The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, March 25, 1886, Image 8

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hl Sentinel. —•—* >' .4aKh. ) v KINHON f 1 : (A.. M ■ 86. ,CE. »I'•<>. |\ >. DVANCE HTORIAL NOTES. 3m» ritlzr»na of Augtiela ar* «ul*rribing J rally to U» Steph* ne* fund. i MB&x'k fiarfn*'r* etn make tb»-ir »»*n ayriip } 1 wnrir at In! httk • If (»<r* >- any •oil eb* they •hotild t* r, f 4<> •*» what la it T fptrta lahfimetiU Fh«' *••(»»< may Ik> aaid of Itimbh. I Jkiywttliig »»n th’<» putt «»f th» Khnl»all H»ui*e *in«t lh< Atlanta < apibij do<e n t win to wl that apx’y journal to any great < ttr nt It Bttanea iU daily vlaita V. thia office fr« ah d vi|f*»rouw In appearance. In i V’bange gave A n*gro child two mt« old, at w. I-’ . <h. i< ’h<o| * - o*r * being nnraed by a eiator a few m*»nth« der, whan the nvra< Iri the child drop and <l<)(»at«*d i’- aJ-. i< .wl ! •! i i' a *JS<»t long aince a mill jmnd near < athbcrt ok*’ and shortly alter a n< gro caught a carp alghitig I t pound*. Th* atcckhohb ra o! the ■ -Ivan City carp pond ought to have had a - r i|HlpM of that carp, which d<»nbtl»aa would iive given them new /• al in raising fi«li inat< ad -I'tadpole* a« formerly. The fano«»w of the K« public of < > lurnl «a >Va Iteeii putting in aonw h< avv licks in pre arihg for the crop «>f ’•Mi. < otn planting u< «r --rover ami King Cotton will now come in for m all aliar«» of sMeiition for the next ail month* nd ths remainder of the year will witness mg facta and Iht him- generally in n« * ■ f j* low pjrk« for tin fircry staple. Hay* the Mmithville Enterprise "I he pr« *h tae precipitated the giil»erm*torial campaign nd the people haVo Im gun to discoNM the can lidatea. Judge Mmim<>i>s stilus lob. <-v« i <h« lminj<\ th* rlmw* <»f |.• •• ronnty. la< in -Uway* right In every <dfir< that Judge Him* Mofia ha* held hr has «|< monati •t« <1 bis fitin as • : '»»T higher tumors, ami if elect* <l, hr w< b< he v* -■■■?>•• will In*, he will prove an abb , g<M»d ami great (kivrm<»r.” Lumpkin Imh-pemh nt There is a Kt< wart *>unt) girl who ie bound t<* makvaoim man a food Wife the lives two or thrc» miles from the ach<M»| which ahn attends, ami every ■ morning she gets up < ally rn<>ugh to cook break fast and dinner for heiself and several J younger listers, ami ic.i*’hes a< h«»«»l by the I lime it begin*. Her labor <1 < h not mar In i beauty, mm there in not a prettier girl in the ‘iieighliorhoitd. The Madiaon Madisonian make* the laser l<»u that “if we ware dbtjwmod to bet an an rlerliou at any time, w< would le t that (lov eru<*r MrliaiihTa inlluruee will Im- given to Judg< Nimm<«m». M ik the prediction, and Ore if wa have studied liiti wigne of the turn a to any ptirpo*< ls« make the prediction from im fauif nmlmg, for Governor McDaniel, who haa as much right to ua* hie influence for Judge Kimumna or anv other aiMjairntit aa and private oitiiten in '<he Hute, provided (am! «e have no id« a that he will i he take no nd Vantage of hie oftire to Airthei hie < .im- Superior < ourt. larch Ton Poiils ts litcrest. Arrt.iwo, (i a . March 22nd, IWUI. Tn-day oiir Superior Court convened with Kin Honor 11. C. Roney prnaidiug, «Hh Boykin Wright, H'di» itor-tiem ral, at hie j <»at. Bewidv the local bar we notice the following vlading attorm \ ’•» tn attrndahri W M and M I’. Rwrwe. of Waahiagtou, Ila I rank H. Miller. W D I‘utt. I.b i Williams, Salem Dutcher. Judge Hm ad, John .M Giaham ami , Thadcua Oakman, from Au U"l». W.-I. Wat* •mn, I*, B ami 11. Jolitiacn, from Thomson. <M|Vrr, nf Waynesboro, and Matlo«« <, id Mil lew. The charge of the Court was abort, but able and vihauehvs, vov. nug al) the ground, sav ing timo and rij»cu»c to tin county At the cohrluwmn of<he charge the Grand Jury retir ed and orguiin d by electing Jolie Q spirva foreman and the writer chrk At tin* juncture we adjourned for dinner. At 2 o'clock promptly we again awrmbled and rnici«<| immediately upon the discharge of our dutiea aa grand jurors The juries are above an average, and the busin<Mui ia being tran-meted with Beatm aud dujwtch. The Grand Jury, with our able K«> hdtordirnrral at the helm, ia doing ita full duty in looking aßct perwona and property, ami wv can say that the interest* of th< county err in giH»d hands All seem to be alive to Umirduty and are performing it as th, law di* n-fta. without feai, favor or art.cti •>, i.uaid or the bops thereof, Being very closely eonfined w. have found it difficult to gather anything of mt, test. The Cnurl for two days has U <n well attended ami if all in attendance really have bunim-Mi in th.» C'ouit. the term will be an unaually long one. r have had the pleasure of me, ting many trtruda, all of whom »v w, re glad t.» »ee atd hope to see eflm, r in the Bitnrv. Aa usual, the reliable idCh: i..,-., is repre sented here by a gentleman who introduces lumst'U aa the'T'Enunclr.'* H, is putting in •omv good and timely Inks t»r that hmg,a tabliwhrd and tlounahmg journal. amt, juat here it will not be annas to atatv that ti , S> \ Ttxw. is aha represented and good being a, e«mipli»h< d. The weather, except the wind, is nil that could be desired. aoiuvUiiug unusual for it to L< dry under foot during our Superior t'ourt. It la n,4 100 Laie y. i however, aud we will be very agreealdy dmapp .aud should it tail to rain during due week. B. Trilling With the Wrong (Uris. AtlanU C aatJtu’ n Os course at thia set •on cd the year a young nuu a fam > .htly turns to thoughts of love, ,tc . but that is no reajk'B why hv should nvl tou fair. A reck les* diai< gard d thia unwritten law of love making has plunged Mi. Crouch, of JUndolph. Ten ainto th, dr; ths of hutuiiu ; Unti and w<M-. Mr. Crouch by a >me infirmity | of his natut * was mmbU b> I ep his affections witbin bounds. Hclx-aim smitten with th* M»as, •»'! • injJet,4i. and in hist»i«*l< with Cupid wn knocked willy in the first round. 'pi . i i ■ w, ■ < im t , .n of the double dealing of their bur until fh*-y fotiml that he Was rnjPMp dhil> •i. Th, n there was a dis play of «b totigtjng and corns'-ating fir* works in Uie Tempi* » z 'ii mansi 'h that Im at anything < ver’witn* *** *1 withintbow* d* - r •*!* wißs. Old man Templetoti h*dd an < vruthe MWakib with him** If, and taking his trusty shotgun raided Crouch's bailiuiek and captured th* yotinst* r Ha march'd li p or bes him t<> th* Templeton r*-)*!« .»'i, where h* turned him ,fda !. • pailoi in th*- |r- n< <4the mdigiunt wfaitcrw. Tb< 4 wilh * n<-»tn< -. ■ h'l ili«|>:>trh worthy <>f lli<- rtn< rx> »< y. Tli'-y ■ ■ Tlm h»i»K-<l<>g f»--'>l IS<>mi-i will. <l. Tin. young )><),< « 111. n ji" ' • <J« <4 t« t< »t tin- virtiK M of * hoi». «lu| Mr Croi «b wt Hiiw Jnri<-tnr< reroll. o .1 »n < •l«H.wh« t<'. «o>lun .< onion, I >k hl» <l»[i»rtiir<-. iwriving tin Hlll i.u ...I. wnh him lie lim<l no parti. ul»r n.< for tbn a, but km it a.min. <1 to notne handy he 10. I. it al-.i g, Jwo day" latvr tho Randolph pajw-r" an ip al tl n< 1 1 ■IMr < r i ,- h n :>• <f tl>. apiriit-d h.roiwa com .'Hied m th. affair. All I" wall that and" wi 11. Spring Has Arrived AM) THE Time to Plant GARDEN SEED IS HERE. 1 )on’t be induced to plant inferior seed. BUI ST’S YOU CAN Depend On. We giiarantt'c each anti every paper. Semi your orders to G. Barrett & Co., AUGUSTA, GA. H<> sure to plant BUIST’S and you ' will never regret it. G. Barrett & Co., AUGUSTA, GA. CALL ON Henry S. Johnson THOMSON, HA. Eddystone Guano lit' is Sole Agent tor Mi I )uftie, ( oluin bia and 1 jncoln coun ties. Also Agent for FINEST BRAND Acid Phosphate. Testimonials: K \\ Kearney. Mi.liHeburg, X. aitys I used one ton of Eddystone with aeven standard brands on tobac co. and like it la-tter than any 1 used, and expect to use it next season.” llev Gio. \ Hose, Hanson, N. t'., says "1 us.'<l one ton Eddyston guano und< i tobacco, which gave me pel feet satisfaction. In fact. I can truly sav it is the l>est 1 over used." \\. .1 Norwood, Waronton, N. (', say s "1 he I aids stone sold last season, tor tobacco, has given universal satisfaction. Some pl inters sav tliev havener lad anything to ’act well, will have a goo I trade for it this year." Mr. John M Green,<.f Atlanta, tla., has charge of the sale of this brand ot guano, and will be pleaaed to coiiiinuuicate w ith the readers of this article, or lune them call upon the dealers throughout the south for the Eddy stone soluble guano, as there is nothing better ottered to the entire planting interest, not only for tobacco, but for everything raised from the soil, in tins entire section. Assignee s Sale I I BE SILENT ; That You May Hear I GOODS AT AND BELOW COST FOB Tl E NEXT 20 DAYS. (iroccries, I )ry (joods, Shoes, I lats, Istc. Come and sec for yourself. The goods must go. Now is the time to se cure bargains. ( ome at once to the old Stand of Powell I lardy, only 20 days, 1 the only thing of the kind ever known in 1 larlem. EB. T. WILLIAMS, OLIVER HARDY, Halnnman. AsHignee. F L FULLER M. B. HATCHI it. RICHARD SUMMERALL. FULLER, HATCHER & CD., (HueceHHorM t*» Young, Huck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CJ It O C E RS, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HA VINO purchiu>e<l tlm intereHt of Young A Hack, we propose to offer to the 'trade a full line of carefully Mclectod Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Loweat market price.. All bu.inoM with u. will receive prompt attention. FULLER, HATCHER & CO. Day & Tannahill, HEADQUARTERS FOR Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Findings BELTIdSTGL The l-’iiiest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. :o:—— Tidings of Comfort and Joy I thobc who have be« n wrenched and jerked about by so-called road earts. We now offer yon ths dtdighlful vehicle, with FINEST wheels and axles for $35.00. 1 n <»ne ami nave your ht alth. Every man who owns a horse, or wishes to train a eolt, should • i.ivt one. ab the pn«'v is uithin the reach of all. DAY & TANNAIHI.L. - - AUGUSTA. GA. AUGUSTE GUIEN, PROPRIETOR FLORAL NURSERY, NO. 1453 BROAD STREET, - ... AUGUSTA, GA. Boquets, Wreaths, Crosses, Horse Shoes, MARRIAGE BELLS, CUT FLOWERS, Etc. At nil seasons. Give me a call when you come to the city. AUGUSTE GUIEN. Notice. T JJIRHONH in wart of Lumber will pleaae 1 call < n th<- und< i -ignrd early in the morn ing or 5 o’clock in tb" evening, or any time ■luring Haturdav, a" be i" now, for three inortha ■ ngaged in teaching achool nnar the lumber ~r,l J. M. KNOX. Notice. \'oTl' F. ia herehv given that all nartie. in debted to Powell A- Hardy muat nettle or suit will be luatituU-d at Eli. T. WIL LIAMS, Awignee. Dentistry. Dr. George Paterson, SURGEOX I)ENTIST, \T ILL visit Harlem on th* - 15th of April V V ami will r* main for one week at the rewi f »>v W I. Miark'i* ftinl. J. R. KIDWELL, 1,026 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Steam Bread Bakery AND Cai’idy Manufactory STICK CANDY J 9 cents per pound, wl> lesale. Eresli Bread. Pies and ( tikes every day. (live ns a call. GI.OBE HOTEL IMRKER SGI? Shaving. Hair Cutting »md Shampooing done .u the ueatewt and moßt wit ntific manner by M< INTOSH A ROBERTS. Hotand void Lath. Give ua a call. 1 elite atlOllTK'H. Shoes are wanted everywhere, Trv Mulhcrin & Co.; don t despair. J No More High Prices FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS AND HATS. •11 T 1,»VI 1, V. d < i:r S -in .s., k, which wan purchaHi d with cash from tho bent Fawto \\ >■ r-c.. • f tl.. X. j-ih »io'l 1. W, Hiiocecded in "■•cming many great bargwtM. Yon know onr r.y.utat,..,, t c -Him; FIIIST-CLASB GOODS AT LOW FLICS’. Now t» your oppor. tunit'-. Y. u will f<el l.a div when ton find that you have paid 11.50 tor a pair of shoes that WM. MVLHEHIN' CO. would have wal'd you for sl. ' We quote Home of our bargains : Infanta’ Kid Buttoned soft rol* Slu'ChO to 3 10 Ladion’ Cloth Gaitan* 3 9 ............... 75 Infanta’Kid 1. o<-Sh<.. -I to * 25 Ladies’ Glove Grain Jauee Shoes 3to 9 11 CH> Child’s Kid I • Ladles’ Pebble Gr’n Button d Shoes 3 toH.SI 00 ( hibl’N !■■'■! :■ Graml.a*' Khot.sNtol2 t>s Ladies’Kid Buttoned Sltoes, worked boles ' Misses Pebble Grain Lace Sb'lJ to 2. .75 3to 8 $125 Misseb I'cbl.b Gr’n Bnt’n’d Nh«a- I2to 2?1 (Mi' Gents’ Calf Ties 6to 11 • SI 00 Ladies' W«-b Slippers 8 t*» 8.. 15 i Gants’ Dress Shoes from $1 to 250 Ladies’P<‘bl>l(‘Gr.i in Slipper*’3 8 50 j JSoys Wool Hats from Id ta 50 Ladii i 50 | Gents’ Hmlb from 35 to S 2 50 Ladies’Kid Optra Slippers 3to 7 75 | Gents’and Boys’Straw Hats 5toSI 00 Every day . a gala day iff our < Ktab’.i«hments with the numerousi customers aftsr tbo Bonan* zas we advAi rij*e, s<» fonu- along and get your share oi the Bargainst Orders I y mail n ecive prompt and careful attention. Wm. Mulherin & Go., TWO STORES —722 Broad St., opposite the Monument, 913 Broad St., sign of the Large lied Boot. EIDSON COTTON SEED PLANTER Price List: The Gibson Cotton Seed Planter, complete SIO.OO each. The Gibson Attachmeht for Dow Law Planter 4.50 ea«lx "."7, The Gibson Attachment for Farquhar Planter 4.50 each. Apply to or address, W. S. LAZENBY, HARLEM, GA. JESSE THOMPSON & COT, MANUFACTURERS OF BOORS, n & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street. Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK I I he I rotting Stallion Strathmore, Jr., will make the Spring season at my farm in Co lumbia county’, four miles west of Harlem. PEDIGREE. Strathmore, Jr., is by Strathmore, Sr.; first dam, Melrose by 1 ’ rr? Savior by Pecks Idol; fourth, Carrie D. by Don Juan: fifth, Romance by Sir Leslie. TERMS : n ngICICaP - S10 „ for the season - sls for insurance. Fifty ee sto the groom m all cases. Special rates may b. made foY three or more mares. Apply to J s. C. LAMKIN, H.ARLEM, GA.