The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, September 30, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sent! neL PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HARLEM GEORGIA. entered as second-class matter at the POST OFFICE IN HARLEM. GA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER~3O 18SC The Red X Is to inform you that your subscrip tion is due, and as we need the money, kindly ask all in arrears to come up and give us a helping hand by paying up their subscription. CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY COUNCII- ,T. W. BELT.. Mayor. C. W. ARNOLD. W. E. HATCHER. W. Z. HOLLIDAY. M. FULLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. O n.DARSEY, Ordinary. G. W. GRAY, Clerk and Troaanrer. B IVEY. Sheriff. O HARDY, Tax Collector. 7 A GREEN. Tax Receiver. X C. GOETCHIUB, Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge, No. 27G F. A. M., meets 2d and 4th Saturdays. CHURCHES. Baptist—Services 4th Sunday. Dr. E. R. Cars well Sundav School every Sunday. Superin tendent—Rev. J. W. Ellington. Methodist— Everv 3rd Sunday. Rev. W E. Shackleford, Jpistor. Sahbath School every isnndav H.A Merrv, Sunt. Maristrate’s Court. 12Sth District, G. M., 4th Saturday. Return p A Card. Appling, Ga., Sept. 20th, 1886. Editors Sentinel: Will yon please allow me space in your columns to set myself right before the people of the county. In the issue of Septem ber 9th, I find a card from J. D. Townsley, saying that he was mis led by me iu regards to writing up the case of Mr. Griffin Conley. I am sorry that he has so written, for it is truly a mistake. I knew nothing of the writing until I saw it in the Georgia Baptist, and the article of August 29th, I have never seen published in the Geor gia Baptist at all. If I had seen it. I am sure I would have correct ed it. And now I positively deny knowing anything whatever about any writing done by Towns ley until I saw them in print, ex cept the article of August 13th, in the issue September 2nd. I hope this will settle this matter. T. H. Gadson. Jones >oro, Texas D;c ,19th, 1885. To Db J. H. McLean, St. Louis, Mo. —This certifies that my sister, tanly Crews was taken fifteen years ago with a breast dis ease in connection with menstrual derange ments which produced a severe cough and general debility, rendering her helpless and unable for any kind of service, and after bal ding the skill of some of our best physicians and using several hundred dollars worth of various medicines on her to no La-st June I procured a bottle of Dr. J. H. McLean s Homoeopathic Liver and Kidney Balm, which at once began to help her, since then she has used seven bottles, and to our joy is restored to good health, is gaining flesh and has be come strong and able to do her housework she is entirely relieved of her troubles and we would not be without the medicine under any consideration. w M Crewß For sale by all druggist. HE BOIGIIT HER HMD Queer Story of Love, Money and an Attempt at Suicide- New York Times: The case of Mary Wilson against Joseph Wilson came before Judge Scudder yester day morning in the Middlesex County Court, at New Brunswick, N. J. The ;ase involves the title to property’ in Tniontown, N. J., worth $40,000. lary Wilson was formerly Mary 4gnes Kane, of this city. Joseph Gilson is a wealthy citizen of Brook ly, and was formerly in the whMe saj liquor business at No. 125 South stfiet, New York. The Wilson home steii was at Uniontown, N. J., now knorn as Iselin. Jacob Wilson, a broter of Joseph, lived there until 1885. He, too, was wealthy, and did busioss at No. 125 South atreet, New York. He had a son, Jacob, Jr., who, when i youth was wild and dissipated, but nd always been passionately fond if Miss Kane, but she refused him oving to his habits. On January 25, 1815, he came to this city, present’d himself to Miss Kane as a suitor, md was refused again. He immedittely left the house, went out to a ca-riage standing at the door, pulled ou a revolver and shot himself. He was txken to a hospital. Jaccb Wilson, tie father, that evening appeared it Miss Kane’s home and besought ts marry hie son. From that time until March 23 he was negotiating vith Miss Kane. At tha ; time she consented to marry J the young man, but not without a i consideration. Celia A. Basher, of Brooklyn, j testified that Jacob Wilson, Sr., pro posed marriage to her, and in a burst of loving confidence told her that 1 Mary Kane bad married his sou for a money consideration. Her evidence , corroborated that of Mary Wilson. , The money was never paid, owing to , the father’s sudden death. —Far better than the harsh treatment of medicine* which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the Htoinach. Dr. J. H McLean'* Chill* and Fever Cure by mild yet ef vetiveaction will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle For sale by all druggi*t. IL IT. P. Try it once and you will be pleased. Read and be con vinced. What Maj. Wilkins Has to Say: Mr. W. JI. Barrett —After faithfully trying your 11. 11. I*. on myself ami as a family medi cine, I pronounce it, tor the cure of headache, indigestion, constipation, and all diseases proceeding from a disordered liver, one of the best medicines I have overused. Hamilton Wilkins, Road Master Ga. R. R. For sale by Dr W. Z. Holliday. Home Council We take pleasure in calling your attention to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely through the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturbed at night with a sick, fretful, teething child, use Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the bowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery and Diarrhrp.a. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents jer bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale at Holliday's Drug Store and People’s Drug Store,Harlem, Ga., and by W. J Heggie, of Grovetown. [MACHINERY.) | Engines STE.IM & WATER | Boilers PipEk Pitting |Saw Mills Brass Valve Grist Mills “ SAWS Cotton Presses FILES [Shafting Injectors I Pulleys Pumps | Hangers . Water Wh< els Cotton GinsJ Castings Gearing | Brass & Iron A Full stock of Supplies cheap and good. Belting, Packing and Oil At Bottom Prices AND IN STOCK FOR Prompt Delivery. I Repairs promptly done.*®! GEO R. LOMBARD AGO, ■Feundry, Machine and Boiler Work ß , lAnguwta, Ga., above Pannenger Pepo I T he MRS Is the Celebrated » Adjustable Reclining and Folding * niinm With ° ver FIFTY chan o es IjUUIk of position. UI1J1!I| More than 15,050 sot h Use i A LUXURY that Vffaai I&XwMiF SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. THINK OF IT! A PARLOR, LIBRARY, SMOKING, RECLINING OR INVALID CHAIR. LOUNGE. FULL LENGTH BED. and CHILD’S CRIB. Combined, and Adjustable to any Position requisite for Comfort or Convenience. Send at once for one of our Catalogues. 930 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 8. DHINIZY. J. PHINIZY. J. TOBIN. PHINIZY & CO. COTTON - FACTORS. New Standard Fire Proof Warehouse Augusta, Georgia. (£3l® Liberal Advances on Consignments. THE. LAMBACK Candy Manufacturing Cn. XALSO DEALERS INx FINE FRENCH CANDIES Stick Candy a Specialty. 620 Broad Street, GEORGE F. LAMBACK. AUGUSTA, CA. FOSTER & DOUGHTY, COTTON FACTORS and COMPRESSORS, Augusta, - - - Georgia. Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington. Twiggs, Calhoun and Taylor Streets, and connect ed with all the Railroads centering here by double tracks ex tending into our yards. Our entire personal attention will bo devoted to the business in all its detail*, and to all who intrust us with consignments we guarantee prompt and satisfactory returns. Liberal advances made on consignments. Drayage Both Ways Saved. OFFICE : 739 REYNOLDS STREET, Rooms for Several Years Occupied by Augusta Cotton Exchange. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR CJY/HJPdBT STOCK From 713 to 714 Broad Street (South side) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. D. Smythe’s Crockery Store. WE will continue to sell Carpets, Curtains, Window Shades and House Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices “FOR SPOT CASH” or thirty days time, citv acceptance. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street (South Side), Augusta, Ga. Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK respectfully informs the Ladies that her Spring opening wi 1 be held on Wednesday ana Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invites the speck 1 attention of every lady in Augusta and vicinity. Her present stylus and assortments hu\ e never before been equaled. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK. F. L, FULLER M. B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMERALL FULLER, HITCHER i CO., (Successors to Young, Huck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL G H O (E R N, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HAVING purchased the interest of Young A Hock, we propose to offer to the trade a full line of carefully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. All business with us will receive prompt attention. FULLER, HATCHER & CO. ~H. N. REID. DEALER IN IMPROVED MACHINERY, With the following as specialties : Ist. Eagle Cotton Gins with the ad _ __ _itc*m justable curved seed board. 2nd Monarch Bailing Press. Best hand press in the w< rid. Y'lSOyZ w . Tt , 3rd. Improved Engines and Saw 4th. The Standard Boiler Feeder, 5= ■■ only one handle to operate. Is the ■ ■rl T XhrR'T-- ot| ly practical graded machine in the ;ER market. rnxwro Call and see me, at ■ 738 Reynolds St, Augusta, Ga. Day & Tannahill, HEADQUARTERS FOtt Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Pindihg BELTING. • The Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car* riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. — —— •<»’—— - Tidings of Comfort and Joy To those who have been wrenched and Jerked about by no-called road oarta. Wo now yes the most delightful vehicle, with FINEST wheel* and axle* for $35.00. Try one nnd save your health. Even’ man who owns a horae, or winhcH to train a toll, »ho«l4 have one, as the price is within the roach of all. DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AUGUSTA GA. W. D. BOWEN, Manufacturer and Dealer In Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Catridges, Fishing Tackle, Etc. 1028 Broad St., Augusta, Ca. : work and drepa done with neatness and dispatch. WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRTI Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. HAVING purehaHcd F A BRAHE'S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and eonaolidaM with it lie elegant *tock formerly carried by me at mv old *tand under th« Central Hotel I now offer at reduced price* the haiid*onic*t *to<k of Jewelry, Silverware, Ac., ever >••• thi* city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Street*, and familiarly known M ‘ Brahe* Corner.” * Mr. BRAHE will remain with me, and will bo plcanrd to hoc hi* friend*. WILLIA M SCIIWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Brondjetreei Owners of Water Power Having secured the Agency for the celebrated JsLg Burnham Water Wheel For Georgia nnd South Carolina, I am prepared to offer iniiiK’ementH to parties winking to put in water wheels. I*lllll also prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA GA. JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. THE MARKHAM? BEST HOTEL IN 0 THE * SOUTH I Quiet, Dignified, Homelike. Best Atten tion. Magnificent Table. Reasonable Rates,