The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 20, 1887, Image 3

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“A THREE TIME WINNER." Ha. Haninn Low Ilia Grltrt-PMUaoph. The defeat of “Ned' 1 Hsnlah by Tee Wier nt Toronto in August indicates the ‘Viid of the glory" of tire doughty champion. He has sustained Ins record with admirable pluck and sac-ess, but the tremendous strain of yearsof training must Certainly some day Hind its limit. Apropos ot.thf* We recall the following in ten sting reminiscence of aquatic annals: On a Ims. bright day in August, IST!, an ■excited ttm'tit ude of 15,000 to 20,000 persona bned the shores of the beautiful Kenclieenssis, ■oner St. John. N. 8.. attracted l>y a four Mared race between the femvus Paris crew Os that city and a picked English creWfor ♦5.000 and tte championship of the World. Wallace Roan, the present renowned oars man. pulled stroke for the Blue Nose creW, and •’ Jim 1 ' Renforth. champion Sculler and swimmer of England and of the wwld, was stroke in the English shell. Excitement was at fevMr that. But three Imndrod v-ftrds of the course had tieeu covered wl*U the Englishmen noticed rhat the rival* T. ere creeping away, -Give a dozen, Jim.' 1 said ffljo Veteran Hairy Mjlly. ex-champion of tftigiand, who was pulling No. S oar. can’t boyM, trii said Renforth, •and with these be fell furward, an in animate Imai, ih the boat. “He has been poisoned by’ book melw>-« ■was the cry. and belief. Everything that science Ar? skill could suggest for Ills restoratPdi 'was tried; but litter terrible strwgf*!* IJt agony, the strong <rnan, the flow the athletes and pride of bis countl’yTV.dA-, passed away. The was analyzer! but no sign ot trace ‘fff poison could' be found th»i*!h, vhomgh general examination showed A very •rtnsnge condition ot the blood hbd the life giving ami health prererrttt£ Organs caused by years of unwise tfaWihg. While tl:e mus cular development Was perfect the h art and Jsid’.ieys wore luadly congested. The whole system was. therefore, in just that state when the most simple departure from ordinary living and exertion war. Os momentous consequence. His wMmdUrful strength only made his dying pti'i-nkv sms more dreadful and the fatality Wire* < urtiiin. Hanlan is now in A'ffistrMia. Beach, cham-' pion of that cdimtlry, is a powerful fellow, who probably Understands the liability of athletes to death from over-training, the •effect thereof being very serious on the heart, Wood and kidneys, as shown fey poor Renforth’s sudden death. Within the past three years lyes has taken particular care of himself, and when train ing. always reinforces the kidneys and pre vents blood congestion in them and ’the con sequent ill effect on the heart by using War tier's safe cure, the sportsman’s universal favorite, and says he "is astonished at the great benefit.” Harry Wyatt, the celebrated English trainer of athletes, who continues himself td beone of the tlnestof specimens of rnan'Rocid and one of the most successful 'Of trairftirs, writes over his own signature to th® English S;iorfinri Life. September sth, stiyi'.'ig: '■[ consider 'A arner's safe cure invaluable for all training purposes nml outdoor exercise. J have been in the habits? using it foralon • time. 1 am satistlgd. that it pulled mo through when notbr .g else would, and it is alwaysa three-Ji-', le winner’” Beach s and Wvatt's method of training is sound and p’uould be followed by all. Boisterous Little King. The baby king of Spain, having reached the mature age of 17 mouths was •at hand at the opening of the Cortes. His royal legs being vet two weak to support him with the dignity becoming a mon arch, he sat on his mother’s knee during the drive from the palace, and on enter ing the fortes was handed over to a buxom and gorgeously attired Astrunan nurse. His majesty resented the change Uy grabbing at his nurse’s hair and her gold and-silyer bangles. They managed to pacify him, however, and he allowed himself to be taken into the senate house without a protest. Here there was a •mighty gathering of princes, grandees, wtnoassadors and legislators, many su perbly apparelled and blazing with dec orations and jewels. His rnaj sty did rot seem to like the look of things, and commenced to whimper. The queen, looking regal indeed in black velvet robes and diamond coronet, had him placed in the nurse’s arms alongside of her on the throne dais. He stopped whimpering for a while, and kept his big eyes fixed on his royal mother’s cor onet., but when the queen commenced to read her speech in a dignified and meas ured tone to the grand assembly, King Alfonso XIII, possibly thinking he was being,scolded, protested audibly. The gorgeous nurse strove to pacify him and needed for a moment. When, how ever, reference was made to Spain's cor dial relations with other powers, his majesty sobbed loudly, and the sobbing developed a howl as his mother spoke of her friendly feelings to the sultan of Morocco. Happily' at this crit ical moment King Alfonzo’s eye was caught by the glittering decorations on the breast of old Marshal Concha, upon which he gazed in silent ecstasy until the ceremony had concluded. Then when the queen got into her carriage and c ear of all the grand people, she hugged the baby and said he had been a good boy, just as any other mother would have done. k ‘Thp Proper Study of Nlnnkind is Ainu*” pays the illustrious I-ope. If he had included woman in the list he would have been nearer the truth if not so poetical. Dr. K. V. Pierce has made them both a life study, especially woman, and the peculiar derangements to which Jier de icate system is liable. Many women in the land who are acquainted with Dr. Pierce only through his “Favorite Prescrip tion,” bless him with all their hearts, for lie lias brought them the panacea for all those chronic ailments peculiar to their sex; such as leucorrhoea, prolapsus and other displace ments, ulceration, “internal fever,” bloatinir. tendency to internal cancer, and other il- , mei Is. Price reduced to one dollar. By drug gists. A foggy day in London caused the consump tion of 5,000,000 feet of gas more than usual. We would be pleased to know of a man or wo- ' man who has n,ever had headache or l>een sub- ■ ject to constipation. As these seem to be uni versal troubles a little advice may be in order. Why should persons cram their stomachs with nauseating purgative pills, etc., which sicken and debilitate, when such a pleasant and sterling remedy as Prickly Ash Bitters will act mifdly and effectively on the liver, kidney,stomach and bowels, and at the same time toiie up and strengthen the whole system, . causing headache, constipation, and all such distressing evils to quickly disappear. Itching Piles. Xnmytf»n? Moisture; in tense itching and stinging; worse hv scratch ing. If a Inwed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, be* owing very sore. Swayne’s Ointment stop the itching Mid bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors. It is equally efTv a cions in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE &■ SON. Proprietors, Phila. By mail for 50 cents. Swayne’s Ointment for sale by druggists. Conan tn pf ion >urrlv Cured. To the Editor-. Please inform your readers that J have a po&iti’-e remedy for the above named dises u*. By its timely use thousands or bcpeleas cases have been permanently cured. *hall be glad to send two hotties nt mv remed - FREI toanv of your readers wain have con h. m ption if thev will seno me tiieir Express a-nd P. O. address Respectfully. T. A SLOCUM. M.C.. 181 Pearl 8U N- > If afflicted with ore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Rye- water. Druggists sell at 25c. per bottle. Wottren** Intitatamiitjr. Ib'cMat® of Indiana has a separate . J t ison for females, which is under wo l man’s management. It has U-en suspe. t cd that great indignities and cruelties « ere heaped upon the inmates and a re . < investigation shows that the stories have not been at all exaggerated. A witness before the investigating commit tee ol the Legislature said : “t cohid i ' tell you things which would hiake the ' cry bait stand on vour head how the ; i Poor gMs are knocked down, hand cuffed, bucked and gagged and thrown I into a little dark, damp cell and kept theie for a week, two weeks, three weeks on four slices of old bread and two cups of water a day and three or four old com forters to lie on.” Atrocious. The most inhuman punishment of a 1 child by its parents ever brought to light in this country, was in the case of a small eolored boy of Bostttn, Mass., who was , exarAiwid by the municipal court of that City. The boy was punished for going skating without permission, by beilig placed with his bare feet Upon a ho't stove until his soles were blistered. The father confessed the atrocious deed, but seid t.iat he was compelled to do some thing to keep the child at home. «... __ A PROMINENT MERCH ANT WRITES. I Wa» Bound t. K<i«i> Trvinx ... Lang a. Life Lasted. Worthville, N. Y„ Sept. 19,1887. Pr K ilmer, Dear Sir—l wrote you some tim*j Ago about my c ase,without the least faith that you could do anything for me, as I had six dif ferent physicians and got no relief,and WaA re peatedly told that Icon d nnt bj Ciit d, bdt I was b >und to keep trying as long aslifelaste 1. I was urgedj&y my wife td write you about my case, ns I did intho J/prihg. You wrote me to ' try Vdnr Swamp-Boot Kidney, Liver and Blad der cure. I tksed it as directed and the result was, before I had taken the third bottle I was j entirely cured, and have been gaining ever since. My cas? was a Hemorrhage of the Blad der, wh ch had been draining my life fdr two years, and I can say to-day that I cm ent, sleep and work better than I have before iii twenty years. I say God bless j du, and may the af flicted do as I have done. Us? Swamp-Root and he htaldd. Yours truly, GEO. D. MACOMBER. Don’t neglect early symptoms. At druggists SI.OO per bottle, 6 bottles $5.00, or by express, Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y. A Cal. tramp fired a lot of railroad ties that he might goto prison and learn a trade. A Wonderfnl Food and Medicinr, Known and used by physicians all over the world. Scott’s Emulsion not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its own nutritious | properties, but creates an appetite for food j that builds up the wasted body. “I have been [ using Scott’s Emulsion for several years, and i am pleased with its action. My patients say | it is pleasant and palatable, and all grow 1 stronger and gain flesh by the use of it. 1 use ' it in all cases of wasting diseases, and it is ape- , cially useful for children when nutrient medi- I cation is needed, as in .Marasmus.”—!'. W. i Pierce, M. D„ KnoxvilU, Ala. The importation of stiver ore from Mexico to I El Paso, Tex., was 6,762 tons in one month. Blowing Up Hell Gate has been a laborious and costly work, but the end justifies the effort. Obstructions in any important channel means disaster. Obstruc tions in the organs of the human body bring inevitable disease. They must be cleared away, or physical wreck will follow. Keep the liver in order, and the pure blood courses through the body conveying health, strength and life; let it become disordered and the channels are clogged with impurities, which result in disease and death. No other medi cine equals Dr. Pierce’s "Golden Medical Dis covery’’ for acting upon the liver aud purify the blood. A released convict in Nebraska has sued bis lawyer for $30,000 for malpractice. No Trouble to Nwrllow Dr. Pierce’s “Pellets” (the original “little liver pills”) and no pain or griping. Cure sick or bilious headacne, sour stomach, and cleanse the system and bowels. 25 cts. a vial. De Lesseps says that the Panama Canal will be open by 1890. Like Fainting Ladles. Why are good resolutions like fainting la dies? They should be carried out, and parents should not forget the resolutions that would never suffer them to be without that cxnigh and croup cure, 'I ay lor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sfceet Gum and Mullein. Taylor’s Hospital Cure,” is a positive, pleas ant and painless remedy for < atarrh. Sent on ten days’ trial. If it does not meet the require ments, the money will be returned. Address, < ity Hall Pharmacy, 264 Broadway, New York. Free pamphlet. Pains and Aches In various parts of the body, more particularly in the back, shoulders and joints, are the unwelcome in it cations that rheumatism lias gained a foothyld, aud you are “In for it” fora longer or shorter period Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid In the bloo I. and is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which eradi cates every impurity from the blood and fills it with richness and health. “I used Hood’s Sarsaparilla last spring, and can truly say it helped me very much. To those suffer ing with bilious complaints, nervous prostration or rheumatism I heartily recommend it.”—Mrs. E. Car pester, Kalamazoo, Mich. Hood’s Sarsaparilla : ->ld by all druggists. $1; six for $5- Prepared <».i ; by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. ' iOOJJoses One Dollar HYOU WILL - VVI .MONEY, Tim,-. Enin, Trouble and will LI RE FLVSCREAMBILII. Apply Bahn in'oeach nostril. Ely Bros.,23sGreenwich St., N.Y. ||MSMDH 4 I«PP JeIICLv, trial LUM Pa. S-nd 12c. for 1 year <* 1 a o 'r. ami join our Conundrum Club.Jßi' I’r;. < - J- <^ r - EN dSjffSShk 4fg>*b j* |, k#'S xia l (sO|y WaT JS* SBRBSf’/j’WE** Thin represent* a hesitby life. Jn«t each a life a« tbev enjoy Throughout its various scenes. Who uro the Hmiih s Bile Beans. RmllhM BILE BEANS purify thoblood. by actlncf—— directly a n<l prom pl Iv on the Liver, Skin and Kid- "he original Photograph, ncy. They conMM of a vegetable combination that P?r. e L! lx s’ °5 * th, S J ) l? ta F e lias no equal in medical science. They* nre < onMlpa- bta^j PB n r vjd r p««j°* Oc * n tion, ITfaiitria, and DyepepMa, and arc a * ifeunnrd BILE BEAIVR, againet all form* of fever*, chill* and fever, call Monos, Mt. Louia. Mo. and Bright’* disease. Send 4 cents postage Mr o mud- —J pie package and test the TRLTH of what ve say. ff*rire, 25 cents per bottle* mailed to any address, postpaid. ONE BEAN. Sold by druggist*. dr. Jp- SMITH db 00.. PKOPKIETOHS, ST. LOUIB, MO UM SI nn- '.:k- F.VGLI«H RIErIFIC lur.ruln JMHS arm R S IB Mfit nie fa* r A'-thnia, In '-v<ry stage. Bfnft TL B |gJO IvW -gives relief, hut |h a *ur< BMR E WB MBB gr_*M : r<-r./ ( « n f nip. bou-e Introduction. It has a flklfiA <aj| B R B RXmB ,n °* 'la? 6 - certain are pr Fa 'ttar B BBR W B •*<■<' • - p?.w*r to cure, that ve«. n jt to W w yon hv mail. FREE for trial. It never falU. if B — sufftnng. bend your name and address at once to H-IlrvS" rßfcfc; geo. u relume a co., ■■■■■■■» P. o.oci 325 80 Richmond 3t.,Tllnclnnati, 0. . j The tx-i and surest Remedy for Cnre»f all diseases caused by any derangemenlf the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowe. Dyspepsia, Sick Ueadache, Constipate, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kiss yield readily to the bencllcent ioflaencaf i WfWa It la pleasant to the taste, tones up tl oystqm, restores and preserves health. [ It In purely Ytgctable, and cannot fall 1 prove beneficial, both to old and yonn; a a Blood Purifier it is superior to a others. Sold everywhere at fil.oo a bottl KIDDER’S A RVRF. CURE FOR INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA, Over s,oi>) Physicians have sent us their approval o| DIGESTYLIN, saving tliat it is the best u>opar»tior for Indigestion that they have ever used. We have never heard of a case of Dyspepsia when DIQESTYLIN was taken that was not cured. FOR CHOLERA IHFANTUM. IT WILL CURE THE MOST AGGRAVATED CASES. IT WILL STOP VOMITING IN PREGNANCY. IT WILL RELIEVE CONSTIPATION. For Summer CorapthlnU And Chroaib DlartndML which Ar&the direct results ci imperfect digestion. I DIGESTYLIN will effect an Immediate cure. Take DYGESTYLIN for all pains and diaordera of the stomach; they all come from indigestion. Ask your druggist for DIGESTYLIN (price $1 per large bottle). If he does not have It send one dollar to us and wo will send a bottle to you, express prepaid. Do not hesitate to send your money. Our house is eliable. Established twenty five yoars. WM. F. KIDIIER A- CO.» Manufacturing ( l.emist-, S 3 .lohn St.» N. Y. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike arfifii-inl Myslcma. Any book learned in one rending. Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astor, Judah P. Benja min, Dr.*- Ac. Class of 100 Columbia Law stu ! dents ; 2C<) at Meriden ; 25n at Norw P-h ; k'jO nt Oberlin , College; two clrtsgs of au each at Yale; 400 at Uni versfty of Penn, Phila.: 4uo at Wellesley College, and three large classes at Chutauqua University, Au. Prospectus post frf.f. from npnr. T.OISFTTF, 2V Fifth Ave.. NeW York. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men. KNOW THYSELF. JIBW "PUBLISHED by the PEABODY MEDI- K CAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bullfinch Kt., Boston, Mass. WM- il. PAD KElt, N. !>., i Consulting Physician. More million copies ; sold. It treats upon Nervous andykvelcal Debility, k Premature Decline, Exhausted vitality, Impaired I Vigor, aud Impurities of tho Blood, and the untold i miseries consequent thereon. Contains 300 pages. I substantial emboss, <1 binding, full gilt. Warranted | the best popular medical treatise published in the English language. Prlsmenly $1 by mall, poet paid, and concealed in a Jnaln wrapper. luustrcUiva i tamplefree it you send now. Address as above. ' thia nriner • 4 WHINING b . ahy l .°lf rowa up»; best for the several ages; Biibylund, The Pausv. Men and Women, Wide Awake. What do they cost ? Send 1 ,5 cents for samples of all or 5 for any one. You ran get them all, if you like, for a little work. D. LOTIIROP COMPAN Y, BOSTON. Send for., r ‘^- h XL F « - ing MOTHER, HOME, y I ttll *i HEAVEN, propn MW': -S - f VGgi Rnf| Poetry ; by 4(X> belt r. '"t’i M sutbora 146 (W'laold. El jj / egantly il)., f .’.75. Henri n Y? I for outfit Aino 5000 ■ < u l ioeilirx of the Bible,s2.od;EßEAT, 757 Broadway, N. Y. WANTED-LADIES. In City or Country, for our Holiday Trade, totalis light, piemant work at their own komr«. fl to 03. per day can be quietly made, work «ent by mail any distance. Particular* free. x<» Addrru*at once CRESCENT ART CO J47A Milk St., Bouton, Maw. I* O Box 5175. SIOO to S3OO MH wh<> - an t urnhn ti.-ur own horses and give their time to the business. Spare moments inay be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON ft CO., 1013 Alain St., Richmond,,Va. AA! Atnn V all « et if i <hsw Will IJII* K A 1,10,1; Dfliccrs’ travel pay, L. I* i L I IV bounty collected; Deserters relieved ; 22,years’ practice Success or no fee. Laws asm free. A. W. McCormick & Son. Washington, D- Qlni.ln HeSla Great English Gout and Diall S r IslSi Bheumatic Retnady. U..1 B.x, 34 I r.und, 14 Pitta. (o ss H day. Samples worth $1.90. FREE. 3kLines not under the horse's feet, write ItF w Brewster Safety Rein Holder Co.. Holly, Mich. •’ '>■’■ i H. Aw Wanted. .90bestse:l- Is/A° r 111 - ■' ' !<,?< in the world. 1 sample Fr<r. V A<! - 'AY HHUNSUN, Detroit, Mick. jrit to Soldier® ft Heir*. Senu “tamp ‘ ’ r circular- • oj. L BING- I VIIW AV 81 <3 1 i AM, Atty, Waabington, D G ,irAC NTI'DY. look ng. l’»".. «A ru iiin»i. . UiflC Shorth i’cl, ftr.,thorougiily taught by mai . ctr xfree BKIR IM l OIJ.KUK, 4i7 Vain ML., Buffalo. !». V. sa&’ia ff* Ky return mail Fall Deserlptlaa fef'YEMJ® M-H>4r a New Taller byeteai es Orm v <•etth.e- MOODY ft CO . Ciaeianati, 0 BEAST! Mexican 1 Mustang Liniment PENETRATES MUSCLE? to the VERY BONES. TRY IT ? 88. FOB the year 1888 Frank Leslie's POP!’- ULMI MONTHLY, which has been Aptly styled ‘‘The Monnrch of the Month lies?’ will b* Vett< t than cter. Articles upon topics of current public interest : sketches of eminent persons ; strong and brilliant stories ; poetrv of a high order all profusely illustrated, and by writers of recognized merit, will fill its pages. To the old and favorite corps of» eontrib utors will bo added writers of promise, and no effort will be spared to keep the magazine in the foremost rank. In the November number was begun an earn est and powerful tale, PRINCE LUCIFER, By FTTA U’. PIEKUB, which has already attracted widespread attention, and charmed multitudes of readers. Subscriptions may begin, if de sired, with the November number. Each issue contains a FnlLPaee Picture in Colors, the series of twelve forming for the year a beautiful collection of gems of modern art. The POPULAR MONTHLY contains 128 large octavo pages, nearly twice the matter of similar publications, and is not only the best but by far the cheapest of any of the magazines for the people. $3.00 per Year; 25c. a Copy. Specimen Copies, 15 era. MBS. FRANK LESLIE, 83, M and 67 Park Piacf, Nrw York. U /J? \C ****_ A- ’X. V^]D |E * N t HE HQUj&r lone Where the Woodbine Twineth. Ihts are smart, but “Rough on Rats” beats then. < lears out Rats, Mice, Roaches, Water Bug), Flies, Bittles, Moths, Ants, Mosquitoes, Bedbugs, Hen Lice, Insects. Potato Bugs, Sparrows, Skunks, Weasel, Gophers, Chip munks, Moles, Musk Rats, Jack Rabbits, tiquiiFels. 15c. and 25c. Druggists. L ‘ ROCGH ON PAIN ” Plaster, Porosed. lie. I KOUIH ON COUGHS." Coughs, eolds, 88c. ( ALL SKIN HUMORS CURED BY ROUGHS ITCH i “Rough on Itch” Ointment cures Skin Hu mors, iqmples, Flesh Worms, Ring Worm. Tet ter, Salt Rheum. Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Ih'li, Ivy Poison, Barber's Itch, Scald Head, Eczema. 50c. Drug, or mail. E. 8. Wells, Jersey (’ity. ROUGHiiPILES Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching. Protrud ing, Bleeding. Internal and external remedy in each package. Sure cure, 50c. Druggists or mail. E. 8. Wells, Jersey (’ity, N. J. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS. HAY FEYKIt, and all Bin eanen of the BLO(H). ran be cured only by DM- HAIR’S KYSTE.II of Treatment, which imbow recognized by the medical world ai « he only one that will positively and permanent I. ■ure Asthma, its kindred affections and all blood diseases. Not only does it excel all other methods in giving quick relief, but it absolutely cures the worst cases permanently. Thousands have been cured by it. Convincing and conclusive proof will be found in my 64 page Treatise, s<nit free. Hr D U/ UAID w. fourth st.. Mil Di If. nAln« CINCINNATI. OHIO. JONES YS the FR E BCHT 6 Ton Wa K on Krolrs. JKSPSiffflb L«vrr«. K.adugß Brau . J* Twa Sa«G. aud B>-am Hox hr £9(30. Ir,n alt. ,’r. * PS l»da yajrer a- 4 a • r< # X. < JONfS OF I6X. w BINGHAMTON. N. V I CURE FITS! When / liny <iiro J do not tnean merely to stop fhern for a tune and then have them return agi> > I mean a radical cure. I have made the dieer-se or L ITS, I J’lL •:P>Y or FALLING NIC KNEES a liUi-.i-x ei-.dy I warrant my remedy to cure the wore* caiea. ethers have failed is no for not now reccivir’.jf a < ire. Send at once for a tnintiee and a Tree I’.o ua of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. 4. G. ROOT, al < . 18.3 Pearl st. New Y ork IP. STEVENS JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. Sen«l for < Rlnlogtie « BUSINESS Education a specialty at MOORE’S BUSfNF.NM I XII U R NIT Y . 4 tin ntn. <• n. One of t. ta ha«i •Cto.o’e th* C-. jnfrv Send for C.rrular-. AGENTS WANTED for making Rugs, T l ' l Mit.ce.m-, *»/:. Ma- old no oent t.v n,ai »or | Send for late reduced prl«-e h -t. 9 K. Roas* £•„ Toledo, O. BA TITNTC Obtained ii'irr.p *n M I Cm- V w I O Inventors* Guide f. I hah. Latent Attorn*-. WaahingUm, !» OPIUM -T IWill Dr. J btepbrua. 1-ebanon. Ohl*. ‘ Soldiers and Heir* s*nd for elr ». GvJiUr! -> rular-. No fee unless SUr.cejOlfnL E. H. GELS TON A ( 0., V. ashington, D C. (•r>l. I> - «nr»h p.r lb P-U.f, Kr.S.lre 1> " X *orth $1, r *O hu’ '• *'pd at /-.< i box hj dealer*! 1 A. N. i: Fifty, >S7. 3E(>. X. StBLEV, AKBUBY HULL. *• B- OFFICI9 Os GEO. R. SIBLEY & CO;, Cotton Factors, •• 1 847 and 849 Reynolds Street. ~ - ■ ♦ • • “ 11 Avgusta, Ga., July 21st, 1887. / To Our Patrons and Friends : It is with profouudest regret dint we announce the death of our Senior, Hon. GEORGE R. SIBLEY, which oaeurred on Friday evening, the 15th instant. We are glad to say however, that, with the same ample means and I facilities, and many years of experience as his associates, the surviving partners, who have had the actual management of its affairs tor the past eighteen months, will conduct the business as heretofore. We solicit a continuance of tho business of our friends and custom ers. Yours, very truly, Geo. R. Sibley & Co., • By Asbury Hull and P. B. Tobin, Surviving Partners. Stand by Those Who Stand bv You. We have now completed arrangements for a sale of Popular Full and Winter Styles at prices that make us the Friend of every Economical Buyer. Wc keep the best qualities, styles and assortment in ARTiSTH) FURWTVftE AND \ HOOSHOLB MCOIITWHS. See our remarkably complete and elegant New Stock —Cash bought it —and LOW PRICES WILL SELL IT. Our Specialty —To please our customers. Our Aim—To save Money for our Patrons. Our Intention —To do better by You Than Any One Else. Stand up and Tall Ua if yon oan where goods can be bought cheaper for none are allowol to undersell mn iwrntut; ; 708 and 710 Broad St., AUGUSTA, QA. THEO. MAHKWALTER'S Steam Marble and Granite Works A B lIKOAD ST., NEAR LOWER MARKET 4 11 AUG-USTA. G-a. Marble Work, Domestic A. Imported ■ AT ] - ow *»><"■• /a Georgia and South Carolina Granite Menu* mente inado a epecially. ~ _ - A large aelection of MARBLE and GRAN I ITE WORK alwava on hand, ready for LET _ TURING and DELIVERY. Ai.fked Baker, President. William B. Young, Cashier. The Augusta Savings Bank. 811 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. TRANSACTS A GENERAL DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BUSINESS Interest on Deposits of Five to Two Thousand Dollars. :o: v DIRECTORS : ALFRED H AKER, WILLIAM 11. YOUNG, EUGENE J. O’CONNOR, EDGAR It. DERRY, WILLIAM St'HWEIGEItT, JAMES A. LOFLIN, JULES RIVAL, L. A. R. REAB. y rOßjr i f v< A. ANDERSON, Rinrr nf TTamnU Mn.nnffLf*hirfvrM. MiLmuror nf t King nt Hmtibw Manufacturors. Manager of tn. - ■ ——— Natiohol Harness 00.. Wholeaalo Mfra.. Double htjrle for two honM. Pri0e.36,00. •qwjT£B'3'W wara mmi 4M Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Burnham Water Wheel G«*rr>» »n f l Routh Carohnik, I am t» offtr iwdaeem.ntß to parti., wi.hwg to put in »WK!fs. am alno pr.pared to 4o any kind of Mill or to- CorrMpondenoe toHaited. CWAS ». Every word we any we can aland by. Dear Sir : Do you want to nee the latest WONDER of ’B7. ANSWER TO DAY. A $35 Single 1 Unless reduced to $25. The finest Harness MADE for the money. Handsome nickel or imitation rubber gold finish mountings. HAND made from oak stock, unsurpassed for style anil durability.* If you will allow us we will send you a sample for your inspec tion to show you what progress we have made by making a SPECIALTY and get * ting out over 800 setts each month. You L can keep the sample at only S2O, $5 leu than price here or return at OUR EX g. TENSE. Can we make a more liberal f. offer? We shall expect to hear from you at once saying YES send on your Harnow. Folded or single strap style. | National Harness Co., B WholMtln M*nnfar.turerß, 13 14 to 24 Wells St. Buffalo,}?. Y. Collar and Hun*, 12 Extra. No Breaxt Collar th*