The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, April 08, 1886, Image 4

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An Infatuated Y’oung Man. frnt*iiti»n (• Wliirfc a IMreit Ml is SabjHd by an Uairtr. T»rntnrr,Mi< it. March 28 A stalwart policeman waa stationed in front of the Fort Street Presbyterian Church thia morning with orders to arrest George H. W oodruff. n young lawyer of thia city, in raw> he ahouhl create a disturbance in seeding t« enter that edifice During the aervie e th«-i«- was a g«*»<l deal of au pr< *«<■ !ex citement among the congregation, who expected a acene. Woodruff, however, did not ap]*ear. The church in a most aristocratic one, and its congregation have been agog for aome time over a singular i aocial Henaation in their midst. Among the member* the daughter of a promi Dent lawyer, whoae lieauty han won for her the title of “lielle." Woodruff han lieon an attendant at the church for three yearn. Some time ago hia altentiona were directed toward the young lady mentioned, whom he did not know except by name, and he I* gun to follow her home after church, lie alao learned of the week day str vices which nhe attended ami wan on han Ito shadow her. The brother of the young lady threatened Woodruff with |>ersoiml violence if ho did not deaint, but it waa of no avail. Woodruff, it in alleged, has Kent letters to the lady stating that he was I being axsiuled by enemies and declar ing his undying love for her. lie call ed at the house only to have the front door shut in hie face, when he would walk up and down in front of the house peeping into the windows. There was no way of stopping this without a acene which would drag the family into publicity, ami as legal action would only cauue greater annoyance the church trustees finally determined to intervene Woodruff was domed admission to the church edifice and was notified of that action against which he protested vigorous ly- DI'RtNU Winter the bltMxl get* thick Bnd*h|g* IfifOi, imw m tli« tints tn purify it, b> built) tty yuur dxrU-ui and Hi yunr»« If f<»r hard work, by tialng i>r. J. II MoLmii'i Htn ngth< tnng ( »r dial and Hlood I'uritb r Fnr aald by all druggist. CALL CM Henry S. Johnson THOMSON, GA. Eddystone Guano He is Sole Agent for McDuffie, Colum bia and Lincoln coun . ties. Also Agent for FINEST BRAND Acid Phosphate. Testimonials: R . Kearney, Middleburg, N. (’., ■eye: "I used one ton of Eddvat ’no with eeven standard brands on’tobnc co, and like it better than any 1 used, and expect to um it next neamm." Rev Geo. A. Row, Mannon, N. C., ■aye "I used one ton Ed dyeton guano under tobacco, which gave me ]>erfect aatiafaction. In fact, 1 can truly sav it m the liest I ever tim'd ” W. J. Norwood, Warenton, N. C. anye: " I he LddyHtoue sold last senaon, for tobacco, him given universal aatisfaclion. Some pl inters cay they have never had anything to act m> well, will have a gvo.i trade for it this year.” Mr. John M Green, of Atlanta, Ga, has charge of the sale of this brand ol guano, and will be pleased to communicate with the readers of this article, or have thrui call upon the dealers throughout the south for the Eddystone soluble guano, as there is nothing better offered to the entire C' in ting inteiwsl, not only for tobacco, I for everything raise, 1 from the ■oil, in this entire section Atlanta, Ga., Dots. Something About the Ups and Downs of her Inhabitants. Xfa Inaiway IHw. * Atlanta papers are giving the pub lic some cm ions and wonderful cases that nrc finite interesting. It seems a young lady of Atlanta had been re ported ns dead, but it came to the earsofa Constitution reporter that she was still alive, and being on the alert for news called at. her residence to learn all the 11 -t- Miss Dunawav, who had been pronounced dead, said : ' For four years, rheumatism and neuralgia have resisted physicians and all othei treatment. My muscles seemed to dry up, my flesh shrank away, my joints were swollen, painful ami large, lost my appetite, was re duced Io <>o pounds in weight, and for months was expected to die. I commenced the use of B B. 15., ami the action of one half bottle convinced my friends that it would cure me. Its effect was like magic. It gave me an apjsdite, gave me strength, relieved ail my pains ami aches, added flesh to my bonus, and when five bottles had been used, I had gained 51) pounds of flesh, and am to-day sound I and well. 'Jr. J. I’. Daiis of Wed Eml. M hat Mr J I’. Davis, of West Eml, said: “1 have only a few words to say, which arc to state that I have been confined to my bed for two months with what was called Nervous Rheumatism, or Sciatica. I wits only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and in this condition I commenced the use of 15. 15. 15, four bottles of which enabled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. I had pieviously used all well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over one year since using 15. B 15. am! I consider myself a permanently cured man.” Ir. 11. I’ Ihslgf. hrdmasler (la R. R makes a statement: “My wife has been a great sufferer from catarrh. Several physicians and various patent medicines were resort ed to, yet the disease continued unabated, nothing appearing to make anv impression upon it. Her consti tution filially became implicated, the poison being in her blood “I secured a bottle of 15. B. 15. and placed her upon its use, and* to our surprise the improvement began at once, and her recovery w as rapid and complete. No other preparation ever produced such a wonderful change, and for all forms of Blood Diseases I cheerfully recommend B. 15. 15. as a , superior Blood I’unfier.” Mr. Jas. 1,. Bosworth Buttonhold- “A'es, said Mr. James L. Bosworth, an old Atlantian, “it was twelve years ago when I contracted a terrible case of blood poisoning. I had no appetite, diil not sleep well at night, my diges tion was impaired, my throat was cauterized five times ami in fact I was a total wreck. 1 had been under the treatment of several of the leading physicians of Atlanta; tried nearly <v< rv blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs, where I remained several months, receiving no benefit, i whatever, A truly wonderful blood remedy was recommended, known as 11. 15. B. 1 used it, and, sir, 5 bottles cured me and I really la lieve it to be the grandest and quickest blood remedy | ever known ’’ Send to Bloml Balm Co., Atlanta, ! (la, for their Book of wonders, free. I’<>r sale at the Drug Store of Dr. D. L. Peeples, Harlem Ga. aug-27 J. R. KIDWELL, 1,026 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. Steam Bread Bakery AND Candy Manufactory STICK CANDY '•* cents per pound, wholesale I're>h Bread. Pies and Cakes every day. Give us a call. GLOBE HOTEL BIBBEK SHOT Sh.i mg. Hair i tilting auU Shampooing done 1U U.. a U 4 nioet utlfic nlauu ,, r 11V ISnKSH A bOIiWITS Hound rvldlatb. tiiv, u, » fa ll. j vlll , attention. I Special Notice. \LL ptirtn-H in<b bD d to me for medical m im< < are r< «pi» »«»< d to ron>** forward •it l »f of-<« tit her by not*- or the caah or they a ill find the ir account* in an attorney's , hand*. jnnll A. J Samdekh. M. D. Augusta, G;b:cn & bandersvLle B H Ahi -TA, (I. and H. Railroad, I A‘ (H - TA, Ga., Ih-e. 10, 'BS. ( In effect Numlay, I>< c< mber 11, 1885, at 5 p. , in: Except Hu nd aya and Freight. No. 1 A. M. I No. 2 A. M. I Leave Gilnion 503 LV. Align ata... f1:23 i •• Stapleton .5.45 “ Weateria. .7:02 I “ pop* 6:00 “ (»race wcmml 7:26 “ Matthewa hls M Richmond 7:.% , Smith . 6 2JI “ Hephzibah h:OM •• Keya 6J6 “ Bath .111 14 Burke. f. 50 44 Burke . R 56 1 44 Bath 7:05 44 Kern .!♦2O I •• Hephzibah 717 44 Smith 03m 44 Bi-hmoii.l. 737 44 Mattbewa .0 50 44 Gmr v.ewl 717 44 Pope .1014 1 44 Wenteria M <l3 44 Stapleton .10 36 Arrive Augnata M:.U) ArriveGibaon 11 3b I No 3 P M No 4 P .M I Leave (ijl -.n 145 Jx*ave. Augnata 500 44 Stapleton 247 44 Weateria .5 27 i 44 Pope 211 44 Grace w00d.5 42 ! 44 Matthcwa .3 M 44 Richmond .5 52 44 Smith 34* 44 Jb phzibah <» 12 44 K< va 401 44 Bath 624 Burke 4 30 44 Burke C 39 44 Bath 454 44 Keva 654 44 Hephzibah 51M 44 Smith 709 i 44 Riclimond 55 3 44 Matthew* 717 44 Grarrwood. 605 44 Pope .. 732 Weateria 6 2<» 44 Stapleton 747 Arrive. Auguata 647 Arrive Gibaon.. . 820 SUNDAYS PASSENGERS ONLY. No 1 A. M. ; No. 2 A M Leave Oilmen 6.10 L< avc Auguata. .8 44 Stapleton .6.53 ** Weateria 8:27 Pope 7.0 b | 44 Grace wood. 8*42 44 Matthewa 7.23 44 lliehmond 8:52 Smith .7 31 44 Hephzibah .9:12 44 Keya 7:46 44 Bath H 24 “ Burke. . ... H:o2| “ Burke .9 1* “ Balli Hl7 “ Ki-ve 9..75 “ Hephzibah H. 321 “ Hmtih la. 10 1 “ Richmond. H.5:l “ Mathewa .10.17 44 Gracewood 9.03 < 44 Pope .10 32 44 Weateria .9:18 | 44 Stapleton 10.47 \ Arrive Auguata.. .9.45 Arrive Gibaon. 1129 No. 3 p. m | No. 4 p. m. I Leavve Gibaon 3.20 IL< ave Auguata 3.00 | 44 Stapleton 4.03 44 W< an ria 3:27 Pope 4.18 44 Gracewood..3:42 44 Matthew* 433 j “ Richmond .3:52 , “ Smith 141 | 44 Hephzibah 4:12 Key*. . 456 | 44 Bath . . 4:24 “ Burke. 511 | 44 Burke. .5 40 *’ Bath 5 26! 44 Keva. 455 44 Hephzibah. 5:38 | 44 Smith 5:10 44 Richmond 5:58 44 Matthew* 5:18 44 Grace wood. 6:08 j 44 Pope 5:33 44 W.Hteria 62 3 44 Stapleton 5:47 Arrive Auguata.. 6.50 Arrive Gibaon .. 6:30 R. M. MITCHELL, President. HEADW and all EIIIUUICOMPLAiMri are relieved by taking WRIGHT SINDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Inula rwetatla- Jb Crislai. Prise 25:. ill DruzzUta. Surveyor’s Notice. I ) Kill II s desiring Surveying done can secure _L my services by addressing me at Harlem, Ga. R. R. HATCHER, County Surveyor School Commissioner’s Notice. Tin* public schools of Columbia county, Ga., must b«< opened by the first day of April ami clo*ed by the first day of July next. Bv order of the Board. This January 4, 1886. J T. SMITH, (’. S. C MEN ONLY « QUICK, PfRMANFNT. CERTAIN CURE FOR I*oet orFiailiiig M auhootl. NervousneM Weakness, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, ( '•unM by Ind i iicrotiour. eicnsnoH, elo BannfitAfn s day,.(hi rea usually within a month. No Deception nor Quiwkerv. Totitive Proofs, full dwecription uud T . .. *. n Jt ,a, 4 free. Hlh MEDICAL CO., P.O. Drawer 17& buffalo, N T. THIS PAPER gSST Newipaper Adverthlng Bureau(K) Spruce where Aitvorlieing BipiAf VAfflU "‘>l NEW YORK. THE GREAT 5,10 and 15 Cent Store, No. 526 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, G. B. DUKE, Proprietor, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Plain, Stamped and Japanned Tinware. " HOLKMALS AND RETAIG DEALERS In Cr.H'kt.ry. Limns and Wooden and Willow-ware, etc. Jewelry and rnnry Goods a specialty. Rooting, Guttering and Repairing promptly attended to. ap23-l NOTICE. Order your Gin Ribs front IWBTON FOUNDRI .nil MACHINE WORK! CH Ab. I. LOMBARD, I‘ropr. AVM. PENDLETON, Supt MANTFACTURK AND DEAL IN MILL MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, No. 615, 617 and 619 Kollock Street. Augusta, Georgia :o--I>uH»ys, -I> uH»ys, Gearing. Skating. JourriJ Flouts, luio-.j l, Ac.'ac. ' u ' Tin " ,ra - *>*»«■ J nve, Engine Supplies, In i Special Attention Civen to Repairs. ttarCoircsiKindeuce solicited. „„., 7 UU«e I Home Council. We take plenaure in calling your nttent.on to a remedy so long needed in carrying children wafely through the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and . child. If you are diidurlied nt night i with a sick, fretful, teething child, une | Pitts' Carminative, it will give instant i relief, and regulate the bowels, and i make teething safe and easy. It will I cure Dysentery and Diarrho-a. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. * It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach ami bowels. The sick, puny, > suffering child will soon become the I fat and frolicing joy of the household. I It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents ]er bottle. Sold i | by druggists. For sale nt Holliday’s Drug Store ; Harlem, Ga., and by W. J. Heggie, of ! Grovetown. ■ OPEN FIRE QTni/EO VFNTIIATHRwI"“tw PATENTED. Bum any kind of Fuel! BOFT OR HARD COAL. a They keep the air in a room pure by Perfect Ventilation SAVE IN FUEL 1 MORE THAN THEY COST Keep fire hmyer than ang otAer kind of CIVE NO CAB ’ BUT BURN IT ALL THEY SECI'BI Ileal th riilnciia. By Perfuot V outiUtiak Economy. v