The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, August 12, 1886, Image 5

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K 3LISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HARLEM GEORGIA. extebed AS second-class matter at the POST OFFICE IN HARLEM. GA. AUGUST IFTsSG ' " ThHteil X Tg to inform you that your Bubscrip tion is aue - ftnd fts w 0 neetl tIW n9y kindly ask all in arrears to eome up and give us a helping hand by paying up theirs nbserintion. CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY’ COUNCIL. T W. BELT.. Mayor. c. W. ARNOLD. W E. HATCHER. W Z HOLLIDAY. JI. ITLLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. C, n.DARSEY, Ordinary. g'w GRAY, Clerk and Treasurer. B. IVEY. Sheriff. O H ARDY, Tax Collector. T A GREEN. Tax Receiver. Z C. GOETCHIUS, Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge, No. 276 F. A. M.,meets 2d and 4th Saturdays. CHURCHES. r.-ntist—Nerviees 4th Sunday, Dr, E.R.Cars 11 1 Sunday School every Sunday. Supcriu- ickleford, pastor. Sabbath .School even 4th Saturday. Return day IS p A New York woman has applied for a pension for her son, who has recently died of love sickness. She claims that he was killed in a sharp engagement. A man ii. Pittsbuig has just paten ed a machine with which to blow window glass by compressed air, which, it is claimed, will revolutionize the business. A Texas woman has built for herself a fine house, largely from the proceeds of the hen’s eggs she has sold. Her hens laid the corner-stone as it were. _F\R better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient an I destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chills and Fever Cure by mild vet et ective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle Tor sale by all druggist: Louise Michel says she hopes to come to America alter death, when her soul migrates. Well, that gives us a respite any way. She might have determined not to wait until then. A Boston professor is lecturing on the “Uselessness of Profanity.’ Did he ever hit his thumb-nail with ham mer ? A crank is said to be a man who continually thinks, talks, and writes upon one subject he does not under stand. Animals, arc often afflicted with a disease called tire mange, the same disease in human beings is called tue itch and is highly conta gions, to cure it, mix flour of Sulphur with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment, bathe it thoroughly, and take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Homreopathic Liver and Kidney Bahn. For sale by all druggist. California is 770 miles long. Ils greatest width is 380 miles, and it contains 183,1)81 square miles, or 128,947,849 acres of land. Sim Jones says that “a person with more sense than religion is generally a rascal, and person with more reli gion than sense is generally a fool. It will take no map to show v.her > Mr. Joues stands. It is sbtteil that the citizens of Tucson, Arizona, have passed more resolutions during the last twenty years than all the cities in,the United States have done, ami got less benefit from the same. Thrice happy he whose wealth will let him choose whether to get up or take another snooze. “Oh mamma,” said a little boy when be saw n Chinaman for the first time, “just look at that man with his trousers tuc .ed into his shirt!” The President wears a special pair of boots with V toes. Instead of being a helpmeet some men’s wives are only a help ,’em eat. One swallow does not make a summer, neither will it support a beer saloon. Dead men tell no tales—-except when the S iritualistic medium gets hold of them. A Canadian railway company has fitted up a number of its cars with bathing facilities. Champagne men are all complain ing of the in«reasing popularity of mineral waters. One-half of the children born into the world die before they reach the age of five years. Jonesboro, Texas, Dec. 29th, 1885. To Da. J. H. McLean, St. Louis, Mo. —This certifies that my sister, Emily Crews, was taken fifteen years ago with, a breast dis ease in connection with menstrual derange ments which produced a severe cough and general debility, rendering her helpless ami Unable for any’ kind of service, and after baf fling the skill of some of our best physicians and using several hundred dollars worth of various medicines on her to no good. Last June I procured a bottle of Dr. J. H. McL< an’s Homceopathic Liver and Kidney Balm, which at once began to help her, since then she has used seven bottles, and to our joy is restored to good