The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, August 26, 1886, Image 8

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Columbia Sentinel. i V BALLA IP i . . , J. M. ATKINSON, ) Hmurm.Ga . Aruinrr, 2d. IHStI. PRICE, |1 (M, IN ADVANCE. poll govehxoh. JOHN B. GORDON, or ni KU.ii. Foil < O\rilll>H, GEORGE T. BARNES. or nn-HMovn. EDITORIAL NOTES. Talk it, writ,, aliout, »"rt Ctr II thr Harlem 11*4*1. Tb« prnaltr h»« I"” n npon 7 of t>i« Anarchi.t in Chl<-»K". A lodge of Kmghtaof Ul-.r wan orginlzed at Grovetowe l*»t Sitnrd* ■ ni<ht We await further development* without < miiriente. Toxaft hee • during the pn«t w • k frxxn a grnii.ic Ural Indie Imrri. i.r r<- ih iug in lone of |»r»’)»erty and <! wtiu’tmu <’f trope. A ItoaUm man a fe» day* ago ear- < • led in ■wimming the whhlp'*»l at* fill*. H ie*aid l<» have accomplished hi" daring feat with the aid of a oork ve«t. Mnoe in our la*t iaanr it aeetnr that the |>r«*- peel* for an early will- •nx-nt of t.w mill trouble* in Augiieta have fallen Hat, and n«» olio know* when the mill* will n*um • work. Tin- Barnreville Mail I* right in *-»ymg that there I* a growing tendency to ignore party or ganisation. Personal ambition ha* l»»<«»ine defiant and unbhi*hingly place* ilnrlf al*H< party good. The Senatorial < < nv< iitl<>n «>f the 2*.>:h Di* tnet meet* at Mr. Belknap* Smith * mill on Saturday neit. The delegate* from thi* county by the reeult es the iwent vote go pledged to th* nomination Hon. H. (’. Lamkin. , Manon Telegraph : Dr. Tanner, the 1 -rty day** fa«t man, *ay* tlmt nin< tenth* of al! th< rrmm and disease in thi* world i* due to the human *tomaeh. It *<•<-in* to it* this re lieve* the he lane* of the *'«-t< m of an oveil\ amall r< *poi»*«biht). The Kimtinke !* gratified nt th< <mdor*« merit of it* rourae, by *<’■!<■ of tho *taU!Wlw*t men <»f Columbia county. Thank*, h I low citlaen*, we pledge ovureelvc* to stand by principle* nf honesty belching the goo I of the paoplc ou all uouaeiieui. N< w*pa|*r rorre*poudunt* declare that Atlanta ha* financially received a weseiv blow on account of prohibition, ami yt»l nt Vie next sentence they declare abe i* going right along up and buainea* never better. Strange I ft I* like blowing hot and cold with tho same breath. Augu*!a Chronic! u Thursday, the Pre*idvnt Oiughi a nil pound *altnou trout, which w.i* f< U Urm m a* large a* any oth*r lUh captured, and lugger than the aggregate weight of all Mi* other catch. The Pr< anient a I way* man* ag< a to secure the biggest flab, it w away that Frvaidvut* have* The Atlauta <*on*iiluti<ui in diaemwing the subject aatu whrtbei prohibition i* getting a fair trial in that city remark* : “if anyone think* that prohibition i* not getting a fair trial her* let bun violate the law. When hu get* through with lire fruirta, ami nettle* hi* Aim*, ho will be a Madder ami a wiser man.** New* reaches na that Mr Barrett Jenkin*, a well known planter of thi* county carried to Auguata recently a number of cotton Ih>ll* into which the l*dl worm had made a l«»dg< nivnt. Hr rejiort. the worm* only made their appearance a few day* *:iiev, but the) are rapidly Uni ng into the Udi* in the section around him and ruining tlx- entire crop I'll* following aenidbls remark* are clipped from the Atlanta t'onaUtutiou "Wc regret to ace that some of our thoughth-a* exchange* arc making fan us a young man who decorated himaelf with the pure imulal won by hla cow at a fair. That t* all wrong. The cow didn't want llw medal, and bvaide* isn’t it jiud a* pralarworthy to own a tine butter maker, a* it i* lo *|w'*k ••Hjiartacu*' 1 in the presence of a •urcly tried <wuuuu nevturnt audit uos F’ An exchange ways. *'A darkex who wa* *uf feritig foun colic Hew to a druggist f r relief. He w a* (dieted a pcvptirtan lemedv tor HHy cents He had only thirty-the cent*. “All right,*'said diuggist. ‘then, I*ll pul you up a pre*»'nptnui for thirty the ccuta. * While Uh young man was . . mpoiuid- Ing the colic spec:he the darkey * ry< eaught U}M«n a line ol lueiou* watermelon* *pr« ad <»UI for sale. “How much you ax for dem vralcriiullioiM ?*’ inquired Sambo. "Tun cents.” *‘Dcu, jew gob me twenty five cent wut ob phy mo, au* de n* in watermiUion ! M Mr. Hoaaant A Stovall retire* from the editorial staff of the Auguela ('hixunrlr. having purchased halt interest in th* Bann*r*Wateh* man at Athena. Hr gnss to take charge of that paper where his eparkhng pen will inieit at the readers of that Nterhug journal. Sh aking of bi* departure the t’hromele My* “With a culhvau-d mind and perfect indepmd< ne* of kbougbt. with >n thv mainteuauoe <4 view* ftmtun. J «:ih au luat. of ju.tirv and »• inborn «.,urU'«T that nnver wv nJ.. Mr. tilOTall hi* th* ability and tb< <xjwn, uc to Ulkr hlUlMif «MM< of tlw llkwt ptouiiuonl au.l •umwful <4 th* South. Hi* itao hilaw to thr Slat* and tho d*valo]mi*ut of hi* talnat will br qilieX.unl by lu> a.-w Held of labtww W* honor our friend f.w l>i» Uh ut*,- We »<!• mire him for tiia le.nltAil trail*, t.<r the parity <4 hi* heart, ttie iwiitlen**. ot hi. unfair and th. mxuliueaa U U* . Ua-*i lei. A Ij f <‘ Piths. Aw ’* e * d • ■’ *' ! ’ ih«*h»L| V t h<»w oftrh d<x *it <*•>• ir that in I d.fb riihgm n are di-jww. d Ui impugn tin mo tive* d th****- who «li.T r with tlx in. i:i n»to« < f th< epheii •of hf« d tuta xjfiri* in .n- • b arly murn'b-t itut-lf than in th* rcsbn <>f jonmvj ißin 'J her* I" a current that m<m* t • run in tin-VfdiM *f a • rtai * cmis* «’f | * p.iirnjlh i*' right to s:i - j u-of Its own I nnb-- thi’.t <»’.in.mi ehnii "-* to pxn IJ V» th*ir t« fding*, r« g*i ll* •* of any <4 t.*e pr;. e<; b-* <r IMHO* that n»»y l*r involve I. The ir M -p*p* r Fiat 1 i- t» » sent inent blind h» ju-‘ and prim-ip!'** of bon hi or d« r that it any not off-nd and th« r< by hold it* psiioirtgo, i* unwwithy of a pisce ill *ocicty, m- I it* <1 atb will lx* n> rula nity n hi a com munity. Jt m no n v fdn'4 fra jotirnd, among a e.f rta.n <1.4 * of p H>le, wh» n it arr.tx < itself again*’ ►whiic pet turin or principle to bring upon it'W’lf oa'.iA'-.-m fi tn th it M-hi< cl.ih* of the populace It should In- the high st ai n »f cv'Ty new* pap»r to •. <;> it* column* ch an, hut *t t!i< nai.i tunc < -rruption when v-r it i* found should Imj rvioM d v.tboit frar or favor. With an cyu i•*u •i * p;i ;»l' '♦ ■ have < ’ideavor< d to pi* id* o.t i th< i«< <*o|nmij* in the j • t ■ nd ar •< rt that for tho future, w<’ <-x;h <« history, m thi* r«-*| ' ’l. t » r*p< .it itself, and ur ill upon ••ver' (ail m.nd d and right-lox ing c. ucn in thi* <• ninty Vi mi .tain u*. P-n better than th<- har*h treatin'nt <d med.fMi' * wiii'-h horrible grq** the patient ami d'-H’.roy tlx < » iting of th -toniarh. Dr. J. H M< l.< in’* < dl- mu IE« ’ r ('nr*- bi mil Iv«t <d ecti vra<’lioti v bl cure. Sold at S<) cent* a b »ttl For sule by all drnffg *t. THE AUGUSTA COTTOH GIN MAXITAI TVIZES A Cotton Citi which is Not Snipzisscd for I-inc Lint, ('lenn Seed, fa-1 W ork, l ine Mechanism. lb-’ air (' •’.ton <B:im o.‘ any make in the bent tnamu i. Manufacture CLOUD CREEK ROCK GRIST MILLS. Hell-, tlm Amoi IVrt.ibh- Eii;-i'i. it. Hkiih. Ain. M luitli d Eiiniin . A’iii- i Stuti"i>.u' v 1n- KUi* with Imiilit. Bir.ta.ill 'lr.u'ti'»n l.iiKiii". Bml.all Puitublii 1; iwltK- mt hUiilh. VuimLle /•.••• I Suh Mill., Sul I. 11. “lliiim Pow.r lr< hi". lb liaml I’r.HH, Miijii'iin Ant'.no...■ Inj ' i. Hmitli C.rtton Hi. in ti ir, < ittoti Mei il CrtiH’i.-f*, Cotton < lilt M;ii. tis I, Hi'oH. Bn»tln*. 11. Engine l ixlunH, Pulley, Hlniftiug, P.elting. (). M. STON E, ‘.I \\ V.l :: A 1.l :-l ' I r.MAt IIIX ! 1.1 1 fj Engines 1 AzWHUq J Boilers •ipcAi’ittinJi (Saw Mills Brass Valve>| Milh 2?4W52 H Sl'tillon I’nxsfs U Shafting injectors “Pulleys Pumps b Hangers ibiitr Uh «K ja jt'otton <I ms Castings d I Gearing Brass & iron A Pull Stock of Siipp'iHs cheap anti good Beltinix, Packing ami (HI. At Bottom Prices \M» IN NT’»< K IPK Prompt Delivery. '< pun s pin 11 |itTvmUie/' (iY.o h Lombak!) \ ( ?). H Feundry, Maehim ami Boilvr \.• ' . '.i • I‘.i- ' i . • P • Do You Expect TO PAINT ? Reml this it may save yon money. Paint your property with Ready Mixed Paints I'll!* I* 111. new pain! i n ttawe part* we haw *»d»l iu the past hvc «•! six year* thtumand* of < galh'i not it. K it;e ot Uh tiiCi *t H *idetu\ * in ■ tb<* city and .nrroiitti’.iiig country ao iiaiiitiui with it We refer to th. pr . o rty, it Mamie a* it* own adicrtiwin. n< Will gno uatne* of 1 partie* who have u*ed tin* paint and pmis rti paint, d * ten y..u <■«.. w, WAIiItAKT ~ i malen.tan I our watt-ant mean* *oni> thing) 11 CAS in u>\ MIXI |. I'Aixr . , t cra<-k. clialk off *.*■! or binder th.* make* it a is paiut. Thirty two *had<*. We earn tw.iiiy *hade* and Whit. One call n >*>.<;* •Ai a.ttur.tMt ieoat*. Here the pne.* All ordinary chad. * iu 1 gallon can*, single gal l< u, f ITS ; hi gallon lot* in gallon . in*. $1 v> : in bulk, lull bbls, end LWe„ gallon. Com* aud sec, BEAU A CO.. <U th .ad buy it , Tried in the Crucible. yjryff" About twenty yearn ago I (Uncovered a little w>te on my check, and the doctor* pro nounced it cancer. 1 have tried a number of phybeiana. nut without receiving any perma nent benefit. Among the number were one or lw< FpecfaliirtH. The medicine tney applied wae like fire to the aore, cauaing mtenae pain. I iaw a statement in the paper* telling what 8. 8. 8. Lad done for other* almilarly afflicted. 1 >rocared wxne at once. Before I had uaed the aecond buttle the neighbor* could notice ttat my cancer waa healing up. My general health had been nad for two or three yearn -1 hx a hocking cougn ana spit blood contin ually. I had a *evere pain in my breaet. After ..iking ata bottle* of 8. S. 8. my cough left me and I grew atouter than 1 had been for several year*. My cancer haa healed over all but a little i»po€ about the *ize of a half dime, and it i* rapidly diaapftearing. I would ad vine every one with cancer to give 8. S. 8. a fair trial Ma*. NANCY J. McCONALUIEY, Aabc Grove, Tippecanoe Co., Ind. Fete 1«, 18*5. Swift'a Specific I* entirely vegetable, and aeegia to cure cancer* by forcing out the impu rities from the blood. Treatiae on Blood and Bkn Diaeaae* mailed free. THE BWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. New Store! New Goods! AT PEEPLES’ Central Business House, MAIN ST., HARLEM, GA. r o. IT WING recr-ntly moved into the Rtore formerly occupied by Mr. W. 8. Lazenby, wider I Sentinel Oiti» <, lam now prepared to offer a Complete Stock of Goods, JlWb a Medicines, Drugs, Patent ’■ • S Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Per- Brushes and Toilet Ar r’WfrfSjffi tides of every description. So ''!l 55\tler and Ice kept c< n- Prescriptions carefully filled AAgt jc&Jsv* | a vor night. aT JL- * w: ALSO A MCE LINE OF FANCY GROCERIES, Including Canned Good*, Confectioneries, Stigir. Coffi o. Tobacco and Segars. Goods are now ready for sale and art offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. D. L, Peeples, M. D. WALTER S. CURTIS, AGENT FOR Fire and Life Insurance AND Machinery of Every Description. To the Citizens of Columbia and Neighbor ing Counties : 1 will nay that lam prepared to furniah Insurance in first class Companies on Life or Pro perty at the h’WOHt rate* obtainable. Parties contemplating purchasing Machinery of any kind will do well to get my prices and t<this before purchasing elsewhere. lam Agent for Frick Co’s. Celebrated “Eclipse” Engines, Gins, Separators, &c. I also k<ll the best make* of ( OTTON PRESSES, REAPERS, MOWERS, CANE MILLS, EVAPORATORS, and in tact anything in the line of Machinery or Machinery Repairs. Prompt attention will be given to all communications addressed to me at Thomson, Ga. WALTER S. CURTIS. "■ ■ . 1 '» i FOREST HILL INSTITUTE/ Richmond County, Georgia. -:-THE 6 FALL « TERM-:- OF THIS POPULAR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE WILL BEGIN *>§ coSeptember Bth, 1 886.--.o§<- With healthfulness of climate unsurpassed, buildings and grounds ample, far enough removed from the bustle of city and town to insure quiet for study, yet either easily reached by the (la. 11. R. With extended course of study—experienced and .--mccssfnl teachers and educators. This Institution offers solid advantages to parents and guardians for the education and training of young ladies. For catalogue address the principal. MRS. E. A. (WRIGHT) COX. Julv 18«6 GROVETOWN, GA. "THE MARKHAM. BEST HOTEL IN 0 THE a SOUTH - Quiet, Dignified, Homelike. Best Atten tion. Magnificent Table. Reasonable Rates- Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods. MRS X BRUM CT.AP.K r(*tx-ctfuilv iaform* the Ladies that her Spring opening wi 1 Im- held on W.-dnt *.l .v xttA T in day. April Htbaud 15th, h. which oh,- invite* the.pech 1 ..ttehtion of every 1...1V it. Augu.-ta a ..<1 vicinity. Iler prtecut ntylea and awortiueutß Lai , never before Oc*-n vq ialcd. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK. FOSTER & DOUGHTY, COTTON FACTORS and COMPRESSORS, Augusta. - • - Greorgia. Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded hy Washiugton. Twiggs. C ilhoua and Taylor Streets, aud connect ed with all the Railroads centering here by double tracks ex tending into our yards I Our entire pt r*onal attention will be devoted to the hnaineiw m all it* detail*, and to all who I intnuit in* with c<>n sign men t* wc guarantee prompt mid natinfuctory return*. Liberal advances made on cunsignmente. Drayage Both Ways Saved. OFFICE : 739 REYNOLDS STREET, Rooms for Several ears Occupied by Augusta Cotton Exchange. E L. Ft LLER. M. B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMERALL FULLER, HATCHER & CO., (Successor* to Young, Hvck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORO C E RS, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HAVING purchased the interest of Young & Hack, we propose to offer to the trade a full line of carefully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. All business with us will receive prompt attention. FULLER, HATCHER & CO H: N. REID, DEALER IN IMPROVED MACHINERY, With the following as specialties : Ist. Eagle Cotton Gins v itli the ad justable curved seed board. 2nd Monarch Bailing Press. Best L- hand press in the wi-rld. w«t«» 3rd. Improved Engines and Saw Willß> 4th. The Standard Boiler Feeder, ?j,? only one handle to operate. Is the jYn'’|y>* s only practical graded machine in the nttfket. Call and see me, at 738 Reynolds St, Augusta, Ga. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL BEHOVE THEIR CABPEiT STOCK From 713 to 714 Broad Struct (South side) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. D. Smythe’s Crockery Store. WE will continue to sell Carpets, Curtains, Window Shades and House Furnishing Good® at greatly reduced prices “FOR SPOT CASH” or thirty days time, city acceptance. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street (South Side), Augusta, Ga. JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, I Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. Owners of Wafer Power. fib Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Burnliam Water Wheel For Georgia and South Carolina, I am prepared to offer inducements to parties wishing to put in water wheels. am prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re | Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, • AUGUSTA GA