The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, June 24, 1886, Image 6

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Ferefrr Yoanff. The wiki world baatana <»n it* way. 'Ha* gi>y hair*! <*ntury nmm it clow, lie. ar»rr«»w Hn*’”' 4 RV *’ v '**y; TKe Mvmawr W«*h foraakaa the roan. Hut. darling, whfe year voice I hear, Arvl while your dark brown ryou I eoe t Fad month* nnd mwiwhib drear, Ara «H tb« i name, al! glwl, to w». r><*jM»ir mn never r»w h me While your *»ft band I Im4<l, • While your rym iovn and t«u Ii nn. I wv<t Mia!! grow old! Tb»*v «ay that loro forsakre the ok! 'I hat |nu*krfi jNihw and fad«*a away; Ylmt aran lowa bright !o k« of gold Must low* tlwir < harm and < hango to gray, fkjt, darling while your heart ia mine, And while I feel that you are true, For nw the akin* will over shine With Kummer light and fen/kT»wt blue. Yea, k*t <»M age deride me! I acorn hia mot-king tongue !>ar love, with you t»wid»» me, 1 am ftiraver young! —/Jr/yrunTl. ONLY A COMPANION, “It germ* t*> inf 1 don’t look m well ax to night," mid Mm Major Dart- • mrg. Khc (hook her jet blnck curlx in » vr jwntinc catnrti't alxuil li< r fuco a. »li« apokr, and critically Mirvcyed herself in the glam. Mm Major Dartlnirg had be, n young •v, nod rhe had been prettier, but »h<- wax aurpiiaingly wi ll gotten up for all that. By ganlight you eould acarcly hnva told that ali< was n day over thirty yc»m of age. And, nx »he invaribly took the precaution to be n< < onipimied into •*iwa-iety" by her companion, Miwftnna by, whoac MM'cial duty it wan to observe •ml eorr< ct all miataki -of costume, com plexion and curb before other eyes could jeuM-ibly take note of them, Mrs, Dnrt burg felt tolerably safe. Mrs. Dartburg wa* a widow in search «>f a rich husband. The deceased major bad been Inconsiderate enough to die nnd Jure her without an incomo which was d<a idedly incompatible with her wants nnd the only thing li ft for her niu to marry some one who could supply the awkward deficiency. Ho Kate Ormsby was taken every year to some gay watering place or brilliantly tJirongcd springs. Kate was very unlike her patroness, as «h« sat there pa Io and quiet in her blue drew. Iler face was oval, with limpid, linzcl eyes, features pure nnd straight, aud masses rd raven black hair i-oiled in heavy braids at the back of her head. “In-jpol harking I" Mrs. Major Dartburg «!«•< l»red, Kate Carral very little for the verrllet, as long as her ‘'salary,” as Mrs. Dottburg preferred to phrase it, sutlieed for the support of her two little orphan brothers. "Na"said Mrs Dartburg, querulous ly, "1 don't look as well as usual, and if Mr Truxton is to be there, 1 want to look la tter. Mr. Truxton has estates in the West Indies, owns a yacht and drives a four in hand. I tell you what, Kate, you must put on a little more rouge on the left cheek I And, Kate if you would only leave off wearing those dow dy black dresses! I really am beginning to lie ashamed of you when we go into the ball-room. Do get something new •nd stylish a black iron grenadine, or n China cra|>c.” "I have ollieni to provide for besides myaelf," said K ite, quietly. “1 cannot • Hord the ucw decorations of which you •jieak. Mrs Dartburg." “But I'm not aware that I tun called ujsm to support all the beggars and or 1 plums in creation!" said the widow, ' sharply, “ilurv put this spray of pur pie pansies in your hair they are quite mourning enough, I’m sure." Mrs. Dartburg's scarlet-lipped smile waa unwontedly sweet that night, ns she ctmrteaiod low to Mr Truxton, the rich w Mower. “lie’s handsome,” thought the hut band huntress. “Dear me, he can't be over forty, ami ns straight ax an arrow!" Ami she chatted away in her most fas. s inating manner as she walked through the room*. leaning on Mr. Truxton’s arm. “A very agreeable woman," thought the millionaire, “though not as young as fchc has laon! Knows everylrody, and •rema exceedingly amiable. If 1 should marry again ami, really, little Tom n«His a woman's care when he it at home for the holidays -it certainly is worth •tliittkuiy alemt!" These were the disjointed meditations that ]mcsvhl through Mr. Truxton's mind ns he politely listened to the widow's <4iit<hni, tad asked questions about the •various ucesqumts of the crownlcd room. “Who i» th rt tall girl by the window ?' h>-aeterl, ‘"with the black eyes and the pretty hair I” “How strange that you should notice hrv * Why. she i- my conqmnion, Kate «»rm»b\, a sort of |»oor relation, whom 1 keep with me out of pure charity " “Very k nd of you, I am sure," said M<. T ruxton, and he thought again that • ilb »u- h an amiable personage at this hl, motliorl- -* little boy would hardly fail to In- happy “It's a trial nt times," went on Mrs. Oartl urg, who wa> det riuim-d to lieu tridL'C admbation which beamed in Mr Truxton’s eyes, as hi ;ian< d back over Ins should,; toward Kat - queenly Cuero, “for her temp r is exceedingly un -certain." JMr. Truxton felt himself moro and more attracted toward thia angelic crea ture, and be too < the first opportunity to ask : “Whether she wax fond of children V' ' “I adore them," said the widow, clasp ing her imndx. “I am glad of that,” said Mr. Truxton. “I have n little lx>y of my own!" How tran jmrent is man! Is it any wonder that Mr*. Dartburg felt, a* she ' took off her curls and teeth, at half past ! twelve, that she had done a good even ing’s work! It happened that the next day Mr. Truxton took it into his head to go to Ht. Kebaxtian's Hall, a selei t boarding house “for boys under twelve," to ace hia little son. “Have you been to Saratoga, pa?" loudly demanded Tommy Truxton. “Jack and Billy Ormsby have got a sister at Saratoga.” And Jack and Billy, two apple-check ed ur< bins of nine and ten, chimed art lessly in: “Did you si-e our Kntc, sir!" “Who is your Kate?” asked Mr. Trux ton, amused at their boy-ways, “She • Mixa Ormxby,” said Bill, “and she’s companion to Ohl Out Dartburg.” “To whom, did you say?” asked the widower, somewhat puzzled. “He means Mrs Major Dartburg,” ex plained Jack; “but he < alls her Old Cat, because she'* so cross to Kate. Kate wouldn't stay there, only she needs the money to keep us at school. But when me and Bill get big enough to work, we won’t let the Ol<i Cat torment her any more." “She boxes Kate's ears sometimes,” said Bill, resentfully, “and once she pull ed her hair. Kate cried awfully. We went there last holiday to spend a day witli Kntc, and the Old Cut banged us round awful - she said she hated boys!" “That was 'cause Bill found her false teeth in a glass of water," said Jack, “aud 1 painted myself up out of her dressing box, with rouge and lily-white, to look like an Indian on the war-path! And she took her curls off when she lay down for a imp, nnd we played they was n scalp! And Bill asked her why her hair didn't grow on her head like Kate's did!" Mi. Truxton nurst out laughing. “You must have rendered yourself generally obnoxious!” he exclaimed. He went hack to Saratogn on the even ing train and the first person he saw, as he ascended tin steps of the Clarendon Hotel, was Mr*. Major Dartburg, in a fresh toilette of w hit'' muslin and blue ribbons. While Kate Ormsby sat just behind her, with a book in her hand, on which her dark melancholy eyes were fixed. “She is beautiful 1” thought the mill ionaire, but it was not the widow that he was looking nt. The days sped by the widow believed that every one was installing her more firmly in Mr Truxton’s heart. While Kate but Kate had such II quiet way that nobody could really have told how she was passing her time. tine evening Mrs. Major Dartburg camo up to her room, rather “put out” because Mr. Truxton had just driven his magnifi cent four in-band away from the door w ithout asking her to occupy the vacant sent beside him. “Kate!" she said, sharply. "Kate I Ormsby, what are you doing? Poring I over a book of poetry, again, as 1 live; and that lace shawl not draped over the white silk dress for the evening!” “I think there is still time enough!” said Kate, quietlv. “Don't contradict me!" said the widow in n passion, “or 111 discharge you on the spot. I've borne with your temper | quite long enough.” “In that case," said Kate, calmly, “we shall both be suited, for I was just about | to notify you of my intention to leave , your service.” “And starve in the gutter*?” cried Mrs, Major Dart burg, spitefully. “1 think not," said Kate, with a half smile hovering about her lips. “What are you going to do, then?" “J believe 1 shall be married soon,” said Kate, flushing scarlet in the friendly 1 twilight. i “My goodness gracious!” said Mrs. I D irtburg. “ Ami w hat poor fool would lie crazy enough to marry you?” “Mr. Truxton!" Kate answereil, goad mi to frankness by the w idow's insulting tone. "We have been engaged for a week." Mrs. Major D.irtburg - <nk feebly down in an arm-chair, .is she afterward express ed it, “all the strength went out of her at the thought of that girl's malicious maneuvering ” Hut it was all true, nevertheless—and Kate tlrmsbv looked radiantly beautiful, I a month afterward, in orange blossoms ' and white muslin, ns she stood at the altar by Mr. Truxton's -.ide! And if any me wants to know "what Ixsain;' of them all," we can only say that Kate and her husband are scarcely I less happy at Truxton Plae ■ than are Bill, Jack and little tow headed Tommy—and Mrs. Major D.irtburg ia still haunting the i centers of fashion, with a eomphxion as brilliant and manners as juvenile as ever! 1 A missionary iv-ports that the nver Eu phrates bids (a t » disappear altogether > in the spreading marshes just below Baby . lon, which have ruined tlw steamboat I channel and are now obliterating naviga j tion for rowboats. < •ncernlnr Pensions. An Examiner of Pensions gives *he fol lowing hints concerning applications fox pensions that may lie of use to old sol diers: Now in obtaining pensions all the Gov rrnment wants are the facts, simple plain facts, nnd then there is no trouble. If a man can prove that he is suffering frxmi a disability contracted in the army, and while on duty, he will get a pension w ith out any trouble. He may have pr -o', -ay of two persons, one perhaps in California, another may be in Mauie. No matter where they are we go and sec them and get their statements. The government gives a man all the opjiortunity in the world to establish the fact that he is en titled to a pension. The claimant is not required to go to any expense whatever, but the government stands it all. All that is necessary is simply to prove that it is deserving of a jicnsion. Sometimes a man applies for n pension but that does not give any proof other than his own as sertion. Now we may believe every word he says, but cannot grant his claim, simply because there is no legal proof. Perhaps the persons whom he knew he could prove it by, are dead or nobody knows where, consequently his claim is rejected. But this does not necessarily end the matter, us the claimant may ac cidentally stumble on some proof that he knew nothing about, and send to Wash ington and revive his claim. On the other hand, a man may assert that he contracted rheumatism on the 13th day of December, 1863. We will go to him nnd take his full statement, and then ask, “Can you prove this?” “Oh, yes,” he will answer, and then we will ask him for the names of his witnesses. He will probably give me two, for instance, liv ing in different parts of the country. I will go to one and ask him if he knows that Mr. Smith contracted rheumatism on such a day. He may say: “Well, I remember that Mr. Smith complained of itching pains in his leg that morning. He had been on picket duty the night be fore and that morning borrowed a bottle of liniment from one of the boys and rubbed his leg for some time.” I’ll go i to the other witness and he will say, “Yes, I remember Smith was complain ing that day. I told him we were going to have serious trouble and that he had Ix'tter drop back and go to the hospital, but he said, ‘I came here to fight, not to go to tlje hospital.’ ” Well, he will suffer from rheumatism after that and know that he contracted it that night while on picket duty, and has two wit nesses to prove it, so he gets a pension. If a man is entitled to a pension and can prove it by competent witnesses he has no trouble in securing it. A Tough Regiment. Jack Stephens, Clerk of the Criminal Court, tells how it came about that his regiment was in the late Senator Miller’s i brigade but fifteen minutes. Jack's regi ment was one of the toughest in the army, and nobody seemed anxious to have it in his command. After it had been trans ferred from one brigade to another and had found nobody who could control it. Gen. Miller, who was on pretty good ‘ terms with himself and had a high opin ion of his ability to control any set of men asked to have the tough regiment ad ded to his brigade. There was no opposi tion to this, of course, and the transfer was made. Gen. Miller immediately or dered the regiment up in line and pro ceeded to make a s[X'ech to it, telling the boys what he was and what he was not going to suffer them to do. As he warmed up to his subject he drew off his long gauntlets and laid them on a drum standing near him. Hardly had he done this when one of the boys in the line sneaked around behind the General and in plain sight of the entire regiment stole the gauntlets and succeeded in getting back to his place in the ranks unobserved by the eloquent General. At the close of the speech, which did not take more than ten minutes, the General dismissed the boys and turned to pick up his gauntlets. “Well, I'll be blessed I” What he said is not fully reported, but the fact is known that in five minutes more he hail succeeded in having the regiment turned over to another brigade. Cfiicaj - Seicx. Sending a Boy by Mail. In a waiting-room were three or four fond mammas and papas and their num erous direct descendents of both sexes. The children were all restless—what child ever was not in a waiting room— and then' were many narrow escapes from bad falls and bumps, the inevitable i carnalities of climbing and romping. At hut one of the youngster fell off a seat and struck his poor little head against the stove, removing a square in. h or so of epidennis from his face. He was im mediately picked up by his pa. his tears wi[s'd away and a piece of court plaster carefully moistened on the paternal tongue and applied to the injur. 1 part. Then he was lifted to his ancestor’s shoulders and pa—ed bodily through the ticket window into the arms of the ticket agent, who was the papa's brother. “Oh, ina,” exclaimed another young ster, evidently from the country, whe had Watched all of tin sc proceedings with open-mouthed astonishment; “Oh, ma, there'- a poor little boy who's going tc be sent through the mails. They just I put a stamp on him and dropped him into the Postoffiee."—CA: ije Herald. CLIPPINGS FOR THE CIRIOLS. The words “Old Nick” come from Nikr, the water demon of Scandinavian mythology. The latest curiosities in natural history captured by California hunters are a whit ; b'-ave.', a white deer, and a white mul hen. D. T. Jewett, of St. Louis, is believed to be the only man who ever served a “one-day term" in the United States Senr.te. The longest single girder in the world is the railroad bridge over the Ohio be tween Evansville, Ind., and Henderson, Ky. It is 525 feet long. The French say, for good luck, the first time an infant's nails are cut put a piece of gold or silver in its hand. To make a baby a good singer cut its nails behind a door. The well at White Plains, Nev., is down over 2300 feet, and can go no fur ther until the water, which is seventeen percent, salt and so heavy that the ropes and tools float on it and the drill does •lot penetrate the rock, is shut out. Dr. Hartwell, of Johns Hopkins Uni versity, says that a German soldier can scale a twenty-foot wall with his arms and accoutrements, or jump an iron spiked fence without getting caught. Gymnas tics are compulsory in the German schools. From studies in Sicily, Drs. Buchner nnd Emmerich find evidence that the oc currence of cholera has some connection with the character of the soil, and that it makes its way into the sy stem through the lungs rather that through the alimen tary canal. Since the accession of Pope L-o XIII. forty-four cardinals have died. Os the cardinals created by Pop? Pius IX. twen ty-six are still living. The remaining thirty-four have been created by Pope LeoXHI. There are now ten vacancies in the Sacred College. Cardinal Newman is the oldest of the cardinals. There are now 1208 dignitaries in the Homan Catholic hierarchy. A rather curious arrangement of the hair came into vogue in 1330. 'The hair was parted in the middle, two very short locks being made to curve out on either side the forehead, the two hind plaits were then crossed and brought under the ears up the sides of the face, being fas tened among the hair which hung loose on the sides of the head. In 1340 the two plaits were carried up the sides of the face, having between them and the cheeks a long piece of straight hair cut squarely to the length of the plait*. In the frescoes of the chapel of St. Stephens, Westminster, Queen Phillippa and her three daughters are represented with their hair thus arranged. Washington Money Lenders. When a government clerk gets deeply “in a hole,” or suffers the agonizing dis comfort of being on “his last legs,” he generally appeals for a lift to one who, in Washington parlance, is known as a 10- percenter. This is a specimen of human ity that loans money for sums not ex ceeding half the borrower's salary, at the rate of 10 per cent, per month; that is. if your salary is SIOO a month, he will loan you $45 in cash and take your note foj SSO, payable in thirty days. These mon ey-lenders claim this exorbitant interest on the ground that the unsufficient secu rity subjects them to frequent losses. But I do not see how they can lose; a clerk is completely in their power. They never accept n note without the name cf a second clerk in gook standing as an en dorser. If either clerk refuses to pay, his position in the department can be placed in jeopardy by the 10-perccnter filing a report of disregard of obligation against him. The lender's only danger of loss depends upon the rare contingency of death, resignation, or discharge sever ing both the principal's and the endors er's connection with the department be fore the note falls due. This money-lend ing business is a lucrative one, and tho foundation of many a handsome fortune in Washington has been thus laid.—At lanta Constitution. In the Twinkling of an Eye. The photograph is now as nearly “in stantaneous” as passible. When every thing is ready, “Click!” and the artifi cial eyelid has opened and shut. What has it seen in that little instant of time? If anything is in motion, it has been per ceived in that fragment of a second as motionless. Men walking along the street are pictured with uplifted feet. A trot ting horse may be caught with all of its four legs in the air, viewed just at the very moment when he was clear of the ground. A man leaping with a high pole may be pictured in mid-air, prei isely in the* jiosition in which he appears at the highest altitude. Motion seems rest. But this is not the most wonderful of its poxvers. Far beyond the keenness of human vision is its range of sight. If the light is good, this sensitive plate of glass will have recorded and discern 'd a thou sand uplifted faces a* pert.- Ilyas the hu man eye perceives the features of si single countenance. Every expression of joy or sorrow, every peculiarity of dress or at titude, the leaves of a fore-: or the grass by the wayshie. will have b en seen sind delineated and retained perfectly in far less than tire briefest possible twinkling of a human eve. — Cha .l-ers Juu-naL An Unfortunate Miehigxuder- A man was cunxraising in Southern kota to raise money for the “homestead monument" which it is proposed to erect at Mitchell. He rode up to one stack and addressed a man sitting in front of it. “Good-morning, my friend." “G’-mornin'.” “Fine day." “Wai, nuthin’ extra.” “How are times with you?” “Pcor, stranger, blame poor.” “What’s the matter?" “Oh, wheat’s so dang low an' I haint got none to sell neither." “I am canvassing for ” “Don't want no hail insurance.” “But this isn't insurance of any kind, it is " •‘Got all the fruit trees I want." “Yes, but I m not a tree agent if you hadn’t. This is something that I’m sure you will like to have your name ” “Never sign no papers to strangers." “Os course, but let me exp'am. We are trying to raise money to erect a monu ment to the homestead law, and ” ■ls it dead, pardner?' , “No, the idea is to erect an imposing granite shaft 160 feet high in the center of a quarter sc tion of the laud to per petuate the memory of the untold bene fits of )he homestead law.” “Yes, I calkilate they are untold. I don’t hear much b mt ’em in these parts.” “Whit! don't you think you have de rived great benefits from the homestead?" “Not that I knows of.” “But t was free land to you.” “No ’t-van’t." “Why n >t.” “II iii ter liv • o i it an’wo k it an’ ’ir.o-t starve ter death." “There was n > us.: ia starving " “Might's well starve ast.’ kill tn’self workin'.” “No need of either. But you could not have got a farm xvithout the law." “Didr?; want tone." “What made you take any then’” “Cos some dang fool like you said it was nice.” “But it has given you a free home.” “Had one before.” “Then you haven’t enjoyed life on your homestead?” •‘.No; fne e t r death in ther winter an’ blow ’way in ther summer.” “But you can sell your land.” “Don’t want ter beat any other dang fool.” ‘•I don't brlieve you like farming." “Oh, farmin's all right when yer live in a civ’lize I country -a .ria-e where there's -o i e trees where a feller kin chop, en’ git abar \ a* onally era coon—why, stranger, there ain’t a toon iu this hull country, and yep know it.” “Where did you live formerly?” “Mich’gan, North rn Mich’gan.” “Then you can’t give me anything for the monument?” “Not a danged rest. But I’ll tell y< r, es ye’ll get up a collect’n ter build a 'sylum fer cus ed fools that come out here where they can't chop, er bile maple lugar, or shoot squir'ls, er trap b’ar, er bunt bee trees, er git eny slip’ry elm, er ee a hoop pole for a year, er ever hear i coon fer the hul blame’d summer, why. I'll chip in the wuth of a good boss.”— Estelline {Dakota) Bell. Code in the Lime-Kiln Club. Professor Burwell Cavendish, a lats focal member made his debut by inquir ing if the club officially upheld the code. If he was insulted, and he challenged the, would the club stand by him? “What would you challenge him to do?” asked the president. “To meet me on the field of honah, sah.” “What fur?” “To fight, sah.” “Oh, I see. Well, Brudder Cavendi'.h, my advice to you am to keep off the field of honah. You’ll gii ;er feet all wet, ta'r yer coat-tails on the bushes, and probably be run off by the farmer’s brindled dog. When a man sasses me, and does it to be mean, I’ze gwine to let drive fur his nose with my bunch of fives. Dat’s code 'null fur anybody, an’ you kin bit him on the sidewalk as well as to go off to some field of honah. Let us now adjourn fur one we_k.”— Erie Dress. Proof Positive. ‘•Reform, sir, is the watchword of the hour. Every city department needs re organizing.” “The police arc very efficient, I think.' “Not at all, sir. They neglect thei. duty shamefully.” “Mention an instance.” “In one single ward down town theii ara player* cu the aceordeon.” Being entirely vegetable, no particular eare is required while using Dr. Pierce's “Pleasant Purgative Pellets." Theyoperate withuutdis turbaece to the constitution, diet, or occupa tion. For sick headache, constipation, impure bkaxd, dizziness, sour eructations from the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilious at tacks, pain in region of kidneys, internal fever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to head, take Dr. Pierce's "Pellete." By druggists. Fame, Ils ~_muiun . getieraily strikes a man xvho is not ex peering it. Lr.x's Svitixos. East f«maeeaeel tea reason ableand tirsr-ciasssummer r>'*»rr. See ad'vt. Killing Thue What is a pleas int way of killing time? Eat ing dates. But sometimes they are indigesti ble. and effect the bowels, which a dose of Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial will cure. I r voV feel as though water was gathering around the heart (heart-dropsy) or have heart rheumatism, paipitatton of the heart w-ith suf focation, sympathetic heart trouble—Dr. Kil mer's Oczax-Weed regulates, corrects anti cures. Never tel I a secret to anybody who is eagerly inquisitive to know it. “Big .Honey In It For Un.” Among the 150 kinds of Cloth Bound Dollar Volumes given away by the Rochester (N. Y.) .•Dnerican It-iral Home for every $1 subsertp ; ti"U to that Great 8 page, 48 col., 16 year old weekly, (all 5x7 inches, from 300 to 900 pages I bound in cloth) are ; Law W thout Lawyers. Dane’son's (Medical Family Cyclopedia. Counselor. | Farm C-clop dia. Boys' Useful Pastim s. Farmers' and Stock- Five Years Before the breeders' Guide. M tat. Common S n*e in Peoples’ History of Poultry Yard. United States. World Co . podia. Universal History of j What Every One All Nations. St.ould Know. Popular Hjttory Ciril War (both sides). Any one book and paper one year, pos paid, rl ISs nlyi Satisfaction guaranteel. Refer i <nce: Hon. C. R. Pabsohs, Mayor Rochester. Satnpes2e. Rvbal Home Co., Ltd., Boches ter, N Y. Is -ome of our restaurants the customer is ! one who does the most waiting. Soft, pliant and glossy hair results from the use of Hail’s Hair Renewer. F< r inq>arting tone and strength to the f t.ach. liver, and boxvels. take Ayer's Pills. tS6O New CHAMPtON Job P rest U the Miun-. ria n.mua, •v*»r e* 4 uj t . UUI tuaru Ml.ata. tion Fourwixeg DM* Iff circuity A-Olmeatahi *1 urrra S1 York ASK FOR THE W. L. DOUGLAS Best material, perfect fit, equals any or M .-T every pair warranted. Take none unleM MamaU -W L Dougiaa'|3 00Shee. Warranted.’* Conrr?!/ Hutton an<i Lace. Boys ask for the W. I*. Doufflan' , •2.00 Shoe, hame styles as the 00 Shoe. If you cannot -d get these shoes from deal ers. send address on postal J card to W. L Douglas, Brockton. Maa*. V A BOOK AGENTS PLATFORM ECHOES or LI VING TRUTHS fOU HEAD A.XD HEABy By John B. Gouyh. n:> last and crowning life work, brim full of thrilling Inter, humor and pathoa. Bright, pure, aud rood lull • laughter and tears. ’it xtUt at tight to all. To it fa .H/Ui the Life and Death of Mr. Gough, by Rev. LYM \\ ail HOTT. lO<M> Agents Wanted.-Meu and Women affit toi|2:>Oa month made. Q~j‘Di»tanc» ni Atn.iranfe p-'e Extra Terma and fay Ereightt. Write for cir-ula-i J. »,. I>. XXORTHISGTON A CO., ll»rU un l,7.tli er* - w- M House WITHOUT TARRED BUILDING PAl’Kß nn ... the weatherboarding and floors. Warm in u * ter, cool in surumej. ABSOLUTE PREVEMTIWt againet vermin of every kind, t ostv nearly nothing only about ninety centra room. Ask dealers Lr it <3 CHARLES H. CONNER. Manufacturer - \ LOUISVILLE,’Ey 3.fl Iff* 7.4 wliii final, capital tnaae $5 to <>s per day Rn T 5 with our a ’“ att,ur Photo Outfits. No ex. Dff9£aas" perlence niiulrt'd. everything sold ready for u»e It pays t.)g with other btulne a. In stores, shops, ut hotue.or fro.n hou e to house ; affords steady work: pays 300 mas aw per cent profit. We alsjcopy and en- H Qin Urge ail styles and giade-i of For O3d y traits. Work guarao teed, no risk, par ticulars free, or 3>i nags book,‘*lZow to Make Ph-atoffrapKe,” an I Sample Pnoto made by Empire Amateur Camera •■••nt po-itDaid, for 12 CM. Write today, name this Os ft MLIAI paper and aAblresa Ernp re Photo IM B E fa M Equipment Co . •‘MI Can 4 St.. N.Y. Wa W IVI 1b 11 step in advance OFALL OTHERS. Jr Better Instruments. A S4OO PR I C ES. EA SI ERTE RM 8 I N C L° S > N Stamp for Full Particulars, BE IN BROS. & NEWARK, N.J. • I CURE FITS! When 1 aay cure i uo not. mean merely to etop tuern t« Btime and then bare them return nF* l ";£ ea'. cure. 1 ba»e made the dlseaae of FITS, BPILBPBT or FALLING BICKNI3S a life-long atudy. I warrant ay remedy to eare the worst cases. Because othere bars tailed le no reason for Dot bow receiving a cure. Benfl M once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my InfalllMj temedy. Give Eapre-ie and Poet Otflce. It coats yog Apthluc lor a trial, end I will enre you. Address Or I! G ROOT. 18S Pearl St, New lo<ki I Pimples. Blotches, Scaly or Oily Skin, Blemishes, nnd nil Skin Diseases Cured and Complexion Beautified by Beeson’s Aromatic Alum Sulphur Soap.. Sold by Druggists or sent by mall on receipt of I 95centi by WM. DREYDOPPEL, Manu-| facturer, 208 North Front St., Philadelphia. Pa. I Free Farms The mont Wonderful Affriculturul Park In America. Surrounded by prosperous mining and inanufactur Ing towns. Farmer’s Paradis'! Magnificent > rope raised In HBS. Thousands of Acres of Govern* inent I,nnd ( subject to preemption and homestead. Lands for sale to actual settlers at $3.00 per Acre. Long Time. Park irrigated by immense canals. Cheap railroad rates. Every attention shown settlers. For mars, pamphlets, etc., address COLORADO LAND A LOAN CO., Opera House Block, Denver, Col. Box Salvo■ CURES DRUMKEffIIESS and Intemperance; not tnstantlv, but effectually. The onlv scientific anti dote for the Alcohol Habit and ths only remedy that dares to send trial bottles. Highly endorsed by the med leal profession and prepared by welL known New York physicians. Send stamps for circulars and references. Address “SALVO RfMEDY,” No. 2 Weat 14th St, New York- No Rope to tut uii nurses iruho- hK Celebrated k EC 1.1 P** K ’ HALTKIt and BRIDLE Vomblnad. cannot be Slipped by any horse. Sample >lll Halter to any part of U. 3. free, on raceiptofsl. Sold bv all Saddlery. Hardware and Haruess Dealers Special discount to the Trade, of VJ Send for Price List. \ \ J. C. > _____ V. ___ _ your own Bone, Hill Meal, Oyiter Sheila, Flour and Coro ÜBMHen MIntheWaKtA.WUMII.I* f. XVllson'a Patent). I<H> P', r " cent, mure matte la keeping poul- try Also POWES MILLS and FARM FEED MILLS. Circulars and Testimonial* «t nt on application. WIXdSON BROS., Easton. P*. fiDIII M MORPHINE UriUlfl MBIT CUftED. A >EW METHOD DR. J. C. nnVWM \ r n* W A N T E D ! ZV"! Patent Modicines. Send 5o cents for outfit and full particulars, sent postpaid. Address JAMES H. REAM, Green Ridge, Mo» Hl lUTrn Reliable’ Salesman 7o Travel W u I rll and Sell t the tr (le tuj'* < Hr* ■ hW brntrd Cigara, Tobicca, l igarritra, Ac. Li>*eral arrang ments. Salary or Commission. Address immediately. \EW YOKK ik HAVANA ( IGARCQ., Nn. 1 Fourth At.N Y ft ft 111 ■fl Qalckly and Falnlesa* I 11J 11 I flfl cured si home. Corresponded • llr 11 I Rf| solicited and free trial of cure sen*. LJ I IIIIVI h >nr«t invest gators. Tub HumaM _ ■ ■ ■■ ■ Rimidt Company. Lafayette, Ind. TBURSTOrSKTOOTHPOmEII Kaealna Teeth Perfect and Gums Healttev. lINMARRIFfI .pedons should join the N W. jl nmMnniEU jluCiihl Endowment Society Ww and receive SI,OOO when married. Ci culars tree. P. (>. Box 4D2, .Hiniirnpolis, Minn. ftmilßfl and Hoiphine llnbit cured in 1$ II 15 SVI to *'dav'. Ref rto. rt pati nts --d Wl IV Bld la all part-, un. Mamsh.Qulb y, Mich. P A T F MT C Obtained. Send stamp for ■ t I w I O Inventors' Guida L. BINO* HAM, Patent Lawyer, Washington. D. C. n** C4*en . e n the sales ot that *•» u remru.e., ar. t ha, 1 almost uni versa. bp os MURPHY G has won the the public and /qw ran«« among the Mta. cine* of the o Idem A. L. SMITH Bra lforl. ?*■ So’dYy D u/i.'•-* Pr: -' •< »«• M CHRIS WMEtt ALL ELSE UllS* IqJ E| Best Conch Syrup. Tastes good. Use |3 in time. Sold by dnjpxtste. A. N. C Twr«tr-l«»r,