The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, April 22, 1886, Image 4

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A No\ci Conflict. Fhf Riuol* Kw'fi a lubun an! a Bull Terrirr l’liililil<-l|>bi.i 'Glegrapli: Suprrin f< ml n>t Brown • white bu'l-t«. ih i Bobby, and Liz.'iv. the A nut i -Mian ba l> x>u a* the zoo, had a five round ■ irripiu the cellar of tlio monkey lio i vi-iio l\v nfli inoon '1 here F were only two aparlalora, but the ' eight would have inn le the blood of n prize Hgl.tei fre< /.<• Lizzie, the bibooli, hllM bel li tied lip in a <• i„’<i in the gloomy hriwiimut nil winter, owing to a complication of <li*'a*e* which render her unfit to I iwn'iciuto with the more cheerful and lietter bidinveil monkey* up Man* H<*r inoroaeiieHH of temper i* attribut ed to dynpuphi'i, the reault of indulg ing n fondnei < of appetite for tinware, br.iKK apiggota and old iron. Lizzie ba* idao had the meiihlcH and liiusi u )ar wiakne** of the heart, produced by phiHical esertioiw to wake life pleuHiiut for other monkeys in the oxarc.iw of nu nrt called Mugging. In her lonelinc** she Ims had no other one in whom to awaken interent except Bobby, and her plan of ac compli«hing thin han made sonic very j tin filing evpei irnccH for Bobby in that dark cellar Every time lie whisked past her cage ahe reached for him like n lightning stroke from the clouds. The discomfort* of life attending this made Bobby mini i able, and yesterday he paid the puce of pence by fighting it out to tin bitter end Tim contest was fought according to the scientific rule* ofjlie ring, and tin* b ilioon got more point* in wpnr ling in ten minute* than she could have learned in the Schuylkill Navy Athletic club in ten year*. Il was ■ veiling and hair raising. Five rounds were fought. Like n good many other people who get hammered, the baboon Marled the fight. Bobby wa* dancing around playfully oIT Ins guard, when Lizzie HiiddeQly let out with her li ft and caught*Bobby back of the ear. Him | followed with her right and fastened n collne-nnd-elbow grip on the terrier's I tail. It is annoying to a dog to take i unhallowed possession of Ins t ill. The next time Lizzie aimed a left bander nt him he dodged and got n grip on her elbow. Then there was music, things looked dizzy, the hair flew, bowls of horror went up. and the cellar shook. Lizzie let go Bob by‘a tail, but the terrier just hung on and chewed. Lizzie wanted to chew something too, but the bars of the cage were bars to her wishes, and if there had been no bars, there would have been a whizzing cyclone in that cellar, with either a dead dog or a dead monkey to memorialize the conflict. The first round lasted two minutes, when Bobby let go to get his wind He stood up gameley for the second round Lizzie sparred more cautiously for mi opening, made several feints and caught Bobby foul once or twice. But the last i mind was a beauty. The combat ants closed again in the wind-up. Lizzie showed more confi dence, and when she led out once with two long a reach to recover in good shape Bobby caught on again. He got a saw like grip on Lizzie's wrist and kept out i f distance of her terri ble right-hnndem There was more music. Bobby dodged, growled, chewed pulled and wagged his tail. After three minutes he was ordered to break away, and it was decided that ho had won the medal, ['he tight will go down iui one of the most gamely fought amateur contests without gloves on record. Sil S he.itaclir, n