The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 09, 1886, Image 4

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remahkabi.e paper on farming in Georgia- TIIF. NF.OIIO THF. REAL FAKMF.It IN Oil! STATE —WANT OF HItAINN AMONG THE AGIIICVLIFKAI. CI.AAH BRIEF BUT STIRRING REVELA TION AM TO AOKICI LTI'KAj. AFFAIRS. A Milledgeville correwpon dent to the Augusta Chronicle say* : A" you have manifested mmie interest in the condition of th<- farmer*, mid miked for letter* on the subject of the re i* 41* for their want of prosp-rity. I re*|H cthdly submit the following: In the first place, let mtiisk who are the fariiiei’H «f Georgia to-day? Certainly not the men who live in the rural district*. who own hind and who rent the name to others. In other countries that eliiss are landlord*. In thia country they are speculators in r>al eMute, mules. provisions mil hlboi The farmer* are the class who cultivate the crop*, who exercise their Volition in the manner, the time, and the kind < fcrops to lie cultivated. If this proposition be true, then a very large majority of the fanner* in Georgia aie negroes, wretchedly poor, densely ignorant, and ulteily incapable ot the enoriiioiia tank they yearly hopefully undertake. it is useless to write and speak of ‘-the tmiff, ’* diversified farm ing. oil trust and other monopolies while the farming in in the present band*. The great need on the farm* of I Georgia is brain*. That want supplied, mid monopoly would be poweiles* to harm the firmer*. Diversified farming a* far as it was profitable would come, and the farmer could hold his own even with mi unjust discrimination against him under the name of tariff, until he could educate public opinion to a sense of the injustice, when relief would come. The power of the oil milla to buy cotton seed for less than their value is limited by the number of fools they find to sell nt that price. And the power of interior mer chants to sell provisions above their value is also limited in the same way Almost every white mall who cun, leaves the farm to •cck easier employment, amt regardless of the great waste of time, labor mid land, leaves the agriculture of the State to a class who are incapable of its manage- inent. The writer has for several year* seen mid predicted the presciil state of things. Hut iu Ins ' opinion nothing can be done. Nothing will be done in the way of improvement, until th- pro-ent wasteful and indolent method* run their course and bring foith their legitimate fruit. It is so easy to exist in this State that wo will not be brought face to face with the necessity tor a radical cli.'inge tor tame years yel. But it must come, and will come. The wor-t leature in the ease is that the disease is a lingering one. When we have pa d the last farthing of the price of our fully and real want stares Georgia in the face let Us hope that her real sons will go forth inaspiiit ot ttue patriotism and stunk thrift and T- elatm their torfe ted m lie ila < , h< iw i- noil liter ba.nb will i call.d I the task and ireorji.t slm vi gl ri w il » ( Ih- such as l>a- not \et be. n tire med ot Sl«'K hvadachr, i» the banc of mai’x t vila linn anti 4 \iog ootu|Munt max bv cited and wrcvruUni b\ the <HVA*t Ual U«v «>( Dr, J H Me 1 trail n HiHiKU jMkthic Liver and hidtu v t* they an- ph-«i*ant t<» take u large t t an a pin he-ad. and are the lad.e-n* tax >nt< f<»r bil iemnn<wM». leael ta«*U< iu the m nut. jauu ' i r leuoe»rrh<‘a and painful me mtiruaftou. Fur by afi druggist THIS PAPER Li . New>papr*r Admtto pxtrvku ’0 Sprwx* St gmHEW YORK. Ei-Sc». I. H. Slqta 1 tar I iru ftrwt • f • • hte EvCtovtnw Al i Giid rll Klepb< tta »u«l have l< cn je«j) clerk on iailroadn >in©© IMS. FM tea y<*«t■ 1 Im cirft Muf/r-rer Cron * <•.!»