The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, November 11, 1886, Image 4

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Rates of Advertising. •••>■ h, or <"ln»«t >on ,n •!>. MbM |ucut in»»rtt<ni So W rly, Hmni-Mmokl or Yearly e»>ntract* will W io on lttw-r.l terra*. R lario* and Trii>«il»« ot Itoape< t charged M .dv.rtialug rate*. f ommi’niratlon will 1>« pnbhwhr-d nnlc-aa loanK’d l>» thefuH name addrt »« of liter Thi war" not r< jniroil for pubH •u, l>nt a* * guxrraot. < of good faith d oomiuiuttaatton* for Um paper, and buai a InHara abonld I* addr«ar<-<1 to THE SENTINEL. Haiu.lm, Ga P.rnlbfr Garden Srrnwn Ah it am de roughneiH of de grind- Mun which nbarpetiH de ax, h> it am de troubblen of life which uige up de human tnind. Gray ha’rtt am entitled to reapeck <»nly when tie ow ueni of gray be tin Xe«; eck doir»el*e* It doau’ do any good to light a candle artor you have bin cutin’ ■wormy apple* in do dark. Do puaaun who jid'jen of de apeed of a mule by hie bray rnunn't complain if eberyl ody panwH him on de road. De p'tHHun who am uebber tempt ed dewerrea no particular credit fur obeyin' de law. De low advice you gin widout pay de rno’ credit you will receive fur bein’ chuck full o’ wisdom. Men who expect to bo treated jittl an you treat dem will neither slander nor abuae you. Between readin' a man's character by bis bumps or goin' to a picnic wid him, take do picnic. What we calkerlate on doin’ fun to-morrer won’t pay de grocer for intern nor do butcher for aou] - bone. De man who aims to elevate bis fellermen kun't be too keerful to pre vent do naybors from ober bearin' his fam'ly riots. D ian’ be 100 her 1 on human natur.’ De man who kin sot dowd an’toll you exactly what dis kentry needs to make her great an glorious may have n > nleah whur hin nex' peck of meal aui coinin' from. A religion which can't stand befo' dejsight of a circus purceshun or de souu 1 of a fiddle .ini not Worf luggin' ’round de Itemry. People who expect a man to kick his own dog in ' ase of a|fight have got a big surprise laid up for 'em. ■ -I. , -'—l- .. - Animalm, We <»fb a uffii- t< d with a dint a »• eallrtl the iiiAHgf, th<’i*«n)<-(IlMt aMe in human i« called the iUdi mid is highly cofita fouw. h» cure it. mix tl«»ur of .Sulphur with Dr. H. McTx’an’w Vulcanic Oil Liniment, bathe it thoroughly. and take Dr. J. 11. McLtun'e HonviM'path’c Liver and Kidney Bahn. Fur ealv by all druggist. Ihr IpUry #1 the Raining Tree Explain 4 To the Editor of the News ami Courier: Feeling satisfied that flu' cause of the rain or drops of water falling from the tree, as described by me yesterday, could bo discovered, and lieing desirous of finding it out uh self if jssuible, I visited the tree in company with some friends, and found it apparently drizzling as be fore, tho ground being sprinkled by a alight rain. Me climbed the tree and found that the limbs were covered with an insect with wings, much the color of the limb. Drops of water were continuously exuding from these insects, m such quantity and with •uch regularity as to give it the ap pearance ot rain. This, then, is tiie explanation of the “raining tree. 1 would state that I have some of the insects in my pos peaaion. T. L Bissell Jon<—'<W . Texas, •<c SIHh, IKBS. To Da J II M li!(«. si Loui*. M». - I'Uia certifies that my slat r. I. inly Cr« lakvu fifteen y. nr * ap> with, n breast din rwwr in oontwetimi with uw'iiMnul dvrang* - mruts which produced i wvi-rv, eoildi Mid general debility, rendering her helphu*** ami | unable fur any kind of •rrvior, ami after IkU finu* the skill of unnie of our I m phyairvuiM ami uaiug several htuidi rd dollar » worth ol various medicines on her to no good. I aid June 1 procured a bottle of Dr. J. II McLean's Hoimao|'athie Liw< r and Kidney, which at oiuw l«£an U» help icr. mne< then who ha* ward acven bottlva. and t » our joy it restored hi goAd health, is gaining ft sh and haa l « eoUM» atrotig amt able to do her houaework. tdu i» entirely rtbvwd of her troubka ami would not be without the uivdtciue umlvr any cunatdvraxioii. \\ . M. I anils. For aale by all druggiat. . • • • ■ Her. J. B Morton disj lined at the Hancock fair iui old coin r <ue than twslve hundred years old True lovers knots, formed of tur quoise or enauiei. il fol get-nit -nets and sprays of tho same flowers, with diamond leaves, are notoil among the » designs in the tunquoiee jewelry' ; > much worn. sn K ti< »J»cln’. i» the l»nc < f si.njr li' « ■ am •' rv waj tw eared and ■•vUHt by U>. ..o*a*i'»»al n*e of Dr. J H. McLeau'i. Iloaio-hnr and Kidue? p .. e. duo are ;d« a» it lo take rvitar er ibaa a in I>< .< I. »> «1 *r» u * *Ji< -I.'"rite for Vil iouu>.«. ltd taatc tu 1 » nieuth, j.un.’ for kneerbe* and pan uien.uust.on. y», . *.y .11 drxiiy:'*' Mr. John Moore, of Wilkes county, . reports that Lis brother eaoght a ci.-p recently in IJttU river which weigh ed 11| pounds. I —F.B better *’.'.n the fiar-.h lr''«t'uetit nt; med*.•.»«■» wh hxrr v ({ripe th' ;• • I i.t arc! • Ireteoy th'- >t tin -nxu .eh.- Dr .f II Mel. oi’- I hill* and P'-v.-r < hire by mil! { retivnantion wijJ emi. Hold at 50 Ceuta a bottle 1 For "*!<• lij' all <lrn„'xi-- B. It. M cders, of Dahl ■lege, hns n npple tree' ii his place which is now full of apple, for the second time ti.i - | year. The first crop wm guth red in , July, mid tho.. on the I :ai now perfectly ripe aid are as in «dous as I tho first growth. He also has n cherry tre-: winch is fall of blooms for | the second time. Hi< .Hi '.in. sr. s '.■<'n.a:i!.n x;.,-r »sf >n 1 and dtilhii ••• in llir In ,'l am v. rv '••••:,mxi.l;-1 nixiltu ■d by indig* ’tion; ni rbid -p<ni i. n- y. irrildbility anil <■»< i ••■ nmt.rencs* .' Hx ri'c i rnav.a in a in.joriu <4 •■*>,<■,. 1.. , t'i tlx* i ■line cans . Dr..!. JI. .'ld. i * Hom i", i k Javer aid Knlir y Jlann and, J’.lli in a ill ,|."i lively cure For kale liy all <iril-,-i. t. A lit*!' one, being ft guest of her | grn: li . '1 boi'ii liberally feasted w ho: i '■ ■!> 1 d:<h ' pti' 1 ling < nine on. lc' king st. t'i< streaming dish, o she oxclaimed with .i " gh, "Grau'me,; ’ I wish 1 was twibi. ' A Chicago pap. r - < s a buckwheat cake once cold can never be t’seb again. The human heart . -ts that ; way soinetiuiea, too. ' j “Life is what we make it,’’ and i when vou ' make it ' hearts voa want 1 • i r Ito have either a "lone hand or a ( i very good "patd. A Birmingham nurse, to keep an 1 'engagement to go to a party, gave > the baby, in her charge, a heavy dose | of laudanum from which it died in <i: few hours. Care in Advtrtixing- Tlicre are several modes of adver ; tising. Some men write their names I i on trees atid fences ru.d imsginu they l adieitiiin ; their bu ; m :,s Some prefer to ii.i ue circulars or to ctrcu late in pamj.l.lits The ln*t r course .can bo gauged by tho of 1 Ibo pamphlet. Such an advertise ment must be mndi attractive and furnish a popular medium. It must | bo accepted that a g'<'d newspaper i furnishesjtlm lu st sp ice for t. Iv.-itis ing. Tho fact that a mu»i subscribes for a newspaper and reads it, shows that he likes its public policy, or ap preciates itsiiew i -orvice. The r, w paper represents his preference It does not fall into liiti wav by a", id. nt to run its cliar.ces < I being read or thrown aside. }!•• pays for it: in' ip preciutes it. The family ptipar goes through a regular number of hands st the store er m the home. B twi e’.i them all, everythin;; in the. ps< er is , read from handle to fcoridie. A businem card is not seen < i.c* n:;d then lost. It ftppi i'.rs < very day and every woel;, a seit.-i it.w if op. n y and constantly. The a Ivantngcs whid . count y weekly paper off. rscinn • be uudei i estimat' d. The Banr.i r-Watchman i notes that many of them are patron ized in Athens and we commend this spiiit. llio newspaper will be found the be t soil for planting a. ivertise- J monts for public favor, and careful | diaeriniinalion should be u. lin se looting the medium for this display. The reason so man; men get tired of advertising is that mere money j is v> a d in this way than in any, one r im weknow of. Judicioi h and |•* si tent advertising is the . cert or ad to success in bu.-ibess. Baum Vi .itehman. Notice 1 I will b<' At Ur plac • • r < J Ici • > tor ♦' I pun. "» < t >ih ■ ,>u. . :id * -i.uty Ux )H due f.»r th y< rth ntwr round. At Dr. J T. ivith’n. D ■ X ’.. <hG»b . hnvth’* vid | lac<. ’’ " V. " Mh Luke ’»* Sh it , “ ” 3, •• j |th j DuiinV Clinppt'l. “ “ “ 12th Mr- t. Morrow's, - •• lit', ApplitX. " " •• ,»tl. I Grmvlown, “ “ G, “ 13th- IV»UND. At Dr.J.T. Smith X bi.-’. X 1, Gvtrbcr 19t'i Smith'* I'ld place, “ “ “ » idi I •• Dnun'* Chaprt I. “ ** 4, *• 23rd I Mr P. G M*rrow>,- '• s •• hitb M Oror. V «u, “ " 7, •• uith ttiikp novM>. AtT»r J. T.l*-ml \ I. Xev. i Rth Smith e ..Id • t»cv, >. yt h.< Vst ■!<•, nth. DuutiS t hi] tel, ■' •' “ 4, tiih. Hr st .ci M.!!.’" •• •• „ ; |, Mr» V <l. M. now • >. Amdiug ’ ■: T • “;tX Which th.' hit d. l» p-v ... Hb.attei which uinc fl ’X* viH‘ - •• I>. < ; in thrt baud* of the Sheriff • r coU • 1 will be V HvL;.; v.. ? ,‘„v . • ■ «hc o tt above nxm« plac •». THiSPAPEE hr*»|K»per Adv. n. .m .i, t? > t . . ■, NEW YPRK, BLOOD AND MONEY. Th” bl' cf inan han much to do in shaping * hi<t actjouA during hi* pilgrimage through tin*, tnmhl;-H'lnw. world, rrgardieiMi of the amount ♦ot present or cip««cunt money in pocket or ton J away in bank. It, ia a codc< d'4 fact ’hat v.♦ appear aa our blood make* uh, and the Dtinr r the blood, the h ippier, healthier, pret- ' def arid w:»« r w” arc, h- nee tho oft repeated -a’ wy. ’*teov to _• <•( lifc*givftg fluid coursing through <»ur veiiiM, Ixuinding through our heart* and ilotigUing through our puynicai frames, our 1 ' ”i* rah lif. me better, our constitution I trngi-r, our intellectual faculties more acute md grander, and men, women and children happier, healthier and more lovely. The ur.;.r< •< dented demand, the unparaHel- • i eiiratikO; powers, and the unciintakable ■ r<* f from thuao of unimpeachable character uni jet* grity, pomt with an iiir iring finger to li. T. !’> iioun.c Blood Palm i* far the • the chcapewt, the quickest and the grand* *t ,*n I most powerful U . >d r< ni- dy ever be- J • »i• • n>> vii to mortal man. in the relief and ' p»4 !tiv<-cure of Scrofula. ItheumatiHm, Skin • hr* jM-H all tainra of blood poison, Kidney e* i ipl lints, old ulcers and sores, cancers, cattarib, etc. B '1 B i« only about three years oi l a 1 ba! • ni age, a giant in power but no remedy I •n Amen » can make or ever has made such a i *ondcif'il showing in its magical powers in ! curing a.i l » ntir* ly eradicating the above r 'mpl-uiiU, and gigantic sah-M in the fac.i of fn nzH-d pp sitiuu and would-L< moneyed j on rjopolistM. J** fter« from all points where introduei <1 arc ; pouring in upon uh, speaking in itu 1 mdest praiwe. Some say they receive more benefit 'loDi *»rie bottle of B. B. B. than they have from a. nty, thirty and fifty and even on* hundred bottles *»f a IxiSHted decoction of inert and ><*!.-me li<-inal roots ami branchew of common 'r* st tr* fk. We hold the proof iu black and white, and We also hold the fort. Ad who d* wire full information about the • j.*** and cure of J'lood PoitrnnH, Seroluia and ncr*iful‘ us SwellingH, t’lceis, Sore*, Rheuma- Uwin, Kidney ComplaintH, Catan h, etc., can -■ cure by mail, free, a copy ot our 32-page Illustrated Book of Wond' i*, fillo I with the most wonderful and startling proof cv< r before known Address, BLOOD BALM CD., Atlanta, Ga. i ! TNF I BURNER VAPOR STOVE j. Ml O J WTiiiim I i A Perfect Jewel. Buy do oilier, ‘ For sale by all First-Class Dealers. 1 If yours does not J eep it send postal to us. Send for copy of Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 707 to 713 Wash. St., St. Louis, .Mo. CEO. F. CHILO Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, * ILLINOIS, j SW, These two cuts / ' the Chair ia extreme posit lona It is easily adjust e<l to support the body in any ami all <leslred pof:i ‘ This Chair is a NEW invention. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE. AndTHE Cha'rfor Home, Invalid and Physician use. As a I’arlor Hoi king , Chair it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. mvntand v>tr« to health by uwe cf JrarS' .?J:K s?«lliS2»n thoru.rn.l ?...«• they n‘J«cluwlr m‘ri-0 r-**.. v n.-vly^ - . . ™ nr ‘.n. of lh« baniM. orKan-.m rwtored. Tha m-.l an.l hrokan .low.l man totho full enio' ' -nt of wa«trlan'maUn«rl.:.wntaorhf«arep.enhark.thtnatlaa. iw-fm-t and full Manllß.rnnKthnnd -onsHaallh. , ber«°°»ehrarfulandrapi.'ly Kam.boil,attMutb.ndhaalth. UTw. Mo,. <5. Stew. 17. i HARRIS REMEDY CO.. lUIAL PACKAGE FREE, with IlluaVd Famphletdo I 306 V. N. Tenth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. RUPTURED PERSONS can havo FREE Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Tsrmsl WEBSTER WAQOIM COMPANY Is closing out its business and HAS on hand * - ••' r _ a fine stock of OVER 4000! <\j L' .» QfiheirCek‘brated.Trus3AxleWagons , ' ’ • of ail Btjlun and sixes, which will b* sold ■AR&i WAGONS NOW IS THE TIME TC BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, 1 Wa rr, made from Went Virginia O»k. H ; ekory. ii“d Poplar, .h’ nrfe S iiow ev , >bi n .,d superior in every particular to interior gra on the market. Fmlma." t.- " wr..; .iy «•> 1 money. Wagons arc warranted for one year. Qw farewell offer. .'EBSTER WACOM CO., t.'fde for prices and terms. MOUNDSVILLE. Marshall Co., W. Va. Professional Cards. Dr. A. *7. Sanders (JENKIUL PRACTITIOJntIV Harlem. - - - -Ga. Harins; pnetined over* quarter of* century will *1 v n inyrvß to nlmtetrice and dincaa/w ot females. M y past record Im a sufficient guaran* t#*r. f* b2H-c Eb. T. Williams, Attorney at JUavv AUGUSTA, GA. Office oror Commercial Rank.) V'j’l i in ail the Courts of the Au* gK«fn < 'rc”it. feb*2e-d Scon3 Mountain Route OEOH'-.IA KaILROAD COMPaNI', ) Offi< e Gen i. Mamageb. - Ai ovsta. Ga.. Kept 18th, )*H6. 1 Comm cm.’i ng Hundav, 19th inat . the fol* i 1 >r,ing pasMi nger schedule will be operated: Tran h run by Kith meridian time - L 2 minutes I slower than Augusta time. No. 27 — West —Daily. I [ eave AnguMa 7 45 a m \rriv* at Harb in M 2x a m Arrive at Washington * 10 40a m L av*- V > - nrb.ii 720a in Arri’• at Athens 12 35 p m Leave Athens 7 45 am Arr Atlanta 1 00 p m Eton* at Grovetown, Harlem. Dearing,Thom son. N*»rwool. Birip-tt. Crawfordville, Union ? . ut Gr eiie-dioro, Madison Rutledge, Social :i*b. ( \i!iu s on, Conyers, Lithonia, btone Mountain and Decatur. No. 28 — East —Dails’. i/Oavc Atlanta 2 45 pm Arrive at Athens 7 40 p m Leave Athene 2 50pm Vrriv* t Washington.. «Lms p m L'uve Washington n-'lpm krrive at Harlem 7 22 p m Arrive AugUMta 8 15 p m Smps at Decatur, Stone Monntian, Lithonia, Convera, Covington, Social Circle, Rutledge, Ma'fison, Greem shorn. Union Point, Craw ford v! lie, Barnett, Norwood, Thomson, Dearing, Harlem, and Grovetown. No. I—West—Dailt. oeave Augusta 10 50 a m Arrive Harlem 114 H am Arrive (’anmk 12 35 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4 26 p m Arrive at Macon 6 15 p in Arrive at Washington 2 20 p m Arrive at Athens 530 p m Arrive at Atlanta 5 45 p m No. 2— East— Daily. Leave Atlanta 8 (X) a m Leave Athom 9 COa ni Leave Washington 11 20 a m Gave Maron 7 10 a ni Leave Milledgeville 9 10 a