The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, May 13, 1886, Image 8

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Columbia Sentinel. I v rUtarM J. M. ATKINSON, J Hmiifm, G*.. Mor 13, 1886. PRICE, >1 <><!, IN ADVANCE Democratic Meeting. The Democratic party Colum bia county tiro requeued to meet nt Appling on the first Tneaday in June. The Executive Committee are especially requested to be present, an vsesncies sro to be filled and otm-r business of importance transacted. J. Q. Set be*, Secretary. EDITORIAL NOTES. Judge Simmon* baa retired from the Gubernatorial race May ha* borrowed severs! days from March this year Judge Lynch occasionally comet to the front and doe* quick work. Destructive storms occurred in Missouri and K*u»a* last week. Gun John B Gordon has an nounced biinaclf a* a candidate for Governor. Political matter* will wax warm for Home time to come in the Empire State of the South. Preston Valentine, charged with the murder of Mr. Vales, in Augusta, has been tried ami convicted The Supreme Court of Appeal* of Virginia has affirmed the decision of the lower court, convicting Cluvorius rtf the murder of Mi** Lillian Madi son. It seems evident now that he will hang. Mr. W. I>. Sullivan, editor of the Waynesboro True Citizen, died la*t ■week. He was st one time a citizen of this county. In hi* death the country pres* loses one of it* most foarles* wi iters. The suggestion from the pen of Mr Geo. M. Lazcnby, published in our last issue, certainly ha* the right ring upon an important subject. It seems that the matter referred to by him can bo easily and satisfactorily settled in the way Hiiggestod. Judge Simmons Re tires. . The ('•rrcxpondeiirc Lratlius Io His Retiremint. Below will be found the cone* pondonco between Judge Simmon* and the Macon liar: Judge T. J. Simmon* Dear Sir: Judging from the capacity, and faith fulncH* with which you have discharg ed the most important public trust in the past, your elevation to the highest office in the gift of the common wealth would redown equally to the credit of the State and the Ismor of your friends But from the universally admitted honesty of purpose, fairnesH, impartiality and ability with which, for the past seven years, you have discharged the onerous and responsi ble duties of Judge, the people and Imr of the Macon circuit will regard a* a public calamity any course tlmt constrains your retirement from the bench Besides, to lay off the judicial ermine to seek political preferment .it this lime will embarrass a host of your ]>ersoiial friends, espcciallv < f the Macon bar. to whom you have endeared yourself, not less by your kindly courtesy than by the unsur passed fairness and ability which ha* characterized the discharge of your duties. For these reason, wo. the undersigned member* of the Macon bar. earnestly request you to sacrifice, for the time, your worthy and lauda ble ambition to seek the office of Governor, ai.d to retain your present important position. This w»a signe 1 by fifty-nine names, comprising the Macon bar. to which Judge Simmons replied: Messrs Nisbett. Bartlett and others. Gentlemen—Your letter of the 7th instant, requesting me not to seek the nomination tor Governor at the approaching convention, ha* just been handed we For reasons entirely to myself, and in which the public are not interested, 1 had already determined upon that course I beg tv assure you. and the members of the bar through you. that I am deeply grateful for the oomplimentary manner in which you refer to my eervioes as judge of this circuit, and with assurance of the kindly relations that have always existed between us, I hope 1 may continue to merit vour confidence and esteem To my inanv friends iu different parts of the State who have pledged me their support, in ike event ftf my er. ud lacy, I return rny sincere thanks. Very respectfully, T. J. Simmon* ” Hi* physician, since his illness, h s* urged that Judge Simmons should not make the race for the sake of his health This is one of hi* strongest reasons for retiring. «r<- i.nzn .fWcted with n disease <•.,)!