••• r on my face, whieh gr« w wow until the di*- charr* of mathr !><<•»«•<• aixl v» r nwixc. 1 ♦. i« .roughly diugmiU <1 With blood pnriht i * and pronounced tbnut humbug , a* I had tiH-d r >t ' .t. <nt reb'-f. Finally 1 waw induced to iih B. B. B . which I waaaLoUtt l*tM Ichrtai., and Continued tU use tin?.l th- taih r part <-f April. The • di* arp d« ■ • m-d at and tio hardiii -*• ar«»uo<l lh» «.j' r d.^app*-«n 1. it iinpruo d my g* ».< ral iealtii and I rapid y Kai.H'd I’.t-Ui .nd wtr-ng b. 1 n«* diMcuui,; gradually ducr* d and t.i.- tacior* n- w an<l h • iij *.z« until nothin ’ remain* t- <<| t ,i * nr t. f. II 1.0 tui -ta<»!i< (lunger "fa < .»m r. Ail H'li" h.t.o f ‘-u hl<* idtK’Ai j h.t .< < oiiilm iic< d th< ii*o <4 |J B I* t< » r aa my great impr<>. < ir*at, th •aron my fur< ahowM that it ftnt I the calif • r J hnd that B 88. <’'»mo‘ *| an ly up to what it • recommended, and 1 c«nm.t a»y too much tu | I o| fh«t wondcilul mediciuv. 1 havu j trn d tin m all. but u. B. B. aUuida nt the l« ; un 4 bI.NMI piiribcr 1 i.o ab .\« . <<j ;• d fi'm tin- Athena, <Ga;, Buiim r* Matcbniaii, baing the vt.l tnlar iuftg.iugj oi Mr. Jarnca A. Greer, which td.lor t.rnit indoia*** “M i. (>r< < t •.h m»t t.pii,l.t rt’.z. u•. Atb< ia, uho had a b.t I < au< o<, ami hl* nu.n r , oun hienda thoiighttbaf In < «»uid not liv »t r} ; long, i H the < G:«. r Aa* xvmhialj;, napping th. fotindafion o! hia couaUtiinun, but u loohn ' weU uiid ii«-.aty. 2 IgaitiNl IS. j Several phyaxianN hive pronounced my 1 dinCMMe bl'uid poison, eallN.-d by paint <>r lead ' tu thw paint, but they could n»t emt n. . Laai Miiinmer 1 uaed ••igntc«'ii Lott ion of <t largely j .ktheitiH. tl Ibi »d medicine, whic.i did nm n*< more g.»<»d than numb wairi , I h »vo ua. d onlv tw<> bottler* of B. B. B. and .im proud t<» way iu i» I base > cro|ved greater l.« n< ti faoiu Um ii> t.i th from th < i,; t -u, and am u<*w tapidly .•ov« iing. ihoie > n<> j'lention u!h»ul tn huperi'uity of B. B. B. ov»• r i * II b1.».,d n uh <li« «• .U j K. ynoldw air. • t W. 11. Wuoirz. Aiiguatu, <ia., April -Jat, All who d< -ir- f ill inform;:* "h about tin ( .•aUHc and cure of Blood I'oihoun, Kcroiula and -vcrofulouH Swellingl levin, Sores, liln unia ' hem, Kidney < onipl.unn, Catarrh, etc , < .*n ! hm-uh b\ mail, In., a ropy of our 32-p.i,;( llhietrati d Book of Wmid'-i'H, filled with thr moat womh itul and biurliing proof« ver btiuic i known AddriHM, BLOOD BALM ( 0., Atl.iiiia, Ga Sher iff's Suic. GEORGIA, COLV.MBIA COVN'I i. lirll.L be Hold b« f.u< th" I Hilt Il»'l' » \V do..i hi \pplii.7 on tin- En> ru<s<b'\ i in Jaiiuarv, IKB7, bi tu.m the !• g.l bourn o ! <ui< , all that tract or ]»hi<l of f ind m Raid State and roiiidy, rout.urHii : 1 K) acre* nr ir or |.h», and h-d b\ kil l-* of J. M. Clmk S-nr on the ea t. NV. I lie ~h an 1 • lib im on the h mtb, weal and north by undn of Dr. Stei 1 ner. levied on as the property of Geo. W. (tray, a« adminietriici of i>r. J. Madd >x, late of aind county .h reaaod, to aatiafy a fl. fa. ih ! nurd from the Scptrinlu-r tarin of Columbia 1 Superior Court in favor of .L Minor Luke, guardian, and pointed out l»yGo”.\V. Gray, ad j inimatrator. Levy made and lv*a! notice nerv- Ird a< cording t<> law, thia 2'.81i day of No-I Will her, IHM(i. L L. MAGPJTDEB, | Deputy Sheriff. Eb. T. Wiliiams, ~ Attorney at Law Al <i ( >1 \. i; \ ..v. r <• oninu i. iai Bank.) Will practice m all the Courts of the Au gnuta ( in’int. • Imiium for colli ction a epcrialtv. i< 1.25-.1 To Rent Two fi.', both partly within the limits of Harlem, known astho f'owell X Harb and the Murray fields, 2" bales of cotton were made on the 1 former last year. Apply nt this oflico. Reference. T. 11. Powell and Oliver ' Hardy. For Sale or Rent 1 will aell or rent my property it Harlem on rriHonabh’ trtnii For Purticiilara, call on Mr. H A. Cook. J W. KEENER. To Owners of Buggies. I) AINT your Buggy and male it look almost >»•» good UH ll< W. Ix'rtK than II will do the job. Como and are th« new Paint and Varnish et»nil»inotl. One itt all that woe et-'Miry. N<» Varnishing. The Paint leave* a bnlbant We have Jhvtv Black. Bril- 1 hunt V<-mullion, Garnet and Coach lin en Bl ALLA PAVENPOKT. Drug®, <»!2 Broad Street. Castor ine. \ CHEAP preparation of Cnt;>r Oil, f rl A\uh. Cantor Oil Im know n tai Im the beat \xie On won earth. It* expt n- Mivenenn <b tern many from uaing it met la a long f< It want. Ch< tp, onh 11 a gal lon. Alao the beat Engine Oil on earth, only 50 cent* a gallon. BEALL A DAVENPORT, Drug*. t»l J Broad Street. 1 ar and Cherrv. \\ ’ 1 t'o’itbleut’v r- omno i. I .Miele \ \ family. Win Miff* r with a t ouch, when you ‘.hk’HTui l\|» Cui KHV. Made <-! It by u*. Plvauant t»tao . 2» een’e dsl boui*i*. BEALL A DAVENPORT, l-rtig., KU Brvad Street l-'or sale in Harlem at the live Drug Stores of Dr. D. 1. Peeples ami Dr. W. Z. llolli i’av I’ry this simple cough svrnp. WEfiK/UNDEVELOPED SV. !>.!>'■ (Mvicltn I.r > >1 C:; ■■ ■ .r ■ 1.. u.nuui- rr , _"‘ » > M'. 1 no rvof humbut »■' ■ ‘ i» . ••" T"7 tup i I BURNER VAPORSTOVE~ A Perfect Jewel, Eny no o'her. Tor gala by all FiriUClaa* Dealers. If yonrs doe* not I eep it send postal to us. Send for copy of Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burnsr Stove Co., 707 to 713 Wu-di. St., SI. Louis, Mo. CEO. F. CHILO Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. These two cuts y’S'show the Chair in -fi* extreme positions. It is easily adjust / ed to support the body in any and I all desired posi- -i'S . tions. This Chair is a NEW invention. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE- And THE ( hah-for Home, Invalid and Physician use. As a Parlor Hocking Chair It is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. iloojs; FOR I. c LEVY’S. Great Tailor Fit Clothing Store. The largest and best stock of CLOTHING AND HATS n Augusto. A Tailor in the store to make alterations needed free of charge. I. C. LEVY, 836 Broad Sircxst, Augusta, Ga FALL OPENING AT MAS-0 NIC TEMPLI OUR st'-rk in if \\ imy'i !<- ;•.« t v r> ■ u.u tuient, :> •<1 igial or careful inspection will »hoxv it to be t!ir I mJ :• • i— Tb d ev«. r shown in tin* section. in aouo'.ri'iug Jr. tnr a ■ ; u.oi' ;• a pan 4 L»r the Fall Irad-.'. xve fc xx’ill not go into de r riptivr I tail ~!•• "t t t > S, . . say tb it everything Novel. Elegant and Fnshion abie in the- Dry > i I ci I.< or euani-Ts a;.4 shelves The stork includes every thin/ tt'Di box-. Tie r, -i ‘' iima’, , •. .:• v.-ry tiue-it manufactured at home and abroad. \\ ■ sta I'l.h , .aiqu. .1 I ..!■ >ll prices against e\ry market in the United States, ami anyone wii > J ri’c-* ••ur .I.>ihtv i-J-i this i.« o tru' -lly r' lpiestcd t>> put the matter to a practical test. Every /Uoiantve w« > t r ’ ill b<* fully ni-mit.dir. d Whether you are ready to purchase at nt or not, we cordially I.'. it- you to call and examine the stock. Simp!- *s,n: on apphrafion. In r rin • : »ds or samples, pleas© specifvthc kind of goods desired, and whether the nearest xv- h.ix will do if we have not the i-xact thing ordered. Broada- dlSlHs Augusta, Ga. TOf HE HELnllllTE G‘27 and 6‘20 Broad St O THE EL I R6PEftN PLAN, Bor Ladies and Gentlemen. Home-like and atb ietive, just in the midst of the -rent trade centre of the city. We nlso hnv<> lod-ing in connection with the Bar and Restaurant. — You are expected to stop with us while in the city. ATosss J <dii Ist on. IProp'trs. Terms Moderate. WEBSTER WACON COMPANY Is closing out its business and HAS ON HAND >■ . , x a fine stock of > OVER 4000! oftheir Celebrated Truss Axle Wagons ■ ,** o f all styles and sizes, which will be sold FARM WAGONS GRE^ Eduction. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, 4 Wagon mail- fr-ru West Virginia Oak. Hickory, and Poplar, the best quality pro -‘■ X. o 1 abl . a d superior in every particular to inferior grades now on th" market. E :e>ra. > t'i oppnrtn ity a>4 save money. All Wagons arc t arranted for one year. (tar farewell ofTtv. WEBSTER WACON CO., #rde for prices and terms. MOUNDSVILLE, Marshall Co., W. Va. Stone Mountain Route ,t HU.IA ItAILROAD COMPAM’. ) omce Ges’i. Masaocr. > Anot'STA, Ga., Sept isth, I«*C. > C< ninmndng Hr.nd»v., inst, the f.l --1 .•• i - • piH.enßer schedule will be operated: Tr in. riinby'.s.tM meridian time • C2n>inute» .lower than Anguato time. No. 27—Weht—Daily. t.r o ' Aui'v.Hta 7 45 a n> \rr;vp ..t Hnrl -m M 28 a m \rri - >4t Wardiiugtou.. 10 40m m L- •' Wawhiugtdiu 120 a m Ki ii’ * at Atheuß 12 35 p m L-.t' At’i m 745 am \i i Atlanta HOpm >.t. hat Gr'iv<-town. Harlrin, Dearing,Th«»m •m, N'»ru mm|. Barn* tt. Crawfordville, Union po.nt, Gr- • nenboro, Madiuon Rntb-dge, Social ■ r .-. < ’<ui, < <iuyerH, Lithwuia, Stone doiintahi and Decatur. No. 28—East—Daily. ,/ avo Xt’.tnfa 2 45pm , . . at XtheiiH 740 p m L< ■ Ath« iin 2.% pin \. <i ft Wellington 735 pm 1., < Warfhingtfui. 420 p m • t* Hat nni 722 pni \i . <• Au tiki .... 8 15 p m St ■* at L'vr ttiir, Stone M'.iintiaii, T.nhonia, <*.»!!•• ih, Covington, Social Circle, llutledgc, Ma-Hh'iu. Gr<-cm nbor >, Union Point, ( raw t r!'ille. Barnett, Norwood, Thomson, D . ring, Harlem, and Grovetow n. No. I—West—Daily. a '■ i Kuguwta 1050 am \t iv.- H.irb ui 1148 am Ari iv<‘t 1 r< ; • a ... 12 35 pm Arrive M-’b «li;eviilc 4 26 pm Ai’ ve t M icon 615 p in \ith , t Washington 220 pm Airiv'-at Aiheni 530 pm A:nv( at Atl tuta 5 45 p m No. 2 —East— Daily. I a e At’anta 800 a m L. , vc Athens 9 00a i;i L- Washington 11 20 a m L< : • • M :»<• - n 7 10 a m L< v< Milledgeville 9 19am L- «•. Camak , 136 p m L<ve Harlem 2 33 p m Arrive .Augusta 3 35 p m No. 3—West—Daily. Leave Augusta 9 40 p m A itin <• Harlem 11 00 p m Arrive Camak 12 13 am Arrr. Milledgeville 427 am Arrive Maoon 6 46 a in Arrive Atlanta .... 