th- Ixueof nwnv 1n,., lii* an* iniug m«i|>«ini m«j Is-cu'intan,t VH vt itWl l*y the occasional u»< <»f l>r J Il lli lxaii'w HouHtxqmihie Ln er and Kidiwt nlh t»s they are pIeuMUH u» ukv larger than a pm head, and are th< kdir- tatuiHr f,.t I iouwtr •». bad uale in the lumith. Jaundu <, f. r L utvQthea and painful nu-naiiuaUvn. Fur aale by ah diuggiwf Seeictliiti: »f a Gibson Enterprise Mr. 1. B. Tarver of this place, a hewer of wood, but not a drawer of water, is noted for bia strength, lbs home jumped off the embankment in R,„ ky Comfort swamp the other night and mired up to its flanks m the mud, at the same time upsetting the buggy Mr Tarver then got mad and took the buggy on his shoulder, the hm *e by the tad and set them straight in the road. Atlanta, Ga., Dots. Something About the Ups and Downs of her Inhabitants. Mis* Dunaway Hit.'. Atlanta papers lire giving the pub lic >in< curious ami Womlelful cases that no quite interesting, ft seems n young lady of Atlanta had been re- : , pmti d a* dead, but it came to the I eni- of a Constitution re[>orter that . „he was still alive and being on the alert for news, called lit her residence to learn all the f id*. Miss Dunaway who had been pronounced dead, said: ‘Tor four v. iiis, rheumatism and neuralgia have resisted physician* and nil otbei treatment. My muscle* , h . tried to dry up, my fl< *li shrank awai, my j >int* were swollen, painful and bug.-, lost my appetite, was »<• duced Io !><• pound* in weight, und for months was expected to die. I commericed the use of B B. 8., and . the action of one half bottlecohvmced | inv friends that it would cure me. It* effect was like magic, ft gave me an appetite, gave me strength, relieved ail my pains and aches, added llcsli to my l*me», and when five bottles had been used, 1 had gained 50 pounds of flesh, and am to-day sound and well. Mr. J. P. Dati«, of Wist End. W hat Mr J I’. Davis, of West End, said: “1 have only a few words to *iiv, which are to state that I have been confined to my bed for two inoiith* with what was called Nervous Bhcumatism, or Sciatica. 1 was only enabled to hobble about occasionally by the use of crutches, and in this i. .Ildltioll I commenced the use of B. B. B , four bottle* of which enabled me to discard the use of my crutches and attend to business. 1 luul pievioualy used nil well recommended medicines without relief. It has been over one year since using B. B. B. ami I consider myself a permanently cured man.'* 'lf. 11. I’ Disiiif, litrdniaMri liit 11. Il makes a stnti-ineiit: "My wife him been a great sufferer from catarrh. Severn] physicians and various patent medicines were resort ed 10, yet the disease continued uiin! ited, nothing iippearing to make anv impression upon it Her consti tution finally became implicated, the poison being in her blood. "1 secured ii bottle of B. B. B. and placed her upon it* use, and to our surprise the improvement begun nt once, and her recovery was rapid mid complete. No other preparation ever produced such a wonderful change, and for all forms of Blood Diseases 1 cheerfully recommend B. B. B. as a supei tor Blood Purifier.” ’lr. Jan. !,. Iliisw«rth Buttonholed "\es," said Mr. James L Bosworth, nu old Atlnntimi, "it was twelve years ago when I contracted a terrible case of I>l.>od poisoning'. I had no appetite, did not sleep well nt night, my diges tion wis impaired, my throat was ciiuteiiz. ,1 tiie tunes and in fact I was a total wreck. 1 hud been under the treatment of several of the h ading phy*iciiins of Atlanta; tried nearlv every blood remedy advertised; went to Hot Springs, where I remained several months, receiving no benefit whatever, A truly wonderful blood reinedv was recommended, known as B. B. B. I used it, mid, sir, 5 bottles cured me mid 1 really bi heve it to be the grandest mid quickest blood remedv ever known " Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Cm . tor their Book of wonders, free. I’of sale at the Drug Store of Dr. D 1,. I‘t'eples. [larlein (la. aug-27 J. R. KIDWELL, Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Steam Bread Bakery AND Candy Manufactory STICK CANDY cents per pound, wholesale. Fresh Bread. Ties and Cakes every day. Give us a call. ’•I OBE HOTEL BUBER SHOP S: Hair Cutting and shampooing done in tb< n< atrM and bkmg untie luanuvr by ... . M.IVIXkSH A ROBERTS. H.'Und coldUtU. Giv< ua a call. Pvlite alkuUeu. Special Notice. \LLp ! ‘Tfir* Indebted tome ff»r medical _ r vicz* are rtM|nei*u*d to cotu<* forward I aii<l<** ttb at either by notv or the <nu»fa I or they m ill find their a<-coiiutwi»i mi attorn* v'n h*tld*. janl4 A. J Svkleks. M. D. Augnsti, G’.bisn & bandsrsville R P. At <H " fA. (i. AND S, ftULH'HD, I ; Ai•<»!•-fA. Ga.. !>♦ <•. 10. Ko. j Jn efT* ct Hnn<la.'. J)« c« rnlrt-r 11, IXMS, at 5 p. 1 m: Except Sunday* Pawo n/rrn and Freight. No. 1 a, m. No. 2 a. m. , Leav •• (hb*oD 3 «»> i Lv. Align ta.. 6:23; “ Staple-ton .3:45 , “ Wemt* ria. .7:02 “ P'-f» C/m, “ Gracew<x>d 7 2f> j “ Matthewh f, 15 “ Richmond 7:3h : “ Kitiith .0 23 “ Hephzibah «:0b Ktya J’ itn . 8 83 “ Burke. 6.50 “ Burke. . R "H» , “ Bath 7:05, “ Key*.. .9 20 Hephzibah 7:17 “ Smith . 9 3b ; “ Kichrnonfl.. 7 37, “ .Matthews .9 50 “ Grurewood 717 “ Popo .10 14 Westcria H:O3 “ Htapk-ton. .10 3# i Arrive Au ;usta M -0 Arrive Gibson. 11 3b i p M No i P M I Leave Gib-,n J 45 Leave. Augusta 5 o<i *’ HtapktoD 247 “ Wcsh-ria .5 27 I *• 2 11 “ Gracev,oo<Ls 42 > Matthews .3 36 “ Hichmoml .5 52 I “ Smith 31“ “ H**phzibab 612 I Key* 46| •• Ba’h . i. 1 Burke 4 30 “ Burke 0 39 “ Bath 454 “ Keys 654 “ Hephzibah 51M “ Smith ... . 70* “ Bicnniood 553 “ Matthews. .7 17 , “ Grarewood. 605 “ P«»| <• 732 Westeria .6 20, “ Stapleton. 747 Arrive. Augusta 647 Arrive Gib- >n.. 4 20 SUNDAYS PASSENGERS ONLY. No. 1 A. M. [ No. 2 A. M Leave Gilimmi 6.10 Leave Augusta., hod >■ ■ I .■ ’■ 'll '■ 58 Vi • I I - J I “ Pope 7.0 X “ Giarrw axl. b*42 “ .Matthews 7.23 “ Ricnmond H:52 j “ Smith 7.31 “ Hephzibah .9:12 J “ Keys 716 “ Bath 9.24 j “ Biirkf b:O2 “ Burk' . 9.4* “ Bath H:l7 | “ Krye. 9.55 > “ Hephzibah x. 32 “ Smttli. Ih.Kt ' “ Richmond., b. 53; “ Mathews Ju.l7 “ Gj-acewood 9.03' “ Pope. 10-52 “ VAesteria .9:181 “ Stapleton. 1U.47 Arrive Augusta.. .9.45 Arrive Gibson.. 1129 No. 3 p. m. | No. 4 p. m. Leavve Gibson 320| L* avt Augusta . 3.00 “ Stapleton. 403 “ Wesuria. 327 *, Pope .4.18 “ Grace wu0<1..3:42 “ Matthews 433 “ Richmond .3:52 “ Smith 4.41| “ Hcnhzibah 4J2 “ Keys. . . 456 “ Bath ... 4:24 “ Burke. 5:11 | “ Burke. .5 40 Bath 5 261 “ Keys. 4:55 “ Hephzibah. 5:38 | “ Smith 5:10 “ Richmond 5:5b | “ Matthews .5:18 “ Gracewood.<>:oß I “ Popt 5:33 • “ Westeria .6 23| “ Stapleton. 5:47 Arrive Augusta. 6:50 Arrive Gibson 6:3.) R. M. MITCHELL, President. aiulall Piuous Complaints an- rellrveilbv taking WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Pun'., Vu'StaN. Ko C-'.r'.no, Mt’ 25:. All Dr'Utrtjt.. Surv<\vor’s Notice. I) \HTiEM desiring Surveying done can weenre . my services bv addressing me at Harlem, 1 Gia. ‘ R. R. HATCHER, County Surveyor School Commissioner’s Notice. The public school?* of Columbia county, Ga., ’must be opened by the first <L,v of April and closed by the tirst day of July next. By order | ofthe Board. This January I, 188 G. J I 3MH 11. C. 8. 0 | MEN ONiy A QUICK. PERMAN NT, CERTAIN CURE FCR Lost or Failing; Manhood, Nervousness Woaknoss, Lack of Strength, Vigor or Development, < by f uilincrotlonn, exconn'n, oto BenAfltofn a ■lay. (’urwN uxunlly within a month. No Deception 1 rj^ u "J ck ? r T* I’roofn. full dwerintion and “'Gh'*' fa plain M'uUod envelop,' free. ’‘IE MEDICAL (A)„ P.O. Drawer 17V. buffalo, N.Y. THIS PAPER NrwspajM r Advertising Bureau ( io Spruce St.), wi.,T.., l , l>) .rii«ing airiif vnmr NEW YORK. Day & Tannahill, z^sbfe^v 1 — — — HEADQUARTERS FOR Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Findings ZBELTXJSTGh Ihe Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever Wrought to the City, at all prices. 1 ~~ O' ■ —• Tidings of Comfort and Joy / 1 ’ -U.S.' who b iv. be, h wrenched and j. rk< 1 about bv so-oalled road cart*. We now offer vou the iinwt delightful vehicle, with FINEST whe< is and axles for ■ u $35.00. T*' •. • 1 *a\c x :r in i .th. Every man wh.» owns* a hon*e. or wishes to train a coll, should ha Vi one, a» the price* is within the reach of all. DAY & TANNAIHLL. - - AUGUSTA, GA. Home Council I M’e take pleanure in culling your attention to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely tlirouglr the critical Mage of teething. It is an I incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturbed nt night , with n sick, fretful, teething child, use Pitts' Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the bowels, and I make teething safe mid easy. It will 1 cure Dysentery and Diarrlm n. Pitts’ . Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowel*. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and fro] icing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents ,er bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale at Holliday’s Drug Store Harlem, (hi., and by W. J. Heggie, of Grovetown. vKtorSIOVES PATENTED. Bum any kind of Fuel I SOFT OR HARD COAL. ▲ They keep the nir la JHk »t room pure by Perfect Ventilation SAVE IN FUEL 1 I' ' MORE THAN THEY COST Keep fire longer than jfcp..". other kind o/ stove, CIVE NO CAS I i J BUT BURN IT ALL J j THEY SECt'BB IKenllhf nines*, Ry Perfect v'entilatiaa Economy, By Perfect Combartion, n Cheerfulnemb 1 Tw By Open-Firo. nL Comfort, £7 By Uniform, Equable Wanntk As low In price as thn cheapest. Illumination as from an open-Grato Fire. Worth more than the moat eostly. Boe an Open-FireVentilator Stove, with fire in it, before baying any store. A«k your store dealer to show you •ne; if he baa none send to ua for catalogues and teatL Menials. GOLD'S HEATER MFG. CO. 024-642 East 14th St., New York. \®DEBILI.TI VjyFEiBLFJbsI DECAI. A Life Experience. Remarkable and j quick cures. Trial Packages. Send , stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WAR’S & CO. Louisiana, Wo, | Burial Outfits. Wf have in stock a large lot of all styles o ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT (’uses and Caskets. White Marbleized (’ases for infants and chil dren of elegant styles, with glass full length. Besides tin s , wo have a full stuck of Coffins of imitation of tine wood, which are very hand some and cheap. We also have a full line of Dressing Material for inMlle,anil Ornamental Plate*, etc. We are prepared to sell these goods as low as any Un dertaker in tho State, and parties wanting such goods will find it to their interest to try us be fore going elsewhere. J. F. Hatcher & Co., HARLEM, GA. I We Stand at the Head WITH THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, Davis, Household 1 and jT\ newhome W'HjSl -■ Sewing Machines, - new style 'a Z Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free. 500 Go«d Second-Hand Sewing Machines taken in exchange for above makes, tn be >©ld a „ half value, $5, $lO, sls each, waaruted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines of all make epaired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The Sewing Machine and Organ Dealers, 9'24 Broad Street, Augusta, 4a WATCHES! DIAMONDSTJEWEIRY! Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. n- AVING purchased F A BRAHE’S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and consolidated with it he elegant stock formerly carried by me at my old stand under the Central Hotel. I now ofl'er at reduced prices the handsomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Ac., ever seed m this city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streets, and familiarly known. “Brahe’s Corner.” Mr. BRAHE will remain with me, and will be pleased to see his friends. WILLIAM SCHWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad street Shoes are wanted everywhere, 1 ry Mulherin & Co.; don’t despair. No More High Prices FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS AND HATS. TXT]-’ have received onr Spring Stock, which wa* purchased with cash from the best Facto , ’ ’ toms ol the North and East. M e succeeded in seeming many great bargains You know our reputation tor selling FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT LOW PRICENow is voir oppor- Vi ‘lih’l'tiv «on I ’V I when .y. ou hn ;’ you have P aid *l-50 for a P air of shoes that WM. I MULHERIa & CO. would have sold you for sl. We quote some of our bargains : T Bu “°" ed soft sole Shoes oto 8 10 Ladies’ Cloth Gaiters 3to 9 75 ChihUH ti°7 ... .. BuH sZ '"a, 41 S! Vr‘ ld 8 p i l'l' o'I*'" 1 *'" t aCe «i° e8 to 12 ■ ■ 65 Ladies’ Kid Buttoned Shoes,' worked hole's Misses Pebble Grain Lace Shoes 11 to 2. .75 3to 8 u "oiaeu noies Misses Pebble (irn Butfn’d Shoes 12 to 2 $1 00 Gents’ Calf Ties «to 11 fi ii) Ladies Meb Slippers Jto 8... 15 Gents’Dress Shoes from 11 to 250 Ladies Pebble Grain Slippers 3to 8 .... 50 Boy*’ Wool Hats f«m 15 te 50 -- »tt^snawHat s ::-^ g zan w7 a Xg whlre of tTeXTg^inali'* 11161,8 B ° nan ’ Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. b Wm. Mulherin & Go., j TWO STORES < Broad St., opposite the Monument, «n.> Broad St., sign of the Lare Red Boot. c. c. p. c. m. g H Clouds Creek M I'S'-if'OW B PORTABLE CORN MILLS M| Pd ~ kI Bffl alie H> e ▼•ry beat Meal. Priwe lew. ■B M W* b i Ulld, !i''? in av * r ?' ls ’ ,h * ,ai *’ !1 ’tßannee PH M i/,! 80 ,’ 0 Z c hORTI.NG INJECTORS, th v ffl ‘Z e . r fe X-‘J er n,ad *- Only one handl* ’ T Z ATLA S ENGINES and /ffW II WA FRS L H, R ‘ v. r.? IE ENGINES and BOIL- IwW W \1 • \ ERS, the lan DI SEN JET PUMPS. Make f/Zl J’\ r r ,^P a ‘ r a , n klnda of machinerv; also keep ■ i lirt -3 *'/Jis f'V. ’ \ a full stock of Engines and Sfiil Fit****, -'i Qj. 7?' oawr, etc. Ceo. R. Lombard &. Co. ~ , , r , . Foundry, Machine and Boiler Work*, foundry, Machine and Boiler Works. Also Mill and Engine Supply House, Augusta, Ga.