The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, August 19, 1886, Image 8

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Columbia Sentinel. LV. BALLARD. ) Fmtoi.h •V>. M. ATKINSON, j E ' ,TO,tM - _ ilttim, o*7 Ahivkt, 111, 1886. PRICE. $1 00, IN ADVANCE. you GOVERNOR, JOHN B. (JORDON, Os DUALB. FOR CONGREMM, GEORGE T. BARNES, or nK'HM'ixn. editorial noils. The mosquito now prtwcnbt liih bill. ■ I The heated term ia upon uh in nil it* fury. Pick you flintn gentlemen nn<l try •Bother <hn<h of two weeke length. Dr. M. A. Lane, of Wilken county, died on Sunday lent nt the advanced ago ol 95 yearn. tte lynching of Moore, nt Macon. Uxt week hne met with c< imuro gen terally throughout the State. The Senatorial Convention for the 49th District meatn nt Mr. Belknap Smith’s mill on the 2fith inst Athena line voted $3,»,000 of bonds to becuTO the Technological school. INik apenkß well for the (Tuhmic City. The Macon Telegraph Bays: “The Winning nine never Been any rotten umpiring." Ah, how true, in many other things an well an baseball A cattle man by the name of Page ia wanted at Harmony Grove, oh pecially if he )>oh the money to pay for cattle purobaaed about a month a«o. The way to give Harlem n regular boom in to build the proposed main noth hotel, and then build an academy that will b<> in keeping with Cha place. It now turns out, according to the Atlanta Constitution that Mr. Julius Brown has brought suit against sev •ral anti-prohibitionisls of Atlanta for his fee in the legal contest. Words fitly spoken by the Atlanta Constitution: Several hundred per sona, who probably never earned their ■alt aa workers iu any occupation, have recently turned out a lot of es says and books on the labor problem. This is what makes working mon •ick. If it is necessary—and wo do not deny the necessity—to keep a night Marshal in Harlem, why not levy a tax ou real estate to assist in paying the salary of the same, instead of de pending on subscriptions from busi nses men and private citizens alto gether T Real estate owners are ns much inturwtod iu tho matter as others. The case against Mr Hold. Jones charged with the killing of Mr. Pressley and his two sons, camo up for trial at Edgefield. 8. (1, last week. It seems that he is to lie tried for one case at a time. In the case of killing the first one of Mr. Pressley's sons the jury made a mistrial and tho cu e together with the other charges go over until November court Thejury ■food 10 for acquittal and two for ■uuialaughtor. Monday’s Meeting. In another column will l>e found n report of Monday's mooting nt the Court Houacsand wo have endeavored to report the satno as faithful as pooaible under the circumstances. We deprecate very much that cir ewnetancM should have arisen so as to ■mm the acene witnessed in the ranks of the Democracy of (.kdumbia county. Could the former leaders of the party, who are now sleeping in their graves have witnessed the discord manifest ed on that occasion, they would have been ready to declare that tho glory of fanner days had departed. In •xprsemng an opinion iu these •damns we do not. expect the eudorse- MMt of «U our KM<l ix Iu fact, about this, Ac care but little. With us it is not faction or mon, but principle, and when wo cease to regard the latter above everything else, we will but de serve to be condgnoJ to some oilier sphere with failure written upon our bnnner. Rising nlx»vc the tie of personal preference, candor compels | uh to say that to ignore a committee of ;•< ntlemcn appointed by the citizens of this county to look after the iutor-[ eats of the Democratic party mon, too of the strictest integrity as the E-.i'iitivi- ( immitteo of Columbia county were ignored by a part of the meeting on Monday hist, reflects < anything but credit upon the county. If it is not the duty of the Ex-, e< .Hive Committee of this county to look aft< r and <1« ide upon issues like the one in the contest ou .Monday, iu the name of reason what are its du ti' s? If it is not within the province of tho Committee to decide upon such questions, then the creating of that Committee and the pledge to stand by tho time honored principles of Democracy is simply a farce. It whs the right of every man to de sire the candidate of his choice a fair showing in the contest, and we do not pretend to question that right, but fnd to see the right of men to reflect upon the Committee by declaring they would withdraw before the Committee had heard any tes timony or readied a decision, just simply because that. Committee were in the majority so far as their prefer ences to the candidates during the campaign ami at the time of the elec tion. d hey had no right to be ques tioned or suspicioned untilthey proved themselves recreant to the trust com mitted to them. Wo do not profess to be able to foretell future evi uts, but it is evident to one not a Solomon that such a course will soon disrupt party organi zation in our county. Therefore it behooves every citizen to cuter a most earnest protest against being led by such a spirit. As to tiie candidates, both are gen tlemen in every sense of the word and would have received nothing but jus tice at thu hands of the Committee. I Meeting of the Colored People. Eiiitoiih Sentinel: On tho 10th iust, a mass meeting was held at Appling Georgia, by the colored citizens of Columbia county. On motion of Mr. Turner Harris, Mr. T. H. Gadson was elected Chairman, and J. D. Towusley, Secretary. The Chairman then stated the object of the meeting, of which was to petition to the Governor to oiler a suitable reward for the nrrest of Nace Pollard, alias Naco Bailey. And the following resolutions worn adopted: Whereas Levi Cobb was killed by Nace Pollard on tho night of July the '.)th ami, whereas the said Pollard is still at large, and, w hereas the jury of inquest decided that said killing was murder. Bo it Resolved, That we, the colored men of Columbia county, in mass meeting itsHcmbled, do ail iu our power to justice. Be it further Resolved, That we pe.ition the Governor to offer a suitable reward for the arrest of the said Pollard. And whereas Melton Crawford was killed on the night of the 20th July by unknown party or parties. Bo it, Resulted, That wo shall do all in our power to bring said party or parties to justice. Be it further, Resolved, That these ReHolutions be sent to the Com muia Sentinel, and tho Georgia Baptist, with the request that they Ixv published. Bo it further, Resolved, That two men be appointed in every District, to investigate these matters here, after they are appointed. T. H. Garson, Chairman. J. D. Townsi.ey, Secretary. Do You Expect TO PAINT ? Read this it may save you money. Paint vour propertv with 1/crc.A.s Ready Mixed Paints I Hu* ih no n< « ’ nut in tlo ?.. |virt.- wv have | whim the pa»l flvv or tix y.■ ,r» thoii'miiilx of nllon. . fit, S.<mooftl,i> iiuvut rvHi.l,m.'H in tlox city »m| HuriMitmling country »re pnintod mill it. W« nI. rto tho jiro|K rty. it standi, s» lb. <>*u S.hertis, nu nt. Will give names of l* r 1,1 " *bo hsvo this psmt ami promTtv lisint,.! when you <mII We WAHBANT (and I''."-' 1 '..".?."! ”" r ».irr*nt niosns something) 1.11 As READY Ml\l.l> I’AINT It will not creek, chalk off. m-.l hl mt. r this make, ii s p rti el (sunt. 1 bill, two shades. We ,-srrv rweuti sh.vb s aud White-. Om gsllon covers SUOsjusr. fri t ’J.v.te, Here the rrire-s All or.lituu-. shs.l. iu 1 gallon .ingle gal lon. fi!74 ; 10 gallon lots, in gallon cans, fl 45; m bulk, half bbls, ond bble.. lI.V, gallon ; Cotiif sud eve, BE MJ. A CO , JiU Broad Street About twenty y«uw ago I filacnvered a little tore on my cheek, and the doctors pro nounced It cancer. 1 bare tried a number ot pbyilclana. out without receiving any perma nent benefit. Among the number were one or two apeclaliata. The medicine tney applied waa like fire to the wre, cauatng tntenac tain. IMW a statement tn tile papers telling what 8. S. 8. had done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before I bad need the accond bottle the neighbors could notice that my cancer was healing up. My general health had been bad for two or three ycara—l had a backing eongn and aptt blood contin ually. I bad a revere pain lb my breast. After taking ala bottles of 8. S. 8. my cough left me and I grew stouter than I had been for acveral years. My cancer has healed over all but a Utile »pot about the sire of a half dime, and it Is rapidly disap [caring. I would advise every one with cancer to give 8. S 8. a fair trial. Mm. NANCY J. McCONAUGHEY, Aebe Grove, Tippecanoe Co., Ind. Feb. IS, ims. Swift’s Specific Is entirely vegetable, and sewer to enre cancers by forcing out the Impu rities from the blood. Treatise on Blood ami Skin Dlreuea mailed free. THE BVVIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, Atlanta, Oa. WALTER S. CURTIS, AGENT FOR Fire and Life Insurance AND Machinery of Every Description. To the Citizens of Columbia and Neighbor ing Counties : I will aay that I ant prepared to furnish Insurance in first class Companies on Life or Pro perty at the lowest rates obtainable. „ . . . , parties contemplating purchasing Machinory of any kind will do wsll to gat my prices and terms before purchasing elsewhere. lam Agent for Frick Co’s. Celebrated “Eclipse” Engines, Gins, Separators, &c. I also sell the best makes of COTTON PRESSES, REAPERS, MOWERS, CANE MILLS, EVAPORATORS, and in tact anything in the line of Machinery or Machinery Repairs. Prompt attention will be given to all communications addresHed to me at Thomson, Ga. WALTER S. CURTIS. | FOREST HILL' INSTITUTE, j Richmond County, Georgia. -:-THE • FALL « TERM--:- OF THIS POPULAR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE WILL BEGIN ->§•;- Bth, 1886.-?-. With healthfulness of climate unsurpassed, buildings and grounds ample, far enough removed from the bustle of city and town to insure quiet for study, yet either easily reached by the Ga. R. 11. With extended course of study—experienced and successful teachers and educators. This Institution offers solid advantages to parents and guardians for the education and training of young ladies. For catalogue address the principal. MRS. E. A. (WRIGHT) COX. July 1886— GROVETOWN, GA. "THE "MARKHAM? BEST HOTEL -»§+lN « THE « SOUTH !og<- Quiet, Dignified, Homelike. Best Atten tion. Magnificent Table. Reasonable Rates, o THE AUGUSTA COTTON GIN COJSZEI’-A-JNr'X" MANUFACTUhES A Cotton Gin which is Not Surpassed for Fine Lint, Clean Seed, fast Work, Fine Mechanism. Repair Cotton Gins of any make in the beat lUAiitivr. Mauufacturu CLOUD CREEK ROCK GRIST MILLS. Selh, the Aniew Portable Engine on skids. Amec Mounted Engine, Ames Stationarv En gine with boiler. Bir.iaall Traction Engine. Bir.laall Portable Engine on skids. Variable Feed Saw Milla. Siddelb ‘'Boss’’ Pew. r Press. Sid.h lla Hand Press. Michigan Automatic lajector, Smith Cottou s, 1 Eleva tor, Cotton Need Crushers, Cotton Gin Material, Kil». Bristles, etc.. Engine Fixtures, Pullet, Shafting, Belting. O. M. STONE, MANAGER, AUGUSTA, GA. MACHINERY. Engines STEAM A: WATER Boilers PipeA’Fitting baw Mills Brass Valves IHM SAWS" Cotton Presses FILES Shafting - Injectors Pulleys Pumps Hangers Water Wheels Cotton Gins Castings Gearing Grass A Iron A I'uil Stock of Supplies cheap and good. Belting. Backing and Oil. At Bottom Prices AND IN STOCK FOB Prompt Delivery. Repairs (HO li LOMBARD A CO. Fvumlry, Machine and Boiler Works, Kngnsta. Ga.. aK've PasHenut r ]Lj Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods. MILS. N. BRUM CLARK requrithlly informs the Izuließ that her Spring opening wM Ih- 11. hl ..It W. .In. ,fiav ae.rntnnt.lay, April lltliaml 15th, to which »he invite* the sped, i attention of'-v. ry la b n Auguata ami vicinity. Her present stylet and aaturtmente bait never before been eqnaled. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK. 1¥ ColumblaTrugStoreT B. L. PgEPLES, M. B, (Successor to Dr. J. P. Shockley.) A T THE WELL KNOWN STAND ON MUN STREET, HARLEM, GA., will keep con. _z\- atuittly in at.-ck all liimlw of Medicines, ?>rugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes, Brushes and Toilet Articles of every description, Soda Water and Ice kept constantly on hand. Tobacco and Sega re of the best and most popular brands. Prescriptions carefully filh d at all hours of the day aud night of the Purest Drugs. Professional calls answered at any time. F. L. FULLER. M. B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMERALL FULLER, HATCHER & CO., (Successors to Young, Hack & Co.) ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G J 8 © CJ E K 8, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HAVING purchased the interest of Young A Hack, we propose to offer to the trade a foil line of carefully selected . • Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market pt ices. All business with us will receive prompt attention: FULLER, HATCHER & CO H: N. REID, DEALER IN IMPROVED MACHINERY, With the following as specialties : Ist. Eagle Cotton Gins v.ith/fhe ad .rsy rrr.M justable curved seed board. 2nd Monarch Bailing Press. Best >. hand press in the wi rld. 3rd. Improved Engines and Saw d-. • ;l 73 Mil,s - The Standard Boiler Feeder, -■H only one handle to operate. Is the Plt” only practical graded machine in the IkJ market. mwto low Call and see me, at 738 Reynolds St, Augusta, Ga. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR stock: From 713 to 714 Broad Strftt (South side) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. D. Smythe’s Crockery Store. WE will continue to sell Carpets, Curtains, Window Shades and House Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices “FOR SPOT CASH” or thirty days time, city acceptance. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street (South Side), Augusta, Ga» JESSE THOMPSON&Ta, MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. Owners of Water Power. fib Having secured the Agency for the celebrated ita Burnham Water Wheel Georgia and South Carolina, I am prepared to offer s P e ' ’ il l mducements to parties wishing to put in water wheels. aiu prepared to do anv kind of Mill Work, new or re- pair. Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA.