitianitt until recently. 1 knew from *ad rvperirnce whmky would ittkmcah the brain, but I newr knew it would cause a man to Meal againwt hi* will. It ia n><t a* the portion* in rv.-ard to ’ Warning *’A little learning ia a damreroii* thing.” etc. A hills whiaky is bad enough, but a quantity, •uch a* they have at Saw Dual, ia terrible. 1. j lon mis hbilitaN Suffirm From early Indiscretions. Excess, s. ’ Ac If you w ill'. nd mo your name and address. 1 uill send you by return mail • treatise <>u the cause and cure of nervous exhaustion, lost numhood, loss of memory, dimness of x laion, and all other symptoms arising from self abuse. overwork or study. Neglect, «a«MM of insanity and early death Address. T \v. Hl r, 21'* Fulton St <'i x>khn. N V au27-l Death Dealing Darts I lie Ravages of a Terrible Curse. That Claims It- Victim* by Tlumsiiub Tim Horrors I lirartlied Amoii'ra l-cw of the I nforiiatcs of Atlanta, the Home of the I’ateiit Medicine Man. Atlanta (' .limitation: Atlanta, al though in many n-H|jecU regarded an a healthy citv, i« not unlike all other inhabitable portioriH of the earth, ill < laiiiiiii:' her ahare of victirna of the monarch of nil dreaded nilmenta blood poison. A man was delegated to investigate Home of the most notable <-uhch in Atlanta, and in hi* round* made the following ap palling <h«ov< iieu: Miss Chapman Inter viewed. “Mv name ii Mary ('liainnan, and I hve nt the corner of AVilliama and O> ntreetH I have been a dreadful Hiifh rer from wrofuln and running, entilio -rofuloua u ver* for nix yeniH II ive been waited upon during the time by noveli Atlanta pinHii-iana, also iiaml various adverti*ed remedies, without the leant benefit. The eating aorea on mv neck were a maun of cor ruption idmoHt down to the lionea. j Mv throat became HO much afieeted that I could Hcarcely swallow, my food lodging in a portion of my throat. J wan reduced to '.HI poumla weight being a mere h eleton. In this con dltioii I - oinineiiccd the UHe of B If. If, ami found great relief in the first bottle. “When J had uh*<l five bottleH my health had ho much improved that the nlcerH had all healed, the hw oiling HiiliHided. my appetite returned, my akin became active, my strength re turned and 1 gained II poumln of fleuh. I am now healthy, fat and hearty, ami am able to do hh much work uh any woman, and feel as hap py as ii lark " Miss. Wallace Ques tioned. Miss Minnie Wallace resides with Mrs George I'lekland, 11 McAfb-e str. ct, ai.d from her own lips the reporter hal lied the following ap palling story: Several months ago she became almost totally blind and deaf. Her Ihiiics became the seat of intense pain. her j iitit* were swollen anil painful, nnd eventually her whole body iitul limbs becauiii covered with splotches iitul siuiill sores. Her appetite failed, mid she gradually lost fiesh mid strength, mid hud but little use of herself, as her limbs mid muscles were paralyzed. i'o the reporter she said; “I had blood poison mi l rheumatism and beforoone bottle of B. B. B. hud been taken 1 begun to see and hear. When I hud completed the use of six bottles my eii sight mid hearing was fully restored, sense of tustv returned, all splotches disappeared, soreness nil healed, mid my strength mid flesh restored.'' Send to Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga, for their Book of wonders, free For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. D. L. I’eeples, Ilarlein (iii. aug-27 mi. "vi,. i \ mum i■ ? . j i 1 i \\ Beall & Co., 612 Broad St, Augusta. Ga. Druggists AMD DEALERS IN Seeds and Paints. \\ r ate inj> to Mll Drugs, Paints ■ SEEDS At Bottom Figures. 1- Ready Mixed Tainta, 38 thade*. bv gal- lon < r bbl. I Atlantic I cad. I.indeed Oil. Turpentine. Bru*h« *, hal*cnum . Wiudvw Glaaa aud l\it ’y Wuh to ua if you think of l\uuUug. Special Notice. \ ■ « i : ’.(• ] tome f* r medical ar« *b <l to coih«* forward j . nd on • . ei’iHT by not# or the ■ !or they 'u!l fn 1 th« ir »<•»• Hint*tn an attoim y’N . hand*. janl I A. J Saxijeks 51. D. Aujtuti/Gfbjcn « iandeiEvJe R R Acoi hTA, G. *Sl> M. Um. Riot,, I Arm >ta, <ia.. D< c. 10,’M5. f In rfTcct Sunday, !>• * • min i 11, l*ws, at 5 p. . tu; Except Sun day a I'aMHcngfcra and Frcdgbt. No. I a m : No. 2 a. m. Ix»avt (iiL-on 5" J L' Augunta.. G 2.3 >tton 5:46 W< Ita 7"~ pope. (> (;(; “ Grac» w<»od 7:2<> 1 4 ‘ Matthew* 6IS “ Kichmond 7:3« I “ Mmith .6 23 “ H« phzibah M:(»t j | “ Krvß G 35 “ Hath H .32 , “ Burke. »G,50 “ Burke . H 5G “ Bath 73>5 “ Key* .920. •' H< phzibah 717 “ Smith 931 “ Kichmt r. I 737 “ Mattheww 950 * Gra< < ’■.-»<! 7*7 1' -}“• •10 14 1 “ W. -tt-ria M:O3 “ Stapleton .10 Arrive AU' UHta “ .30 Arrive Gibt -n. 113 b No. 3 p M No 4 P M. Leave GjbN.m 145 Leave. AupnMa .500 *• HUpfcton 247 “ W< Mteria .5 27 •• p o j r 211 “ Grace w00d.5 42 i “ M.ittlifwe .3 30 “ P.ichm nd .5 52 “ Smith 34* “ H» phzibah 612 “ K't - 401 “ Bath G 24 l‘ Burke 4.30 “ Burke 63» “ B.ith 451 “ Kcvm 654 “ Hephzibah 51H “ Hmith 70 » “ Bicnniond 553 “ Matthew* 717 “ Gr,!<•»• wood. 6 (»5 “ I’s pf 73! Wt Hteria .6 20 “ Stapleton 747 Artivr. Aug'iHta 647 Arrive Gibwon.. 2J KI NhAYS PAHSENGEBM ONLY. No. 1 A. M. No. 2 A M I !.< av. Gilw ji 6.10 Lrir.c Augutda. .8 00 “ Htapiet >n .6.53 “ W« wtoria &27 “ Pop* . 70s “ Gia tw .od 'l2 “ M.ihlh wm 7.2 i “ Kicinif id *..<2 •- Smith 7.31 “ Hephzibah 9:12 j “ Kevn 7:46 u Bath . 9.24 “ Burke HO2 “ Burke 9.1® “ Bath 8:17; “ Keyw. . 9.55 1 “ Hephzibah >*.32 “ bnitth. 10 10 “ Richmond. 8.5.31 “ Mathew* .10.17 “ Graerwood 9.0.3 1 “ Pope . . 10 32 “ WcHteria .9:18 “ Staph ton. 10.47 Arrive Augimta.. .9.15 Arrive Gii-*on. 11 29 No. 3 p. m. | N<>. 4 p. m. la avve Gib*on . 3.20 | Leave Angii*ta .3 00 “ Stapleton. 4.03 “ WtHteria .327 ‘, Pope 4.18 “ G race w0<»d..3:42 “ Matthew* 138 “ Richmond ..3 52 “ Hmith 4.41 I “ Hephzibah 1:12 “ Krv*. 4:56 M Bath .. . 421 “ Burke. 5:1 J “ Burke. .5 W •' Bath 526 | “ Key* . 1.55 “ Hephzibah. 5 .38 I “ Hmith .5 10 “ RiCutnmnd 5:58 “ Matthew* 5:18 “ (Iriiff wood.6:08 “ Pope ■ 5:83 “ WfHtorid 6 2.3 “ Stapleton 517 Arrive AngUMta. 6;soArrivo Gibnon 6:30 11. M. MITCHELL, President. HEADacie znil all Pioous COMPiAisrs arc relieved hv taking WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Puri’t Fo Writs:. Price 25:. All Dtua’c’W Surveyor’s Notice. | ) vim i s ilcnii ing Surv • ying <1 one run secure i mv scrviccH by addressing me at Barium, Ga. ‘ R. R. HATCHER, County Surveyor School Commissioner’s Notice. The public Rchool* of Columbia county, Ga., ! must be opened by the first day of April am! dosed by the first day of July next. By order , , of the Board. 1 Thi* January 4, 1886. J T. SMITH, C. S. C MENONiy A QUICK, PERMAN'NT, CERTAIN CURE FCR Lost orFalling Muubood. NorvousaeN Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigjor ox* Development, Oimdmml by indiat'rotiono. oicoNHAN. etc Itonefitaln a • Im, . (lurwM uaunlly within ii mouth. No Deception porQtmclien. I’onttiv« I’roofa, full dffHvription uud l?E! nr °f ndvloo In eltiin wnnlod envelope, free. **lE MEDICAL CO , P.O. Drew ITO. Buffalo. NY. THIS PAPER • ■-ST NrwM|Mi|M>r Advertising Ihitviiu ( 10 Spruce R» When-ndvorlislng A|P|lf Wfl Al/ "n NtW YUKK. THE GREAT 5,10 and 15 Cent Store, No. 526 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, G. B. DUKE, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Plain, Stamped and Japanned Tinware. Whoi.esalx and Retaig Dealers In Cr-H'kery. Lamp* nnd CdaHswaro, Wooden and Willow-ware, etc. Jewelry and Fancy Good* a specialty. R ' ting. Guttering and Repairing promptly attended to. ap23-l i NOTICE. Onler vour Gin Ribs from PENDLETON FOLNDID AND MACHINE WORK! CHAS. F. LOMBARD, Prop’r. MM. PENDLETON, Supt. M ANVF.U'TVRE AND DEAL IN MILL MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, No. 615, t»l i rirl 619 Kollock Street. Augustu, Georgia Ca*’ • -> of nil kind* cx.vub d promptly, in iren erbra.**. Pullays. Gearing. Shating. JonruaJ • l*'\« •». *»'dg*r Mill*, piiccun*. Water wheel*, tlovcrnon*, Saw*, Files. Engine Supplies, Ini Front*. Balcony Casting*, Ac.. Ac. Special Attention Given to Repairs.* 1 fcjrCcrrespondence solicited au27 Home Council Wc take pleasure in calling your attent on to a remedy so long needed in earning children safely through the criticd stage of teething. It isnn incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturlied at night with a sick, fictful, teething child, use Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, mid regulate the bowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery mid Diarrhiea. Pitts’ Ciinninative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach ami bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and onlv costs 25 cents ]er bottle. Sold I by druggists. For sale at Holliday's Drug Store Harlem, Ga., nnd by W. J. Heggie, of Grovetown. OPEN FIRE QTfiVtC VENTILATOR dluvc A PATENTED. Burn any kind of Fuel! BOFT OR HARD COAL. a They keep the air la ii room pure by Perfect Ventilation SAVE IN FUEL 1 MORE THAN THEY COST Heep fi re longer than any other kind of stove* CIVE NO CAS BUT BURN IT ALL THEY SECETIB Health fulnr««« By Perfect VentiUttfla Economy, v By Perfect CombßStico. j CheerfulncM, H ByOpenFkrc. Comfort, ® By Uniform, Equable WarmtA. As low tn price aa the cheapest. Illumination aa from an open-Grate Fire. Worth more than the moat eoatly. Bee an Open Fire Ventilator Stove, with fire in it. before buyiD* any Btove. Ask your stove dealer to show yoa •ns; if he baa none send to us for and teeth •aw Dials. SOLO’S HEATER MF6. CO. 4 •84-642 East 14th St., New YorlL A Lifo Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send ctamp for sealed particulars. Address ■ Dr. WARP & CO. Louisiana, Wo, Burial Outfits. We have in stork a large lot of all styles o ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT Cases and Caskets. White Marbleized Case* for infants and chil dren of elegant sty les, with glass full length. Besides the* , we have a full stock of Coffins of imitation of tine wood, which arc very hand some and cheap. We also have a full lino of Dressing Material for inside,and Ornamental Plates, etc. We are prepared to sell these good* a* low as any Un dertaker in the State, and parties wanting such goods will find it to their rnterest to try us be fore going elsewhere. J. 1 ; . Hatcher & Co., HARI.EM, GA. We Stand at the Head •with: tzehzze LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, Davis, Household 1 AND NEW HOME Sewing Machines, • new style Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free. 