6 40 a ni Nt). 4—East— Daily. Leave Atlanta 736 pm L< ave Harlem .. 3 33 a in Arrive A ugnxta 5 00am No. 12—West. Leave Harlem 6 00am Ari ive Auguflta 720a ni No. 11 East. Leave Augusta 4 30 pm Ai i i • e Harlem 6 10 p m Superb Improved Bleepers to Macon Superb Improved SleepcrH to Atlanta. TraiiiH Noh. 1,2, 3 and 4 will utop if signaled at any scheduled Flag Station. E. R. DOBEY, .1. W. GREEN, Gen’l Manager. Gen. Pass Agt. JOE W. WHITE, General Traveling PaHSengt r Agent, Augusta, Ga W, £> Zr £rlfi Y a LU;, DEALERS IN * Dry Goods and Notions 534 Bread Street. O pp OS. Ii i yTJUTiS HOTEL. W. I.DELPfI, 831 Droad Str-er, Augusta Ga Wholesale and Retail Dealer In COOKING STOVES AND INEATM© oTOYIu Os Best Patterns. In stock 5 Car loads Cook and Heating Stovefl. 500 Plain :ui<l Enamblcd Grates. 2 Car Loads Tin Brick. 2.50 Boxes Bright and Rooting Tin. Tinware in great variety, very low at wholesale. 1(H) Bundles Sheet Iron, Sheet Zinc, Solder, etc. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stoves 17 different sizes in Stock. These stoves have been a<»i i h us for 12 years with satisfaction. a Heating Stoves for churches, schoolhouses, offices and dwellings for coal and wood. for circulars and prices. W. I. DBrPH. H. P SMART. a«. SMART. H. P. SMART & BRO. MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C. IL R. GA. MANUFACTURERS OF YEuOT FIKE LUMBER, ROUSH AND DRESSED Lumber sawed to order, Dressed Lnmbor of every descrip tion, Flooring Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Mouldings, Etc. Also Pine Staves and Shingles, Laths, Fence Pickets, Vege table and Fruit Crates. Steam Saw and Planing Mills and Store in Emanuel County, and connected with Midville by private-Railroad and Telephone Lines. MIDVILLE - - - - - Burke County, Ca. Ws Stand at the Head THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, Davis, Household jR newhome ■■■-, Sewing Machines, - NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Burnished Free 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machines taken in exchange for above makes, to b« wold a half value, 15, $lO, sls each, waarhted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines of all nak» epaired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price Lists to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, The’Sewing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga The Great fIE AIJS G A.CJKINT, CURES Bronchitis, Ast ma. Consumption, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Scr fula. Sore hroal, Paralysis, Exhaus ion, Hay Fever, Rheuma ism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, DFi. H. TvZ. CL ■ KL’ Y& 30 M, 60 Hazel Street, CHARESTGN, S. C. Spring Millinery New and Beautiful Goods. respectfully informs the Ladies that her S| ring op- ning wi 1 be In id or rdnvsduy and 1 hursday. April 14th and 15th, to which she invitee theapech ♦ttt nti«>n f every . .dv in Augu. ta and vicinity. Her pr- sent atvles and aMortmente ha> e never beKirebten equaled. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK.