The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, April 08, 1886, Image 8

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Columbia Sentinel. ~i7v.'ball'ar~ ' J. M ATKINSON. i 1 ’ I 1 H»vi im, (>i.. Ai ru 8, 1886. PRICE, $1 00, IN ADVANCE. General Present incuts Os Hr Grant Jury, lanb Term. IMS. *WIW.O» , March V>, IWO. W<- th* Gr»u-1 Jury Hu* n »n<l uworu t .r tbia M>» lipring T«rm of Colnmbta Haprrw Court through ■'|r rcapactlvc committee. jiidk' •.■l.w-tod, to mak« the following presentments BOAD* AMD HII*1». We find* lbw reads in th# *entity in g'od ■ >n <l)M<>n, with U»« •veption of th* road bfdwetn th* Appling bridge and th* small branch • art of mi I bridge. Tin resd from Magruder mill V» (IrnveVtwn la narrow and should be remedied a* **»*m aa p**«ible, and bn<!g •eroMi Enchae erssk on same I* in bad condi tion, and n<<d* support under centre arch Alao.hridfp acrona same rrerk on the Wasb ington f mad baa two daageroua holes and ahonld lx- repaired at one* Alan, the road near Harns* mill i* too narrow and should !*• remedied at »»n< * Th* Omnrrtiaeinni ra d»a» rv* credit for th* ir jMVwererauce in having the roads well worked, r« ndr ring travel easier io and from market ptbi k mildimo* amd <»bodmi*. W« find that th* court hones fa in bad condi ti'm. We rcwpeatfully sail the attention of the prop* r officer who ha* charge of aaid building and see that it I* put In thorewgh repair and » hept an. W« find that Un party employed to keep th* building at th* *xp**D**- of th'- r mnty han failed to do hit duty, ami we hereby place | Hi* court and jury rooms In charge of the Ordi- | nary at th< *xp«-n*e of the county. We find the outer wall of the jail In lied con dition and recommend that it be repaired at , and *d*»« tst*»mmeml that cote tw placed , tn aaeh sell I**r the < omfort of th* prisoner*. rI.KMK AMD Tlir.AMl HER. W<- grid th* book* of the almvr named officer oorrdrfly kept. Wl also find proper voucher* for disburacniehta. * ! H< h»w will lie feu nd a atabment showing the receipt* ami dieburreim nt* us the 1 rtaaurer of i the county : TSKAMt ar.H'n MLWoMT. Rcptvmbvr 25th, I*Bs Io March 23rd, 18H6. »« Hept, 23rd. I*»s Balance on hand • 71 Hept 96 Herd Ga. R It. /tank Imrrowed money ll.Ouo 00 (.k t 10 lire d Clerk Kupirmr < <mrt 01 llce'dGeo D Dare< v, Ord’y, 515 <*> 11. e’d.O, T <■. Tax tfo. 5,11.50 20 7,22 ft 20 J 7.7*9 VI DM. Paid Rud Conrt expense* H< p T 'hS «97 50 Paid general ’< i|* ’line* HO) 34 Paid jail (*•«. 417 2d Paid tor road* and bndgt m X*> h*j Paid f«»r iieuperaaud eapcii simi iif binial. I,MB 49 Paid Ga. H. It Hank, Irorrvw cd imsH-v and mteieat i,tH2 (Hi Paid O. Hardy, T. uomr’a 1?h 75 4,404 17 *** Commiaalana on |7,224i 20 received frt 2‘. u 1W 05 <k>miniM*i<>hn on ll.itli 17 dwlmratid 2* t 111 00 Marrh 23 Ualnnva ou Land.. 1.033 49 7,789 91 1 TAX (XH.I.Kt'IOM. We find that th* taxes duo thia county forth* year Iss* amount fai five thouaami an hundred and eam kr-two tiM 100 dollars (15 692 tlk), out of 1 which amount the Tax Collect t ha* collected rwixy dollar, with the exception of forty five ■ Mid 4 llki dolUta, and that the t'ollcetor holda rertjHa fr»m the Treasurer of the county for the sum of fill) six hundred ami ferty seven dollars ami sixty four cents, ami take pleasure inwaung that the above showing is lug Id y creditable Io Mr. Oliwi Hardy, Tax Culleckir. oantskar. Vefiud the liooka in good *ha|ui ami correct* > ly kept, redeettng Credit upon the < ffieivney of thia officer. Wr hi rvby direct the Ordinary to levy a tax of six t< ulke of on* per cent, on the taxable I property of the county for county taxre fur the year IW6 Me m alas directed to purchase a suitable hawk tn which the t'h rk of the court aliallcopy the Presentment*of the Grand Juries which book shall Im* delivered over to our •Unscssoiw in sflee, thereby enabling them to •tw wixetln*! inatrucnona of the preceding Grand Juris* have been carried out. We direct tliat the Ordinary issue warrant upon thr Treasurer for the payment of accom panying 1411 of Rhenff Ivy of |ill so. rarriJiA. We find from examination of ths pauper list thriear* JS whitva, via. t males, 11 h males and 3 children ami Id colored, vii 7 males and 9 Lunalea, iu all 36 paupets After « \auiHia ttun of the noeda relative to each pauper, wc find the law has Iwn e mphed with U*fore their names were placed upon the hat. The ouat fi»r oaring for ra for the year unding Nov»mlht Ist. IS*5. ee*t aK»ut |I,MM». equal to about 25 per eent. of the taxable re- Cripts of thr onuuty. We arc glad to report (hat thia amount will be considerably reduced 4 ami the cost for this year t IMM should amount 10 about 31.000. We hereby direct that the Or dinary will iaMue his warrant* upon the Treasu rer quarterly, beginning May lai. next for the aup|MMTt of }*au|»s ra, instead of yearly, as bore toßwe W» direct him to strike ti.e names of Wiley Armstrong and Matilda Conner from the hot. as we do hot dwm them tit aubj«x*to.* cansuh r it uiiWi** to recom mend ibe eetabhshtm irt of a poor house and farm, aa the first coots for such an institution would bo al low***! oahmlaUon 32,500 fbr pur- * cheat ng land and building houses am table, and providing luulreaud implements. We do not think ttie financial rendition of the county jus* tif> siH‘h an outlay W< direct the Ordinary'to notify reccirere w hou names uro dropped than the list. PTBUC fc'UOOUk Wo find the fellow mg w the w of the public achotd system u the reuuty for the year JBKS, relleoung credit upon our wronhy and ( fbcirul bihisd loiiit. l tl Number of ach»»4s whin- 21 ; number of schools onion'd 22. number of reWarw ad mitted white. mole* fcnuxlco. 406.*' colored. mal<a 237. females 394. IvUl, , white* 710: colored ttl; total, white and color ed 1.341. Average attendance IJitiO; average monthly coot of tuition per pupil II •>; amount of thia monthly Uiition paid by the Ktata 93 cents. Branches of study tanght Orthography, num ber pupil* 1.341; I’cadim*, number pupils I.ZW; Writing, DUrnbor pnpU* 1,211 English Gram mar. number pupils 743; Geography, mimber pupils 79H; Arithmetic, numls-r pupil* 92f). (‘ompensatton County Hchoul Commiasioner |>MP, postage and other expemn * 45 00; amount paid to b aencrw 43.045 04; t tai < f expend.tur« * M,240 07; amount ofpidl tax received at time of settlement with teachers 11,242 H 2; amount of Mat. Hcho-d Corn miss ion *r’a ord* r 41,997 22; amount reecivi d from other M.uross, including l<lan<** mi band *»f last year 4 —-; total amount of school fund re* rived for the year 43,240 04; balan** remaining <>n band I—- . We hereby direct th* Clerk <d the < oUrt to transmit a leth r to our Repreiu ritati vo in Con grew* at W’aabington, and request him tn use hi* inffiieri*ami g*»*»d offices toward* the *■• curing tho paasajr* <»f the "Blair Educational biil’ i.’/w pending Im-fore C*mgr* *«. JVWTI* EM or THE rr.A<T.. W* find th*- Imoka of Juaticoa correct and kept an the law direct* It irt report* d to thin body that two negro** wen-maltreated at or near H»w Dust about January Ist of thia year. W* summoned wit n« s*ea and made inquiry into the matter but wen unable to ** < ure sul’r n nt evidence to i find any indh'tm.'ht*. VS i order the I'reaaurer to pay th o Holidt*.r- G*-n*-ral hi* cost* and feea after they have been oasM.-d ti|M«n by the (M.tirt, and also, that the jurors and bailiff* of thia court bo paid 42 00 per day for services rendered at this t* rm of the court. , direct the Ordinary to have tbeM . Pre sentments published in thr Coi.vmiha Hemtinkl and that hi issue Li* warrant Upon the Trraau* ! rrr for 415 00 u» pay for same.' I'hanking thr( ourt and Holicitor-Gen< ral for ■ court, miss i ntended to this body, we are rc m|mh tfully, th. Grand Jury Jn<» Q Hpirrs, Foreman. M« Ivillr I Branch, Arlema* .M Jerr* T Hniith, Oliver Hardy, Jno I. Larkin, Jno L Bynum, laaac M Mile*, William N Zachry, Jn<> II N*al John B Kutherland, rhoniM* N Hopkins, William li J« nes, Wiliam P ('rawford, Luriliua D Walton, Gro W King, Charles L West, James 1. Clnnt<>n, John G Dozier, Gnffin B Lamkin, Ike V Ballard, Clerk. — (hxmou, ( *Ol.l'M Bl A CoUMTY- I he foregoing i* a true extract from the mtn iif.-M of ( olumbia Huperior ( ourt March term IHHA Witness my hand and the seal of said < <>urt. this 27th day of March A. D. 1 kmg. I rank D. Guay, D. Ci.’k Chatham Artillery. Centennial AT SAVANNAH, GA. Muy 3rd to May Bth, IKK(>, lucluHive. (ROTH TRIP TKIETS. VIA Georgia Railroad SALE of Tifk« t* c©!iimrncßM April 28th and uontmucH until .May 3 good for return pa**- agt 10 day* from date of aale. From the Following KtatioiM* at Rate* named below: From Harlem. 43 40 i •• Bcrzelis 830 “ Grovetown 310 . “ B» lair 295 I ive Tlioiihmi *1 Dollar* in Piizca. Gramh-Ht 4 Military Gathering ever held at the South. Magnificent lnt< r Ntatr Drill and Tournament, b.-lent)-five Beat Drilled Military Compani** in tin Country Infantry, Artijleryand Zouave Drill* Magnificent Cavalry Tournament. Largent Military Encampment held at thr South wince thr War Compsui*** from all part* <3 the I nion Giaml Diaplay of Fire Work*. I'nveil mg of Monument to Gem ral Nathaniel Greene, of Rr*ohitionarv Fame Drill Groundn ami EncaßiDinent within City Limit*. |>*y acre** from Railroads. Review and Inepertion of Troop* by the Govi rnor* of State* and their Staff*. For further information write to either of the undersigned. E. It. Donai y, General Panacnger Agent. Joa. W Whits, Tran Hing Paaeengtr Agent, Augu*ta, Ga., Assignee s Sale BE SILENT That You May Hear GOODS AT AND BELOW COST FOR THE NEXT 20 DAYS. Drv Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc. Come and sec for yourself. 1 he goods must go. Now is the time to se cure bargains. ( ome at once to the old Stand of Powell <N Hardy, only 20 days, the only thing of the kind ever known in 1 lari cm. EB. T. WILLIAMS, OLIVI'K HABDY, 'xbaiuxu. Aatiguce. MASONIC TEMPLE. AUGUSTA, GA. Headquarters For FASHIONABLE AND RELIABLE DRY GOODS. z \i'B >4- k for Spring »n<l HnmmorTrade i« now oomplete in erery department. It in the ( ). .t. iihiv.. and In ni M>l. Ct.-.l an<l aeeort. .1 cr« r ahown in the South Atlantic States, and ~ . In.l, » < 1, I > thing handwnm and attractive in Dry G'khlh, Novaltiea and Notion,. 11, low ami 10. dmni pr> ■ d good*, by .•xU naive additions, we are able to offer the beet'line till- »• ction. and everv article will lie exactly ae n,presented, while in finer good* we carry a .i, cannot l,< matclii d couth of tin Potomac ; and on price,, for gooda of .all gradaw, we an ai.rolute guarantee not only againet home competition, bnt afaiuat the I'nited Ktali-a. ordi ra N r gooda or campion will receive prompt and careful attention. I) ALY & A RMSTRONG. Shoes are wanted everywhere, Try Mulherin & Co.; don’t despair. i No More High Prices FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS AHO HATS. x 1 r E have received onr Spring Stock, which was pnrehaned with cash from the beet Faeto \v tonea of the North and iaet. We mmw<!< I in ween ring many great bargains. You know our reputation for celling FlllHT-t'LASS GOODS A 1 LOW I E-. Now ia your oppor tunity. You will feel l.adly when you find that you have paid .1.50 for a pair of ehoea that WM. MULIIEIUN A CO would nave Hold you for sl. We quote aonie of our bargain* : Infante’Kid Buttoned soft sole ShoeaO to S 10 La dion’ Cloth Gaiters 3to 9 75 Infante’Kid Lace BhocH Ito 5 25 Ladies’Glove Grain i.ace Shoes 3to 9 .1 00 J Child's KidLaceShoeH sto 7. . ■ 50 Ladles’Pebble Gr’n Button’d Shoes 3 t 08.51 00 I hild'H Pebble Grain Lace Shoes Hto 12 85 Ladies’Kid Buttoned Shoes, worked holes Misses I’abble Grain Lace Shoes 11 to 2. .75 3to 8 5125 Misses Pebble Gr'ti Butt’n’d Shoes 12to 2 51 00 Gents’ Calf Ties 6to 11 51 50 Ladies’ Web Slippers 3to 8 15 Gents’Dress Shoes from 51 to 250 Ladies'Pebble Grain Slippers 3to 8 50 Boys’Wool Hats from 15 ia 50 Ladies’Kid Croquet Slippers 3to 7 50 Genta’Hats from 35 io 52 50 Ladies’ Kid Opera Slippers 3t07 75 Gents’aud Boys’Straw Hats 5t051 00 Every day is a gala day in our establishments with the numerous customers after the Bonan zas we advertise. Ho come along and get your share of the Bargains! Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. Wm. Mulherin & Go., TWO STORES — 722 Broad St., opposite the Monument, 913 Broad St., sin of the Lire Red Boot. F. L. FULLFJT M?B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMEKALL FULLER, HATCHER i CO., (Successors hi Young, HvckACo.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G R O CE H S, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. H WlNG’purcbiiHi il the intercHt of Young A Hack, wo propose to offer to the] trade a full . line of carefully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. AU business with us will receive prompt attention: FULI.ER, HATCHER & CO. Day & Tannahill, 1 u ~~ / \ —’l’RreESKßti ■ ~‘y HEADQUARTERS FOR 4 Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Findings BKLTXJSTG-. The Finest ami most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. Tidings of Comfort and Joy :^d b :^“ ,d " Md We now offer >•- $35.00. Try one and save ynnr health Every man who owns a horee, or wishes to train a eolt, should haw A>ue. as the price u» within the reach of «U. DAY & TANNAHILL - - AUGUSTA, GA. AUGUSTE GUIEN, rnopiiiETon FLORAL NURSERY, NO 1483 BROAD STREET, - . - - AUGUSTA, GA. - - .0 Boquets, Wreaths, Crosses, Horse Shoes, MARRIAGE BELLS, CUT FLOWERS, At all seasons. Give me a call when you come to the city. AUGUSTE GUIEN. GIBSON COTTON SEED PLANTER x ' */ \ X] as Price List: The Gibson Cotton Seed Planter, complete SIO.OO each. The Gibson Attachmeht for Dow Law Planter 4.50 tack. The Gibson Attachment for Farquhar Planter 4.50 each. Apply to or address, W. S. LAZENBY, HARLEM, GA. JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & DUOS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. L™^ 1 ■-■!!.■ ""-"J- 111 ■J 1 " 1 " !■ . IMPROVE YOUR STOCK! The Trotting Stallion Strathmore, Jr., will make the Spring season at my farm in Co lumbia county, four miles west of Harlem. PEDIGREE. i J 1 " - ’ i s Strathmore, Sr.; first dam. Melrose by Administrator ; second. Mattie Price by Woodford Membrino ; third, Miss Taylor by Pecks Idol; fourth, Carrie D. by Don Juan ; fifth, Romance by Sir Leslie. ** TERMS : $5 single leap, $lO for the season, sls for insurance. Fifty cents to the groom in all cases. Special rates may be made for three or more mares. Apply to S. C. LAMKIN, HARLEM, GA.