The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 02, 1886, Image 1

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jjallard & Atkinson, Proprietors. "1. P B STOTHS & BBS,, 'VniAMONDS CAT Al. O C 47 Whitehall Street, ATLANT A,GA. Just In Reach! What ? Why our Splendid New Bargains L and Exclusive Styles for the 1886 FALL AND WINTER 1887. REPRESENTING THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods, HOOSE KEEPING COBS, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear and Cloaks Ever offered or shown under one roof in the Southern States. WICKER 4 CO’S Home of Fashion and Temple of Economy r u-’oride and pet of the ladies of Augusta. Bccaiise we have heat down the’battlementa ’rJ’n iStaes and leveled the field of competition here at home, ’tie no reason why we should after tl>e splendid trade that finds its way to Augusta Ladies are you satisfied with an old shapeless Hat or Bonnet that belongs to the dead past when WICKER ? p ro can sen vou a frettv, bright, new style at half the. price. A careful lady w.ll see’tie if worth her’while to look into, this matter, for we can show you goods m almost every T.'Lrt line in which yon buv that is calculated to elicit sunwise and admiration from you. *'•*'r here waiting• tor you, the best that money, care ami experience can procure,’and we omA it is not asking too ninch when yon come or send to thia market to give us a fair and ■ .r! al tria Remember that we keep Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Notions, Zephyrs, Sheetings, iTKines Cloaks Jeraev Jackets, Vndem'ear of all kinds, including Vests downs Chemises, Sk rtfi 6 a'nd a great variety of Shawls, Balmoral Skirts Corsets, Flannels of al! styles with SlnUfnltam Os goods for fancv work, such as Plush, Satins, Feits, Cricket Flannels Scrim ■npwtry, Curtains, and all kinds of materials tor fancy work. Fine line Boys and G «>L a ilv r th?Urm““iiue of MILLINERY GOODS in the city showing everything ’new in Birds Ornaments. Tips, Plumes and Beads. We do not propose, as some do, to J~ mi’r X 1"’ awav, but we do propose to sell them at prices that will induce the laduw to fom. KdtalTe tlHmi awav. For your sake and our sake,come and let us save money foryou. WICKBS A Co.. Avgufta- Ca X.OOK OUT FOR I, C. LEVY’S Great Tailor Fit Clothing Store. The largest and’best stock of CLOTHING AND HATS n Augusta. A Talor in the store to make alterations needed free of charge. I. C. LEVY, 836 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. fall opening AT MASONIC TEBFL.E. OUR stock is now complete in every department, and casual or careful inspection will show it to be the handsomest and best assorted ever shown in this section. In announcing that we are thoroughly prepared lor the I all Trade, we.wll not go into de scriptive details about the goods, but simply say that everything Novel • Elegant and Ftashrnn abledn the Dry Goode Line can be seen on our counters asd shelves. The stock includes every thing from low-priced, substantial goods to the very finest manufactured at home “broad. We give a standing unqualified guarantee on prices against every in the Unite IKtaU s and anyone who doubts our ability to do this is earnestly requested to put the matter to a practical test. Every guarantee we offer will be fully maintained. .Whether you are ready to purchase at present or not, we cordially invite you to call and examine *he stock. f Samples emt on application. In ordering goods or samples, please specify the hnd of goods desired, aad whether the nearest we have will do if wo have not the exact thing ordered. BMI & MKSTMK. Broad ar d Ellis street**, Augusta, Ga. ® iitlUHffi 627 and 629 Broad St GN THE EBBSPEAN Pt AH, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Home-like and attractive, just in the midst of the great trade centre of the city. We also have lodging in connection with the Bar and Restaurant— You are expected to stop with us while in the city. Moss & Johnston., Prop’trs. Terms Moderate. THE COLUMBIA SENTINEL “Wisdom, Justice and Moderation.” HARLEM, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1886. Harlem Happenings WHAT IS BEING DONE IN AND AROUND HARLEM. iqUIBB CACOITT ON THE FLY DY SENTINEL REPOItTEBS —NEWS OF THE COUNTY CON- DENSED. —December with her bleak blasts. —Don't forget the Sentinel on the 7th. —The days of the fat hogs are numbered. —lnvitations to Xmas dinners are in order now. —Will the large “gobler” be ready for Xmas dinner? —Miss Mildred Dooly is rapidly convalescing. —More cotton than usual coming in this week. We hear of other orange buds that are in the of blooming. —The ,u arsinion is abundant and ripe, alSf Jlhe ’possum. —WjAcknowledge quite a number of •li-xsant visits this week. —Miss. Duella Ellington lias recovered from a slight indisposition. Remember next Tuesday is the last appointment of the Collector. --The last quarterly meeting for the year embraced Sunday last, —J. W. Keener, of Augusta ( was up on Tuesday, looking after his in terests. —Captain and Mrs. W. T. Martin, of Crawfordville, visited friends here last week. —Mr. R. J. Wilson and Miss Pink Bachelor were married ip Augusta on Monday last. Miss Biddie Hataway it spend ing some time with relatives near Appling this week. —A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem and Clarke Bros., Dearing. Ga. —Don’t fail to save up some eggs for the usual Xmas nog. Xmw would be gloomy without it, and be sure to invite the Sentinel. —Miss Carswell, of Hephzibah, visited the family of Rev. J. W. Ellington here last week. —lt is probable that the Columbia county stock law will be agitated in the Legislature this week. —FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guaran tee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga. —Dr. D. L. Peeples has moved in to his cozy little home, on Muin street. The race between J. M. Whitaker, the present incumbent, and J. C, Bradshaw, waxeth warm. Go it gentlemen, blood will tell on a long heat. —Mr A. M. Bailey, of this county, and Miss Mamie J. Rheney, of Au gusta, were united in marriage last Thursday. —ls a cold wave rudely crosses your path you can say, “Blow winds, and crack your cheek!” if you have a bottle of Coussens’ Honey of Tar, which will cure all the bad colds, coughs, and diseases of throat and lungs that ever rode on the back of a blizzard. Try Coussens Honey of Tar for your cough. —An oyster supper for the benefit of the Masonic Lodge at this place will be served on the night of the 11th inst. The public are invited to attend. —All passenger trains have been crowded for several days, with Minis ters and delegates to the Conference. —New names added to our list every week and still there is room for more. —THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bourbon, Ind , says: “Both my self and wife owe our lives to SHI LOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE ” For sale bv Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Har lem and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga. —Some of our brag shots couteiu plate a duck and squirrel hunt on Briar cieek in the near future. —Grain sowing is being vigorously pushed iu some portions of the coun ty. —Mrs. Rees, the estimable wife of our old friend, Dr. Rees, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Conor duriug the session of the North Georgia Con ference. Tell me not in mournful numbers that piles cannot be cured. Use 1 Tablers’ Buckeye Pile Ointment and experience the permanent cure which ■ is always effected by this preparation, I There are numerous so called remedies: only one Tablets Buckeye Pile Ointment good for piles only, but so good for that diseases that all sufferers with it need only use the great remedy. —We hope “Santa Claus" will remember abundantly all the little folks, and some of the big ones too —Col. M. I. Branch, accompanied by his accomplished wife, visited Harlem this week. —HACK MET ACK.” a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holli day, Harlem and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga. —Mr. Paschal, of Lincoln county, a nephew of Capt Geo. M. Reed, is now a citizen of Harlem. —Messrs. J. L. Hussey, C. C. Clark and the writer spent Monday of this week' in Augusta. -SHILOH’S CATARRH REM EDY—a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth For sale ■by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga. —Mr. T. A. Blanchard, one of the best and most enterprising farmers in the State, spent Sunday night last in our town, the guest ot Mr. O Hardy. —Friend O. H. bad his usual luck |on Monday afternoon. We very much fear the birds will take the same liberty with him that they did with Messrs, Collin. and Lamkin. —One or two horse faun to rent — fresh land—three miles from Harlem, on Appling road. Apply to 4ts. T. N. Hicks. —WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. ami sl. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem, and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga. —Our popular young friend Chas. Hopkins left on Tuesday for Emory, where he will take a scientific course and fit himself for the duties that will devolve upon him in this life. Success to you. —ls we had a whole dictionary of adjectives at our tongues to use in recommendation of Coussens Honey of Tar, as a cure for coughs, colds and diseases of throat and lungs, we would simply pick out, the little word “best” and apply it sincerely to Cous sens Honey of Tar, because it is the only permanent cure for a deep seated cough or cold upon the lungs. —Rev. Geo. P. Bonner, of Augus ta, came up on the day train Tuesday for the purpose of assigning homes to ministers in attendance upon the Conference now in session in Au gusta. —ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shi loh’s Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem and Clarke Bron., Dearing, Ga. —The writer is under lasting obligations to Mr. Chas. Walrott for valuable and timely assistance render ed at the fire near Harlem, on Saturday last. Should an opportunity present itself, the writer will remem ber this case, and observe the “golden rule.” A NEW BUGGY FOR li 50 I L. A. Gardelle, the live druggist and proprietor of the popular red front drug wtore, Broad street, Au gusta, advertises a new carriage and buggy paint, one dollar and a half will do the business; in other words, make a new buggy out of your old one. See bis advertisement. JR KIDWELL. I See in another column an attiac- I tive card of this enterprising gentle mau He is master of his business, being well up in all its details, he handles only first class goods, and at reasonable prices. Give him a call when iu need of anything in his line. —SHILOH’S CURE will immedia tely relievo Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday, Harlem and Clarke Bros., Dearing, Ga aj beniF By reference to our advertising col umns you will find an announcement of this enterprising gentleman. He is the very personification of politeness, and a warm reception awaits you at all times and under all circumstances. Don’t fail to see him when in the citv, goods first class in every particular, and prices guaranteed to compare favorably with any house in the Sate. Stock of Xmas goods unsur passed. ♦ —————- —No medicine placed before the public for so short a time has been more generally praised than Pitt’s Carminative. It has been truthfully called a panacea for diseases of the stomach and bowels. When you have tried it you will be convinced. Sold by your Druggists. ’ a fight- A regular old-fashioned fight oc curred between Harlem and Saw Dust on Sunday last. The active participants were Billy Cann and John Harris. The latter coins off more than conqueror, having given B lly what he deserved, when Constable Whitaker put in his appearance. Cann drew his knife and showed some little inclination to resist, but his legs ran away with him. — —. Danger I A neglected cold or couch may lea<i l<» i'iHHimoniM.ConMunipllon or other ftlr disease. Strongr'a Pectoral Ptila will euro cold aa by nrngic. Best I 111 lift (or <iy*|»epf»la,in digestion, sick headache as thousands testify. - ——————— CLOGGED WITH EELS- TOO LATE FOB SNAKE HTOIUEH, HO HCIIK IH ONE OF ANOTHER KIND. An intimate friend informs us that quite recently he had occasion to car ry a load of cotton to Dr T. H. Pas chal's gin, near Grovetown, and on arriving ho found the ginstoppe.d and all hands in a state of excitement. - Upon inquiry he learned that the wheel which ran the gin was clogged with eels, In a short while a negro was seen coming out of thegiu house with a leather belt about four inches wide with which he intended to cap the eels. Upon discovering his folly he was induced to take a rope and in a few minutes two large eels were drawn from the wheel pit and imme diately the gin resumed its work. STOLE WHAT HE NEEDED A COLUMBIA COUNTY NEORO JAILED FOB STEALING FORTY POUNDS OF COW HIDES. Evening News: Saturday morning about three o'clock Ed Cobb, a Columbia county negro, was walking Broad street, between McKinue and Marbury street*, with forty pounds of oow bides acroHS his shoulder. He was met bv Sergeant ’ Sher on and policeman Reynolds, who, suspecting something wroig, and after question ing him be admitted he stole the cow hides from Captain F. E. Eve’s wagon, at Gaines’ Wagon Yard. At first the darkey endeavored to hide his guilt, but bis statement did not have the requisite ring of truth. E<l came down from Columbia county in charge of Mr. Jerry Smith’s wagon, and seeing an opportunity to make a little Terms, $1 A Year In Advance. I money dishonestly he took the hides I just fifteen minutes previous to his arrest. He is now in jail. He stole what lie needed—a raw hide across his back. THOUGHT IT’ WAS A SHOT- YOUNG ARNOLD SANCKEN FiNDB A COSTLY DIAMOND IN MOLAMCS CANDY. Evening News: On Yesterday Master Arnold Sancken, the young son of Captain Dick Sanckeu became the owner of a pretty dismoud stone in a most peculiar manner. In Mrs. Stuarts school room Arnold was sitting with his companion who dropped a piece of molasses candy on the floor and did not care to pick it up, but told bis friend he could have it. Arnold picked the candy up and commenced chewing, but suddenly his jaws stopped working, for he thought a shot had gotten between his teeth. He pulled out the sup* posed shot, and much to his surprise found a small genuine costly diamond. He carried it to his father at dinner time, who had it examined by Mr. Brahe, the latter pronouncing it a gem. Captain Dick will have the precious stone set in a button for the youngster to wear. It is indeed a mystery, ai.d all the girls will be buying molasses candy now just to procure a diamond. GROVETOWN ITEMS- HY nARDTIMER. Wood and tie hauling still on the boom. A mule ran away with a wagnn. Thursday last, owned by a negro liv ing on Mr. W. J. Heggie's Smith place, breaking the wagon up con siderably. Tom’s jaws had scarcely subsided from the effects of the recent oyster supper, when Thanksgiving dinners came in. He doubtless is now medi tating what will be the next Miss Alina Smith, one of Colum bia’s fairest, is spending a few days' with relatives here this week. Why does Otis look so lonely ? is the gist of conversation. A public entertainment will be given nt Rostand on Friday night. 10th inst., at 7 o’clock. Mtiwic, ba zaar, refreshments, Christmas tree, with a splendid assortment of holiday goods with trimmings. O. A. P. a specialty. Admission only 18 cents. Supper and refreshments paid for extra. The proceeds of the enter tainment are for the purpose of im proving the iron springs, known os the Clifford Springs. Rev. Junies M. Atkinson preached an excellent sermon to an attentiTs congregation on Sunday lost at the Baptist Church. The ladies of the Baptist Chdrch at this place, according to previous ap pointment, met at the church on Sunday evening at 3 o'clock for the purpose of organizing a missionary society. Twenty-eight names were enrolled. The following officers were elected: President —Mrs. W. J. Heg gie; Secretary—Mrs. F. F. Mosley; Treasurer—Miss 8. V. Bugg. We predict for them success. Sheriff’s Sale. GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. TYTILL bo (old before the Court Hones VV door in Appling on tbo First Tuesday in January, 1887, between the li esl hours of ■ale, all tnat tract or parent of (and in said State and county, containing 4SC acres more or less, and bounced by lands of J. M. Clark Hons on the east. W. J. Ileggio and others oa the south, west and north by lauds of Dr. Stei ner. Levie-I on as the property of Geo. W. Gray, as administrator o< Dr. J. Maddox, late of said county deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. is sued from the H>.-ptember torvn of Columbia Superior Court in favor of J. Miuor Luke, guardian, and pointed out byGeo.W. Gray, ad ministrator. Levy made and legal notioe serv ed according to law, this 29th day of No vember, IHSt). L. L, MAGRUDER, prj-nty Hheriff VOL V, NO. 11