The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, November 04, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sentinel. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HARLEM GEORGIA. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN HARLEM. GA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER! 18S6. city AND COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY COUNCIL. J. W. BELT.. Mayor. W. ARNOLD. W. E. H ATCHER. AV. Z. HOLLIDAY. M. FULLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. G.D.DARSEY, Ordinary. (J. W. GRAY, Clerk and Treasurer. B. IVEY. Sheriff. O. HARDY. Tax Collector. J. A. GREEN. Tax Receiver. J. C. GOETCHIVB, Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge,No. 276 F. A. M.,mecta2dand *tli Saturdays. CHURCHES. Baptist—Services 4th Sunday. Dr. E. R. Cars well. Sunday School every Sunday. Superin tendent—Rev. J. W. Ellington. M thodist— Every 3rd Sunday. Rev. W. E. Shackleford, pastor. Sabbath School every siindav, H. A. Merry, Sept. Magistrate’s Court, 128th District, G. M., 4th Saturday. Return day IS days before. AV. B. Roebuck, J. P. FROM AiCLEARSkY. A Wwierful PheoomenoD io Aik?n—A SteadyjAll Day Raia. Evening News: A day or two ago an article made its appearance in the Evening News giving an account of a strange natural occurrence in Charlotte, N. C., where, between two oak trees, rain had been falling for three weeks daily, for several hours each day, from a cloudless sky. The space covered by this rainfall does not dose not exceed ten feet square, and is considered such a remarkable freak of nature as to induce thousands of people from surroundimg sections to pay it a visit. But we have something of the kind nearer home. A lady of this city who visited Aiken last week, returned last night on the ten o’clock train. She says that yesterday morning it was discovered that a steady rain was falling on two graves in the Aiken cemetery, and fell all day and up to the time she left last evening. This very remarkable phenomenon attract ed the attention of everybody in that usually quiet town, and hundreds of people went to see it. There was not a cloud to be seen, and the sun shone out brightly all day. Only the two graves, side by side, received any of the rain, and of course the people arc greatly mystified. If a man’s religion is pretentious on Sunday and obscure on week days, you would better do business with him on a cash basis. Wickedness may prosper for a while, but in the long run, be that sets all knaves at work will pay them. . If ‘out of sorts’ with headache, stomach disorder, torpid liver, pain in back or side, con stipation, etc .neglect may be fatal. One dose of Strong's Sanative Pills will give relief, A few doses restore to new health and vigor. Contentment is a good thing until it reaches the point where it sits in the shade and lets the weeds grow. A young man who has a good deal of spare time on his hands wishes to learn of something that will keep him occupied. We can think of two things right off—getting married and tipping over a bee hive. Among the wedding presents to a Kentucky editor was a pocket-book- The poor man had to smile feebly when he saw it. Having never had any use for such an article, he cer tainly never will need it now that he is married. Notice I I will be at the places named below for the purposo of collecting State and county taxes due for the year 1886; FIRST BOUND. At Dr. J. T. Smith’s, Dist. No. 1, October 7th : Smith’s old place, “ “2, “ Bth. Luke’s Store, “ “ 3, “ 11th. I Dunn’s Chappel, “ •* 4, “ 12th. ! Mrs. P. G. Morrow’s, “ 8, “ 14th. Appling, '* “5, “ 9th- | Grovetown, “ “ 6, ‘ 13th. : SECOND BOUND. At Dr. J. T. Smith’s, Dist: No. 1, October 19th Smith’s old place, “ “2, '• 20th. Luke’s Store, “ “3, “ 22nd j Dunn’s Chappel, “ “ 4, “ 23rd. | Mrs. P. G. Morrow’s, “ “ 8, “ 26th. ] Appling. “ “5, “ 27th. Grovetown, “ “ 7, 30th , THIBD BOUND. At Dr. J. T. Smith’s, Dist: No. 1, November Bth Smith’s old place, “ “ “ 2, “ 9t h. Luke s Store, “ “ “ 3, “ 11th. Dunn’s Chappel, “ “ “ 4, “ 12th. Brown’s old Steam Mill, “ “ 6, “ 6th. Mrs. P. G. Morrow’s" “ “ 8, “ 16th Grovetown, “ “ “ 7, “ 20th. Appling,* “ “ “ 5, Dec. 7th. Which is the la-t day to pay to me, aftei which time fi. fas. will be issued and placed in the hands of the Sheriff for collection. I will be a. Harlem every day except when at above named places. 0. HA 'DY, Tax Collector GLOBE HOTEL. Broad Sired, Corner JmAsm Street, AUGUSTA, GA. —4 » ♦+--+ 4 L. E. DOOLITTLE, PIiOPIiEETuH Pn>puiur>a AL’io of the Augusta Hotbx. Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. i luble First Class in Every Particular. L- E. DOOLITTLE, Prop ietcr Large and well ventilated Rooms. Kates, $2 Per Day Centrally located, near Railroad crossing. Telegraph Office and Barber Shop in the Building. Augusta Hotel, Restaurant and lunch Room, choice wines, liquors and cigars. Meals to or- I der at all hours, i WW Lease or Sale, THE TRIPPE PLANTATION Three miles from Harlem, good gin bouse anil press, barn and stables, together with eight tenant house?. Apply nt this office. FOR SSA.L.E. Ills most Dtsirab!e piece of Property —IN HARLEM. The improvements are first class in every particular, and the surroundings are all that , could be desired. For full particulars apply at this office, or Mrs. Ida 11. Casey, Kimball House, Atlanta .Ga. Home Council We take pleasure in calling your attent.on to a remedy so in carrying children safely through the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturbed at night with a sick, fretful, teething child, use Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the bowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery and Diarrhma. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents jer bottle. Sold by druggists.. For sale at Holliday’s Drug Store and Peeples Drug Store,Harlem,Ga., and by W. J Heggie, of Grovetown. ■MACHINERYI [ Engines STEAM & WATER! | Boilers Pipe&b'ittingl gSawMills Brass Valve ■ Urist Mil" " SAWS~ ■ CoHon Presses FILES i | Shafting p j ec^ors \ I “Pulleys Pumps j I Hangers Water A'htls , Hcotton Gins Castings | I Gearing Brass & Iron! H A Full Stock of Supplies! Hcheap and good. J [Belting, Packing and Oil I |*At Bottom Prices | E AND IN STOCK FOR E I P rom Pt Delivery, g mCSaU Repairs promptly I GEO R LOMBARD A CO | ■ Foundry, Machine ami Boiler Wor) h pA ugUHta, Ga., above IhiHsonger Dcp The Pinesfe Gfyaiu mUIH/0 * is theCUebrated plHlJllu Adjustable Rsclining ad Folding 0 nnnm with over FIFTY Changes I'UEIIu OPPOSITION. UllJliH Mari thin 15,030 nor i& Use i A LUXURY THAT VwsA SHOULD BZ IN EVERY HOUSE. THINK OF it: A PARLOR, LIBRARY, SMOKING, RECLINING OR INVALID CH-IR. LOUNGE, FULL LENGTH BED, and CHILD'S CRIB. Combined, and Adjustable to any Position requisite Dr Comfort or Convenience. Send at once for ona o! our Catalog. ;s. COMPLY, 930 BROADWAY, MEW YORK. 8. PHINIZY. J. PHINIZY. J. TOBIN. ' PHINIZY & CO. COTTON FACTORS. ; New Standard Fire Proof Warehouse Augusta, Georgia. Liberal Advances on Consignments. ~ THE LAMBACK ~~ Candy Manufacturing Co. FINE FRENCH CANDIES Stick Candy a Specialty. 620 Broad Street, j GEORGE F. LAMBACK. AUGUSTA, CA. FOSTER & DOUGHTY, COTTON FACTORS and COMPRESSORS, Jkugusta, - - - Georgia. Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington, Twiggs, Calhoun and Taylor Streets, and connect ed with all the Railroads centering here by double tracks ex tending into our yards Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the businesß in all its details and’to all who intrust us with consignments we guarantee prompt and satisfactory returns. Liberal advances made on consignments. Drayage Both Ways Saved. OFFICE: 739 REYNOLDS STREET, Rooms for Several Years Occupied by Augusta Cotton Exchange. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR C-A-IRiIPIET STOCK From 713 to 714 Broad Street (South Hide) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. I>. Smythe’s Crockery Store. WE will continue to sell arpoti, vrtnirs, V irdow Shades and House Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced prices “FOB SPOT ASH” or thirty days time, city acceptance JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street (South Side), Augusta, Ga. W.“N. MERCIER; Cotton Commission Merchant, 3 and 4 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. CONSIGNMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Charges as Low as any responsible house in the South. J. M. BURDELL, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant CONTINUE BUSINESS AS HERETOFORE AT FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, No.U9 M’lntosh Street, ALGLSTA, GA Stay-Strict Attention to all Consignments and Prompt Remittances STH. MYERS, Cotton Commission Mei chant, 803 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Consignments —PROMPT RETURNS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED fi®“Correspondeuce Solicited. THEO. MAREWALTER’S Steam Marble and Granite Works. ? 1 3 BRO,D ST., SEAR LOWERIMIKKET- AUGUbTA, G-a. U'Marble Work, Domestic & Imported, A AT t and South Carolina Granite Monti- e made a specialty AgET A larrm Hi-lection of MARBLE and GUAN JTL V.OJiri always on b ind, roudj for LET- ■ 'PEKING and DELIVERY. UEOItUE n. SIBLEY. ASBURY HULL. ». B. Toft GBQWS 8., SIDLEY & CO., * COTTOV FACTO®«> 847 and Sil) REYNOLDS ST. Augusta, Ga. ” DAY & TAMAWuF’ 11EADQUAKTER8 FOR Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Finding j BKLTUSTG-. The Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. o—— Tidings of Comfort and Joy i To tlioao who have boon wrenched and jerked about by Ho-callod ruad earta. We now offer yon the most delightful vehicle, with FINEfST whoeie and axlea fur $35.00. Try one and save your health. Every man who owns u horse, or wishes to train n 00H. shonld have on©, as the price is within the reach of all. DAY & TANNADII.I. - - AUOUSTA GA WATCHES I DIAMONDS! JEWELRY I Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. HAVING purchaned F. A. BHAHE’H ENTIBE STOCK OF JEWELRY and ronimUdaUd with it he elegant stock formerly carried by me at my old stand undJr th" CeiXi HoUl ‘ t now oiler at reduced prices the handsomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware Ac ever 1 •mJahr’H’f NE ' V HTOJtE ’ Corn, ’ r * ,road Hevoutfi Htroota, .nd iamiiudy lurnwj u ' Mr. BRAHE will remain with mo, and will bo plcaaod toaeo hl. friend. WILLIAM SCHWEIGERT, Jewsler, 702 Broad street Owners of Water Power Q Having secured the Agency for the celebrated ! jaaßuinham Water Wheel BtaaSHlltfl. For Georgia and South Carolina, lam prepared to offer i'i<hie<’iii<’ntH to parties winhing to put in water wheele. 11111 aIHO l ,re P ar ed to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re- Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, GA. I JESSE THOMPSON & Co~l ™ I I I MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BLINDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. “THE MARKHAM? BEST HOTEL IN 9 THE 0 SOUTH 1 Quiet, Dignified, Homelike. Best Atte’ri tion. Magnificent Table. Reasonable Ratae