The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, October 07, 1886, Image 8

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Columbia Sentinel. I J. V. BALLIRD, ) „ irr(ltu J. M. ATKINSON, | LI,ITI Hmuim, fU. Ocr.l 7 IW* PRICE, H o>. 18 ADVANCE. Election for 50ft Congress. Tues clay, Nov. 2,IXSb DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE, lion. Geo T. Baines, OF RICHMOND. EDITORIAL NOTES. Gen. John B. Gordon wan elected Governor ywterday. .Indue H. C. Roney received ni> open, full mid hearty endoraeirnnt nt the lianda of the Grand Jury <J tliiH county laet week. N<> mnu in more di*erv>ng of sueli n compliment. From the amount of beef now brought to market we nre disposed to believe that many of our farmara will wdl the greater portion of their entile thin fall. It in evident they prefer this to wintering them. 'I he outlook in thin reepest look* rather alim f"* fresh meat next year, but ‘ sufficient unto the day ih the evil thereof. Why the silence on the part of the “old rehaldo" in giving detail* con cerning the New Jersey operative*, and why still greater tho ailonce edi torial.* upon the subject? The mill problem is of great interest just now to all concerned in the welfare of the Lowell of the South. Besides in many instances words faithfully writ ten are productive of great good. Gov. McDaniel will carry into re tirement the conscious icw of a faith ful discharge of the high duties of the Executive office Sparta Ishiuoelite. Yea, and the spotli■»« record of hav ing discharged, bin duties without fear or favor. An enviable record, indeed, to leave u|»on the footprints of time in this age of political <•< r ruplion. The 2'.Hh of Si-mptember, the day appointed by \\ iggins for the terrible upheaval of affairs generally, paused off quietly without any great earth quake scara, and certainly no appeal alien of a cyclone in these pints When jsople ceiiae to } ay any atten tion to such tomfoolery and lose their taste for sensationalism and literary trash Such chaiiu’tein ns W iggina will be compelled to expatiate upon snb ieets of greater practical hem til, and even newspapers will aspire to a more ilcvatod plane. The following case of hydrophobia is furnished by the Bainbridge Democrat: - A now, which had been bitten by a rabid dog some weeks ago, on Spring crock, in this county, was attacked with hydrophobia last Saturday, and had to lie killed. We also learn from reliable sources that Mr. \V. H Mock, of the same community, has fourteen head of stock cattle simihuly affected, that will probably, hava to lie killed. Kill the dogs, say we without Stint The following lines from the Gainesville Eagle makes us feel that there is life in the old land yet: Mrs It Ibdinour ami Henry 11. Brown, who are establishing n first cliue* stock farm at South Bend, on the Chattahoochee river, live miles North of Gainesville, and putting on it registered Jerseys and other thorough bred stock. They leave, we understand, in a few days to search for and procure selections of the best breeds of horses, cnttlo and hogs, with which to stock their place. Energy and enterprise will tell in this as in any other business. Tho following article is clipped from the Sputa lahmaelite and n» far as we understand the nature of the eubjoct, endon* what our worthy ©on temporary say a: The Islimaelite believes in a graduated income tax, in order that millionaires may be compelled to maintain their share of the public burden*. Under present methods mauv a poor farmer and professional man peye n»>'re towards the support of the Government that Jay Gould. It is altogether wrong. An income Ux would reach the evil and correct it- If such an expression ns "piling < n the agony” is adniissable, certain y the Globe and Ixmceof the 2n I imt. engaged io the work, in taking off glove* and handling the officials fcf i the Augusta Factory, as it alleges foi < deceiving New Jersey operatives and inducing them to come to Augusta . under tiie affirmation that no strike was in existence and on the plea that ■ they were needed to put in ,>|»erntioii some new machinery that had recent- : )y been placed in the mill. If the charge ih true, and we have no reason to dispute it, the authorities of the Augusta Fact >ry have added another unfortunate mistake in the pending tiouhle Candor compels uh to any that public opinion, aside from tb<- : organization known hi the Knights of , Labor, by no means approves of such conduct. The AsHCH’iatloii. On Thursday next, the 11th inst. the Hephzibah As-oc. iti >n will hold its !)lst session with tho Baptist Church at Harlem. Tho Association is composed of over 40 churches and a full repreimitation of messinfeis are looked for which will doubtless pie tent as large a concourse of peo ple ns have ever assembled in the pine •. Matters of interest, to the de , nomination will be brought before the meeting for dismission, t< get her with reports of work within tho bounds of the Asm c.afion for the past year. We nre gratified to know that the body is to meet with us, not only on account of our pernors! connection with it, but