< <1 th. the same diw.iw in humun I...hig« i. <1 tu< itch »nd i" hishh eonU sions, V. mire it, mix flour nf Sulphur with Dr. .1 II Volexnie Oil Diriment, b.the >i tbomngbiy. and take Dr. J. H. M'-I*c*u’« Hummepalliic Liver amt Kidney Balm. For .al« liy all druggist. Our Augusta Letter. hlehiu: coiiictfj ni» will ibid. The K. of L. Not Satisfied Kailroad Racket Im provements, Etc. [rm.M ora umni comtau-oNOENT. ] Valentine will hang! He was con victed on the 6th, and has not yet been sentenced He laughed and chatted after the jury brought in their verdict. The whole thing cams out n* t<> how he had struck Mr Vale* on the head with an ax and then deliberately poured kerosine oil over his clothes and set them on fire. The law will be vindicated by the hadgingof Valentine for the most, di abolical murder ever committed with in the border* of this county. The Court House was packed during the trial and hundreds could not gain ud mtssion. KSIGHTS OF LAItOR. The Knights keep sawing away.— They have started up their little rack et again. Their Master Workman came out in n card in the Chronicle, saying they would strike if the mill I'residents did not accede to their demands. The Knights realize that I they have made a failure in their lit ' tic game of scare, and are trying to wriggle out without giving themselves away. The idea of a minister of the gospel threatening to lead men on to a strike, etc., is so foolish that sensible pel ous will not deign to recognize such a party. There will be no strike. KAII.HOAIIH. The A. and C. Railroad is still on a boom. Its prospects are very flutter ing and the committees are meeting with success everywhere they go. I sec your county came forward with a good sum. The people cannot make a better or safer investment than this railroad. The Augusta, Edgefield ami New berry survey is progressing rapidly. The line will enter Augusta in the wist. The citizens in the upper part of the city have made a proposition ' Io build a bridge acrons the Savan nah. Unpt Mitchell will probably ac cept the oiler. KKI.UIIOIS. Rev. B. C. Oliver, a Methodist minister ofSouth Carolina, lias bought the lot between the [*mt office and the Christian Church, and will erect thereon u three story edifice to cost |l 1,000. The gift will be a free one I for the benefit of missions. The property will be deeded to a board of trustee*. A public library will also be in the building. Mr. Oliv.ris ar enthusiastic advocate of the holiness doctrine. The Conference of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church of America is in session in this citv. It will continue for several days. IHHIOVKMKNTS. A new Cotton Exchange will be erected here nt n cost of $ 10,000. The building will be located on the corner ot Jackson and Reynolds streets and will be in the form of a circular tow er. The entrance will be in the cor ner. It will fr uit on Reynolds street and run back 100 feet on Jackson street. Cotton offices will be on the second floor. AMI SKMEXTS. The Mikado was a grand success Every one connected with the enter tainment acquitted themselves admir ably. lhe theatre was packed. By 1 request they repeated the Opera nt a Saturday matinee. Better music has never been heard in Augusta. Charleston wants the company to come there. politics. lhe political pot is boiling now. For Governor the people stand as a unit for Bacon. Messrs. C. Z. Mc- Cord, Jos R Lamar, W. H. Flem ing and M. \ . Calvm are in the race for the lower branch of the legisla ture. Mr Calvin is in the lead, with Mr McCord second, while the real race i* between Mr Fleming and Mr. Lamar .with chances in favor of the former. BASK BALL Rase liall is still all the rage. Au gusta was shut out by Nashville but that has not caused our people to lose confidence iu the team Several new players have been sign- d, princi pally pitchers. News of the drowning of Capt. Geo. Evans was telegraphed here Monday. He fell into the Savannah river by accident last Friday, at Gum Stump. The river is being dragged for his body. A small colored boy was kicked to death by a horse Monday. Fireman’s parade is booming. The city is full of visitors. Senex. Legal Notices. Letters Dismission. GEORGIA, fXJLUMIHA COUNTY- WHEREAS R. H M-rria, administrator of the c«tatfN of William Jrnniiiga and Jonepb Htnith. represent* to the court in bin petitions, dulv filed and entered on record, that he haa fully administer* d Raid estates: in, therefore, to cite all pemona concern* ed, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any can, why waid administrator should not be diw rharged from him administrnßnn and receive tetter* of dismission on the First Mondav in June, IKM. This Ist March. IWC. GEORGE D. DARHEY,Ordinary. Sherff’s Sale Gkoroia Coi.i mhia Coi:mty— Xiril/L be Mold before tb<- Court Hot imp VV door in Appling, Git.. »»n the tirnt Tiiom dav in June, between the |p'<al hours of Male, all that tract or parcel of land in Raid KtaO- and county, adjoining lands, Mim. Kobecc j Green, Needham Morris, Allen McKry and others, containing ten acres, more or lesM. I.cvjt dnn rm the propcty of C. C. Morriw and Arabella Moiris. to satisfy two th fas issut'd bv O. Har<ly.T. C. of Columbia County Ga., for State Ixpior taxes for the yesrs IHKS and ISM'i, against said C. C. Morris and Arabella Morris. Written notice served according to law. This 2fKh dav of April, A. D. IMHtt. L L MAGRUDER. D< p. Sheriff Columbia, County, Ga. MENONIY A QUICK, PtRMAH'NT. CERTAIN CURE FCR Lou t orFniliut; Manhood. Nervousness Wwakuo**, Luck of StrouKih. Vigor or Itevclopinouf, Cnn"««<t by Ind inc ration ft, «xcHHrt«r. «*to Benefit* tn r\ <tny; UNUsIly wifLin a month. No Deeoption nor Qtinckary. J‘o«ltGo Proof*, full d<w«<*ription and lffp*»rof H'tviro In plain t>naht<l onvelnp®.fro*. Hl E M EDICAJ. CO., P.O. Oruwur 171#. Buffalo, N.Y. «MK HOTEL BIUKt SHOP- Shaving, Hair < utting and Nhsmpooiug done in the neatest and most scientific manner by Mclntosh a Roberts. Hotand void bath. Give ns a call. Polite attention Peas for Sale. Filly bushels of Speckled Peas for sale at $1 20 per bushel. Apply to T. J A W.W. HAMILTON, Grovetown, Ga. Surveyor’s Notice. I ) aktiendesiring Surveying done can secure I tnv HcrvircM by addressing me at Harlem, Ga. R. R. HATCHER, County Surveyor W miOlA I»U.E»rI BHKAUHsS I.ND WIOILin VVFKHALFJW DECAL A Ltfo Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp Tor sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. H. P. SMART & BRO., MIDVILLE, 91-2 C. IL IL GA. MANUFACTURERS OF PINE LUMBER Os Every Description. ROUGH AND DRESSED Braining Lumber, Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Flooring, Shingles, Staves, Laths, Vegetable and Fruit Crates, Pickets, l/ouldings, Etc., Etc. ' „ s <eani Saw and Planing Mill* in Emanuel County, aud connected with Midville bv private Railroad and Telephone Linea. ’ r Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK reanectfnily inform* the Ladie* that her Sprinn opening will b.- held on Wodueaday and Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invite* the special of every lady in August* and vicinity. Her present stylesand assortments have nwer (wore ven equaled. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK. Owners of Water Power. A Having secured the Agency for the celebrated JJ* Burnham Water Wheel For Georgia and South Carolina, I am prepared to offer W<ljOaMLl >t><,lal inducements to parties wishing to put iu water wheels. ' 1 [ n,u lllso prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re- Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, GA. 1 SMITH’S a BEANS z-*URE Biliousness; l-lek Heecach? In Focr Fours. One doss r.'ijves b-crJy-. T1 'y curs and prevrd Chilis f.-vr Stonach Dad Braith. Char the Tons the and fli»3 Life r 1 Vigor to the eystem. Domt :ON f: DEAN. Try them once and you will be without them. Pnce. 25 cents per hoeir*. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers r;,l‘y. Sent CT TwCOipt of price in sUtnps, pociaaid. to any address, J. I . SMI sis X CO., •flar.ufacfu’n-- r-'* -* ’''•••S. F. r O. OSBORNE'S 1 oIJJ'bE, Augiut«,l»a. One of the most com. pje It '» ’in kidm ju the South. Real Goods; Reni Cohttue Current y. Many graduates in good paying poMtmitb. 