The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 16, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sentinel. THURSDAY AT HARLEM BBOBOIA. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN HARLEM. OA. t’{TRSDAY, DECEMBER 16 1886. ctiTand COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY COUNCIL. j w. BELL. Mayor. C W. ARNOLD. W. E. H ATCHER. W Z HOLLIDAY. jl'. FULLER- COUNTY OFFICERS. G D. DABNEY, Ordinary. G W. GRAY, Clerk and Treasurer. B IVEY. Sheriff. O HARDY. Tax Collector. J A. GREEN Tax Receiver. j. C. GOETCHIUB, Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge, No. 276 F. A. M.,meets 2d and 4th Saturdays. CHURCHES. Baptist—Services 4th Sunday. Dr. E. R. Cara w-11 * Sunday School every Sunday. Superin tpndent-Rev. J. W. Ellington. ' Methodist— Every 3rd Sunday. Rev. W. E. Uhu-kleford, pastor. Sabbath School every sXlav, H. A. Merry, Snpt. ® yfagistrate’e Court, 128th District, G. M., 4th H.tnrdav. Return day IS days before. W. B. Roebuck, J. P. Greensboro Home Journal: A couple of colored children were burned to death Saturday after noon. Their mother was absent after a bucket of water, and while she was gone they caught lire. Dr. Gheesling was called in, but too late to render any assistance. During winter the blood gets thick and slug gisli, now is the time to purify it, to build up i voursisteni and fit yourself for hard work, by using Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cor dial and Blood Pnnner. For sale bv all drug-ist. Waynesboro True Citizen : Two little bovs, the sons of Mr. J. W. Bell, who lives near the village of Alexander, were sent by Mrs. Bell to the post office and were given mom y with which to pur chase some gum camphor for their mother on last Wednesday. On their return home, the little fel lows were taken very suddenly ill, one of them going into convul sions. It was discovered that they had eaten some of the gum camphor. An emetic relieved them. —Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. II McLean’s Chills and Fever Cure by mild yet ef ectiveaction will cure. Sold at 50 cents a buttle For sale by all druggist. A few nights ago Maria Mitch ell, a negro woman, livin in the outskirts of Augusta, left her home and in it left her 5-year-old daughter Ada. A tire was lett burning and into it the child fell. Its screams brought in some neigh bors, who extinguished the flames, but not until the little thing had been horribly burned. Every- i thing possible was done to ease the child’s sufferings, but with only partial success. Hopes are entertained for her lecovery, but fatal results are possible. —Sick Headache, a sensation of oppression and dullness in the head, are very commonly produced by indigesTi nr, morbid despondency, irritdbility and over sensitiveness of the nerves may,a in* a majority ol cases, be traced to the same cause Dr. J. II McLean's Homoeopathic Liver and Kidney Balm and Fillets will kposi ti-vely cure. For sale by all druggist. The Rome Courier narrates that in the last thirty years there have only been ten times that the ground has been covered with snow three inches and more deep. 1856. There was a three-inch 6now; in 1867, three and one quarter inches; in 1872, three inches; in March, 1872, five and one-half inches; in 1876, three, inches; the heaviest snow that has ever before fallen was in 1877, when eight inches fell; in January 1882, three inches fell and in No vember of the same year four inches fill; on the 11th of Febnu ary, 1885, a three inch snow cov ered the ground. —Sick headache, i» the b ane of many evils I this annoying compaiut m;. be cured and! S revealed by the occasional use <»fDr. J. H. [cLeau’s Homojopatliif' Liver and Kidney Fillets, they are pleasant to take no larger than a pin bead, pnd are the ladies’ favorite for bil iousness, bad taste in the month, jaund for , leucorrhea and painful menstruation. For sale by all druggist. The finest fruit earth holds up to its Marker is a finished man. WEAKfUNDEVELOPED jaKTSof HL)DV ENM HGED.vEVEI/ ST iKSiii KhM-’li kic . n an in’»nM' i ng YWtpia n m'n our In r»ply to inqni- -av that >bur* i- r- -vidmeo of hnmhog •bnu* SEC On the coni rary, th" advpr* taers arw vary IHgteh ; n«lnrw»d, Ini- rwtad ufpv'ne may Rates of Advertising. I Ono inch, one insertion 1.00 I One inch, each subsequent insertion. 