because we believe it will be of material advantage to the town in ninny respects. Wo are assured i that the hearts, hands and homes of I our people will be open with u cor dial welcome to all who will come, and in behalf of our people wo extend t ' all within reach a hearty invitatii n to attend The. committee on hospi tality have been busily engaged lor some time past in securing Imines for ’ nil who will attend. Is it J list I We have a few plain words to offer the Board of Councilmen of the town of Harlem relative to taxation for the purpose of sustaining the municipal government of the town. We fail to see the justice of taxing business imterpiis. s for the support < f the government of the place while real estate owners uro allowed to go “HCOlt tree." Lt is simply say 11 ; to the business man, if you are disposed to develop the commercial inteiest of the place and bring tiade here you must shoulder th<' burden of taxation and assist in carrying the real estate own er along with you. While on the other hand, the leal estate owner s assured of this fact: you run own us much land within the incorporate limits as you please, build us many houses as you are disposed to do and improve as much ns you like, and, still farther, and quite an inducement, too, you need nt pay any tax ns long as you do not engage in business which looks to the welfare of the place. The fact is, under the present sys tem, the town is the wagon, business men are the team, and lo and behold, real estate owners are the load, and they are riding and will continue to do so us long ns the present state of affairs exist. Now, in conclusion, let us ask the honorable Board of Councilmen it this is just'? Appling* Notes BY HAim TIMES. Corn gathering is the order of the day. Farmers are busy gathering the fleecy staple, which is very tine, ow ing to the beautiful seasoiL A good shower of rain would be very ncce|>table just now. Quietude reigns supreme since Court adjourned. lam reqm ste» Iby the bailiff of the Grand Jury, to announce for the benefit of Mr. T. E. Norvell and others, that he has not taken con sumption yet. and furthermore, that he had a very severe case of sore throat the entire week which render ed Ins voice unusually low. The bridge across the creek at Ap pling, which wa« repaired on Mon day of last weak was broken tn by a h >rse and wagon on Thursday fol-! 1 iwing. No serious injury was t > the horse, Mr. Richmond Harris, our next | representative, was seen by a num b r of citizens for the first time, at Appling last week. Some one is curous to know if tl e mule now in possession of Mr. \V. 11. Hal! is the same which hung Absa lom by his hair in the tree ? Mr. John Baston s gin is doing a good work. We were informed by him that he could gin 12 bales of cotton in one day. The protracted meeting at Appling was po"tj<oncd until the fourth Sun day next. Rev. T. O. Rorie reports an excel lent meeting at St. Mary’s, with 15 accessions to the church. W I Delph In another column will be found a card of the gentleman whose name stands at the head of tin’s article. Mr Delph stands very prominently in the fore front as a business man and isthe most extensive dealer in the city of Augusta in Jiis line. His goods are guaranteed as first-class in every par ticular. His stock is large and well assorted embracing everything known to the trade, strictly first-class and at prices to suit the times. Give him a call before making your purchases. Uauso oi Ncursicia. ft is conceded by the Medical Pro fession that impoverished n< rvesisthe cause of neuralgia. \\ hen the nerves are not properly led. it is an indication that the dige.-tive organs are not doing lair work well. SMITH’S BILE BEANS will surely relieve indiges tion, and when tie digestion is right 1 1 ything 1 1 ■ will be right. Vigor nnd happiness v. .11 : > l aud m hand. Dose. One Bean. For Bale by ail druggists. THIS PAPER ELT3 NowMpaprr Advertising Bureau( 10 Spruce St.), -SwS NEW YORK. |] 183611ISWIFTS SPECIFIC.! 1 11886 g j FA EEMEDY NOT EOE A DAY, BUT FOKj - 7 —T“~ | j S S S half A celituey " i »» IS ss s 2 I BELIEVING SUFFEBING HUMANITY 1 | 'I I sss SS | S I I sss sss| s . ’—J. ~—•• —J— c I 5 r 3 AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT tg A FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. jC X ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. It The Great Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Scrofula. Sore Throat, Paralysis, Exhaustion, Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, ID Ft. FI. NT. OLEKLEY && SON, CO Hazel Street, CHARESTON, S. C. 8. H. MYERS, Cotton Commission Mei chant, 803 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Consignments ■•-PROMPT RETURNS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED— Solicited. JOHN H. FEAREY/ PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, Dialer Is - - WATCHES, Clocks and Jewelry, 729 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. MONOGBAM ENGRAVING GOLD MEDALS FOB SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES »S“N B. Repairing of all kinds by Experts only J i turn winte r the I.J.h <| get, thick »nd sing I g « i, new in the time to purify it, t> build up v >are.vslem and fit yotirtndf tor work, by in ne !»>• I ’• Mcf.. ~n'« Htiengtheniug Vur dial and Blood Further. For tale by all druggist. KING OF THE BLACKS, White and Mixed , Color*. |»..d s. etc. Al*-, Hyacinth* -Straw Color and vVhite. 'ltiljpM, Crocus, Anemone*, etc. AU t*' arrive in a lew day*, and will be sold low down. Come and have your order* with ' iia. BEALL A DAVENPORT, Buec(**aora t > Beall A Co. O X I< SETS. True Red, Whites, and the celebrated Pearl Omoli Seta, tor sale bv BEALL A DAVENPORT. Bucci HBorw to Beall A Co, GRATE VARNISH. 15 cents a Bottle—will make your grate* ! whine. BEALL A DAVENPORT, Successors to Beall A Co. Whitewash Brushes. 25c., 50c., 75c.. 51, and J 1.50, f'»” sale by BEALL A DAVENPORT, Successors to Beall & Co. We respectfully and earnestly solicit the patronage of the public, and promise our very best efforts to please. BEALL A DAVENPORT, (Successors to Beall & Co.) Druggist*’, 612 Broad Street, opposite Augusta Hotel. TAX NOTICE. ( (>LVM BIA COERT OF ORDIN ARY SEITEM BEK TERM 1886- SITTING FOR COUNTY PURPOSES. In accordance with tho lecommendations of the Grand Jury, at the Spring Term of Colum bia Superior Court, the following assessments are hereby made upon the taxable property of the citizens of said county, as it appears upon the Tax Digest for the year 1886: And it is or dored that (diver Hardy, Esq, Tax Collector and his successors in office collect the same, viz: For Roads and Bridges .13 of 1 per cent. “ Jailer ,045 of 1 “ - “ Coroner and Jury ,01 of 1 ‘ “ “ Public Buildings ,02 of 1 “ “ “ Paupera ,075 of 1 “ “ “ > uperior Court ,027 of 1 “ “ “ Elections ,01 of 1 “ “ Officers Salaries ,0-1 of 1 “ *• Making OOofl percent. It being sixty cents n]>on the one hundred dollars worth of taxable property. GEORGE D. DARBEY, Ordinary. Sept. Gth, 1886. its. A. J. GOULEY. Late of Wm. Mulherin & Co., I )EGS to inform his friend* in Columbia and adjoining couutiea, that he has purchased th© 1 j intervMt of bi* late partners in th store at 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument. 1 am not advertising prices, but guarantee those who call to sec me, that I will sell them Good and Reliable BOOTS AiTD SHOES At as Low price- as they cm be from anv l.o.ise in the State, and the boat Msortinent of goods to select from. 1 avoid shoddy g<><»d>* ••fall kinds. Mr. P. KEENAN, bmg and raldy kn v.n to the citizens of Columbia county, is still at the Old Stand nnd will be plca-ed to meet and wait onhis friends. Polite attention io guaranteed to all visitors. A. J. GOULEY, 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument JtfOTICE. ~~~ New Drug Store, L. A. GARDELLE,, (Recently member of the firm of Beall & Co.) AUGUSTA, GA., Informs his friends that he has opened his new DRUG STORE 618 Broad Street, (3 doors above his old place of business) where he will keep every thing usually kept iu a first ciaus Drug Store, including READY MIXED PAINTS, SEEDS,OILS, &c. Columbia county patronage solicited. Orders of country physicians filled with extra fine Drugs. I make this department a specialty. A. Druggist, Opposite Telegraph Office. fi@“Sole Proprietor of the River Swamp Chill and Fever Life, Activity and Business AT Wm. Mulhsrln & Co.’s WE ARE RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENTS OF [BOOTS, SHOES and HATS FOR IT2ALL TRADE. We have received ho much encouragement in our efforts to furnish the people with a g.wd class ot BOOTS, SHOES and IIA I’S at moderate prices that we have taken special pains to get the best class of stock for our patrons. We have a large stock of wholesale trade, and wo 1 guarantiee the LOWEST pbices. Our retail stock includes Miller & Oliers, Stacy, Ad.ims A* Cx, Zeigler Bros., Stribley A CM. and many other desilabl. makes. For the greater u.Hivenieneo ofjnany patrons, w - have open» d a BRANCH STORE, at (;23 BROAD STREET, four -doors above the Augusta Hoick Tins store is in charge of ZbZEZEI. CT- CT. O’GON’ISTOB, who will be pleased to see his numerous friends ami acquaintances. At both stores patron can rely on polite attention, and our U st efforts to supply them with just what they need in on I line. You are cordially invited to call. | WM. MULHERIN & CO., Two Stores, 623 Broad St., four doors above Augusta Hotel and 913 Broad St., sign of the Large Red Boot. New Store I New Goods I AT PUEPkES’ Central Business House, MAIN ST., HARLEM, GA. HAVING recently moved into the Store formerly occupied by Mr. W. 8. Lazcnby, under Sentinel Office, 1 am now prepared to offer a Comulete Stock of Goods, AS& ~ a Medicines, Drugs, Patent A Q Medicines. Toilet Soaps, Per- •»* ,llues Brushes and Toilet Ar \ -ftC t’ c l es °f every description. So ft 'k> Water and Ice kept con- Jr- 0,1 hand, tlir Prescriptions carefully filled or night- ALSO A NICE LINE OF FAJfCY GBeCIBIO, lnc.uding < anned Goods, Confectioneries, Sugar, Coffee. Tobacco and Cigars. Goods are now ready tor sale and are offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. D. L. Peeples, M. D.