The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 16, 1886, Image 4

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A TElUtlllLE TRAGEDY WIFE AND RROTHEK KILLED AND HUSBAND DYING. | Graphic details of a trippie tradegy come from near Irondale, Ala. XV. A. Baldwin, an employe of the Georgia Pacific Railload, was some time ago married to Miss Moore. The young lady's brothers were violently opposed to the union and were never reconciled to the marriage. Sunday afternoon IJurnnid Moore, the youngest brother, went to Baldwin’s home ami began using every effort to induce his sister to leave Baldwin. She refused, and her brother began to abuse her. Baldwin at this junction ordered Moore to cease bis abuse or leave the house whereupon Moore drew a revolver and fined at Baldwin twice. Both shots took effect, inflicting danger ous wounds, hut Baldwin braced himself ami, drawing a pistol, begun tiling at Mooie While the men were shooting al each other Mrs. Baldwin rushed between them, hoping to put an end to the fusilade. Before they could cense firing she fell to the floor with three bullets in her breast. She has since died. It is not known whether her husband or brother killed her. Moore was finally shot deud by Baldwin and the latter is now dying.—Ex. »■—— - .... . - THE POOR CANDIDATE. “Ah, my good friend,” remark ed the affaide stranger as he alighted and warmly shook the hand of an honest funner, “I am glad to meet you. You have a fine place here, good building and a well cultivated farm. How is the Wife and little ones ?" “Tole’rblc.” “Glad to hear it. By the way, Mr. Snoozenberry, I see you have no lightning rods, I want to sell you a couple for your house and—” “Am you a lightniu’ rod agent I” cried the old man with a look of relief. “Yes, sir.” “Gimme yer hand again, then— thank goodness it'sno worse. Coine into the bouse and sit down—l thought at first you was another candidate for some county office BITTEN BY A MAD DOG. THKKK rwusixs WAITING ON THE HYMITOMS OV UYDUOI'HOUIA. Eujjay, Ga.. December 11. There in a mud dog scare in tins vicinity About the first. of October a traveling dog, supposed to be mad, ciune from the direction of Dahlonega, passed through Ellijay and turned his course toward Murphy, N. C. At Curtccog, eight miles east of this place, Mr. Tom Tabor's dogs and onu of his hogs were bitten. Mr. Tabor at once fastened the dog up in a stable and pul the hog in a pen. The dog was killed while biting his feet, in two weeks after he was bitten, and the hog one morning, soon afterwards, while eating his breakfast, was seized with convulsions and du d at once. Mrs. Brown's dog created the biggest sensation. He bit a number of dogs and hogs and three persons here, and paid Turniptown this county, a visit, biting only canines while there. Most of the dogs which wt re bitten by Mrs. Brown's dog were kill ed immediately Mr. A. Bishop's large sow went wail yesterday ami is having tits now. Some of the family threw water on her and this only made her worse, so now when any one goes to see her they throw water on her and then she is at once thrown into convulsions. Mrs. Brown's little ■on was latten four weeks ago, ami also Bill Dupre*, Mr. Bob Craigu was bitten the same time, but the skiu was not broken. B.U Dupree tried a mad ■toue, and it remained ujkiu the wound three hours, adhering very ckwely. All three of the jiartus art* yet well, but considerable anxiety is felt for them.—Constitution. Ei-Got L H. Stephens' Cous'n, » J am find rouwln of tb« late Ei-Ouvsnior Al- ( rtandcr 1< Ht» ph< iw», and have Ixcn jxxita) clerk <»u different railroads since IMGH. For tt n years 1 bsve been a suffuror fi win a c<nc»» <>n my face, which gre w wurac until the dia c-barge of matter Im came profase and very offt-naivc. J became thoroughly disgusted with blood purifier* and pronounced them burubuga, a« I bad tried many without relief. Finally I was u.dured to nseß. B. 8., which j wa* abnnt the lat of febuary, and continued ite nw until the latter part <4 April Tin offeUfiive di*»«-harge decreased nt once and th< bar<ln«*MM around th- < am-er disappeared. li improved my genera) le-altb and I rapid x gamed flenh and *tr«-ngth. The discharge ' gradual!v decrt'AMcd and tu»- cancel became h-M ami h-aa in *i/4- until nothing remain* except a scar to tell the tale ofaonce dangeruiir cancer. All who have h- cn m< *in< <• I have t -oninunrol the tiar «d B B. B. bear t« Htmiony , ** my gf* at improvement, arid the scar on my [ 14< e mliowh that it cured the ranee r I find; B. B. B. con»< * squarely up to what it n» i . •inni’mb and I c annot aay too much in | praine of tin* wonderful medicine. I have tried th» m all, but B. B. B. ftanda at the top I a* a blood purifier. I he above i* copi« d from the Athena, (Ga;) Banner-Watchman, being the voluntary language of Mr. James A. Greer, which editor <hmtt indoia* •*: ■ .M I. (».ei r IH U! |i<»liert Upright VltiZ’ll •! Athri a, who h id a bad cancer, and hi* numer oils fnemla thoughtthat h« could not jiv. very | long, a* the cancer wm gradually Happing the foundation of hi* constitution, but now I <hf well and hearty.” •2 IzainM IS. Re viral phy*-i’-iam» have pronounced my blood j i -n, caiiMcd by paint or levl ti t' •. j tent, but th*-y could not < me me. J.a* nummei I U*ed right* • n bottb * of a largely .v«|\erti*ed blood m< diciiie, which did mu no ' more good than no much water. 1 have uned onlv two bottb *of B. B. B. and am proud to nay that I base received greater Im mMt from th’m than from the • , hteen, and am now rapidly recovering. Time in no <|Ui Hti"ii about the sup< nonty of B. B. B. over i i II bb”'d remedies. 215 Reynolds street. W. 11. Woody, j Augueka, Ga., April 2iat, IKXG, AH who deeir’ full • formation about tb> i cau*e and cure of Blood l’<>i; iin, Hcrotula ami i bcrofuloua Swelling*, I le« I*, Kort *, Bhetinia I hem, Kidney <'onqdarntM, <'atari h, etc., can HK-urc by mail, free, a copy ol our 32 page ' llluntruted Book of Wonder*, filled with the I moHt wonderful and Htartling proof ever before , ;known Addrewi, BLOOD BALM ( 0.. Atlanta, < a , Sheriff's Sale. GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. VYTILL be wold b’f-c th< Court Houwe \\ door in Appling on the 1 ir*t Tur*dav ; 1 in January, IKM7, between the legal houra of i I Male, all that tract or parcel of land in said 1 State and county, containing 4<mi acre* more or Iv-hm, and bounded by land* of .J. M. Clark Son* on the rant. W. J. Hrggie and other* oa ! the Mouth, went and north by land* of Dr. Htri ‘ uer. Levied on a* the property of Geo. W. Gray, a* admim*trator of Dr. J. Maddux, late of mid county deceased, to *ati*fy a ti. fa. ie- Mtied from the September term of Columbia ' Superior Court in favor of J. Minor Luko, ! guarilian, and ]H>intrd out byGeo.W. Gray, ad- i i miniHtrator Levy made and legal notice acrv- | ed according to law, thin 2‘>th day of No- ! vember, IHHG. L. L, MAGBUDEK, Deputy Sheriff. Eb. T. Williams, Attorney at I_<a.w AUGUSTA, GA. (Office over Commercial Bank.) Will practice in all the Court* of the Au , gu*ta Circuit. • *•( liiiin* for collection a Hpvcialty. i fel»2M-d To Rent Two fiohls, both partly within the limits of Harlem, known usthe Powell A Harly ami the Murray fields, 27 bales of cotton were made on the former last year. Apply at this office. Heferenee. !•’. H. Powell and Oliver Hardy. For Salt* or Rent I sill mil or rent my property at Harlem on ret »nab)e h • For Particular*, call on Mr. 11. A. Cook. J W. KEENER. To Owners of Buggies- 13 MNI’ your Buggy and make itlookalmoat MN good UK |KM. I.CMN tliUll I I Will tit l the job. (’ •me and ace the new Paint and Varniah combined. One coat ix all that t* ne rvKxary. No Varnishing. The Paint leave* a b-illunt glo«x \V< have Raven Black, Bril hunt Vermillion, Garnet and Coach Gr<»< it BEALL A BAVENKHIT, Drugs, <H2 Broad Street. Castorine. \ CHEAP preparation of Castor Oil, for greaxinp \\ich. Castor Oil ix known to be the bext \vie Grvaxe on earth. Itx expen aivruexx deters many from uning it. Cahtorini meets a long felt want Cheap, 0n... fl a gal lon. Alao the brut Engine Oil on earth, only I OOcvutxa gallon. BEALL A DAVENPORT, Drugs, 612 Broad Street. Tar and Cherry. E confidently r« c-<nimvnd thix article \\ tor Cough* It will cure thr ahnje family. Why aufler with a Cough, whengyou c n get Tab and Cherra Made only bv ux. P.eauant to take, 25 cent* and 11 bottle*. * BE ALL & DAVENPORT, Drus», 612 Broad Street. For sale in Harlem at the live Drug Stores of’ Dr. I). I, I‘eeplesand Dr. W. Z. Holliday I'ry this simple cough syrup. THIS PAPER iSSS Xrvrwpaper AS’rvrtUlna Bureau ( W S|vniee BtA 1 ~"x NEW YORK. jKM. > TUP I I BURNER VAPORSTOVE E9 ■. bj j A Perfect Jewel. Buy no other. For sale by all First-Class Dealers. If your, doea not Keep it Bond postal to us. Send for copy of Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 707 to 713 Wash. St., St. Louis, Mo. CEO. F. CHILD Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. EW These two cuts Y>sliow the Chair in extreme positions, it ‘ 8 cat, ny adjust- C( 1 to support the A/f/ body in any and desired posi tions. This Chair is a NEW invention. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE. And THE Cha'r for Home, Invalid and Physician use. As a Parlor Rocking Chair it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. XjbOOK OUT FOR I. €. LEVY’S Great Tailor Fit Clothing Store. The largest and'best stock of CLOTHING AND HATS a Augusta. A Tailor in the store to make alterations needed free of charge. I. C. LEVY, 836 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. FALL OPENING AT MASONIC TEMFRE. Ol R Ht’wk i* noxv complete in every department, ami casual or careful inspection will show it to be the handsomest and U st aborted over slioun in this section. in announcing that arc thoroughly prepared for the Fall Trade, we will not go into de : acriptive details about the goods, but simply say that everything Novel, Elegant and Fashion able'in the Dry Goods Line can be seen on our counters and shelves. Thu st’ick includes every thing from low-priced, substantial goods to the very finest manufactured at home and abroad. We give a standing unqualified guarani. -»n prices against every market in t’: United States, and anyone who, doubts our ability to do this is earnestly napmsted to put the matter to a practical test. Every guarantee we oiler will be fully mamtaim •!. Whether you are ready to purchase at present or not, we cordially invite you to* call and » xamine the stock. Samples sent on application. In ordi ring goods or samples, phase specifv the kind of goods desired, and whether the nearest we have will do if we have not the exact thing ordered. BA LY & AMCTWK, Broad ar d Kilis treet’-, Augusta, Ga. •m £A?£ DE DEUimn and 6‘29 I3road St. 6N THE EUftSPEAS PiAS, Lor Ladies and Gentlemen. Home-like and attractive, just in the midst of the great trade centre of tl'.e city. XX e also have lodging in connection with the Bar and Restaurant.— You are expected to stop with us while in the city. Moss & Johnston, F*rop’trs. Terms Moderate. WEBSTER WAGON COMPANY Is closingout its business and HAS ON HAND a fine stock of OVER 4000! \ x -Of their Celebrated Thus Axle Wagons 1 .WSgWaJsy of all styles and sizes, which will be sold FARM WAGONS great reduction. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, 4 Wagon made from West Virginia Oak. Hickory, and Poplar, the best quality pro ■i->- curable, ami superior iu every particular to inferior grades now on tiie market. Embrace th, opportunity and save money. AH Waguus are warranted for one year. <w WEBSTER WACON CO., «nl. t. pno IM Inn MOUNDSVILLE, Marshall Co., W. V«. Stone Mountain Route GEOtUiIA BaILROAD COMPANY, ) ornct Gkx’l Masaomb. Av<iv»ta,Ga.. Sept 18th, IKHC. 1 C .mniencing Sunday, lIHh m.t , the fol luwins pa.aenger achcdnle will be operated: Train, ran bySOtk meridian time - 32minutca .lower than Ausnata time. No. 27—XX’kst—Daily. Leave Anguata 7 45 a ni Arrive at Harlem H 28 a ni Arrive at Wa.liiugtou 10 40a m Leave Waaliingtou 7 20 a in Arrive at Athene 12 35 p m Leave Athene 7 45 am Arrive Atlanta IMlpin Stop- at llrovetown, Harlem, Dearing,Thom eon, S-irwood. Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greeneeborv, Madiaon Rutledge, Social Circle. Covington, Conyere, Lithonia, stuue Mountain and Decatur. No. 28—East —Daily. ix-avr Atlanta 2 45 p m Arriv* it Atlif-n* 740 p in Leave Ath< ti* 2 50 pin Arriv< at V i*hington 735 pm L’-.tV' Wu*hiugt(m 420 p in kinveat Harlem 7 *22 p m • Aiigiinta 8 15 p m StopH at Decatur, Stone Motintian, Lithonia, ( ”ijverM, Covington. Social Circle, Hatledge, Ma<ii*on, Greeneaboro. Union Point, Craw fordville, Barnett, Norwood, Tbomaon, Dearing, Harlem, and Grovetown. No. I—W est —Daily. uXiave Auguata 10 50 a m Arrive Hark m 114 m am Arrive Camak 12 35 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4 26 p m Arrive at M icon 6 15 p m j Arrive at Washington 2 20pm ■ Arrive at Athena 5 <4O pm i Arrive at Atlanta. 5 45 pm No. 2—East—- Daily. Leave Atlanta 8 00 a m Leave Athens 900a pi Leave Washington 1120 am Leave Macon 7 10 a m j Leave Milledgeville 9 19am Leave t’ainak , 1 36 p ni Leave Harlem 2 33 p m Arrive Augn*ta 3 35 p m No. 3—West —Daily. Leave Augusta 9 40 p m Arrive Harlem 11 00 p ni ’Arrive Camak 12 13am Arrive Milledgeville 4 27 a m | Arrive Macon 6 46 a ni Arrive Atlanta 6 40 a ni No. 4—-East— Daily. Leave Atlanta 7 36 p in Leave Harlem 3 33 a in Arrive Augusta 5 00 a m No. 12—West. Leave Harlem 6 00am Arrive Auguata 7 20 a ni No. 11—East. Leave Augunta 4 30 p m Arrive Harlem. 6 10pm Superb Improved Bleepers to Macon Superb Improved Sleeper* to Atlanta. Trains No*. 1,2, 3 and 4 will *top if signaled at any *ch<-diiled Flag Station. E. R. DOSEY, .1. W. GREEN, Gen l .Manager. Gen. Pas* Agt. JOE W. WHITE, General Traveling Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga - W. E. 2ACIIRY £ CO; DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Notions 934 Broad Street, OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL. w, ldelmT 881 Broad Street- Augusta. Ga XX’holssaLE axd Retail Dealer In COOKING STOVES AND Os Best Patterns. I In stock 5 Car loads Cook and Heating Stoves. 500 Plain and Enambled Grates. 2 Car Load* Tin Brick. 250 B >n< s Bright and Roofing Tin. Tinware in great variety, very low at wholesale. P’O Bundies Sheet Iron, Sheet Zinc, Solder, etc. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stoves 17 different sizes in Stock. These stoves have been sold br us for 12 year* with satisfaction. Heating Stoves for churches, school houses, offices and dwellings for coal and wood. for circulars and prices. W. I. delph, H. P SMART. A«. SMART H. P. SMART & BRO. MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C. R. R. GA. MANUFACTURERS OF YELLOW FUSE LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber sawed to order, Dressed Lnmbor of every ‘descrip tion, Flooring Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Mouldings, Etc. Also Pine Staves and Shingles, Laths, Fence Pickets, Vege table and Fruit Crates. Steam Saw and Planing Mills and Store in Emanuel County, and connected with Midrib, bv private-Railroad and Telephone Lines. 1 MID Vi LE - - - - - Burke County, Ga. We Stand at the Head WITH THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC, SHSyriin Davis, Household jH NEW home > S ew W Machines, " NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Furnished Free 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machine* taken in exchange for above makes, to be sold a half value, $5, $lO, sls each, waarnted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines ’ of all make e paired. Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price List* to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, TlicfScwing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, G» The G-rea/t IIEALIAG AGENT, CURES Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Scrofula. Sore throat, Paralysis, Exhaustion, Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, DR. H. NI. CLEKLEY SO INI, 60 Hazel Street, CHARESTGN, S. C. Spring Millinery New and Beautiful Goods. h ia Kr^ C F AR F rCS ?^ filil T info ™« ’he Ladiee that her Spring opening wi 1 be held on W ednemUy and Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invites the enech :e“^b^ l^r gU9Uand VlCinit - V ' Her «-r«men-'ha<4 MRS. N. BRUM CLARK.