The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, November 25, 1886, Image 4

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HURRAH FOR GEORGIA A miiw MINISTER niRCOHSRS AN KMBCTRIC OR GALVANIC SHAFT ON HIS FARM —ITS WONDEKFL'E POWE It*. Atlanta Journal: Hearing so much of the electric shaft on the farm of Rev. A. L. Hillman Taliaferro county, Georgia, I came down to see for myself this wonderful freak of nature. As already stated, Mr. Hillman accidently discovered the healing properties of the shaft while dig ging for an alum spring. Since then Mr. Hillman and a good many others have been cured of lheumatism, some of the cases being very severe ones. I saw several while here under treat ment. One of the cases I will mention. Annie Davis, of Washington, Wilkes county, was taken out <>l bed and brought here. She bad a tearful case of intlamatory rlicu matisin ; so fearful was its effects she became spotted, and her friends thought she would die on the road. She said Mr. Hill gave her morphine and different opiates and nothing induced sleep or rest. The first night sho came and drank the waler she rested better and slept more than she bail for weeks. She said she iclt better in the shaft than anywhere else. She improved rapidly, can now walk about ami is nearly well, ami will in a few days return home a well woman. She could scarcely cat or digest a mouthful when she eatne. The wait r gave her a splendid appetite ami she can now eat and drink what she pleases. 1 1 saw several other cases cured and being cured that seemed almost too miraculous to believe. 1 hare been a sufferer from nervous indigestion for yens, and can gladly eay that 1 have been more beuetitled from this wonderful shaft ni*d water th in from anything else. Il is a gram) remedy for the nerves ami kidneys. Ihe shaft is nicely housed and the Ncenry around is beautiful and is a grand location for a resort. Mr. llill- Wiui will build a hotel mar it, and is outin' lookout for an entepris ing hotel man to take charge ol it. Afore anon. An. anti an. Sharon, Ga, Nov 13. P. S—There were 2'32 visitors nt the shaft to-day, many from the city. One gentleman said he would give Mr. Hillman SIB,OOO for the shaft; others tadmitted much higher. Ono great feature of the shall is that patients who arc not able to sit up elsewhere can sit up there, being so much strengthened by the electricity in the shaft. November I t. • JoßMboro, Tt’liui, . re. 2!Kh, 1885. ; To Dk J. H McLean, St I min M«». - my aiak’r, F.nily Ct - nr* taki-u fiftrtii yu<i* ago with, a bn t.H dis <mu»v iu with lurimtrual det an*' Div Uta which produced a Ncvt-re cough uml general debility. rendering her helpl* ** and uu aLt for any kind of m-rvic*, ami after ba! thug Ibv akill of some of our heM phyeiiciaiui and using several bundled dollars * uh of vanoua medicine* on her to nogt*od. Last June I piocun <1 » bottle of Dr. J H McL< .uis Himwupathic Liver ami Kidney Balm, which gt Mice U gan to help her, since thi n she bus used sr\cn i itth-s, and to ourjov h restored to good hea*th, is gaining Hvsli aud h.w be~ come strong ami able to du uer housework, she ja entirely Miv'-tl her troubles ami we would ihm‘ In* with* u tUe im dicun under any outlaid eraUou. W. M Craws. For sale by all druggist. A REMARKABLE OCCURRENCE. Early County News: 1). I>. Batchelor, of the 29th district, was in our office a few days since and told us of a remarkable oc currence that happened to him while digging a well on the old Mills place, some ten or eleven miles below Blakely. Ai t going down some distance into the earth he dug into a lar; lime sink which was so deep and dark that he could not tell anything about where he was, so he had himself dtawn up from the well aid ob.ained a lantern and matches. He was then lowered into the well again and commenced ex ( ploring. About thirty-five yards, in a westerly direction, he came to a large stream running northwest. As he leaned foi ward to gaze into its watery depths, a piece of dirt fell from overhead and knocked his lint, which wi s a straw one. into the water, and he was unable Ito get it out. Four days after he leiirhed that a straw hat had been found in the river, at the mouth of Sowhutchee creek, ten miles be low where his adventure oc< urred. Upon learning this he went down where the bat was foiimland it was his hat that he had lost in the sub terranean stream. Dan says that he don’t ask the public to believe bis story without confirmation, but refers them to Mr. R. Houston,foi | whom he was digging the well. Far b< tt< r than the harsh treatment of ; medicines which horribly gripe- the patient and destroy tin coating <4 tlostoniach. Dr. J. H McLean's Chills and Fever Cure by mild yet < t uctivcaction will cure, Sold al 50 cents a bottle For hhl<! by all druggist. HOW TO GAUGE A TOWN- We have seen nothing truer than this article from the Richmond Whig, on “Newspapers as an index of a city's progress It is a true bill. Read it. “ When we glance over the col umns of a newspaper from a city which we have never seen, and see its advertising columns filled with fresh and attractive advertisements lot furnaces, foundries, machine ' shops, manufa turing establish ments, wholesale and retail stores, hotels, etc., we immediately say Ito ourselves, if we do not say it i aloud That must be a very live- j i ly town and business must be in a! | very nourishing condition there. Moreover its inhabitants must I e an enterprising progressive, go ahead people. That is no doubt a good place to live’and if we! happen to bo thinking about changing our location, our minds arc at once directed to that city as a desirable place to locale Indications of thrift and prosperity make a favorable impression upon every one, and in settling down to business every thrifty enterprising man is attracted to a community where those character iatics predominate." Sick IL ai>\< he. a n.‘>ati<>n of oppressi< li uml dullness in the In al, nt \< i \ cmmiionll produced by ludlgoMtion; morbid despondency irritdhihty and ov< r kmiisifiwin ss ot the nerve* may.a in a majority ot m, b< -traced to the •iiiih- chiih Dr. .1 IL MoLeiin> lloinwoj'.ithic I iver and Kidney Balm and Fillets will tpoei lively cure. For wale bv all druggist. TWO QUESTIONS lOR MR. GEOKG E. New Turk World: Here are I two questions which wo should! like the supporters of Mr. George’s land theory to sonsider: First—ls “the value which at taches to the surface of the earth by reason of the growth of popu lation belongs to society at lar<’c,” as they utlirm, does not society at ! large owe compensation to thos< whose land suffers a deci ease in ! value by a loss <>f population ? Second—ls “society :.t larze, ’; represented by the Go\ erntn -nt. sells its natual right t > the soil foi f 1.25 an acre to a poor but industrious settler as the greato’l part ot the Western lands have been sold—mid that settler, after working hard tor twenty years, mole or less, finds that the “growth of population” has ovei-! taken him and enhanced the value of his purchase, would it lie fair for “society at large ’ to insist upon gobbling up his protits from the fee which it conveyed to him absolutely ? Sick hoadaohe, i«* the bane of many liven thii* annoying vompaint max b< cuivd »nd prevented bv the occasional um«- of Dr. J. H McUauV Honm >vaihic Liver and Kidney I'illeh* they an pie «>ant to tike no larger than i a pin head,* and are the ladies* ttv.rite lor bil ionanrxM. bad taM- in the month, jtuud for | leucorrhea and painful m» uatruation. For sale by ah druggist. Dvk’.nu wu ?< r the blood gvts thiek giah. now is the time to puntX* it. to ! uiLl up y oir ay stem and fit voitrself for hard work bv mung Dr. J, H M -U an n Smngdunii.g C r> \dial and BEhhl Ihinner. For aak bv all di BLOOD AND MONEY. The blood of man haa mneh to dn m ahapinj’ j hia actKHAM during hia pilgrimage through thu* troubleaome world, regardh-M of the amount ot preaent or expectant money in pock«-t or stored away in bank. It ia a oonoeded fa<rt that we apfH-ar aa ourldood makea na, and the j purer the blood, the happier, healthier, pret tier and wiaer we are; hence the oft repeated iDterrogatory, ’‘how b your btood?” With pun Htr< ama of lib-giving fluid counting through * our veina, bounding through onr hearta and I ploughing through our phyaical framea, our ; morale become better, our constitution stronger, our intidlectual facultlea more acute am! grander, and men, women and children happier, healthier and more lovely. The unprecedented demand, the unparallel ed curative powers, and the ! proof from tho*e of unimpeachable character uid integrity, point with an um rring fing< r to B. B. 11. Botanic Bloo<! Balm aa far tb» I b< nt, th» cheapen!, the‘<|uickcat and the grand • at and moat pow» rful blfaal remedy <-ver be fore known to mortal man, in the relief and poaitiM cure of Si rofula. Bhetimatiam, Hkin diaeawi m, 01 taint* of nlnod |M>ison, Kidney complaints, old ulcers ami sores, cancers, cattarrh, etc, B. B. B. i* only about three years old a baby in age, a giant in power but no remedy in America can make or ever han made such a wonderful showing in its magical po we th in '-uring and entirely eradicating the alaiv<- complainta, and gigantic aah-M in the face <>f frenzied opp sition and would-be moneyed monopoliatM. Ja ttera from all points where introduced are pouring in npon um, speaking in its loudent praise. Horne *ay they receive mon? benefit from one botth- of B. B. B. than they have from twenty, thirty and fifty and even one hundred bottles of a lfoast<-<i decoction of inert and non-medicinal roots and brare’hcM of common for<-Mt tree*. Wc hold the proof in black and white, ami we also hold the fort. All who d< Mire full information about tin .■auae and cure <»f Bhx d Poisona, Scrofula and hcrofulous Swellinga, I leers, Sores, Kheunia-' ti-rn, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, < fc., can Mi-cure by mail, fr< < . a copy of our 32-page Illustrated B«»«>k of Wondera, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known Address, BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Ga. To Rent- Two fir-ids, both partly within the limits of Harlem, known as the Powell <t Hnr ly and the Murray fields, 27 bales of cotton were made on the former lust year. Apply at this office. Reference. F. H. Powell and Oliver Hardy. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that an application will be made to’the m-xt Legislature of the State of Georgia to pass an act to repeal tie act passed at the last session of the Georgia Legislature prohibiting Stock from running at lar/e in the County of Columbia. Columbia ( oUnty, Oct. Dth, 188 C. Notice! (will be at the places named below for the _ purpose of collecting State and county tax is due for the year IW<>; FIRST HOUXD. At Dr. J. T. Smith's, Dist. No. 1, October 7th Smith’s ohl place, “ “ 2, “ Bth. Luke's Store, “ “ 3, “ 11th Dunn's Chajtpcl, “ •* 1, “ 12th. Mrs. I*. (L Morrow’s, “ 8, “ 14th Appling, “ u 5, “ 9th. Grovetown, “ “ 6, “ 13th. SECOND BOUND. At Dr. •I. T. Smith s. Dist: No. 1, October 19tl: Smith’s <dd place, “ “ 2, *• 20th Luk 'sStore, “ “ 3, “ 22nd Dunn's < happel, “ “ 4, “ 23rd Mrs. I’. G. Morrow’s, “ 8, “ 2(»th’ Appling, “ “ 5, “ 27th Grov< town, “ “ 7, “ 30th THIRD ROUND. At Dr. L T. Smith’s, Dist: No. 1, November Bth Smith’s old place, “ “ 2, “ 9t b Luki sStore, “ “ “ 3. “ 11th Dunn's Cbippf l, “ “ “ I, “ 12th Browfi's <»l I Steam Mill, “ “ 0, “ Gth. Mrs. P. G. Morrow’s 44 “ “ 8, “ loth Grovetown, “ “ “ 7, “ 20th Appling. “ “ “ 5, Dec. 7th. Which is the la-t day t» pay to me, attci which time li fas. will be issued and placed in th< hands of tin- bln i ill for collection, I will be at llarlein every day except when it above named places. O HA’IDA’, Tax Collector CEO. F. CHILD Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, • ILLINOIS. These two cuts jT&show the Chair in U extreme positions. I*- eas hy adjust / cd to support the fflvGGit itody in any and USiL- -'?< aS ah desired posi tions. This Chair is a NEW invention. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE. And THE Clia’.-for Home, Invalid and Physician use. As a Parlor Rocking Chair it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. SEND FOR CATALO6UE ANO PRICES. WEBSTER WACON COMPANY Is closing out its business and has on hand * 1 ' ->• a fine stock of OVER 4000! AL j \ Oftheir Celebrated Truss Axle Wagons YVt jtSW*.!-' of all styles and sizes, which will be sold FARM WAGONS GREAT REDUCTION. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, 4 Wagon made from West Virginia Oak. Hickory, and Poplar, the best quality pro -‘V curable, and superior iu every pssrticular to inferior grades now on the market. Embrace the opportunity and save money. All Wagons are warranted for ofie' year. ■ Our r m „n .ff„. WEBSTER WACON CO., WnU for pnees an: ena. MOUNDSVILLE, Marshall Co.. W. Va. Provisional Cards. Dr. jV. J, Sanders, GENERAL PBACnTTONER.’ Harlem. - - - -G-a. Having practinrd over, quarter of, century, vill devote nive. Ifto olietetriCT and di« »»<-« of p niak-e. My pa,t record i, a snflicient gnonn t*’C. feb2H-c Eb. T. Williams, Attorney at Law AUGUSTA, GA. t(Officoovcr Commercial Bank.) Will practice in all the Courts of the Au gusta Circuit. ufClaimß for collection a specialty. . feb2»-d Stone Mountain Route geokgia kailroad company; j OmcE Gen’l Manager. V Augusta, Ga., Kept 18th, 18RC. j Commencing Hundav, 19th inst , the fol lowing passenger Hcbeduh* will be operated: Trains run by .Fith meridian time- 32 minute* slowerthan Augusta time. No. 27 —West—Daily. , Leave- Augusta 7 45 a m Arrive at Harlem 8 28 a m Arrive at Washington 10 40a m Leave Washington 7 20 am Arrive at Athens 12 35 p m L< av( Athens 7 45 a m Arrive Atlanta 1 (X) p m Ships at Grovetown, Harlem, Dearing,Thom- -oD. N'orwood, Barn'dt, Crawfordville, Union point, Greencsboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circh . Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Mountain and Decatur.’ No. 28—East—Daily. i c-ave Atlanta .... 2 45pm Arrive at Athens 7 40 p m Leave Ath<*n« 2 50 p m Arrive at Washington 7 35 p m 1 Leave Washington 4 20 pm Arrive it Harh-m 7 22 p m Arrive Augusta 8 15 p m Stops at Decatur, Stone Mountian, Lithonia, C-mvers, Covington, Social Circle, Rutledge, Madi-ou, Grceneslioro, Union Point, Craw fordville, Barnett,. Norwood, Thomson, Dearing, Harlem, and Grovetown. No. 1-—West —Daily. leave Augusta 10 50 a m Arrive Harlem 1148 am Arrive Camak 12 35 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4 26 pm Arrive at Macon 6 15 p m Arrive at Washington 2 20 pm Arrive at Athens 5 30pm Arrive at Atlanta 5 45 pm No. 2—East—Daily. Leave Atlanta 800 am Leave Athens j 9 00a pi Leave Washington 1120 am Leave Macon 7 10 a m Leave Milledgeville 9 19 an; Leave Camak 136 pm L. ave llarnm 2 33pm Arrive Augusta 3 35pm No. 3—West—Daily. Fa ave Augusta 9 40 p m Arrive Harlem 11 00 p n Arrive Camak 1213 am Arrive Milledgeville 4 27 a m Arrive, Macon 6 46 a m Arrive Atlanta 640&m No. 4—East—Daily. Leave'Atlanta 7 30 p m Leave Harlem 3 33 am Arrive Augusta 5 00am No. 12—West. Leave Harlem 6 00am Arrive Augusta 7 20 a m No. 11—East. Leave Augusta 4 30 p n Arrive Harlem 6 10 p m Superb Improved Bleepers to Macon Superl Improved Bleepers to Atlanta. Trains Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 will stop if signaled at any scheduled Flag Station. E. IL DOSEY, I. W. GREEN, Gen’l Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOE W. WHITE, General Traveling Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga' THF I BURNER VAPOR J .ur A Perfect Jewel. Buy no other. For sale by all First-Class Dealers, If yours docs not keep it send postal to ua. Send for copy of Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 707 to 713 Wash. St., St. Loafer Mo. WEAKfUNDEVELOPED l-s.i i s ~f ■>wHl M ' \ HIIHV BNI.AHOEII.nEVKL. s 1 KFNtt TH I- S b l>,Ftc., is an intere-ting ><l - me run in <>ur In reply to in.iui- rie- v, Will taythft! thHr*»i« no evulonce of htintb thi*. the contrary,th*« ndvori are very highly Interacted perxona may get sealed , Circular* giving all particnlarK. by ad draining IxRIK . venmg b'-re. * ——— W. E. ZACHRY k co.. DEALERS IN * Dry Goods and Notions 934 Broad Street, OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, W. 1. DELPiU * 831 Broad Str *et Augusta- Wholesale and Retail Dealer In COOKING STOVES AND Os Best Patterns. In stock— -5 Car loads Cook and Heating Stoves. 500 Plain and Enambled Grates. 2 Car Loads Tin Brick. 250 Boxes Bright and Roofing Tin. Tinware in great variety, very low at wholesale. 100 Bundles Sheet Iron, Sheet Zinc. Solder, etc. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stoves, 17 different sizes in Stock. These stoves have been soldbv ue for 12 years with satisfaction. ’ Heating Stoves for churches, school houses, offices and dwellings for coal and wood. for circulars and prices. w. I. delfh. H. P. SMART. A G. SMART H. P. SMART & BRO. MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C. R. R. GA. MANUFACTURERS OF YELLOW PIHE LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber sawed to order, Pressed Lnmbor of every descrip tion, Flooring Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Mouldings, Etc. Also Pine Staves and Shingles, Laths, Fence]Pickets, jVege table and Fruit Crates., Steam Saw and Planing Mills and Store in Emanuel County, and connected with Midville by private Railroad and Telephone Lines. MIDVILLE, - - - - - Burke.County,"Ca. We Stand at the Head THE LIGHT DOMESTIC, Davis, Household Ju new home Sewing Machines, -1 BBW style Attachments, . New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machines taken in exchange for above makes, to bs ’»»ld » half value, 15,110, sls each, waaruted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines of all make e paired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, ThejSewing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga The G-reat HEALING AGENT, CJUTtES Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Scrofula. Sore Throat, Paralysis, Exhaustion, Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, IDLR,. PI. NI. CLEKLEY <Sz> SON, 60 Hazel Street, CHARESTON, S. C. Spring Millinery New and Beautiful Goods respectfully informs the Ladies that her Spring opening J be lit la on vv eanesday ana Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invites the specu 1 attention <»f every lady m Augusta and vicinitv. Her present styles and assortments bav • never before been equaled. ’ J MRS. N. BRUM CLARK-