The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, June 10, 1886, Image 4

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A Dastardly Outrage Washington Chronicle; M • Krta* Hhubric- lu<l bu Lmui in Welling ton l.oit Thurrulay ui';ht, tnd let’ bin mother ind eir.ler, >Lu Ceiupbil 1 al bo;ac alone. .lr. Wiubrick e';>xV*l to be absent cnly a short time, t’d h.ei no idea that c. y ouo v.oultl prowl r.round the preniaea lo (lie I'n.tub'.tice of Tie fr.uily. The Luiz* were in the silling room, and fortuna ly had locked < ie two Iron <'.uo.‘a A abort time after Mr. Sliubrick had '.eft home, Mia C npl>e)l thought that rhe board the frot * gate open, and in a moment uftarwards, aomo one .tumbled over a rocking chair in the front piazza. Tb ! ‘i ak.ruied the ,w<> ladies vary much and Mrs. ('. asked ••Whoa that?" , lie per./ m-r" no b■' aetaed the door knob mode a violent effort to open the door. Hbubnck and ’>er dcugaler Luing thorougly alarmed al tiiiz, ran into the hell, to go to the back door, .-.nd ar 'hey did no, U:e burglar r; n to the olhci root door and tried hr.rd to open it. Finding it impoi b'e to O'>e*i ei'.hei <i<>o., he Htur.ed i.oi.jd he ho er. with the ;>drp<>He of inter ne, ■ iug them, but was met by :. dog that attacked him vigorously i d slopped his progroHx. Mrs. lib a brick could he; r him to m.t1.0 f ie.ids with the dog, but in tuis iio .' J uu. la the meantime, Ilia u ~unu o." the two ladies h d -outed one o. 'io .egroes on '.>• rod t’lo party ra t off. Il wm a defc -mined effort to eate ’> m Lou a, a - ii n- r tlio c’ 'ant or Im.' ■ { .*• > • ■■■ r >. >< a,e i .id. I i i not ’’ or. i who the p rtv wx bu .p’cion a' >n nn i. ~t, but Mr. a . afie. jv Uir.t tie Wt. 'ot 0 < ’ ■J. i R*» • b • i i< < n < d tn. J .ri" hi ‘lie ’■ .i‘ < • AtlNtM-t. I»» itl<ilKO«th> i ' t ft a i 1 , M’ H aixl *« > <» <« ui it# iiiF/<»i • • <>i • <•* w 11 4> f • ,*.»• ( r. I>». J H. &A L F.» ho 4J< i fl Lit«f K'«♦ »v l‘. -ii ni l • i i tier pre. so. »»’# b» I <: .!■ • • rishi J, CuiJ. rh Boujar Watohur’.a: A oc- < tired at < !i Church, in O le thoi >o conn Sr. iday, thnt came very nca c .<’.i ig - Win. Tribble ;.jg \-m. Doo’ h,..i a <1 iflii ulty abou aaiory thai hrd ban circulated ii iho oi-’ilsi hoo.i, .id had Home word. r.bout it a church. T icy c icluded i :t b..d pir.<» > nett e n difk-cltv, .. I went o.Y .. saw iiu »dred ya. • w , i u fl’.lu oc< . . ‘d. T. ibblo's cb 2 • years old, aud Jroolia ie 18. .o a ;,ot the b.. ot lue fight, idri.c vlmy bad heea px><’ T bbie .. ioc . T an’.,.i Bhouh'.e ’n t/o gin an ehouluorial oi.en. 'ae , ju.y will ce lle it at air uex. le u. Changrlng- the ‘Gouge.’ A Cuty F/.j j « ’tt L.k •) fu a bj Atlr. .a (.’on... u. n.>: Yasia ay morning, . Gilu ■ < aimer drove up io e For.y es, -.11- road ciosai. - ij u co\< v. i. He observe, the i.-aci. h. .... ;, \.ork changing the of I da . Mia, aud yelled to bio m.J.o io'S hea." "Whx's Iham tellers do ?" lie inquired o’ a swivchunx "They cro c'x <iug ilia b*utTC." •’Changing die gou; . a.? . ev ? Wei', I'm jj'i.u cf Atlanta peonle will gil htu..- now." f "Why -Wei., >y* .ua reelin' heap o' etu." i.i the WeeL.y Conatim tion ’boui uie vay the .< j £ -. aa gougin' A Jan a, an’ no., tu ov'.-e changin' La people will be .c gi ’: „ good hemo . The switchman .a.igl ad un. d h.s face became red ra ..a fl - be held. “It ain't tba. kind c t ua said, when u laugb ka. b aided. “It ain . iVall, 1 aor • was in hopes the “gougiu v. u-ua with. Tears to me ths rJlrc. .b would get tired of s - h blc— ad folliahn#**." The farmer drove cp ibe site evidently very amc.i iL ".-.leu ;‘l the “geagiu" basiue ». Vntu f ro .1 r ■l«’ •e ' •,E ce ' , Ac- li yot’v. I. id u e your u •<( r . ,1v 1■ ‘ tdyojby .atu u if l aa <><i < ■ ■ rail ce e <" . ; ,• . < ’1 ’ I T >h<»O<l, I. ( r ,•( p‘ ,• . <>» v-'o«>. rod r o a »- • 1,1 17 •> n Helf- t t, • . N-gleet , , • ■ 1 •<; t death.— A, T. rt'. Ki«i-., ‘ ii S , 1 c:l 'yo, N. Y. r 7 ' J. R. KIDWELL, 1,026 Broad St, Arj ’.. a Ga. Steam I’rcad Bakery / -> Candy Manufactory STICK CANDY 9 ccn.M per pnuixl, wholesale. F.e-li r.'e.jl. Pics pin! Cakes <1•. / <!. . (Jive us a call. SMITH’S < PlllotunMff: Si; !::» -*<• f ’ Four hours V ‘ One do»<» relieves Nim i. icy cure ar.u prevent Chll!» Fever ; bf f ** B u Breath. Clear the Shin, To * thi ► ••»., and utvr> life e* Vigor tc th© eyttem. »E BEAN. Trv them ontie you *II nr vor !• .‘arut thci i Price. 25 centa per betUe. Sold » . .uffglctl aue M»”iiclne Dobiern gt-ner ily. St n receipt of pike in sta'.» 5, paatpniti, k any vMat, j. r. Hiurrn a. co.. Manufacturers and uolo P rupa ' r * r >UIS.MU. OSBORNE'S I in.l.l.isF, AaqfUßt« ( Ga, One of the moat oou ple'e lnwtit iitiona in ihr Nouth. JtonlGooua; Keel Collcue Currency. Many yr ad u a tea in good paying piiaitiona. Full oouxeo, 4 mouth*. Bendfor ctreula r. YMNAW® >:iHitinWnnifAP hml A I to Exporiencx. Romarlmble and quli-lc mires. Trial I’ackatroH. Bond stamp .or aealod pul Uvular*. Address Or. WARD A. CO. Louisiana, Mo, nnj.j.;,rtMiAiinr iertaxv curs fm Lu. - .'idling;?flw .ood.LVrvcii—sss 7 &Jni«u«,. jC .tof St ingth. "Igor o- h' i».'. -orotic’» > «mah, eu> Pmafitatne day. Oiirwi uav U’ wV . I month. No liaooptioe por <ji< ichorv !'>»' ’v>' 't. tt |l d« . t.ptianand l' U? r f B'lvi** In ’4ain • /, lon w • tree. vl.i’. Ai o • . in lWvr in'. bußalo, NT. Su » tui-s Nolice. P . . ■ • ..r < < > ve EVERYBODY’S Remedy, Old Time Cure OF Horehound ANO Marshmallow KK laH < ‘ s and LI \G TROUBLES. HIIIEm r. < ec. .stive f ( » r a’l pul- 1 ’. b ,c doar will ? oU'fltlllKM* • ♦ i . »r .Mtbh- OQW a • ’•' * c» ,'omx' <bm s,op tlmt ! liar azd ukf HOKKHOVXD A\U ;...H V ‘ LOU lodo it. Beall & Co., b 2 l'»n ,ui St . Av jisia. (la. LTTC-A.S Ready Mixed Paints Ira mi* • e * wrll ae the cheapen. ! } t cx*»’. C h e»»hvra» price* eic. tw r-u i»» tno e <xi.itvni’> aUit|; BEAT L & CO., G._ i IN FOR THE WAR. .o: Slaughter of The Innocents AT No. 1, Railroad Street HARLEM, GA. R. L. LAMKIN Still in Front With the biggest announcement of the sea son. He is going to make things lively for the citizens oi Columbia. Realizing the power of that commodity generally known as ‘cash,” he has determined to sell Goods as Cheap As Augusta or Anywhere Else \\ ill keep constantly on hand the following goods, which he guarantees to give satisfac tion : FLOUR. HAMS, SUGAR, MEAL, I>. S. SIDES COFFE, GRITS, LARD, TEA. RICE, SALT, CRACKKaS, STARCH, SOAP, S3DA, TOBACCO. SEC 4 RS, SNUFF, SYRUP, MOLASSES CHEESE, HARDWARE. TIN WRE WOODEN WARR CANNED GOODS Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes and Domestics We Stand at the Head ■WITH TSH light running domestic, Davis, Household i and Til new home Sewing Machines, NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free, 500 Coin’ Seco'd-Hand Sewing e" taken in exchange tw ab«w« mi kes to L»” - h t'fv t 'ae,»s,» , o,. 