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machine* taken in exchange for above make*, V> be .old u half value, $5, JlO, El 5 each, xvaaruted iu good newing order. Sewing Machin.* of all aik, (•paired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price List* to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The Sewing Machine and Organ Dealer*, 9'21 Broad Street, Align*!*, fla WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRY 1 Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. H AVING purchased F A. BRAHE’S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY ar>d consolidated . with itt he elegant stock formerly carried by me at my old stand under the Central Hotel, j I now oiler at reduced prices the handsomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Ac., ever seen in | this city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streets, and familiarly known at “Brahes Corner.” Mr. BRAHE will remain with me. and will be pleased to see his friends. WILLIAM SCIIWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad street AT GOODYEAR’S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND A FULL LINE OF Medium and Cheaper Grades OF Open and Top Buggies, At Lower Prices than at any other House this side of Cincinnati. This work is all made to nrdi'r, are Lighter Running and Better Finished than the class of w ork generallv sold ai Stand ard vehicles. But I have just received a Full Line of Fine Family Carriages, Phaetons & Cabriolets I Jn*t received another shipment of those Fine Open and Top Buggies, made upon special »r --ders, hr the best manufacturer* North and East. Nothmg being need in th. constractioß If onTrJnowhrth" 1 nMe oP ’ Finißh> Saddlesand Harness—All Grades! Which I will offer at Lower Price* than have ever before been known in the history of th. bn.i nes* Milburn, btndel.aker and Standard Plantation Wagons, all sizes. Oak andtH.mloek Sole Leatnci. alt Skins, Shoe I-hidings. Carriage and Wagon Materials, Leather Lacing of superior quality, Rubber and Leather Belting. Also a full line of ’ HARDWARE. Gnns, Shells, Powder, Shot, Table and Pocket Cutlery Plow Point* for *ll w i . floe*. Picks and Mattock*, Pitch Fork*, Shovel., Spades St7ebird* and ‘o’ Nall «> A. R. GOODYEAR, Agent, At the Old Stand, Oppposito Georgiaßaihoad Bank, 704 Broad St®"” *° B ‘ H- MAT * C °’ C. C. P. C. M. ■ Clouds Creek H H portable corn mills ■■■ . 5 L- I *r, • 1} r\ "* '!/• i 123 I '2' MH Make the y.ry best Meal. tov. MW F *iiJZtiW IQ ?' e D’iDthem in a very substantial manor Ml fcJ pj|«sy *O *' e “I*o sell the KORTING INJECTORS, th. F 0 wsef-ws 7 oil * rfse er n,ade - only 08 . h.ndi. ’ / 'iW~~tr7 'raMILI Ivy Si Wa SAILERS the ERIE ENGlNESaad boil- "t \V A Kli , S ’ ’II“.'AN DUSEN JET PUMPB. Mak. I —J. f \ ,lld r eP“iv “11 kinds of machinery; als. kw» ED£iDe ““ d Wni ***••’ Geo. R. Lombard &Co. r* J ~ , . Foundry, Machine and Boil.r W.rka. (Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works. Also Mill and Engine Supply House. Augusta, Ga.