The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, April 22, 1886, Image 8

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< blumhia Sentinel. j. v. . J. JL ATKINSON . 1 Hmiiim, Ga.. Ainu. 22 1886. I’llfCE, $1 o), IN ADVANCE One Augusta Letter. THIWII6 «IT WITH 1 MlNtf Fl Tl Rt. Tlip Spirit <>f Improvement A A •’. It;iilro:i<l on a Boom -—Education X<*w Enter pii'C- springinir I p Ilit* Valentine (’use- Amnse ment'. Etc. (riioM oik ■ri>:>i. < i!Ki*r ihm Kightacn hundred nml eiglity-MX li&k been in nil n upei ta an eventful v»nr for An,/ .-fi Novel lef»■ in Itn In <!>'! yt j ■■ u .h'lu fiil a' i. .ii/e. been n<coiii|>b«!n’<l, in Hoi-liort a time. Ennrgv ami enthuMuiam hat a been in fiiHOil into every branch of buaincHH EnterjniMi have been inaugurated which were hitherto biokeil iipuii na idle vagariet; public tq.iril is keep ing forward with a rush, wl.ii h will remove n'l obtdaclea, and place Au guatK with ilh awakened lift, in the foremost rank of Southern citii The development ia wonderful. 1 or n long time Augusta has been con Hidercd a second-rats place n kind of largo vay station, with only local intercuta to keep it alive, n dead town but a continual umb ieurrent is now coining to the aurface with an irreaiatible force. Iho occupation of the "old<it inhabit ant" is ii retrievably lobt, and his once powerful voice in uoier beard now except in peiiidu prattle. Ths year was ushered in with the cnlduat wealhet espc.rii need in fifty years, ami it seemed to freeze, not only the treacheioiik Savannah but also, the biibinee-t interssta, but if such weather could be alwei follow el by ndvnittages a-, remarkable . resulted from tins, it. woul I be advi tibln for Auguala to obtain a that mortgage on the cold weatlw r. Crude ideas have been entered in years past us building a hong! of ch rcction for lawli m minors, nndof, erecting a home for reformed woman, 1 Sb'lt thoan ideas hinguithml ami were «loiost forgotten. Thia yam they >W revived, ami the buddings are nluuaJy nn assured success S > much ifi>r tier* mural improvement. Tie iiextatep was in the direction «df luucstional improvement. The ulus of ♦reeling a 1. wale college w.'is lAgitatcJ. The lirewa wot actively at work to secure the opinions of lend idjgsces. All were m favor of it. The a*w the advantage. Public jwpirit was aron»< d. Thia was also n ♦Aueceas. Jhe crow inn,g slop of all iva vet to .eutne. About n year ngo the ipieslion -of building nn mr-liue from Augusta to Chsttauoogn was agitated. Though warmly supported by tlm press mid favorably received by the public, it - did not meet with the »■ m-eted aup port. However, a few ot Augusta's vliergotie citizen*, foremost uniting whom were Hou. Patrick Walali, Gen. A Evans, Mi >< /„ M<- (' ilil and Alfred linker, followed up the idea which teemed with »> many possibilities and finally <>. ani/ed mid chartered it company under tlm name of ''Augusta autl I'liatt.iiu'i i i Ivaii n>a<l Company." 11 capital stock was placed at 11.< >OO.OOO. Ofticene were t h’cted and the company began its cor|>orate catver Augusta his al ready hubs, libel of liei SliHI. 000 r’lmrle .Um mi l Clmltmioogn will auliscribe sloo,iiiM each; Gaiuvs ville will aubscribe > > i.tKtO ami other p aces al uig ths route will make up tile balance. Ihe first step was to negotiate for tlm charter of tlm \u,;nta. Tllarton ami Chicago Kaihond. which, if eon •trucle I. would run parallel to it Hie charter was obtained Being somewhat settled on its feet, a few days ago, a lueetiug wus held of the representative men .