5 eaeh,waar. 3u in good sewing order. Sewing Maeniuea of fl; 1,1 e paired. - • • [JJW =>^g'ents f° r Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price L : , <to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The Sew: 3 Machine a id 0 „ a Te. lei?, 924_Broad S.reet, g, WATCHES I DIAMONDS! JEWELRY I Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. TTAVr C- pr c’.. ?d f. A. BRAHE'S EATIdE STOuK 07 JEfEL T T .C. 0- r. t- ■' , '• Se* 1 '-.- -u •o.yf-l.rz i<-<! by me 1 t inv old itaud un..e.- ho'c#u„ Bo* ’ I now < ffei etrei.nced n die haiui o . ; e ■ ockol Jenelry Silver-/ re, Ao., e'e/saei ’ ‘ il’. be’»’Coiue D h Jl,E ’ Cor2e B oad • nd Beveath StreoCß, _;:u fcmillar.y u 11.. CRAHE .. .1 icon. 1 wi.h m- r •<’ . be ole.' ed‘ocee 1e ' ■ WIKLIAM SCHWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad s._a<»t Shoes are wanted everywhere, Try Mulherin & Co.; don’t despair. No More High Prices FOR SHOES, SLIPPERS AND HATS. WE have received our Spring Stock, which was purchased with cash from the boa? Fae*»- to ifs of tie North and East, he succeeded in securing many great bargains Tea know onr reputation for selling FIBST-C’LASS GOODS AT LOW PRICES. Now is "our oppo,- r‘<iJ ee! bl^ I f * • <?;, l X on fin !’ ‘hts JOU have paid $1.50 for a pair of ahoka taat'WM. MULHERIN A CO. would have Hold you for SI. We quote Home of our bargains : InfjDvH F d Lc. o >ed soft Role to 8 10 Ladies’ C oih (\.. ( 3 o 9 75 Infantu - h dI. Shoes Ito 5 25 L.dies’Glove Grain 1 U .‘'n * "’7 5 I!. 7 • 50 Pebble Gr’nßuuon’dSnoeaA toß4l W Chiid a Pea leC-am Lace Shoes Bto 12. 65 Ladies Kid Euttonod Shoes, worked holes Misses Gnu iLr . a Shoes 11 to 2. .75 Srt «•-, Misses'Pebble G>ll Eiitfti d Shoes 12 to 2 100 Gents Calf Ties 6to il jl W p , ’! e < I Y^ s '>«'l >< ‘. rs 3to 8 15 Gwte Dree* Shoes ""/'.'.from »i to IN L»<hesPebbe Grain Slippers 3to 3 50 Boy,’Wool Hatsfrom 15 to A0 Ladies hidCroqiiet Slippers 3to 7 50 Genn’Hats i>om 35 to F2M Ladies Kid Opera Slippers 3 ir7 75 Gent-fond Boys’Straw HatsA .a Al W Every day is a gala day in onr establishments with thejjumeroi's ore enters afior the Bonaa zaa we advertise. No come along and get your share oi the Barti lnet Orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention. Wm. Mulherin & Go., TWO STORES — 722 Broad St., the Monument,’ * 913 Broad St., sign Lare Red Bout. H. P. SMART &£SRO., MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C .ti A/GA. MANUFACTL'KERS OF PINE LUMBER Os Every Description. ROUGH FnF DRESSED Framing Lumber, Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Flooring-, Shingles, Staves, Laths, Vegetable and Fruit Crates, Picke .3, J/ouldings, Etc., Etc. earn haw and nz Mill ? i*i Em .ac.ei Cor.nTv. and lt?naec-ed with MidviHa bv private Kail road and Telephone Liaee. ‘