m Leave t ’amak 1 36 p n. I,eave Harlem 2 S 3 p m Arrive Angueta 3 35pm No. 3— West—Daily. Leave Augusta 9 40 p m Arrive Harlem 11 00 p m Arrive Camak 12 13 a in Arrive Milledgeville 4 27 a m Arrive Macon 6 46 a m Arrive Atlanta 6 40 a m No. 4 --East—Daily. Leave" Atlanta 730 pm Leave Harlem 3 33 a n Arrive Augusta 5 00 a mi No. 12— West. Leave Harlem cnoam Arrive Augusta 7 20 a m No. 11— East. Leave Augusta 4 30 p m Arrive Harlem 6 10 p m Superb improved Sleeper* to Macon Superb Improved Sleepers to Atlanta. Trains N’os. 1,2, 3 and 1 will stop if signaled at any sche luled Flag Station. E. R. DOSEY, .1. W. GI’.EFN, G< n‘l Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOE W. WHITE. General Trawling Pasßcng* r Agent, Augusta, : (U- - ' ] ..X--’; ■riri • .q l --. ' I- t . 'y . . ’ “1 ■ r>? ii <“ • ’ • • ' ’.ftiCH . 'rMurs. V J ’ •» * • i . v, f i - y euro md r r .- f . ,H-t . .. .h R?d cL-'i ind coo ■ . . fMF B£ AN. • Hts •» orv hi \ ‘ t .. •• vk.ihout iheie. ’>! h, c *. i v ..‘4 D»uj;ilsts and i. li? ■ 'h,s *r'_ .j ._r. receipt o! 3>'.v .j-Ireas, ! ■ '■ WEAK/UNDEVELOPED py-{ t'Sot rh*o|r qHilDi ESt.xHGED.ngV 4H , 1.1», -> 1 K »■.>■« I’IU N ED.Ffr., is an *nterea'inu ad ,mhhl' nt <»ntf run our ries wh win «4v tha* ' 'isrw i- no *»vi<t-nce of alvon* th*«. (>n •b* 'oni rary,th* R'ivert bfh v»ry . I -d niny get M»ni- t cir'iil ■*-•« Bning *i > iTnrncTrnxr^'bT^dnr-a-j n I* 1 PI g H. P «MART. A G. KMABT. H. P. SMART & BRO. MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C. R. R. GA. MANUFACTURERS OF YELLOW PIKE LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber sawed to order, Dressed Lnmbor of every descrip tion, Flooritg Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Mouldings, Etc. klsoPine Staves and Shingles, Laths, Fence Pickets, table and Fruit Crates. Hte»m Saw and PHning Milla »ud Store in Eminnel County, and connected with Mid Till, by private Railroad and Telephone Lines. MIDVILLE, ----- BurkeiCounty,Xa. We Stand at the Head WITH TSE LIGHT BUNNING domestic, Davis, Household I wHKfiin AND NEW HOME Sewing Machines, NEW STYLE , jS6g3®MS*tS< r Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machines taken in exchange for above makes, to bs seld a half value, $5,110,115 each, waaruted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines of all make epaired. [TgjpAgents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The Sewing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga WALTER S. CURTIS, AGENT FOR Fire and Ute Insurance AND Machinery of Every Description. To the Citizens of Columbia and Neighbor ing Counties : I will nay that lam prepared to furnish Insurance in first class ompanies on Lift or Pro perty’ at the lowest rates obtainable. Parties contemplating purchasing Machinery of any kind will do well to get my prices and orms before purchasing elsewhere. lam Agent for Frick Co’s. Celebrated “Eclipse” Engines, Gins, Separators, &c. I abm sell the best makes of OTTON PRESSES, REAPERS, MOWERS, ANE MILLS, EVAPORATORS, and in tact anything in the line of Machinery or Machinery Repairs. Prompt attention will be given to all communications addressed to me at Thomson, G». WALTER 8. CURTIS. Th© Grsat IIEALIAG jACfEINT, CURES Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Scrofula. Sore throat, Paralysis, Exhaustion, Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, ID Ft. FI. KI. CLEKLEY SON, 60 Hazel Street, CHARESTON, S. C. Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods MRS. N. BRUM CLARK respectfully informs the Ladies that her Spring opening wi -J be held on Wednesday ana Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invites the epecu I attention us every lady in Augusta and vicinity. Her present stylesand assortments • never before been eqiialed. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK.