The Wrightsville recorder. (Wrightsville, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 11, 1880, Image 2

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u i l», v PM K 4 '•uC m-y. ffy d T vj - 1 s*; m ij "I $ ■5 . f sg m ; yplIS jgk dF |h B \ •’ & §s? .VI* kV % j/ \ K uS 1 \ ; 1 *i \ 1,, 1 ; B , \n WlffFIEUD S.HaKCOCK^. I « III ‘ Wrightsville Recorder. ■ ■ 1 ■ ........ . ..... -A. I. HAINES & Co., l’nonm I'oijs. VV. wL TOJVM'JUNS, ICmw.ii. Published every Saturday ______________ NATL’IUIAV, Ni:i»T. II, IKSO. NATIONAL lll'.MOf It A 11 ( I H-Kl, I. yon nnysiDuxT ; GEN. W. S. HANCOCK, OF I’ENNSYI.Y ANI A. yon i ’ice- nn esiuex /; HON. W. H. ENGLISH OF INDIANA. The Newspapek Law.—'D ie wcwspapiu - law says il any person •orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all anvages, or the pul» Jisher may continue to send it until jiayment is made, and collect the whole amount. Also an action for fraud can lie instituted against any person, whetJier lie is responsilile in a financial view or not, who refuses to pay for his subscription. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Norwood eluhs are being organic <*d all over the state. Women resemble (lowers, They shut up when they sleep.- Evans ton Index. Jolin Kelly is going to stump in Illinois and other western states for Hancock. General Garfield preferred 1 the ra . Kst.niiaii t ». i.ipito i«> those of the camp. General (-irant never voted hut r,r^t' ...... ...... *** 1 ' ' ’ Philadelphia has 4:U v New . v«»t i ork, 8o4, «-1 and |i- LroouIt n, - Dt A Christian is like a locomotive. . A lire must be kindled in the „f i, bolor,. il will .,,~M W. k, u An Illinois pastor prayed for the absent members who were “prostrate on beds of sickness mid chairs’ of wellness. It cost Lorillard WOtMlOO to ho sport on the English turf, lie must sell a great many P-kages of chewing tobacco to get his money baek. They Perry Home Journal pros poses to be strictly neutral in th^, Gubernatorial contest, and says it .will give the news on both sides with the utmost impartiality. Woe be to us whenever it *llaH come to pass that the power of the magistrate, civil 5 military, mitted to deal w a \ the mere ioiiH or feeling of the peoph*i*^//fi/i coeA* to Governor /Vose, <>/ March 0 1808 ed ,* 7 from —-»--:r all parts of the -r Xtatei Scarcely a town but reports mtm bera of former repuhlioans who have determined to vote for Hnneoe-k. Unless all signs fail ChmueetUmt will give Hancock and both Engs fishes 10,000 majority. , ! IWt dervi-f (-.iMctic: 1 Muiicr!’ eiilloil a 1 tin* ‘I lollcr." ln’Ui>di;iH iltuwl 1 I YeJjritbb‘<);|du4m;VV ft!•mV.wt’ifrV siifioi t MouoHitii lU'/.uvsViwiHisiiV'Vuw ;lu me,* lumov''" A midil deiri j. foAhn'itti'iili d’oiliH.hsjs } »fm4ttrtuittmt<At4lHciv<sy(aip!i^Hu*(f Aik j north. II’e tlesifc wind *tvhahave dtaiid" lie-liorc.^"IMUT' jnddit': I onwciro • •iic/rpii'fii t. Tooinhsh aloes iiof',sw« :iii iipi i)Mli.irt. (trinst rfirttion. ! • riid'lt’»ghe*h<uutlvtrtuiilt<u*rlsiwh. far as known. iHniil Kvei'est! i!tif• >IVsi*k>,i 1 1,iA1 Alniml 1 iftorhisl ir I tln»*irWitrd ofN>Mt*\v 4 • 'tiittitkeafv mt‘«fmros- itilitfiSie-l\.vt .ft [ u :tw ad ini i covefcil D\ diiiaitHiHl. who . mnirnfod M'to'u iii..,.r.,. luhfrhl wPjfJ.S I , ll<Yi}|;|? . WUOfll v f heing 'toitjuiiare. * • I *hvl loin levtunxece. The div isionl j parties posv^HUtatAfiia!ly afiiailit • ' lerness (if ! is often a rgwva i <«4tiii< Hie -I sAbid j nehdh‘Ss *aisyH>raiwi*atlit(i:r:s4iiAttiitk®H»i | slanders. 1 i TlimiaimmatMiiv vs 1 perileatiirtiiiiiTmiteiniifVoifirijim'ilc) i |mlsd'thaSiv tern i **''*' ■W , i’J 1l i»"l'<i , ’'Ikic , viuitiige. AsAs*, Ig'shiitc* ..,.'■*, t(pi 1 : itnvL , , ... rn't* ofiunntv t(g ,^ ia j i «rwem ffcitt y»> fiwIolKrmvHl he lnw < ■ of'a'Hi'tho ovilsSihnoNvito of:ufin,'tsi,u'«ihd i U( . in . r ' , ,,f * )l «** 1 : j dm 1 {fuatiMfionisaiwsniiiiji^iod . oa vvsv .......v*^>*..... 'leso. it itn ,-iri hi none «pp*»rfcrth.tliaini irtiitthpairkHkwt 1 1,,'jnv■l<Tli«i,l,.c»Bi»i l m, Us Ill-nil. r ' mu mi ‘ • !: j <dhaftany A^.ikhiB isifnn^totnAh iHiiwuwMi.rt ifahelpi T wwtl | iBO " t,in,llt '','! . ' ,n, P 0,,,a ' ,tMk<n ^ ’ ' "On At ' ‘ ' l " T * hm V'* — , ' > the tv^pool i :Hiri ! aii6i«ot,dt.tWdH..l in tluudml'Hlwav 4 i Yji\W t\V:rfo tdteai her* suvav.iidmtm.g to prtilit** bhhelUe^metv,«.dfinll„4o lh te W ,l’ . . . should , 1 , )t lW '' m ' iI, * 1 ' nn ==^?sss£t; *D I It !i fid iuitw«i^WTm'ikidthi'f ,) P , ^dhi^irtf-f forts' in- Mfiicraime*'amt imfoitmled «r ThThi'diibirion <»f IfSflltPltiprr .sptwwtnuu- «#f party in TliPisupportt-rs of Nor-j ■v^><vdi.hUhu vpvtpiistdyja, fh« same right ! lieti’i itveklcilotimUwti pf^tiuivnve and '(ipppptniilnriiUHfui .usd* tTitfir choice ikentahoUhTiUiuwk each other, iiis}>iqL(id( flutHiKrtsaudpilf ttewl l>e, (till: thiruis they should arc*! (h'orgtana, j titli5ifhtiiritt iwpon, tihttl welfare and <te uhi| sul uthttip-Stata.*. lvpepiit}p| lii>ld?m4io|isiy in will act as t ']v>tsi',i*'xi,rf (oitoinputi llus troubled into, deserved i , h^ <l '5' ,l ' < , ^ 1,,!l,ON l , .? i ’ ii ' ev ‘* ot l ,art .v , ® ri«*»Ao*. • ThPiTtVo-llrirtls Kate. Spp.pkHkrit»f TheijMdioti.of the State DchHorwuhiatK-vEwtinnCiMiitnitiiteij in S *d«te«iimtndinUf:tlnt ........ rule , ,, llu ; : ina|orriv J i AIlklhviuaifWtfrihi/Tvintvsit M . / ''W^shniuialwiiya }«•<■«opposed to theltiwaiwt.hhhfo Tnltnlhut were not in laVut'cotfAtafiingnit adopted by the (Am vent ion in the < Aihrib.vCodiplijtit. We think rif the petv , i hi majority; of eases, and we i»s*> sue at* finally abandoned by lfl#liH%»w»Mr«ta*t this State. JiuhttKinjrnaf ,tlie party di - itri'di unlesh there i is left in the party j SHutwitipup, the: majority rule in .ihtutimu itheiahuinv, resolutions* adopted tsmuntMee, then* again.gettitig the , i , iorntt<i*i tactions of e • uiulmldhe saiuti r. ' x , . . a,,dn<l . ,, W,,w4Ui ... t WlU ' ° « (Udluammuitheliwnirift *ief the eleetion. . ,, , r j,. .., . ^.^^^^ theirs. T'“ : ll ‘■“•Jlsos »i , ** : 1 vms., ainliitihey. east fifty W***, WWt # , ltl . on a fak . trial of 1 , w ^ | ^. 1 thtt* fwo itli^St^ went for Mr. '•.) iiheii^iHideiLetinvass of 1870, by inmivggrvgate majoritv of 48 , 000 ig that this i is an aver tt >majwrity\!of raorw^'than 1,000 for district, and only than th at for each Pre^ aiinri(j i "WkritmU.J , popular , DemoeraUc . ^ b ‘, IIanawfe ’ 1 ^^*^ A 1 ' R «P«GG°*n ean ' supposing that ,, ^ ,,n ****** ‘ states thw a Hart ill Uiotibc a repetition of that of (lTotfriMe»nhftg9<?o ;If lany of cour oonternporaries ‘■srrsrtgt: this questiou , v y , * _ 1 Iti$ Letominir the rant amouir . . £ fV lu {? I ^ ou ' 9 nmnia, etr orses and* towns in which rewle. I)RU( ■*-* STORE I h mm '- BriXLSOXL Sc Co. Druggists, Wrightsville, Georgia. Have on hand a complete sloc k of Drugs all other articles usuall kept in a first Drug Store, they are selling at prices to suit the and are prepared to fill all orders prescriptions on the shortest possible P". J. W. Brinson continues to prac¬ i is profession in its various branches. )tti e at the Drug Store. n»y22-ly Miss Anna R. McWhorter Wriglitsville, Ga.. Kce|>s on hand a nice selection of Millinery and Fancy Goods, such as l»8Cl ©S’ HatS, Ribbons, Flowers ami Trim tilings, n coil less variety; also a nice assortment of latest patterns, etc., all for sale as cheap J purchasing *TZ!i2“Si elx-whcrri. on me liefufc iii v'ri l v 9 ilSAFE BITTERS Iom:a5r«r:,:“nx.^ ■ it is the niood Puriiwr. ard stimulates ,h,ulac,,< "'- a,,a 11 1 -y>ppps|;i. W< aknriw tif ihfSUiiimcb.I'onili* palluii. D;/.xiite*s iieHoml lx-bility, 1 etc., ar** curv»l l.v the 5i »fv ItUtrrw. It is UttVqUAbhi iui :iii aj»tM*tiKi*r un i rrirwUr lon r. It in a a hu h sb«>ulil b»* Jn pvppy fam Ily. m»*I winch. wlipr«-\pr uN**tl, Vh li 1 suivc th* \ (uynipiil of many doctors’ bills. m | Sale dies are Krinc- sold f by Druggist* !»' rj:] H’Xr H.H.WA8NE8&C0., I'lfprieiors, ' Hi RofhMtrr. Hf.Y. B# Sond for Pamphlet and Teslmioniuls.' J-. C. TT^nVLXX/TOdST, -DK.VEKK IN Groceries.Liquors. Cigars Tobacco, EtiC. Tennille, Ga. I take this method of iufonuing mv lut litwr nt 1’rinnllr n nil ~vill fir Jtidtn hiit a«.v and all of them at any time. (ool Lager Beer always on draught. mv®i-lv -gem, ?? M. H. BOYER, lie, C3-&-, Keei*s always on hand the pun^t and £2T A splendid BifflRMi and Pool Room til. BOYER. J X. & B J. DEYMT. EIGHT MTT.RS WEST OK WHghtSVillC, Georgia. Keep consUuiilv ou hand a tine ussort meutof Pare LIQUORS, BUANDfES, ' ' Also Tobacco, Cigars. Candies. Pickles, Oysters, Sardines and a full line of Family Groceries, all of which we will sell at in sitk* figures. Give us a trial. Respt., my23-ly J. T. & B. J. DENT. J. A. HOGUE, Jeweler and Repairer, Wrightswille Ga. I would respectfully inform the citizens of Johnson and adjacent counties that I have permanently of.plying located in avocation Wrightsville for the ic purpose my Mi of JEW ELER, and solicit the patronage of the public. All work guaranteed Watches, or money Clock's refunded. Bring in your and E3pSewi'ng Jewelry. Machines repaired short at notice. ~ J, A. HOG UK. SPECIAL OFFER.-To any 51® thp Companion fres to Jasuafj Sne Who subscribes now, and 1 st.) ISM. and give a full **9 us $lc75, we will send r A7»iiA:rv subscription from that dates icao. -sq ^/TwEE K LY~ PAP E R F0RJ >O— Vol. 83i Increased Ira Si»». YOUNG PEOPLE} |= . AND THE FAMILY. read It with aims interest tabs by a favorite the in every family—looked for eagerly by the young folks, and older. Its purpose is to interest while it amuses; to be judicious, practical, sensible, and to have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. It is handsomely illustrated by the best artists, and has for its contributors some 0 ! the most attractive writers in the country. Among these are “Y? Search SgSMST* Winter Ksllosre, James m Parton, Crmlk, * KSWaWriav... Louisa M. Alcott, Louisa Chandler Moulton, Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, C. A. Stephens. The variety and worth of its contents will make it a repository of the choicest literature; a library of tales, travels, adventure, history and biography; a “ Companion ” for the school, the study and the fireside. It will give Serial St or las, Stories for Cirls, (Editorials Two on Current Events, Stories, Stirring Tales of Adventure Hundred Short Letters of Foreign Travel, Valuable Papers on Health, t Brilliant Sketches, Poems, Anecdotes and Incidents. Subscription Price, El 75- Specimen copies sent free. Please mention in what paper yee Vtd this advertisement. Addren YOUTH’S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. J. M. W. CHRISTIAN S Bar and Restaurant, Cl I Eli It V STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. :o:- Fixe I.iyroirs, Winks, ( IIAlll-AON K, PoRTKKS AM) T.AOKIl HkKR, Imported and Domestik ('icaus Ai.wavs on Hand. :o: Me again invite our <>h! ' rieiids and eustoiuers to our well furnished GAR and l.eautif..lly supplied :al»h s, „ !iich are ready at all times for their 'Ve also Flli> I’-Cl.ASS REDS FliEE OF ClIAUGK, «' Customers Who stop with Us. When visiting Macon don’t fail to c;lll alht M i* US. sep l-liin •I. M. W. CHRISTIAN. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! “ BUY YOUR GOODS —FROM— J. AT VI * AIT \\ A 1)1)1), A IA Wriglitsville, Ga. IG- deals in DRY GOODS and GRO l 'FRIES; and will sell as low as the lowest. t’alieoes, Ibunespuns. Drillings. Jeans. Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Hacon. Flour, Coffee, Rice, Ac., always ou hand. Also a nice selection of Millinery Goods, Such as Ladies' HATS. RIBBONS and FLOWERS of all descriptions, and various other tilings too numerous to mention. Call and sc for yourself. niv22-ly Si , Cl. A. PUghSiey, Jr ■I AGENT AND SALESMAN — WITH — I. L. FALK & CO., Clothiers, 425 and 427 Broome street, New York Cor. Congress and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga. my22-tf SMITH’S HOTEL, W. J. M. Smith, Aot., Wrightsville, • Georgia. Having lately undergone thorough re¬ pairs, this Hotel with is prepared finest to the accommo market date'the public the. affords. The highest market prices tny22-ly paid for * country produce. Schwed, Siesel & Gibian, WHOLESALE Grocers & Provision merchants, MACON, ■B CA. Keep constantly on hand a full of Bacon, Hams, Lard, Flour, Sugar, coffee, Rice Soap, Starch, Soda, Bagging and Ties, and every thing else usually kept in our line. W ould be pleased to hear from par¬ ties needing goods. aug28-4t GINNING. "r")'' 7 ,friilm ^,^| K . USU;> ' t j‘ 1,e :l) l ) " Yr bl !L. >l »| ,hl L1 ! ? t ,H K ’ ^' "» ,u ^ " r > » si t t ISttOX O ITON !• fch- 1>KR and CONDENSER GIN. A iehl ;:<»h 1 and sample the liest. tS Terms Fifty Cents per Hundred. Would solicit patronage. T. J BRANTLEY, aug28tilldee,2.» Near Wriglitsville. R. J. Davaxt. J. S. W<K)D, Ja. Davant & Wood. Commission Merchants, I 14 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA -:o: Special attention given to sale of Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores. — AGENTS FOR — DRAKE’S COTTON TIES tyT’asli advances made on consignments. aug“21-ly E. J. IS-O-TiOlfcLiXLSOXL. Laurens County, (7 MILKS SOUTHWEST OF) Wrightsville, - - Ga. DEALER IX Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Call arid examine my stock before pur¬ chasing cheapest. elsewhere. I will sell you as cheap as the E. J. HV'TCHINSON. my22 tim