50 Quarterly, Semi-annual or Yearly contracts will . be made on liberal terms. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect charged for at advertising rates. No communication will be published unless I accompanied by the full name ami address ot I the writer These are not required for pnbli i cation, but as a guarrautee of good faith. All communications for the paper, and busi ness letters should be addressed to THE SENTINEL. Harlem, Ga GLOBE HOTEL. BroadJStreet. Corner Jackson Street. AUGUSTA, GA. -H-H-f-ePH-H-H- L. E. DOOLITTLE, PROPRIETOR PIIOPIIIETOU AI.SO OF the. Ai ousta Hotfx Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Table First Class in Every Particular. L- E. DOOLITTLE, Prop ietor- Large and well ventilated Rooms. Bates, $2 Per Day Centrally located, near Railroad crossing. Telegraph Office and Barbershop in the Building. Augusta Hotel, Restaurant and lunch Room, choice wines, liquors and cigars. Meals to or der at all hours. w~raT, Lease or Sale. THE TBIPPE PLANTATION Three miles from Harlem, good gin house and press, barn and stables, together with eight tenant house?. Apply at this office. - Home Council We take pleasure in calling your attention to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely through the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturbed at night with a sick, fretful, teething child, use Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the Dowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery and Diarrhma. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents jer bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale at Holliday’s Drug Store and Peeples Drug Store,Harlem,Ga., and by W. J Heggie, of Grovetown. I'MACHINERYjI Engines [STEAM & WATERS Boilers Uipe&Fittin I Saw Mills Brass Valve I Grist Mills SAWS" 8 Cotton Presses FILES g Shafting Injectors Pulleys Pumps Hangers Witter Wheels Cotton Gins Castings Gearing Brass & Iron A Full Stock of Supplie 8 , cheap and good. Belting, Packing and Oil At Bottom Prices and in stock for Prompt Delivery. gjjjr Repairs promptly done.“Wi (TEO R. LOMBARD A CO oundry, Machine and Boiler Work Is the Celebrated » Adjustable Reclining and Ftßg» flUfim With over FIFTY Changes I. ULI In OF POSITION. UllplH Um the 16,000 now is Ums A LUXURY that SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. THINK OF IT! A PARLOR, LIBRARY. SMOKING, RECLINING OR INVALID CHAIR. LOUNGE. FULL LENGTH BED. and CHILD'S CRIB, Combined, and Adjustable to any Position requisite for Comfort or Convenience. Send at once for one of our Catalogues. COMPLY, ' - 930 BROADWAY, REW YORK. i 8. PHINIZY. J. PHINIZY. J. TOBIN PHINIZY & CO. COTTO3NT FACTORS. New Standard Fire Proof Warehouse Augusta, Georgia. (JJTTiberal Advances on Consignments. GEORGE R. SIBLEY. ASBURY HULL. p. B. TOBIN 6KUGI 8. SHUT I C» M COTTON FACTORS. 847 and 849 REYNOLDS ST. Augusta, Gav FOSTER & DOUGHTY, COTTON FACTORS and COMPRESSORS, Augusta, - - - Oeorgia. • Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington. Twiggs, Calhoun and Taylor Streets, and connect ed with all the Railroads centering here by double tracks ex tending into our yards Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the bnninenn in all its detaile. nndto all who intrust u» with coneignmoutH we guarantee prompt and eatiefactory returne. Liberal advancch made on consignmenta. Drayage Both Ways Saved. OFFICE : 739 REYNOLDS STREET, Rooms for Several Years Occupied by Augusta Cotton Exchange. wTk Cotton Commission Merchant, 3 and 4 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. CONSIGNMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Charges as Low as any responsible house in the South. J.M.8l RDELL, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant CONTINUE BUSINESS AS HERETOFORE AT FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, No. 19 M’lntosh Street, • AUGUSTA, GA filay-Strict Attention to all Consignments and Prompt Remittances S. 11. MYERS, Cotton Commission Mei chant, 803 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Consignments —PROMPT RETURNS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED— Solicited. 1 THE LAMBACH Candy Manufacturing Co. XALSO DEALERS IN“ FINE FRENCH CANDIES Stick Candy a Specialty. 620 Broad Street, GEORGE F. LAMBACK. AUGUSTA GA. I” THEO. markw alters Steam Marble and Granite Works. . A ST « ’Dll LOWEfUMARKET- -XJ • i-.* .L, AUGrUbTA, G-a. r'/'L Marble Work, Domestic A Imported, IwT / -^5/v7 ) T low nicKH. fig AriSQBQIf .■%»-«.,£/ > Georgia ami Fontli Carolina Granitr Monn f- ""nt :i ‘'l'’ ,lal, y A large .election of MARBLE and GRAN -B*o I li.-M' I: I-. n 1... n<l, for 1.1.'1 18.. r<->*jx ; n. T ivvnv maiUd to forth»Mtroabtaa,«nd aJI Qtubeka. ■ ERiririf- V tiento a Urge proportion Abv wbow. on!/aim IjtobiM'l thwlrvio- Jk. XMMbI-of whom took Take a RL’R£R«MXr>T that ham ment and were rMtored to health by qm of HED tMmtMrxb, nM >nt»rfrre SEMINAL PASTIL!IS.Y&?“a^" ; 4 W«ffe>innrefor NermneTMtHllty wirntlflg medical prinripfoa. fey direct Weakueea endPbyvt cel Decay f n Yoons or Mid-Ue of diaaew ha epecifle die Axed Men. Tested for Eight Years in Infloanre l« felt without dHay. The notnral thooMnd eaeee they abeoioteiy restore n»ocUor.»of the human organism reetored. The aged and broken down men to the full enjoyment of watted animating elementa of life ar* yi ven bark,the patient perfect and full Mani yfitrength and Vigorous Health. becoDuoe cheerful and rapidly gaine hot hetrength and baaith. TREATMENT.-Ou Unth, »3. Tw, 11m. 45. Ti™, r. HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mf'gChwnirt., 1 jqUAL PAUXAGB FKBB.with niart d W T«nth StrMt, ST. LOUI», MO. •VFTUWIO FfMSOWS OM hmrt FRM Trial of our AppHanot. A«k for Tormrt MY TAMAHIU, HEADQUARTERS FOR Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Finding BJELTIJSTG-. The Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. ■ o:- Tidings of Comfort and Joy T<> those who have been wn-nelwd aud jerked about bv so-called road carts. We now offer the most delightful vehicle, with FINEST wheels and axles for 7 $35.00. Try one mid »Hvo jour health. Every man who owns t hone, or wiahei to train » soli shsuld have one, aa the price is within the reach of all. DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AUGUSTA, GA JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR C-A-ZRZE’KIT STOCK From 713 to 714 Broad Street (South hide) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. D. Smythe’s (’rockery Store. WE will continue to rcll an < tn, urtidus, Window Shades and Hours Furniabiwr Goods at greatly reduced prices “FOR 81‘OT ASH” or thirty days time, city acceptance. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS . 714 BroaJ Street (.South Side), Augusta, Gu. WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRY I Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. HAVING pnrohaeed F A BItAHE’B ENTIRE HT<|( K OF JEWELRY and con.ol|dato< with it he elegant Ht.iek formerly carried by m. at mv old atand under the Central Hotel, 1 now offer at reduced i.rieiH the handHonieat abxk of Jewelry. Silverware, A<- , ever a.a. ia thia city, at my NEW HlOlll'., Corner Broad and Seventh Street., and familiarly knows an “Brahe’s Corner.” Mr. BRAHE will remain with me, and will bo pleased to see bis friends. WILLIAM SCIIWEIGEHT, Jeweler, 702 Broad street j Owners of Water Power Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Burnham Water Wheel .zjSqßl, 1 ’or Georgia and South Carolina, I nrn prepared to offer (gjjkjcfe qwial itidmu rnoiitH to particH wildling to put iu water wheels, am also prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re pa j r . Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, GA. JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MAN UFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BLINDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, I Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga. THE MARKHAM? BEST HOTEL ' IN 0 THE 0 SOUTH ! | Quiet, Dignified. Homelike. Best Atten tion. M 3 g nificem Table. Reasonable Rates