The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, November 11, 1886, Image 8

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J Columbia Sentinel. Hl V. BALLARD ) , JJ. M. ATKINSON, f ■ Hamkm, Ga . N iv. *ll, 18K(5. ’""price, r *1 on" IN advance. p EDITORIAL NOTES. Tho Augtttta, Gibw-n A S«!idera j ilia Railroad will be completed t« Janderm ilk' thia week. | The turnip crop i" ft total failure in Rjolumbin county, and we n»i><ht add .ilao in adjacent count i<-». I Gen. John B.Gordon wiu« inntigur- J jited Governor of the great State of I £Jeoriziu o i Tuesday the 9th mat. |‘ Dr. Lanaing Burrows, of Augusta, ■ jas been invited to addreaa the I Knight Tcrnplara of ('olumbua on the oOth of thia month. Nortbeaat Georgia Fair convenes nt Athena thia week. It >:t thought this Fair will equal the State hair just dowel al Macon. The great strike-lockout in Augusta haa been adjusted, and the operatives have returned to their respective places in the different mills. Mr. John Boston, of Appling, the champion cotton plantar of this coun ty, now cornea to the front adding fresh laurels to his already enviable reputation, not only ns n successful grower of the fleecy staple,but as the champion potato raiser of this proud republic. He has gathered, wo ure j informed, between four and five hue ■ dred bushels, the greater portion of which will average three pounds and over a piece. Ho places the editor of this department, together with others of this community under obli gations for fine spi'cimcns of his crop, and we can truthfully say that in uni fortuity of size they excel anything of the kind wo have ever seen. A Mountain Scone. A COLUMBIAN VISITS TUB OLD north state. Bottom bENTtsn.: We are indebted to the heart of the Alleganies for many points and scenes of the old North State. In Macon county, N. (' . is a aec tion of country so seldom visited by atraugera that few persons living be yond its limits are aware of its ex istance, except as they find it on the tnafMi. In pomp of forest, purity of water, beauty of sky. wildness of mountains, oombinding in a wealth of sublime scenery the valley of Nantahala river is not surpassed by any region of Hie Alleganies. " bile • great portion of Macon and other counties have bad attention culled to them by magazine article, the Nanta Lida and the mountains mirrod on its face have remained an unrolled Scroll This is not strange from the fact of the wild and rugged nature of the mountains, its few inhabitants and its remoteness from railroads and the roughness of the highways and trails by which it is traversed, so few aettlera live along the Nantahala that the strongest friendship bind them together and every one considers all the people surrounding him, within a radius of ten miles, hi; neighbors. The social ties between the young folks are kept warm principally by the old fashioned dance. During a week’s stay in the valley we improved an opportunity to attend one of these dances. Satisfactory arrangements being made one evening before dark we started with a guide. A branch road led to our deal mat ion. A path through a faint cattle trail in the be ginning had grown after being travel ed over by the mountaineer’s oxen and their summer sleds into a road. As is usually the case it followed up an impetuous little torrent. At a small log cabin where wo stopped after proceeding a mile on our journey we were joined by a prrt.v of twenty young men and women, and with the body we began the ascent to where the dance was to Im> held. Still enough twilight remained for us to find our way without difficulty. All walked with the exception of three men who each with hie respective young lady seated behind him rode mules and led the way. After a steady climb for several miles we halted before the dim outlines of au «tiwr little cabin. The mounted ones ' diarnounted and fastened their steeds I recon we’ll surprise ’em foi it peers tbey'v nil gone to rooat, remarked our guide as we silently stepped over the leveled bars of the fence into the potato patch bordering the road. Not a streak of light shone through a crack of the cabin, not a sound came from the interior. One of our party pushed the puncheon door which easily swung open with a creek of wooden hinges. Come to life in byar up and out Hi yi. Din ami Molloy he yelled, following his lend we al! crowded into tne single room. The fire had smould ered until only n few coals remained and those wore insufficient to throw any light on the scene. Go . I Lor,wlmt <loes you mean? growled from a fl irk corner, some one who was evidently proprietor of the promises Hit menus wo are here f >r a dance old man, s<» crawl out. Well. 1 n eon w e are in for it. con tinued the disturbed, ns we heard a bed 'rc< I. rm I four feet strike the floor. Pitch some pine knots on the fire amt face it. ami the wall while wife an Ime gets our finds on. A few > seconda after the host and hostest were ready to receive company and a blazing pine lire illuminated a room 20x25 feit in dimensions, the beds were oin si b ami the brawny heads i of eight children stuck with wander ing faces out from the torn cover. The girls were attired in their best garincnfs, some of light yellow though blue dresses preponderated. The | characters of most interest to nil pre sent were two good rmtured looking I young men dressed in boiled shirts, green neckties, store bought coats and homespun pantaloons. One of the twain hail a home made banjo on his km c, the other a violin The ne- j cessary scraping and twangs to get the instruments in tune took place i nml then the older musician announc ed that the ball was open. Trot out your gal said he, there musn’t be any hanging buck while these ere eat gut ■ strings hist, get up and shine. After some hesitation four couple stepped into the center of the floor, forming two sets. Then the music began ' The tune was on<- of the liveliest jigs imaginable and the musicians sang ns they played. There was no calling oft’, it was simply n jig on the partof each performer. The girls danced with ' arms akimbo, renting sideways one i way and then side ways the other ! way. Their partners with slouched hats still on their limits, hair swing- , ing loosely, every muscle in motion,! and all in tune with the music career | ed around in like manner. At intervals parties of two, three or more of the men slipped out at the door, thi n in n few minutes returne 1, apparently refreshed by a draught of the night air or s mietliingelse. After the finish of the dances in which we strangers engaged, a tierce inustaclied - mountaineer tapped me on the ! shoulder whispering as he did so, | come out side u minute. I hesitated for u moment, hardly know ing wheth- ! er to follow or not, then 1 stepped after him. As the light shone through the open door, I saw that three men were out side with him, the door shut behind me. It was intensely dark,we walked a few steps from the h nine. What do you want, 1 asked in an ap prehensive tone ? No one spoke, 1 attempted to repeat the question, but before 1 could do so the man who invited me out said: We don't know vour principles, lint we seed you uint got the big head and like your way of joining in, we want to do the fair thing and no offence inent, wo hope which ever way you decide wont you take a drink. I had feared some harm was intended, possibly for danc ing with one of the girls of the fellows, I felt relieved. In the darkness 1 felt a small jug placed in my hands ai d heard the corn stopper lieing drawn out. For several hours longer the dancing was kept up and so did the drinking, the motion of the di ink ers growing wilder as they joined on the floor. it was two o'clock when the music power failed then prepara tion were made for departure. Hits blacker outside en the muzzle of my old flint gun remarked our guide. I recon we had best light some pine knots to aee your way down the mountain. Each man selected a knot from a pile near the fire p ace I and lighted it, and with flaming’ torch tiled out into the uigbt and thus ended one of the most amusing j scenes of my life. S. | CDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW (SWIFT’S SPECIFIC| fr Il»». T. Clark, * member nf tb* Rnwth Georpift Met! - b»t Conference, writes from */ Tafna-i County, •• ye»»r mtg Iw» tk-i. wtb i ,n t »»m, nnd t»cntne nidcmC Z-' rs belli--.a for <»v**r thee niont a. At t- r rr, u» l>> lad until I commenced f truo o' Kwift'a Sjrecifl". I have taken five I »u... , a - 1 p rl'-etly aoand and well gj X a<aln. I would written anonej, but t>» •,f ti»e<"ie wa« I* rm a net it. And x X ’gw 1 unhea falinrfly r»-comn>-nd fi. a. S. aa a »ale and rw.ulna remedy tor rbeuuatiam. X X J hare ad eonftdenee io Ita virtue.” X j CURES RHEUMATISM y F'«r over two year’* I suffered irt* n*ely w.tli n»u»c . »r rheum t-m. I ix-e-trnealmoat Ts help *»a. Bad bad to bo helped out of t«d. At me* I waa uimine to turn rn r»elf id bed, « y and hnd to lw handled t nderiy aa an infant. My eh»-«t wra involved, and the pain x /' was mu r a pMt tifnea. A i tb* old and w»-11-known irmediea woie exh.«u»te<), but no r j.wrm i.hp ». l f wa« »b . n*d. A bout a »e-> mi? l wn it. bv nfr <*nd to ly Swift’a r J. Th*-* ?f -” baa been in «irtcai. My friend* ►eirrej m»*. Myrhenma* x X ti«m fa *• ’irrly V’nh, my f *rsl he «:th ia , uid I weiphtn • ..if y ixmiidanor* X X than when I ■ o,m i 1 taking . fa. M. If m bl»-to *t ♦”: »o m.I ru . mtn aterial work. X X I i !• »g fr-r t tul for my rwtoratmn to, ü I owe. under the bte«omf of X X U<Ml,t<» t.fs-Incit e. lUv. J. M. Ix>wai. X V) Harnf’ori, Gh., A nril Treutiae »/• iflood »nd filcin ZMaeaeea mel/eW Cfi THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. x (6sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssßsssssssso»_ W. E. 2ACHHY a CO;. DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Notions 934 Broad Street, O/' /' 05 1 TE PL A HOTEL. •niE DE EEIMfIV 697 and 639 Broad St. GJi THE EURGPEAH PEAN, I'or Ladies and Gentlemen. Home like and attractive, just in the midst of the great trade centre of the city. We also have lodging in connection with the Bar and Restaurant.— You are expected to.stop with us while city. Moss & Johnston, Prop’trs. Terms. Moderate. JOHN H. FEAREY, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, Dealek In D1 AM O N DS-H-IW ATC H Clocks and Jewelry, 729 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, CA. MONOJHAM ENGRAVING. GOIJ) MEDALS FOR SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES B.—Repairing of all kinds by Experts only FAti ANH WifiTER OF THE NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE, 72' Broad Street, Opposite Monument, Augusta, Georgia. auw waesu. Thluhl grvftt pleasure in announcing to tlw ladb «of A nun ata and vicinity that her Fall and Wintri (Opening "ill take place on WEDNESDAY ard THESSDAY, October 13th and 14th. on which occa«i<»n Rhe " ill display all the latest Novelties of the New York and Paris markets. The stock t in!»races all the new shapes in Trimmed Bonnets, Bound Hats Ostrich Feathers. Fancy Wings and Birds;, also handsome designs in Ribbons and Velvets, of the most approved styles. Children's Hats a specialty. W. i. DELPH, 831 "Broad Street- Augusta- Ga Wholesale and Retail Dealer In COOKING STOVES AND Mm™© Os Best Patterns. In stock 5 Cur l.xul» Cook and Henting Stove.. 30<> t’l.iu and Eu.inblvd Grates. S Car Loads Tin Brick. , , 230 11 >xe» Bright and Rooting Tin. Tinware in great variety, very low st wholesale, lo.i Bundle. Sheet Iron. Sheet Zinc. Solder, etc. , ... Buy tb. Evceli>iorC<<ok Stoves 17 different sizes in Stock. These stoves have been sold by ns for 12 v.-»rs with satisfaction. . Heating Stovcs for churches, school bouses, offices and dwellings for coal and wood L ySend tor circulars and prices. W. I. DELPH. A. J. GOULEY, Late of Wm. Mulherm & Co., BF.GH to inform his friends in Columbia and adjoining counties, Hut he has purchased ths interest of his late partners in the stors at 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument. I am not advertising prices, but guarantee those who call .to aos me, that I will sell ih, M Good and Reliable BOOTS AND SHOES At a* Low prices aa they can i»e purchased from any honso in the State, and the beat aaaortmant of good ato select from. I avoid ahoddy goods of all kinds. Mr. I’. KEENAN. 1 ng and favorably known to the citizens of Columbia county, ia a till at the Old Stand and will be pleased to meet and wait on his friends. Polite attention is guaranteed to all visitors. A. J. GOULEY, 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument MOTICE. —— New Drug Store, L. A. GARDELLE, (Recently member of the firm of Beall & Co.) AUGUSTA, CA., Informs his friends that he hau opened his new DRUG STORE 618 Broad Street, (3 doors above his old place of business) where he will keep every thing usually kept in a first class Drug Store, including READY MIXED PAINTS, SEEDS,OILS, &c. Columbia county patronage solicited. Orders of country physicians filled with extra fin. Drugs. I make this department a specialty. Druggist, Opposite Telegraph Office. HajrSole Proprietor of the River Swamp Chill and Fever Life, Activity and Business AT Wm. MulM & Co.’s WE ARE RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENTS OF BOOTS, SHOES and HATS FOR FALL TPtJMDE. We havej’fcceived so much encouragement in our efforts to furnish the people with a good class of BOOTS, SHOES and HATS at moderate prices that we have taken special pains to gat the best class of stock for our patrons. We have a large stock of wholesale trade, and we guarantiee the LOWEST PBICES. Our retail stock includes Miller A Obers, Stacy, Adam” A Co., Zeigler Bros., Stribley A Co. and many other desirable makes. For the greater convenience of many patrons, wo fhava opened a BRANCH STORE, at 623 BROAD STREET four doors above the Augusta Hotel. Tnis store is in charge of GT- CT. O who will be pleased to see his numerous friends and acquaintances. At both stores patro 1 * can rely on polite attention, and our best efforts to supply them with just what they need in ou line. You are cordially invited to call. WM. MULHERIN & CO , Two Stores, 623 Broad St., four doors above Augusta Hotel and 913 Broad St., sign of the Large Red Boot. New Store! New Goods! AT PEEPLES’ Central Business House, MAIN ST., HARLEM, GA. HAVING recently moved into the Store formerly occupied by Mr. W. 8. Lazenby, under Sentinel Office, I am now prepared to offer a Complete Stock of Goods, * Medicines, Drugs, Patent El -a Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Per- * IIIIICS Brushes and Toilet Ar tides of every description. So- and Ice kept eon- IjT A» JBjMßstantly hand. IMfi I Prescriptions carefully filled day or night. ALSO A NICE LINE OF fMCT Including (fanned Goode. Confectioneries, Sngir, Coffee. Tobacco and Cigars. Goode afa now ready for sale and are offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. D. L. Peeples, M. D.