health, is gaining flesh and has be come strong and able to do her housework, she is entirely relieved of her troubles ami we would not be without the medicine under any consideration. W. M Ci.eww Fur sale by all druggist The girl of the periml iu dress ami c tuli’.ct w ■ i h ive been called to ae t ing worse a i< w years I nek. A (rcr’min lilaiisftcinn has liscovcr eil tba there are 1,(1 0.0 t;> blind per sons hi the world, not. counting, ot course, those in love. Mary Anderson is sweet 28 onlv, and she will never got b ‘vottd that if the American people c tn help it. A striking opportunity—A pugilisli off his guard. Thousands of Dollars. I Kdit'riirn Wh H;w lUcli.'tl the Prtip’i ct's Ago. JAMES C. JIUNL I’. Almost three score y< a.s and ti n hive pass ed over the head ol l .nji s C. Dunlap 4 : tin frosts of seventy winters have acneJ to whiten his jocks, and the warmtn and gladness of as mmy puimne.s h ive pre- I served in him their genialitc and friendly spirit. Man’s allot t- d time of life has been given him ami he is yet as hale and as hearty as if he was ‘ prepare 1 to double the prophet’s age. He i \<s at 261 East Cain Street, Atlanta, with Lis worthy wife and family. “My wife has,” said Mr. Dunlap, recently ‘'•for the past three years been a great suffer er from rheumatism. The disease, attacked her in th.- sciatic form, and caused her terrible suft’ering Sin was tortured almost all the t'ine. fllrlrni-h wo did everything ill our power to alleviat • her pains. 'J he disease appeared to have a firm hold upon I: . 1 , and last summer and fall she suffered the most e? ■•rmhating pains ami agony. Her system oft?re.l little or no resistance to the ravam sos this disease We almost d pail ler of its clutches, and it was with heavy h. arts and little faith we began the use of Hunnicutt's Rheumatic Cure, at the earnest solicitation ol our friends last December. The effect of the medicine was almost miraculous. Sim began to improve at almost the lirst dose, and although at this time Mie has only talo n three bottles, I can truthfully say that thousands of dollars would not express the good it has accomplished for her. Her rheumatic pains and twinges have entirely disapp.-nrod. It is certainly a wonderful remedy, and 1 desire to he put upon record assaying that any person who allows a friend to suffer from the ravages of disease when a specific of this kind can be procured from any drug store of this broad land of ours, at the trilling price of one dollar a bottle, within the reach of even the poorest, is naught but a criminal.” Manufactured by J. M. Hunnicutt & Co., Atlanta, Ga. WBLI ■ i.i.ifr i it Election Returns. Georgia, Columbia County— LTPON examining the returns mado to mo > by the managers of the < leebon, held on the 23rd June, 1886, in said county, t > deter mine whether or n it such spii’itoiis liquors as are mentioned in the 6th woetitai of the “Gen eral Local Option Liq’b r Law” <»f said State “approved September i'-th. IHH'i,’’shall be sold within the limits eisaid c mnt . . 1 find upon consolidating Haiti returns that 182 votes were cast “Against the Sale” and 168 votes were cast “For the Sale.” Now, ther fore, as Ordi nary of said county, I proclaim the same as the r< suit of said election, and it will be unlawful -1. • j n \\[thin thf Hmitfl f id con t to b rter fer ' . In.; hm coiiHi<i< ;i, cither • rcct v <»r indu’ccily.’ or give away to imine ■ tiadiatanv place of business, or furnish at : otle-r public places any aleoholi •, spiritous. i malt oi ’ ng liquors or ini ailing Lit tm-s, or o.‘»wr drinks wliich if drank to excess j will produce mt(»\>ati ;i. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2-lth June, 1886. GEORGE D. TARSrtY, Ordinary r~’ rrt • ■ • 1 ■ ' the I tirhDtirt. C.:u Jr. j vct'ioand ■'■■■. B; , d Bresth. Cis |i- >rs and giro LltezVii . Try then on - t them. Pric?. > . ■ ■ •■....:■/• and Maolcln - nt on receipt of price 11 stu . • . . J. :■ "i r ■, , Mirifl.-ctL—c-r •- t - ■ •>.- ..n AVERY I S SWIFT ■Him sure »iW VJ ffial SIMPLE q |l! SILENT i&i,;! 11, STRONG /U. I New improved high arm, new mechanical princi plea and rot ry movementb, automatic, direct and perfect action, cylinder shuttle, self-petting needle, noHti’.o feed, no springs, few parte, minimum weight, do friction, do noise, no wear, no fatigue, no “ tun’ru.iiP,” capacity unlimited, always Id or der, ri< h y ornamented, nickel plated, and gives perfect aatibfaction. Send for circulars. Address, AVERY MACHINE CO. 812 Broadway, New York. WD MONEY Tlh» blood of man has much to do ' in shaping his actions during his pil grimage through this troublesome world, regardless of the amount of present or expectant money in pocket or stored away in bank. It. is a con ceded fact that we appear nsourblood makes us, ami the purer the blood. Iho happier, healthier, prettier ami wiser we are; hence the oft repeated | interrogatory, “how is your blood j With pure streams of life-giving ihiid - coursing through our veins, bounding through our hearts ant ploughing through our physical frames, our morals become better, our constitu tion stronger, okr intellectual facul ties more acute and grandor.and men, women ami children happier,heallhici and more lovely. The unprecedented demand, the imp iralh ieil curative powers, and the unmistakable proof from those of tin impea. •liable character and integrity, point with an unerring linger to B. l>. B. --Botanic Blood Bahn—as far ; the best, the cheapest, the quickest ; .".nd the grandest and most powerful tih.od remedy over before known to m< rtal man, m the r-lief ami positive ■ cure of Scrofula, Rheumatism, Skin diseases, ail taints of blood poison. Kidney complaints, old ulcers and sores, cancers, catarrh, etc. B. B. B. is only about three years old—a baby iu age, a giant in power but no remedy in America can make or ever has made such a won derful showing in ils magical j.owers in curing and entirely eradicating the above complaints, and gigantic sales in the face of frenzied opposition and would be moneyed monopolists. Letters from all points where in troduced are pouring in upon us, speaking in ids loudest praise. Some say they receive more benefit from one bottle of B. B. B. than they have from twenty, thirty and lift}’ and even one hundred bottles of a boasted decoc tion of inert and non-medicinal roots and branches of common forest trees. We hold the proo hi black and white, and wo also hold the fort. POLICEMAN’S VIEWS Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at 38 West. Fair St. Atlanta, (>a., lias been trout>l’ed for several months with an ugly form of catarrh, attended with a copious anil offensive discharge from both nostrils. Her system became so affected and reduced that she was confined to bed at my house for some time, and re ceived the attention of three physi cians. and used a dozen bottles of an extensively advertised blood remedy, all with mt. the least benefit. She finally commenced the use of B. B. B. with a decided improvement at once, and vh m ten bottles had been used, she was entirely cured of all symptoms of catarrh. It gave her an appetite, and increas ed her strength rapidly, and 1 cheer fully recommend it as a quick and cheap tonic and Blood Purifier. J. W. Gloeu, Atlanta, Jun. IE, 18; (i. l'< lici uinn A Book of Wonders Free All who desire uliinformation about the cause and c o'e of Blood Poisons. .Scrofula and ..cio.uio s Swellings. I leer... Sues, ]!. euijiati .m, Kidney complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail fr c, a copy of our 32-page Illustrated Book < f Wonders, tilled with the most, wonderful and startling proof eve;' before known. Addres i BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. For sale at the Drug Stereo! Dr. D. L. Peeples, Ilarlein Da. aug-27 THE STENOGRAPH A SHORTHAND MACHINE. Mechanically Exact; Easily Used. Learned in one-third 1 ,l "" : 011,, ' r / ' ' ■ ■ 1 ' ‘ ' I ,41 'm as anyother; now inane, i f° r kinds of short- \ q vJmM hand work. It can X. J ‘‘wßF readily be learned from the Manual of In x struction. lu the hands of an intelligent operator it never fails to properly do its work. Send stamp for circular, or 25 cents for Manual. PRICE, - - S4O, With Case and Manual. Rize, 7%x7% in.; Weight, 3 ** lbs. Additional instruction by mail, free, if desired. U. S. STENOGRAPH GO., 402 N. 3d STREET, - ST. LOUIS, MO. GLOBE HOTEL BARBER SHOP Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing done in the neatcHt and mont scientific manner by McINTOSH <V ROBERTS. Hotand cold bath. Give uh a call. Polite attention. wtw ■ —1 I—nr—1 —nr— —ll 1 «-»- ■ ■""» Danger! A TH'ghctcdcoldorcG’ig’j p -c; to t > n«*utnotifa,< 'onaumptlon or otnez I o. » StrQr.g , ’uP<' toriilPi la’.\i 1 i I-. , - hv.uiachc Professional Cards. Ur. A. «T, Candors, GENERAL PRACTITIONTn. i -Fiarlem. - - - -<3-a. H.iyiiv* vraeti.’ctl ra oiiartcr of a century, will <D vot my.. it to .ib-’rt’i ies H'd diseases o! I fumuk s. My i'ccoid is a siifucii'iit guanin t‘ V. 1' Eb. T. Wil iams, om c- ' r a. t La. w At .li’S I a, <: v (Office ovur Coinnivrciai Bunk.) Will practice in all the Courts of th? Au gusta Circuit. o ’Claims for ct'llvctiou a special!v. feb‘2«-d i Home ComiciL i V eLil.o ph isure in calling your nltelit.on to .; no dv so long' needed in carrvin ■; children s.ifelv t’lroiu.'h the critic i! .eve of tortliii. . it is an incalculable blessing to mother and child. Il you ar- ■ i ierb 'd at ni dit with a so-i., iietfiil, I re! I r ;■ eh.dd. us ' Pitts’Girmi’iative, it mIH give instnii; relief, and regulate t. oowcls, and make teethi'i"'sa'e and cosy. It. will cure Dysentery and itimTluea Pitts' Carininntive is an instant relief for colic of inlanis. If v ill promote di gestion, give tone and e'.ie'■ v to the stoinai h a dl ow is. The sick, puny, suffi ring < Id will soon bec<mm the fat nnd froliemg joy of the household. It is very )>le isant. to t.u taste and only cost:; 25 celiis or bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale n.t Holliday’s Drug Store Harlem, Ga., and by W. <l. lleggie, of Gr wet own. PAINTS For Houses, Barns, Fences, Hoofs, Icsido Painting, Wagons, Implements, elf. Hammar’s Guaranteed te Paint. Warranted to Give Satisfaction. Economical, Beautiful, Durable, Excellent. Send tor tree Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue to F. HAMIfeW POT C3MPAWY, CINCINNATI—ST. LOUIS. Ask your merchant tor it. “Happy Thought" RUSE, With Duplex Crate, For Cm or Wm The “Happy Thought” is the leader and the best working Range in the market. It is mado in forty different styles and sizes. Ask your stove dealer for the “Happy Thought,” or send for circular and prices. PITTSWi STOVE 80. PITTSTON, PA. —iiiiiiimi j-7i"~'.‘ , T , ”ii7r'T-~n The Finest Chair LIOI/0 *ls the Celebrated ryygr j*, l ; ni * miniD With over FIFTY Changes A H OF POSITION. Ulljim thin mw ia Use; A LUXURY \'- \ /5 that SHOULD B- IN 1 ,W CvEKY HOUSE. | THINK OF IT! A PARLOR, LIBRARY, SMOKINC, RECLINING OR INVALID CHAIR. LOUNGE, FULL LENGTH BED, and CHILD S CRIB, Combin'.'!, ord Adjustable to any Position requisite for Comfort or Convenience. Send at once for one of our Catalogues. Comply, : ’ 930 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. fiiisH > J.F'W-fT't [’l’ ‘'■ . ' 1 FOR THE FINEST Spring and Snr : w Clothing <3-0 TO L €. LEYY’S., I ]l* St.M'l< thiH Reason iHiuirquah' lin the state All IV ...1 Suita from M tip. Young mon, ' 1 "i'l iik ii. tall men box... eliilili .n. < .mie all, t.n '.<>u e.ui be titled. A fii Ht-ebiRR Tailor la the e.. ie tn make an, iilteiation <|. -in .1 tree ol'ehiugi I. C. LEVY 83(i BKOAD SI’KEET Owners of Water Power. Ol Having seenrctl the Agency for the celt in-uletl gßuc.rr.ham Water Wheel ? " I ' G, ’ ,,r! ' in , " I ' l s,, " lb UuH'lit'n Inm pri'| :ir<‘d tn offer !3£ys|>('<mil inducements t.> wishing i<> put h, wu t ( .,. whielw . J mu also prepured to do any him! of J|,l] Work, Dew or re ■» p (u| , < 'oiTespondelico solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA. GA. JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTI’BEI’S OF i® s as & fins Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, I>.ilt i'!ie(’t, Nt"ir ( cnti'nl Ihi il I'oiitl h nrtl, Aiignsfn,, On,. Day & Tannahill, x\ iii< is w_'' JIF.ADQUAIITEItH Foil Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Finding Z3HIILTIJSIG-. I lie binestmid inoni varied assoi'inienf <>! Children’s Car riages t'Vt i' brought to tlict'ity, at, all prices. Tidings of Comfort and Joy $35.00. ■ -t! ’ :;iid -<V nr | |( . .llli I’vcry man Wlx. ttwhH a lioi-Me, or wiMlniH to train a colt, mlioiiM n iv< <m< , Hio ihicc jh within the reach of all. ’ DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AUGUSTA GA. W. D. BOWEN, Manufacturer and Dealer In Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Catridges, P ishing Tackle, Etc. i o2B. Broad St., Augusta, Ga, ;q ; AH work mid repair done with ncatnoss anti dispatch. WATCHES I DIAMONDS! JEWELRY ! .Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. HV> jmrehaMed r A LftAHI.’S I N'JJHE KTCCT OF JEWETJtY nnd dated it hr < D gui t stork f' t iiH tlv ritrrjcd I m* ;.t fnv old wtand under tint Ccntrnl HotcL ! ti' -' ' : ‘ du< I <l Dji' t m tli< hao'lHorirt -i -t -.• fJ< \.< lry, Hilvcrware, A’r., rv<*r fcca in p i' • f to? Nhw NTOJUh, ( ’>rin r JJj’o;, t and Seventh Street#, and tamilbwlv ki.own aa ‘Train M <"«,i ! ( cr.” Mr. lilt AH E will r'lnain with inc. nnd will !»'• phased to see his friendw. WILLI A M S( 1 1WEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Brou-ljiJjgep