The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, August 26, 1887, Image 2

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910 BXZWABO Will be paid to any one, who will flrre.t and deliver to me at my place, or the Sheriff of Columbia county, a negro man, tiua. Blanchard, age about 25 years, dark brown color, smooth face, stammers slightly, shows the white of his eyes very much, eyes large, weight about 165 lbs., who nt tempted mid threatened tn kill my son Eugene Blanchard. Think he is on the Georgia Railroad, as he was Seen lust going in that direction. T. A. BLANCHARD, Cluese, Ga. ZREZtSTT A good 6 horse Farm for five years, with privi'edgc to increase it to 8 horse farm for same rent. On the place is a good dwelling Louse with 7 rooms, cook room and pantry; a well of water in the yard and garden. 3 new framed tenant houses with four rooms each, convenient to good springs and gardens. Also two smaller houses two rooms each. The land is well adapted to all kinds of crops grown here. It is fenced off into four fields with good average fences. I will also rent four hundred acres of pasture land, well watered with springs and branches. Also my Saw Mill on Uchee creek with everything in good order for work. Also, gin house, gin and press in good order. FOB BAX* On the farm a thoroughbred Stallion, two thoroughbred brood mnres and colts and a young mule, twelve head of thoroughbred and graded Jcrrey cattle, sheep, goats and hogs Also one four horse wagon, one two horse wagon, one dump cart and all kinds of plows and impliments for farm use. Apply to T H. PASCHAL, On the farm 2J miles from Grove town. (ill R. It. Aug. 9th, 1887. Harlem Institute FORJ Boys and Girls. Fall Term opens September sth and closes December tilth, 1887. TUITION . When paid in monthly installments in advance— First Class per monthsl 50 Second " “ 1 80 Third “ “ 230 Music “ “ 350 No reduction for absence, except in eases of protracted sickness. We would emphasize the importance of pupils entering at the openi g of the session, and also of regularity in at tendance. Wo shall endeavor to promote the best interest of every pupil intrusted to our care. Pupils can attend .Sabbath School and Church every Sabbath. At the opening of the fall term, we will occupy our new, commodious, and well arranged Academy—an ele gant building, ami admirably adapt ed to school purposes The location of our village is lie dthy and society good. The mor als of our place will compare favor ably with that of any other in the •State. The School will be provided with a full and competent corps of teachers. The music department, will be in «barge of Mrs. D. E. Galin, a eompe tint, ami thorough teacher. Board from $lO to sl2 per month For particulars address the Princi ) al. J. W. Ellington. Harlem. Ga , August 2, 1887. W/\ INFORMATION PCKBON* a< •<•<*••• y\Af Z|| H I 5 Infer front X. ✓ HrarfarAw. I WHIHI IJ I‘l W / •'«•“' <il(H<», k L'M-wm.itfam, Ik ; .>>»> in tht FwL limb*, Baek ami I W. / tildei, Had Blood, I nd ideation, liffopepaia, 9Kalarla,Conatijeation d Kidnejt irmblea. —-VOLINA CORDIAL CURES RHEUMATISM, B*d Bl<m*l and Kidney Trout Im. by <leana<ng the W<w*4 of all Ha liupuritiaa, atreu<t henluf all parts Os the body. —-VOLINA CORDIAL CURES SICK HEADACHE. Wevralfla. rains in Iht Ural*, Back and Side*, by toning the nervea and auva/thentng the muaclaa. -——VOLINA CORDIAL CURES DYSPEPSIA, In!lfw*th»n and OnMipallon, by aiding the awlm- Hating of the Food through the proper action vs tba Momath ; It creel re a healthy apprute. —-VOLINA CORDIAL CURES NERVOUSNESS, IVprr«'i n of spirits M-l Weahueea. by enltree ing and toning the system. —-VOLINA CORDIAL CURES OVERWORKED and TV I lente Women. Puny and Rickie Children. It is delightful und uuiriUttii as a prneral Tonic. Holina Almanac and Diary for IKRT. K ! <n.iM'n<e complete E useful Book trill ng how to ( IKK K \SES at lIdMK lan pleaaant. natural war. led on receipt of a Sc. postage stamp. Address VOLINA DRUG a CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMOKK, MO.. U. «. A. THIS PAPER “J Newspaper • Ivrrtuing UurvatHlO Spruce sl\ ™Vs NEW YORK. ÜB.S.M.H, THE CREAT PIANOIOKAN DEPOT OF THE SOUTH I i 1 .iwgia * *IM! § a <s * s ” WwW BSM fl * <o <& ° I I SEEING In bßlterlnff. Behold MM we are. Immense ! it ie. Mid all nned in oar own M’inic and Art PIANOS AND ORGANS in which we lead *ll. and SAVE buyers from Si2 s to 850 on each Instrument told. LIVE HOOK! Riwhtyouara. Diiie’i blat in* inn don't even wilt us one bit. MF* Bee our GRAND SUMMER SALE Commencing Jane 1. 1,000 PIANOS and OK<• ANS to be ru»ld by Oct. 1. Splendid Bar gains I Prices way down. Terms earner than ever. PIANOS SB to SIO Monthly. ORGANS S 3 to SB Monthly. BETTER YETI SPOT CASH PRICES, with credit until Mor. 1. Mo Monthly Pay ments. Mo Interest. Buy in Juno, July, August, or September, and pay when crops come in. Writ. tor Circular.. REMEMBER Lowest Prices known.' Easiest Terms possible. Finest Instruments Fine Stools and Covers! All Freight Paid. Fifteen Days' Trial. Full Guarantee. Square Dealing Aiwa,a, «a* Money Saved. Writ, to LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. DODGE’S C.C. C.C- Certain Chicken Cholera Cure. Eight yearn of careful experiment and paiiiH taking ri ht arch have resulted in the diacovery of an infallible Hpeeitlc for the cure and pre vention :»f that moat fatal and dreaded enemy of the feathered tribe Cholera. After the fullest and fairest ted® pcmiiibio, in which every claim for the remedy wan fullv Hubhtantiatud. tin- remedy wan placed upon the market, and everywhere a Mingle trial haa been all that waa ; required to prove it a comnlete hucccbs. The ! direction* for itu nae are plain and wimple, and the coat of the remedy aoainall that the waving <>t ,1 Hlliglt tow-1 Will r< iax the < XprUHe. JtH edi ct in almoat magical. If the remedy ia j given hh directed, the courae of the di*eat«e ia i wtopped at once. Given occasionally a« a pre ventive, there need l»e no fear of Cholera, which annually kills more fowls than all other dieeiiHrKcombined It is ti ne to nam« , a <’cr , tain Cure for Chicken Cholera. No poultry raiauror farmer can afford to be without it. It will do all that in claimed for it. Bead the fol lowing testimonial : HTATE OF GEORGIA, Depabtment of Aohicui.ture, Atlanta, Ga.. March 19, 1887 To the Public : The high character of the testimonial* produced by Mr. Dodge, together with Ins well known reputation for truth and veracity, afford convincing evidence of the high value of the Chicken Cholera Cure he is now offering iq>on the market. Isl were en gaged in the business, 1 would procure a l»ot tle of his medicine, little doubting the success that would attend its administration. Yours trulv, J T. HENDERSON, Coni’r of Agriculture. Price 25c. Per Package, Manufactured Exclusively by n, r t>ODc:e: No. 62 Frazier Street, - - - - Atlanta, Ga For Sale by all Druggists. SINGT.E PACKAGE BY MAIL 8-1 CENTS Also breeder of the l»est variety of thorough bred Chickens, of which the following are the names ami prices of eggs for setting. Chickens in trios and breeding pens for sale after Sep tember Ist, INN7 : l. ingshans 12.60 per setting of 13. Plymouth Rocks2.oo per svttirg of 13. Whit. Face Black Spanish 2 00 per setting of 13. Houdans 2.00 per setting of 18. Wvandottv 2.00 per setting of 13. Silvers. Hamburgs .2 00 pvr setting of 13. Anivr’n Dominique. ... 2.00 per setting of 13. Whin Leghorns 1.50 per setting of 13. Black Leghorns 1.50 per setting of 13. Brown per setting of 18. Gameß.oo per setting of 18. C. C. C. C. for sale by G. M. Reed, Harlem, Ga, and W. J Heggie, Grovetown, Ga. XcMuk Os lupsti fiibMi A Sa»<kno ilk L t IN EFFECT RVNDAY, MAT 18, 1887, 4.53 s. in., city time. SUNDAYS I'aim*. ngers Only. > No t A. M. No.». ’ A. M Lv SaiMlenville 5 51 Lv August* 8 14 Ar Anguet* 10 13 Ar Sandersville 12 44 No. 3 r. M. No. 4 T. M. I.v s*n,lcr»ville 2 51 Lv Auciim* 8 15 Ar Auguet* 713 Ar S*uder»ville 741 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT -Except Sun<hv. No. 1. A. M No. 2. A. M. Lv s*uder»vile 4 53 Lv August* 7 18 I Ar Augusta 900 Ar S*uderavill<i 118 ! No 3 A M. No. 4. A. M Lv SandersviUet 05 Lv August* 514 Ar Augneta 800 Ar Sandersville 919 I'hwH connection with E*i>t and We»t at An gus- 1. connection vi* 8. AT. Railroad with central aad branch.'# at Sanderaville. R. M MITCHFLI. Freaidan*. JESSE THOMPSON & CO, MANUFACTUREILS OF DOORS, SASH i ELIIIIDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN J WINDOW GLASS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE, PLANING MILL and LUMBER YARD, Hale Str. et, Near (Central Railroad Yard. Augusta, Georgia. Standby Those Who Stand bvYou. We have now completed arrangements for a sale of Popular Fall and Winter Styles at prices that make us the Friend of every Economical Buyer. We keep the best qualities, styles and assortment in ARTtSTW FtiRNITiHtE AND BOQSBBOLB JHOBBTWHS a See our remarkably complete and elegant New Stock —Cash bought it —and LOW PRICES WILL SELL IT. Our Specialty—To please our customers. Our Aim—To save Money for our Patrons. Our Intention—To do better by You Than Any One Else. Stand up and Tell Ut if you can whore goods can be bought cheaper for none arc allowed to undersell mn 708 and 710 Broad St., AUGUSTA, CA. - 1887 AT OTTO W. MARSHALL’S ’ MERCHANT TAIMB 307 7th Street, near post office. Having received my complete Spring and Summer Stock consisting of Foreign ard Domest ’ Woolens, such as CawKimeres, Worsteds, Cheviots, Corkbcrcxvs, Tweeds. Etc. Am now read to make them up in Gents suits at very piw figures. Fit and workmansnip warranted undo j all ' AerFor business wear try one of nty sls Flannel Suits “XtSa SPRING STOCK. I have the best assortment of Ladies and Gents’ Spring and Summer Shoes 1 to be found in Augusta. I Special attention paid to the “common sense” style of Shoe for ladies and \ gentlemen. 1 have the best assortment of Gents’ STRAW aos At Reasonable Prices, to be found iu the city. I wish my patrons to bear , in special rememberance the following facts, viz : I keep no shoddy stock. I permit no misrepresentation of goods. In any case where goods fail to come up to what might reasonably be ex i pected of them I will make the defiency good to the customer. Polite attention to all customers is guaranteed. Orders by mail will receive careful and prompt attention The readers of the Sentinel are respectfully requested to give me a call when in Augusta. : . A. ©©OLIBV, 722 Broad Street,Opposite the Monument • . . ..... Home Council | We take pleasure in calling your I attent.on to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely through the stage of teething. It is an incalculable Messing to mother and I child. If you are disturbed at night with a sick, fretful, teething child, use Pitts' Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the bowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents jer bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale at Holliday’s Drug Stor* ■ and Peeple’s Drtig Store,Harlem, Ga and by W J. Heggie, of Grovetown. If ‘out of sorts' with beadache, stomach Inorder, torpid liver, pain In back or aitir. con stipatiou. etc .neglect l>e fatal. One does ot btrMur'a Saaativa I*lUa will gtve rebel, A f-w d<“»» restore t" n»w health an* Tirw. Most economical and durable. Cheapest in 1 th.v market, quality considered. The CELE BRATED FARQUftAK SA W MILLS and EN GINES and STANDARD IMPLEMENTS GEN ERALLY. Send for catalogue A. B. FARQUHAR, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, Ta. Dr, J>, L r Peeples, Harlem, Ga. OWING to my many patrons, and a still broader field before me, I have determin ed to offer my services as a General I’racti tioner at most liberal terms. D. L. PEEPLES, M. D. For Good JOB PRINTING —GO TO THE— SENTINEL OFFICE READ THIS FROM T. A. SCOTT, NO. 1 and 2 Brick Row THOJVISOTV. QA. ’ Who has just returned from the Northern markets where he has been looking after th interest of his friends and customers in se lecting an elegant stock of goods, consisting DEY GOODS, MOTIONS Boots, Shoes and Grocgries, All of which he will sell at low prices. Call on him and be convinced. Q Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Burnham Water Wheel For Georgia and South Carolina, I am prepared to offer xtiEUTT inducements to parties wishing to put in water wheels. am so P re P are( l do any kind of Mill Vork, neworre pair. Correspondence solicited. CRAB F. 10MBAS0, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THEO. MAHKWALTER'S Steam Marble and Granite Works « BROAD ST.,’,HEAR LOWER IHHET. JkLT G-TJSTA, Ga. Marble AVork, Domestic A Imported AT LOW PH ICES. Georgia and South Carolina Granite Mono mente made a specialty. A large selection of MARBLE and GRAN ITE WORK alwavM on band, readv for LET TERING and DELIVERY. STILL LEADING THE VAN. THE NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE. 728 Broad street, Augusta, Ga., Under Central Hotel. 4 Having just opened my Spring and Summer Stock, the largest and raos fashionable iu the city, I cordially invite the ladies of Columbia ami ad joining counties to call, see for themselves and obtain prices before purcha s ing elsewhere. Miss Nellie Purcell. w. s . jessup. (Sign Red Front.) GEO - L WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Stoves and Ranges, Fireplace Heaters ! Furnaces, Tinware and Heuse-Furnishing Goods. Sole agents for the U ebrated “Favorite” Cook Stoves, conceded by all to be the best Stove e Tf[ ' made. Roofing, Guttering, Spouting and Repairing done iu the best r-a --; tier by the best mechanics. 832 Sroftd Sireeit Read I Read! Read! I have the Agency for the CELEBRATED Daniel Pratt Gin. Address or call on me at) Harlem and I will save you money in the purchase of a strictly first class Gin, Feeder, and Condenser. The Daniel i Pratt, gins rapidly, clean and j makes a good sample. All Gins warranted. O. HARDY, Agt. Harlem, GaJ FOR SALE and RENT My property in Harlem, Ga. Address me at Tunnel Hill, Ga. | J. W. KEENER. OUR WORKS Are Running BY STEAM, And Ready To SERVETHEPUBUC W ill Cast every day, as usual give best attention to Orders. Geo- R. Lombard&Ca. Foundry, Machine and Boil** Works. Also Mill, Engine and Gin Supply House- WEAKHJNDEVELgE p_, ft is ~t th.H C M S BODY tlpHl, —TO-nt on, re— ■■> "°r |'l*' , “ fjuj 1 --.11 that tlt.r. 1. °° »ho.n th'*- <'n th. r " n ' r * rT y* i„l,|,—l. ftrmhr* giving al ‘ t>>rt ], e ?, ,1 r . ■