The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, March 22, 1906, Image 1

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-I. M. Atkinson, Proprietor. VOL- XXIV AROUND HARLEM, Items* Personal and Otherwise What about that well? . We need it. Miss Lizzia Green has return ed. to Grovetown. Mr. Cleveland Harrikbu* was at home on Tuesday. Mr. J, A. Lamkin is at home his saw mill near Angus¬ ta. Mr, W. L. Parkei;, of liesving, acted as agent in place of Mi*. J.C. Scruggs on Monday. Master F L; : @s has , i i Augusta, were guests of Mrs. Geo. King last Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Uitpcr, of Au¬ gusta, \vas up last Saturday and Sunday vi itipglier parents. Mrs. Lucy Paschal is in Au¬ gusta this week with her daughter, \frs. B. 11. Jones, on Ur « ua Weave glad to Team that Miss Elite Oslin » improving. r.vpnUy. Weldon Hatcher Mr. was up Sunday front Augusta vt. - king at West End. Mrs. Jpseph Brown and chil rtren, of Marietta ■ Ga., were guests of Mrs. J. I, McCord several days last week. Mrs, Sim Lautkiit is expected to return from Columbus. Ga,, 'some time this week, after vis iting her so^r at-that ^>Uce, * Mi*. Einiest LazenBy ami wife. of. Augusta, visited parouts ; here: ilis week. ; -U Clerk oLOcurt, L. E. Blauch-. avd, of Appling, was in Harlem a. short while Monday ' after , 100 u. Mr. II. P. Blount, who has months, returned home last week. Miss Nellie Hatcher left last week for Me Fall, Ala., to take charge of the school at that place. Mrs. Geo. Harper and son, who have been in Harlem visit ing her mother, Mrs. Fannie OWlf returned to her home in Warrenton several days ago. Miss Louise Burchael. of At hints, who has been the guest of Miss Louise Blount for the past few weeks, returned to her home last Saturday morning. The many friends of Miss Daisy Lazenby will regret to learn that she has been quite sick at her home in Augusta during the past week. Doctors are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Ken¬ neth Nelver, of Vaneeboro, Me., is the subject of much interest to the medical fraternity and a wide circle of friends. He says of his case: “Owing to severe infiamation of the Throat and congestion of the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, 1 was induced to try Dr. King’s New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life.” Cures the worst Coughs and Colds, Uronchitia, Tonsilities, Weak Lungs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guar¬ anteed at Dr. F. H. Phillips' drug store, Harlem, and T. B. Norvell, Grovetown, On. ode and fl.00. Trial bottle free. For Sale, A few Barred Plymouth Hock Chickens, at $1.00 each. Fine stock. Address, Robkrt Wingfikj.o, Grovetown, Ga. % Dr. Henry J. Godin. Eye Si«?htSpeciali»i8. Spectacles andEye Glasses tittedo correct all correctable muscular and refractive Errors of the Human Eye Sight. Eyes thoroughly examined and te ted, Glasses needed. prescribed Artificial only 'when absolutely matched and inserted, Human Eyes Broad ^Office and Optical store 048 St., 0 posite F Planter’s Hotel. ’ AUGUSTA, GA * • §k$ ♦ ♦ Mr. F. D. Gray and wife, of Appling, and Mr. A. T. Gray, Augusta, attended the burial of their sister, Miss Roxy Gray, at this place on Monday. Mr. C. C. McMilliu is in Buf¬ falo, N. Y., this week attending a big railroad meeting, fie will return the last of the week. Rev. Dr. Marks, of Grove . town, lectured at the Methodist church last evening. Mr. Foster Prather was up Sunday the “ from Augusta spending last Stmday from Social with liis famil Miss Ma Ife • lifts been teaching at the high schooLat Valdosta, Ga., attend ed the burial of the sistert', Miss Roxy Gray, on Monday after Mf , w'Ks in <t». M,n«» y atrettd j n g court. M]> <)f ^ firm of Robt. ■Harris & Bro., of {forth Carolina, was^in Ilarlcm [ as j Motvday, the .guest of his Georgia, P. representative, Mr. H. Walter Misses Louise and- My riant Bell are botli expected to'arrive 'from 1H Hiiylem some time this week, Soule College at Mttrfrces boro, Tenn .'oSvitig • to the re cent Illness of both. At!ar I-oad ^-L - of Fine Cattl : ft One day last week I)r, F, 11, I’lulUp.s sold and shipped to Au^ gnsta a load of Very fine brer cat tie; For some time he has been giving attention to the cattle bnsi ness-and this shipment was only ii part of the stock he bason hand. ................. some of tlie savage tribes in the Philippines subject their captives, reminds ine of the intense suffering I endured for throe months front in¬ flammation of the Kidneys,” says W. M. Sheraton, of Cushing, Me., “Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles ol which completely cured me.” Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by Dr. F. H. Phillips, druggist, Harlem, and T. E. Norvell, Grovetown, Ga. Price 50c. A Fine Road The newly built road which has just been completed by the road gang from Saw Dust to Kiokee creek, is perhaps one of the finest in the county. The gang is now at work in the vicinity of Harlem and our public highways will soon be in good shape. Hon. W. W. Hamilton, of Grovetown, was in our town on Monday afternoon. Capt. J. P. McCord, one of the popular knights of the “bell cord” on the Georgia Railroad, favored our office with a pleasant call on Tuesday. ’ Mr. VV. II. Jones, of Ellis, [spent a short white in town Monday morning. •'Mr. Ellis Walton came in on Tuesday from McDuffie coun* ty, where he had been on an extended visit to relatives. Mr. H. M. Dunaway, of Cer iastae was in town a few days ago and stated that the pair of young gents at his home are getting on nicely. Mr. H. A. Merry spent sev¬ eral hours in Harlem one day last week. We are requested to state the that there will be service at "Baptist chu/ch in Harlem next Sunday night.'The invited attend. public , is cordially to Mrs. W. J.. Rogers left last week on a visit to relatives in Augusta and other places. Mr. R. A. Lazenby, of Mc¬ Duffie county, was in our tow n Tuesday afternoon. Mr, R. R. Hatcher will soon eroct a large ware room, near his siore house. Devoted to the Inte rest of Columbia County HARLEM, GEOKGIA, THURSDAY MAR CH 22. 1900 grovetown BY JUDGE, *' Mr * »<*•«•. of ammo county, v»• down on .Saturday, looking after some of bur Gi ovetown dirt. Mr. W. C. Chapman, after sin ab¬ sence of several days, returned home oil Monday. Several of our citizens went to Au¬ gusta oil Sunday to hear Rev. W. J. Dawson. Handsome drag and double har¬ ness and one horse wagon for sale by W. J. Heggie. Mr. Joe Culver was up Sunday and madauie rumor says that it is a pair of blue eyes on Cathren street. Mr. Wm. B igg, one of our former hoys, has accepted a position witli J. II. White Co., was up Sunday, with one of those sweet smiles that, is hard to wear off. Mr. was in Angusia .....• aw , f| her annual visit soutli and will the, remainder of the winter. Miss Ruth Canter visited Miss Ra chel Jordan .Saturday and Sunday. Cox will have two experienced hands at Appling during court week. llave your horses clipped, it saves feed, increases speed and gives you a nice, clean use on Sunday. Mr. Hazel Brand's many friends are delighted to see him out again and at his post of duty. Miss Eleanor Hill will enter her handsome road horse, "Poxom," in the Augusta horse show next week, H fool sure She will bear „lf the blue ribbon. Mrs. William lie,ate,son. jr„ and SWcet little JAseplifne, of Aiaiiaina, relatives . are ou a visit th Ih the vil lags. . Misses Jennie Fisk, Marion Ftor enue and Katie Cracy, .three of opr pretty little misses, gave n tacky party last Friday evening for 'the benefit of ilie Methodist church.— Quite a handsome sum was rea'iz at. Everyone came in full tacky cos turtle. The prizes were a\yt>rdid to^MisSos Hancock and Thrift* Cents prize.lo Mr. Flournoy Ftsk for tl«e tackiest dress. We regpet that the Ht,traction of our sister city called oft two pf our prettiest young ladies and one. of onr young gouts. AnMhtr Residence Soon to Be Built Mr. W. L. Parker lias purcliasetl a lot and will soon erect in our t >wn a residence for his mother, M rs. Ella Clary. Cobb for Chancellor. It, is reported that the trustees of the University of Georgia are almost unanimous in tlieir selection of Jus¬ tice Andrew J. Cobb, of the supreme court, as chancellor of the university to succeed Chancellor Walter li. Hill, who died recently. The trustees will meet in May or June, either before or immediately after the annual commencement ex¬ ercises, to elect a chancellor. TRADE MARK Farmers'B o E The Fertilizer i '0 for Big Crops REGISTERED with Less Acreage Fewer acres, lighter labor, larger yields—a happy combination secured with FARMERS' BONE,the fertilizer proved perfect by twenty-one years at great crops from Southern soil. Farmers' Bone is ^richest in . balanced food for every stage of plant growth from planting time till harvesting, and is suited to a great diversity of crops, from cotton to com, wheat to small truck.' Made with Fish Fish scrap is used in every ton ol Farmers' Bone, insuring nourishment under all crop conditions and making it famous as a crop saver. Look > for the Royster trade mark. HERE’S THE SALES RECORD THINK OF THE CROP RECORD' / / I8O0-H.SO0 loss —260 TON* \ \ TOMS \ f / 1000-68,486 I89S—I2.000 TONS TONS V 1905-130,091 TONS N Columbia, Norfolk, V*. S.O. F. S. ROYSTER fllMRQ GO. Tarboro, Maoon, Ca. M. C.’ money •Judge JohnT. Pendleton, in Ful ton Superior Point, hasNleniea «u> mandamus asked for by various counties aijtt municipalities on the line of tin* . Georgia Railroad be¬ tween Augusta and* Atlanta, through which they sought to share in the taxes ^accruing from the 15,00ft shares of. the capital stock of the- Western Railway of Alabama, owned by the Georgia Railroad and Hanking Company. The counties directly Involved in this litigation, though others CXe lieeted also to participate, were Greene, Taliaferro, Oglethorpe, Walton, Mcliuftte and Columbia. from the decision It seems that Richmond county will get the whole amount, growing out of the fact, according to the ruling of Judge Pepdfeton, the tieorgia Hail. ,h * t n>u n r ' • ^ to tlu ‘ ,h,sww . Mha,v " * I $ , . f** samo »»»«“ <* <*« ned hy tht * Cl ‘ n “f « f Georgia raihvny, j domicile is in Savannah, i ,1 'hathorn county, and which lias Wen held to he liable Tor back tax- ; e*on this stock, (lie same as in the ease of the Georgia Railroad. _ - n*,tl, UMl* «/■ 01 Bis „ d«, KMJ r l. r WIJ. months, After on an Sunday j illness morning of many last loi the g Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gray. took its flight to the land of Utudouded sky. She was a young Holy of 'many charming traits ; °f heart aad mind, prominent among whlch'was her Christian life, having been for quite a number* of years a member of the Baptist eb.nKdr-at. this place, where her inflii <i»ee was lovingly recognized. Fora lung while she bad been in failing health hut. during lit ire time she btoftber affliction witli Christian for Guide, and when the sunimons came was ready to answer. Her remains were interred in the cemetery at this place on Monday af ternoqn, ti ling conducted l»y t he writer, The Sk^mxiu, extends hearth it syiiipartiy'io biegrief striekeri fail.. er and mother nml- rclatives. ( Albany Herald: .The acqultal at Savannah on Saturday of the second defendant charged with murder whose case grew out of the recent battle In front of the city ball between members of opposing factions in municipal politics, again demonstrates How difficult it is to convict a man under conditions. A large number of man lives are the forfeit every year to the passions of political feudists, and It is exceedingly rare that the conviction of a person charged witli such a crime follows. Fafrview Sparks. BY BLCK BYES. en ' day morning. ents. £ Mrs. J. W. Whitaker is very ill. Mrs. Miss Joe Kula Tinley s{>ei)t a nigiit at Whitakers last week. Mrs. J. T. Amdeygave Mrs. Handi¬ er a call last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. R. Whitaker is very ill. Messrs. Scott Anderson aiul Joe Smith called on a young lady of Richmond county Thursday night. Miss Kellie Hattdier and little Ruby called on Miss Annie Whita¬ ker lost Wednesday ar noon. Miss Annie Whitaker visited rela¬ tive at Nineteen last .Saturday. Spring Opening. Special attention of the ladies is ‘*“« 1 to ta th * announcement of the s »‘ r ‘* n * ™w on at the store ° r * u ' Harlem Millinery Compa n,v ‘ ''-'crytiling is up-to-date in stJ ’ ,e !ln<l l ,ri °es that cannot fall to f'ense. Albany Hemic.: Winter yet lliigereth In the lap of spring, but of door* one may Hint a world of Inspiration, fruit trees are in full (lower, the ground is“eaTnTniri W i t] , n ,. w ,, rass f , ‘ , ' ’ putting forth millions of V V ‘' S M "‘* art* blooming , , * n Hie . woods. Birds arc busy with their domestic cams and the air is freighted with the re freshing odor of newly turned soil, .Summer will be here almost before wo are aware that the seasons liave changed again, Impounded. . mack shouts l>ur " 11 ° 11111 about live months. Apply toll, W. Story, N\ infield, Ua. Public Notice Attention is again called to the Spelling Contest and Educational ISally to be held* at Appling-on wint¬ urday, April the 7th. For this project to be a success it will needs have not only the co-operation of the teachers and pupils, which is assured, but the patrons and friends of education, which is ex peeted. U>t us all unite in making this meeting, the first of its kind ever held in the county, a grand success. The public is cordially invited to attend and requested to bring well filled lunch basket*, It. P. Jouda.v, C. H. C. Mrs. A. M. Lazenby has been s * ck *' or several days. Your Credit is'Good With Us . Come and look over our comp! u ; lne T.J" 11 f,,Kl JUSt what >' ou want. lor we am tnC UlOSt faStlCllOUS . , i Cu Pay part down, the balance m i<> end 6o 'S. ( A TRIAL ORDER 18 ALL WE ASK. R. W. Burnham Furniture Company, ______ AUGUSTA CA. March-The Windiest Month of the Year IS THE SEASON FOR FIR Tin JClO. nira“u.'.ho'™3!“ Ul , ™"‘« i .1 IW REST Comp,. W. A. WINN, Agent, At the Bank of Harlem. ClarKe ®. Butt, i X* - Cotton Factors (Q. Commission Merchant K4S REYNOLDS S I ., AOCiOSTA, UA. BAGGING, TIES AND BEST KEBT1UZEJ1S. Liberal Advances. Charges Reasonabl n rite us before arranging for advances. PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL BUSINESS. Reliable and ener getic Soliciting Agents desired. One Brother Shoots Another. From the Augusta Chronicle <>f Tuesday we learn that in a quarrel Monday resulting over a difference in regard to the sale of a piece of property, Antoine P. Carr, a well known broker of the city, was shot and dangerously wounded by Ids brother, Pierre C. Chit, shipping clerk for the W. B. Brigham Co., grocers, on the moo block of Walker street, a.i lhe affair u- . occurred in the Brig Inun warehouse Monday morning ilImiiii 1Q..B1 ,,-,.l| |. .l K r Pi , , ,„n went to he police barracks , and sur rendered hi,nself to Chief M. J. Nor ris. while the wounded man was ink en to his liome in a call and later re¬ moved to the city hospital, where he was operated upon Monday after¬ noon at 5 o'clock. He is thought to be in a serious condition. Plot to Rob and Harder in Burke Groundless. Waynesboro True Citizen; An at¬ tempt. inode to rob the store on the Cates Skinner place Wednesday night was frustrated by Mr. Poole, the overseer, who sleeps in the store. J no. Washington, Jr., a negro was arrested by Mr. Pace and brought to jail Thursday night. He was caught with a hag of merchandise when ar¬ rested. Washington confessed to robbing several stores and said that Clias. and Geo. Jones were the ne¬ groes who burned I)r. Torbit’s triti limits house at l\e>sville w 11 a tew 4 months . ago. The reports current hi the city Thursday night that a conspiracy had been formed to assassinate Messrs. Poole and Pace and burn the store are groundless so far as Mr. •Skinner can find out, He spent Fri¬ day out at his place investigating tlie robbery and found nothing to In¬ dicate any such conspiracy as Wash¬ ington reported. •mstrtet Heed. The Atlanta Journal a*y»: “The Central of Georgia Railway Company hoa dropped from its roll* aa local counsel Hon. E. K. Over street, of Merer en county, one oif Georgia’s leading legislators, and a man conspicuous in the fight for the people’* cause in the present cam paign, because of an interview which lie gave to The Atlanta Journal, on February 11th, in which lie came out squarely for Hoke Smith for govern¬ or. “Mr. Overstreet won fame as a leg islator and golden opinions from the people of Georgia, by his display of courage and character during a re¬ cent session of the legislature in which he denounced the ‘lobby’ and brought about an investigation of ita persistent and aggressive tactics around the state capitol. concerning legislation. He had no hesitation in stating at the time that he was local counsel of the Ctntral of Georgia railway, but stated to the legislature and the people then, as lie states in his letter now to Messrs. Lawton A Cunningham, asking bis resigna¬ tion.” a Year NO. 25 Fruit Damaged. Grave fears are entertained b the fruit growers in and nr| Harlem that Tuesday Bid freeze greatly damaged, if it d d ruin the fruit ciop. A Lively Tus witli tliat old enemy of the Tgisd stipation, often eiids in Aj , To avoid ail serious vd**'** ikPOSI' siomach, I,tv. . , V Kimr’s * *' u • I f regn'ate Hi. (>nt p aln or 0 ,‘ F . PMW t| , anU T . K . Norvell, tirovet Albany Herald: Won j should vote a pension Saturday vaster mother who gavj b| to three girl cidentaliy, thing it would be j to exempt the pv] from taxation for the*ne for he will need the moil c? v PROF. P.M. WHITMAN. 209 7th Street, Auy^ata, Ga., F R EE EVE TESTS for nil defecis of s, K ll L grlDda , the proper glasses a ltd WAIU iiants them. Lenses cut into your frame while you wait FREE OF CHARGE v medicine telh if orvbsse* you need The following paragraph from the Albany Herald contains sound doctrine and should be read and applied by some people in this lo¬ cality: j “It doesn’t help your tox^u, and therefore It doesn’t help you to send sway for things that can b» bought at homa. The loyal clti will spend his moutty at some, even though he may have to pay a little more for what he buys.” Concerning the freeze of Tuesday Chroni night Yesterday’s Augusta c le says „ TUe ,T P *1” ...___. P rob ““y ., . be dam da,n! ** ed b -V cold snap .which is on now, t but, Mr. P. J, Berckmans, stated last night to a representa¬ tive of tho Chronicle it will be three 4 or four days before it can be fully determined, as the buds on the fruit trees ate at a stage now which makes it impossible for the damage to be accurately estimated until the cold has passed.” hr Sak. Your choice of either: ..K«3i"£Mr.r:!jra and One excellent fast. driving horse, cetHlrdtif Prices very suiflEB buyer. reasonable and terms to ........... Apply at once. '' ' Harlem, Ga. J. V. McAirjUfVFK,