•( Augusta The determination of Ilia meeting was that the road should be built. lliev had m>t come foi tb< pui| os olgiviu:: only moral sapp it, but to give man .rial assistance, lu ten minutes $30,- 000 was raised. The road will pa»s through the fol lowing cquulim liicbmond. Colum bia, Lincoln. Oglethorpe. Elbert, Madison, Juel.s. >n, t iaik. . I rarklin, Batiks, Hall, Lumpkin, Dau m. Gil mer, 1 a’.unn, Pickens. Murray, Whit field ami < ato sa. 1 heso oouutiea have $20,000 tnrius. containing one million acres ot laud, worth $15,000. 000, raising hum pioducts worth SIO,IMtO,OtH). 1 hey* 350,01 X) bushels df corn, NtO.IHM bushels of ivatfc, (>Oo,ot*o bushels of win at. sl<*o. OttO worth of orchard pr •ducts. Lotto tous of luiy, Ltd.oito of cotton. tW.OOt) bushels ol Iris i potiit.s s and 100,000 |s>un.L' of t ibaeco. Popula tion, .132,0110 wlntv sf.ihbl bias as. It will hi a-eri from the above that the road will open up u splendid new tributary country to Augusta, wl ile it will shorten our connection with the grant W< rt about 100 miles. Au gnat > rot i' ir;iis nt stake and she will not we the road go down. The ‘Tied Line ’ is also nn asmtred siicci s Augusta han subscribed all but $15,000 of io r slmrc mid that is solid. Col. Mitchell, the Narrow Gau,''- king, i» trying to get it to < onti« et with his roml (A. G. A S.) at s!>me point in South Carolina. He ia confident tl .it he will suci-ced. ,\<'i is tl.' “Au? .it.-i Oil Company" which nianiiliictmi s oils and soaps of nil kinds ft lias a capital stock of ‘ llMl.tmtl. I a great thing mid we will soon use oil* and soaps inniiufnc f.ictured in our own city. N<- t in the ’ Dartsmouth Spinning ; Comp?ny, u new yarn factory, now erected by Meaat - I -d. 11. < ,'des A Co., of Philadelphia, near the basins. It will be vompleted and in working order by November Ist, and will run Ih.irtO spimlln mid ein plov "Utt hands. The work of eriet -11.,' the factury ia under the supervis ion o| Mr. A L. .Maxwell, an efficient gentleman from Philadelphia, who has made many friends here. Preston Valentine, who murdered old Mr. Vain al the str< et car stables here, about 1!) months ago, was cap tilled by ( apt. Ned Purcell, at Low nio'r, Vil ( apt. Purcell is one of tin shrewdest, detectives in Georgia. Valentine ba- confess! d. He will Is tried id tin- «| proaching Aj'iil term of tin-Superior Court, w hich meets-ill the 2Gtli. Will give you pmtieulars of I rial w hen it. cornea on. Joseph Smith attempted to rape a young girl here a few days ago. but n□ • pii Vi-nti'd by the timely arrival of in I. Smith is now languishing in jail in del an It of a $1,001) bond. Hase ball, ns usual, has taken pos session of the city. Augusta, Nash ville mid Savannah are undoubtedly ' the -itrongest, clubs in the Southern 1.1 .: .on-. Augusta has, so far. Worsted Nashville. At m ally every corm r a crowd ot small boys arc seen, disput ing as to “w ho beat.” I In-opera “Mikado,” will be pro duced hero shortly after Lent, by u company of the best nmaleurs in the city , with a chorus of fifty. Excite ment in musical circles is intense. The' three little maids from school” will take the town by storm. Afore anon. Sknkx. I u king winter the hjiHi'l gets thick and Ming- ■ •jhli. ikhv im tin- tiHP to purify it, tn build up voui «* ►!(-in Hii'l tit y<»uiHi It for liuid work, by •' br. J. H M<’l.( in n Str* ngtht iiUlg Cor i dt*J and Bhiod I'uiTlh r. i i> i kmL- by nil drnggitft. • ■ A Suggestion. Mi us. Ei'tr uh: \\ ill you allow me space in your | columns to make a suggestion m on a subject that I think of importance. Since tho death of Mr It. S. Neal, late Chairman of our Democratic. Eveeulivu Committee, the Democratic partv of Columbia county hiw been without a head, would it not be well for tli« Executive Committee to ni< . I st as early day as possible mid elect a Chairman mid put themselves in working order? Li t them call a Convention to send delegiites to our Gubernatoi ial mid .‘senatorial Con ven tioi.s, nml arrange for holding a primary election lor county officers. Primaries have been our safe guard m tho past, and saved us of much trouble, so l if we tu t wisely we will not abandon a custom that has woiked so well. J am sorry to know that there is an element amongst us who favor doin ■ away with the primaries and b svin;.: the tinld open to all who see proper to run m tlm election. When w ■ do this, then may wo expect trouble, ami to be ruled over by i eti who will be very obnoxious to the better class of our citizens. t Let the Executive Committee act pr.m I ;'.v and let every Democrat in ti e ]b pub ■ i f C'himbi i resolve to stand by their old and honored custom, and let them demand of every candidate that asks for their support, the i i ' that he will abide by the result of the primarv. w. Harlem G.v. April 19, 188(1. • >i- b lit \d\< »n ,a m imation «»ppriH»i«»n • 11.. <•-- ti tl, bta<l, an \cry cuniDGnly pto lu.' t ,| by itDh ? xfD'tr. )n«»rbi<l tlvHptMulmay . it iit P miy anil <r m tiMhvt-iu »of the nervt n buy.<» in a uiajontx ot c.itst m, be traced tn thv •v id .t!i>e. Pr. Jll \h l.< an\ Honi’f ‘pathic l.h< i tunl Kidney Bahn and I‘ilhtn will pu»j ti\vh run*. 1 ; bah' by all urnggM. The Sabbath. El'tTOKs Si x rIXHt : Im am glad to see that the ladies of th. Womens' Christian Temper ance I mon are moving in the right direction m regard to Sabbath dese cration and its reformation. 11?) distributed tracts and leaflets in the city of Augusta, and invited •-ivii.d lumistei- to preach on the subject iron, their pulpits on the first Sabtiath in this month. If the uiwn will not act in this matter, let the la dies go ti rward in this great aud grand onus God blens the women crown their effort* with signal su. .ss m tins great inform. Why tlie wickedness of the times ? Is it uot because of tiie great coiubi- naiiutiH who ignore God's holy day— railroad syitema, Kteam boat, express mid telegraph compnnicH and many other who employ tliouMtnda of men and compel! them to labor on the Sabbath, and Home iif them-em ploy i. s/ ldom hear the goapel preach ed, and thus thew- great combinations combine a, ainst God and his Christ to violate the fourth commandment, "Hemember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Oh! they aay it is a neces sity, and necessity knows no law. W ill thia reason excuse them ? W iW they be guitless at the great, duv of judgment, rhe Bible says ri'rt. Oh, the thousands of wruls they are send ing down to h< 11. I noticed in one of your issues a short time since a notice given < f the opening of n hotel on Sunday with a banquet, not fifty miles away. Oh, it is enough to bring tin blush to the cheek of every Christian in this land. Yes, right undet the blaze of the gos]>el. Oh, w hy si nd money to enlighten, to civil ize and Christianize ( bina? I n member a few years ago of a certain Presiding Elder who after at tending his quarterly conferences on tin- Harlem circuit invariably return ed to Augusta on Sunday af.ernoon on the train. I know of but on ex ception and that was a time when he arrived at Harlem trs> late to take the train. Just such preachers keep the trains running on Sundays. He not only violates the fourth command ment himself but compells the rail load agent to do the same. He vio lates the law of God aud man bv buy ing his ticket and going aboard of the train. He violates the commnnd ment that ho is commissioned to keep and to teach others to do thesime. Oh, when will our ministers learn to I e holy in heart and life ? Some months ago 1 was in Au guvta and met an old railroad friend, and after the usual salutations our conversation drifted upon railroad 1 life. He is an engine vr on the Geor gia Railroad and thes ibject came up of violating God’s hoiv day by run ning his engine. He remarked that hu hud interviewed his preadier in re gard to the matter, and his preacher said to him, a man who ilid not pro vide for his household was worse than an infidel and had denied the faith. How smart the old e’evil is. he comes up and quotes the B, bio in or der to decoy and lead estray this poor man. Shame be it said of that preacher who gave such ndvic.3 which I may be the means of sending that man down to hell. Oh, the responsi bility that rests on the ministers of the gospel. Jn tho great da.v will their skirts be clear of the blood of their fellow-creatures to whom they j have preached the gospel ? The person who violates God’s law and says it is a necessity, the sheep 'or ox is in the ditch and must be . pulled out; how is it when the old 1 ox necessity continues to get into ti e ditch, must, he be pulled out forever ? ■Oh, no my friend, if he continues t<' get into the ditch, 1 would bid him j good-bye, and let him rot there. My Biole tea diea me that God does not excuse nor palliate sin. “He cannot, look upon sin with the least allowance," and “the soul that •iniieth if -hall die." No exception to the rule. No wonder God is visiting his judgments upon the people, with floods mid cyclones, sweeping tho com try, leaving devastation, destruc tion and death in their pathway. I Blot out the Bible and the Sabbath day, and we will become a set of heathens and barbarians. Ni wxvs Hicks. Far better than tb< harnb trcamicnt of nn (iiciiD s which horribly gripe the patient and di stroy th< <•<.ding <4 th<■ *b»nm< h. Dr. J. H. Mi I • an s Chill* and F \rr Cure by mild yrt < t- I'ctivi action will cure. Sold at 50 <•< iuh a bottle For salv by all druggist. Chatham Artillery. Centennial AT SAVANNAH, GA. May :>rd to. May Bth. 188(>, Inclusive. Konn trip Tiikt:i>. VIA Georgia Railroad • a..< 10 day* in iu .l.»u- of aalt. From th< Foil wing stab* na at Katoa nam< d L< T<>w. From 11 .Irli in . $.3 4 “ lhTlelia 3 M “ Grovetown 3lu j “ Bi lair 2 V 5 ; Fiv< Th. iir'.ii dIX Mar* in Prize*. Gramh e’ MillUr* Gathering w< r held at the South Magmii nt Int. r-Stau Did! find Tournament Sv'< nt\ !i\. B< Drilled Military Compaine?. 111 th< a lutaidry, Artillery and Zmavt Drill*. Maginiiieut i'avalrv roumament. Largest Military I ueanq mrntWld at the South >iih‘. the Mai 1 nipanii.- from all parted the Fuion Grand Display nt Fir© Works. Vnveil ing <>f M *nu’. it nt to Gv m r.d Nathaniel Git < n<, of Bevolutionaiv Fame. Drill Grounds and Encanq r< nt widun City Limits. Easy >•> from IHdri'adb livAivw and Inspicti. n f Tn op> l \ tlu Governors ot States and their St.-US F 1 f '.rihvr inC -rmatiou writ< to eith. r of th ( tin . ; signed. E. K. Gem ral I'asx ngi r Agt nt. Jo> . W. WutTK, ‘ TrvxlUug I‘assiugtr nt. Augusta. Ga . Notice. \-OTICE is hereby n that all raities in- d« I t< d to pout Ji A Hardy mint settle or suit will be instituted at ourc. EL. T. WILLIAMS. Assignee Notice. HON. K. LAMKIN will be impperted f#»r Si-nator from 2*.Hh Senatorial District, subjt't to nominating convention. Many Vutebs. Dentistry. Dr. George Paterson, snta 1:0 \ m:nt Ist, ”ILL G-iit H irlem on the 20th of April \ \ nd w,i r* D.aiii f"i one w eek at the resi dence of Bev. W. E. Shackleford. _ CALL OK Henry S. Johnson THOMSON, HA. Eddystone Guano He is Sole Agent for McDufhe, Colum bia and Lincoln coun ties. Also Agent for FINEST BRAND Acid Phosphate. Testimonials: R. W. Kearney, Middleburg,N. C., says: “I used one ton of Eddyst?ne 1 with seven standard brands on tobac co, and like it better than any I used, and expect to use it next season.” Rev. Gfca A. Rose, Manson, N. C., says: “I used one ton Eddyston guano under tobacco, which gave me perfect satisfaction. In fact, I can truly say if is the best I ever used.” W. J. Norwood, Warenton, N. C., says: “The Eddystone sold last season, for tobacco, has given universal satisfaction. Some planters say they | have never had anything to act so ! well, will have a good trade for it this ' year.” Mr. John M. Green,of Atlanta, Ga., ! has charge of the sale of this brand ot guano, and wilt be pleased to ; communicate with the readers of this ' article, or have them call upon the ' dealers throughout the south for the I Eddystone soluble guano, as there is r othing better offered to the entire i planting interest, not only for tobacco, I but for everything raised from the' seal, in this entire section. EVERYBODY’S Remedy, Old Time Cure OF I lorehound AND Marshmallow FOR COUGHS AND LUNG TROUBLES. r I’Hl' most remarkable curative for all pul inonary trimblee. One <l, will sometimes relievo the most troublesome cough —2sc. a bottle. Don't neglect yourself, but stop that cough in tim< ami take HOREHOUND AND MAIOSIIMAI.I.OW to do it. Beall & Co., lil'2 Broad St, Augusta. Ga. Ready Mixed Paints The moat durable a»» well as the cheapest Paint used. Cards with color®, prices, etc., mailt d to thoae eou km plating painting. BEALL & CO., Augusta, Ga The Columbia Drug Store. B. L. PEEPLES, M. a, (Successor to Dr. J- P. Shockley.) v T THE Wl-.T.L KNOWN STAND ON MYIN STREET, HARLEM, GA., will keep con. Mtantly in Ktock all kiuds ot Medicines, Drugs, Paints. Oils, Patent Medicines. Toilet Soaps, Perfumes,, Brushes Toilet Articles of every description. Tobacco and Semi'h of tho bi-Ht anil moHt popular tiranib. J'rfa-.'i ii'tiotis .all fully tilled at all hours of the day and uiglrt of the rarest Drugs. l'rot..-1-ioiial call.. »».«' !< d at any tuar. AUGUSTE GUIEN, PROPRIETOR FLORAL NURSERY, NO. 1483 BROAD STREET, - . - - AUGUSTA, G.V o Boquets, Wreaths, Crosses, Horse Shoes, MARRIAGE BELLS, CUT FLOWERS, Etc. At all seasons. Give me a call when you come to the city. ‘AV(JUSTE F L. FULLER. M. B. HATCHER RICHARD SUMMERALL. FULLER, HATCHER & CO., (Successors to Young, Huck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C R O C E It S, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HAVING purchasetl the interest of Young Jt Hack, we propose to offer to the* trade a full line of cares ully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. All business with us will receive prompt attention; FULLER, HATCHER & CO OTTO W. MARSHALL, Merchant Tailor, 217 7TH STREET, AUGUSTA GA. Keeps constantly on hand a fine line of Foreign and Domestic Woolens, SUCH AS Wordsteds, Cassimeres, T weeds, hevoits, Etc.,. Which he will make up in the latest styles. Will guarantee a fit or no pay \\ ill call on or about February 20, 1886, at Harlem, with a full line of my Spring and Summer Styles. Those wishing a fashionable suit will do well to wait for Otto W. Marshall. MASONIC TEMPLE.; AUGUSTA, GA. Headquarters For FASHIONABLE AND RELIABLE DRY GOODS. Ol R stock for Spring and Summer Trade i« now complete in every department. It is the most extensive and brst selected and asHorted ever shown in the South Atlantic States, aud includes everything handsome and attractive id Dry Goods, Novelties and Notions. In low and medium-priced goods, by extensive additions, we arc able to offer the best Mine in this section, and every article will b e exactly as represented, while in finer goods we carry a stock that cannot be match, d south ot the Potomac : and on prices, for goods of all grades, we gi>« an absolute guarantee not °uly against home cempetition, but against in tho United States. ’ • j- Orders for goods or samples will receive prompt and careful attention. DALY & ARMSTRONG. FOR THE FINEST Spring and Summer Clothing I. C. UTTS. c eSUte A All Suiw from $5 up. Young men, tin .tore to make any a’luration dtfred. e “ f charge ■° U “a firted- ' firßt -° la, “’ Tallor *“ I. C. LEVY. •er • $36 BROAD STREET