By Perfect Combasttea J C'heerfulnetoa > ByOpeoFtew. {¥ Comfort, By Uniform, Equable Warath, Aa low hi price as the cheapest. IllnininaUon as from an open-Grate Fire. Worth m<»re than the most eoetly. Bee an Open-FiniVentilator Stove, with fire in it, befoiw buying any stove. Auk your stove dealer to show you eue; if bo baa none send to us for o&taioguec and teeti. fIOLD’S HEATER MFG. CO. 4 034*642 Ea»t 14th St., New York. ft BMAUarI I'ASAWkiS AM WSBILITT Kj?FEHALB>6 DECAL A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp tor sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Nlo. Burial Outfits. Wr have in stock a large lot of all st vies o ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT Cases and Caskets. White Marbleized Cases for infants and chil dren of elegant *h les, with glass full length. Besides thes , we have a full stock of Coffins of imitation of fine wood, which are very hand some and cheap. We also have a full line of Dressing Material I for inside,and Ornamental Plates, etc. We are 1 prepared to sell these goods as low as any Un dertaker in the State, and parties wanting such I goods will find it to their interest to try us be i tore going elsewhere. J. F. Hatcher & Co., HARLEM, GA. We Stand at the Head WITH THE I • ffe LIGHT PUNNING I DOMESTIC, ST Davis, Household AND NEW HOME |- Sewing Machines, NEW style Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free. 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machine* taken in exchange for above makes, to ba 'sold as half value, 55,110, ?15 each, waariited in good bc wing order. Sewing Machine* of all make epaired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lista to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The Sewing JlachiiK- and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad, Angnate, *a WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRY I Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. I I AMNG pnrcluiHeil E A BRAHE S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and caaolidated 1 L with it he elegant stock formerly carried by me at mv oldatand under the Central Hotel 1 now ■ th rat redm <MI pri< < H the haiidnomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, io , ever see. ib thia city, at my NEW SIORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streeta, and familiarly know. a. “Brahe’a Corner.” Mr. BRAHE will remain with me, and will be pleased to see hie friends WILLIAM SCIIWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad street AT GOODYEAR’S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY CAN ALWAYS IE FOUND A FULL LINE OF Medium and Cheaper Grades OF Open and Top Buggies, At Lower Prices than at any other House this Bide of Cincinnati. This work is all mads to v’ | a \.*i L1 S h ‘ e >’l l «“n>ng ami Better Finished than the class of work generally sold a™ Stand ard Vehicles. But I have just received a Full Line of Fine uaiauy soia as staee- Family Carriages, Phatons&Cabriolets! Saddles and Harness—All Grades! Milburig^Stud^b^Ur^L^^Stamlarc^PlardhtToU ß^ 66ll kn °™ i» <* th. bn«- Sole Leather, Calf Skins,Shoe Finto”s cLria“ amfwaeK’ Oak r d,Hemlock Lacing of superior quality, Rubber and Leather Belting?' Alsoa fullTini ” ar " ee9 Lea ‘ her > *•“ HARDWARE. for a ‘> "W*. A. R. GOODYEAR, Agent, At the Old Stand, Opppos.te Georgiaßaihoad Bank, 704 Broad Bt‘"° r *° H ' MAT * c - c. p. c. m. H H Clouds Creek K M PORTABLB CORN MILLS |gg| F x A— KbU Make the very best Meal. Prieee lew. Mj K IM u” bui! dthcm in a very substantial manner ■■ -*O thc kortlxg injectors, the V U 'inEEy’iVnS ? ' boiler feeder made. Only one handle * / ' WinW\ Th ® ATLAS ESGINES and fjw II ihP®“w W‘\ v9J, Lb i R ‘v. h x® J- iue ENGINEs » nd boil - L f \1 A 5,1 ; he VA ,\ Pt’SEN JET PI MPS. Make HstJL. j ? I r kOA *\V an< t r .eP al r »J1 kinds of machinery; alee keep 5 |r*- \| ’ \ V fu . etoc k of Engines and jlill Fitkage, Geo. R, Lombard & Co. t. , lr Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works. l ouudry, Machine and Boiler Works. Also Mill and Engine Supply House, Augusta, Ga.