1-ull course, 4 months. Send for circular. EVERYBODY’S Remedy, Old Time Cure OF Horehound AND Marshmallow FOR COUGHS AND LUNG TROUBLES, r 11HE most remarkable curative for all pul- I monary troubleß. One dose will sometimes r< h» v > the most troublesome cough—2sc. a bottle. Don’t neglect yourself, but *top that cough in time ami take HOREHOUND AND MARSHMALLOW to doit. Beall & Co., Gl2 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. LTTC-A-S Ready Mixed Paints Thejnost durable as well as the cheapest Paint used. Cards with colors, prices, etc., mailed to those contemplating painting. BEALL & CO., Augusta, Ga Announcements. HON. K. C. LAMKIN Will I* *upport< <l for Senator from 29th Senatorial District, subject to nominating convention. Many OTEKfi. Editors Sentinel: The friends of Dr. W A. Martin, are au thorized to announce him as a candidate for Senator, from the 29th Senatorial district. Subject, to the action of the Democratic party of said district. April 20th IHBC The Columbia Drug Store. B. L. PSEPOS, M. J>. (Successor to Dr. J. P. Shockley.) AT THE WELL KNOWN STAND ON MAIN STREET, HARLEM, GA., will keep cop. stnutly in stock all kinds of ! Medicines, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, Brushes and Toilet Articles of every description, Soda Water and Ice kept constantly on hand. Tobacco and Sega•* of the best and most popular brand*. - Prescription* carefully tilled at all hours of the day and night of the Purest Drugs. Professional calls answered at any time. F L FULLER? M. B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMERALL. FULLER, HATCHER t CO., (Successors to Young, Huck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. I HAVING purchased the interest of Young & Hack, we propose to offer to the* trade a full line of carefully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. All business with us will receive prompt attention: . FULLER, HATCHER & CO OTTO W. MARSHALL, Merchant Tailor, 217 7TH STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Keeps constantly on hand a fine line of Foreign and Domestic Woolens, SUCH AS Wordsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Chevoits, Etc., Which he will make up in the latest styles. Will guarantee a fit or no pay Will call on or about February 20, 1886, at Harlem, with a full line of my Spring and Summer Styles. Those wishing a fashionable suit will do well to wait for Otto W. Marshall. M ASO NIC TE MH!; AUGUSTA, GA. Headquarters For FASHIONABLE AND RELIABLE DRY GOODS. OUR stock for Spring and Summer Trade is now complete in every department. It ia the most extensive and best selected and assorted ever shown iu the South Atlantic States, aud includes everything handsome aud attractive in Dry Goods, Novelties and Notions. In low and medium-priced goods, by extensive additions, we are able to offer the besfline in this section, and every article will be exactly as represented, while in finer goods we carry a stock that cannot be matched south ot the Potomac ; and on prices, for goods of .all grades, we give an absolute guarantee not only against home competition, but against every city in the United States. Orders for goods or samples will receive prompt and careful attention. D ALY & ARMSTRONG. GPAND OPENING OF THE Most Elegant and Beautiful Stock OF SPRING MILLINERY EVER SEEN IN AUGUSTA. MISS NELLIE PURCIIUIi ssriS'.Pittss ° r ”* - a “■ JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR CARPET STOCK From 713 to 714 Broad Street (South side) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. D. Smythe’s Crockery Store. — :o: JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street .South Side), Augusta, Ga. Augusta Hotel, AUGUKTA, GEORGIA. Table First Class in Every Particular L- E. DOOLITTLE, Proprietor i Large and well ventilated Rooms. Bates, $2 Per Day Centrally located, ue»r Railroad crowing. Telegraph Office and Barber Shop in the Building. AngUßta Hotel, Restaurant and lunch Room choice wine*, liquor* and cigars. Meal, to or! I dor at all hours.