The Wrightsville recorder. (Wrightsville, Ga.) 1880-18??, December 11, 1880, Image 2

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Wrjghtsville Recorder. .A. I. HAINES & Co., P norm ktors. w. JL TOMPKINS, Editor. Published every Saturday SATURDAY, DEC. 11 , 1880 . SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAR. BREVITIES. Congress is bow in session. Four newspapers in Texas are ed¬ ited by women. They say Coup is worth $ 3 , 000 , 000 , and he made it all out of a circus. Forty-three railroads haves been started in Arkansas in the last two years. There trevtlr was such a crop ol potatoes and turnips known, as has been-produced in Georgia. The time from Richmond to New X ork, by the new fast schedule, is ten hours and forty minutes. Gen. Hancock’s vote in Indiana, officially declared, reads backward and forward the same— 225,522. There is more building g. mg Oil York at the preseut time than wa* ever known before. General Grant last week sold his Long Branch cottage to Mrs. C. J Bulkley for $ 25 , 000 . fit is an interesting fact that the Mayors for 1881 of two of the great¬ est citiest in the world—London and New York—are Irishmen. The Thanksgiving proclamation of Governor Thayer, of Oregon, was tlii* shortest, being comprised in a dozen lines, counting date, signatures and all else. The municipal election in Atlanta last week wa- a hot contest, especial ly for the Mayoralty. Mr. J. W. English heat H. I. Kimball for May¬ or by forty-five votes. Weaver carried one county in the United States, Walker county, Tex as, at the last election, receiving a majority of sixteen votes over Gar¬ field and Hancock combined. The last message of Mr. llaycf is the longest and perhaps the aides; document he has ever sent to Con¬ gress. There is much in his message that is of interest, and much t;.a: neither new nor interesting. An editor out West lately marrie one of hi* lady compositors, lady compositor acting as bridesmaid, the officiating clergyman being a retired printer, and the local edito giving away the bride. He judge that tho matter was well set. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in Atlanta last week, at which an International Cotton Asso¬ ciation was organised, with Senator Joseph. E Brown as President and twenty-five Vice Presidents from various parts of the Union. The ob¬ ject is to hold a grand cotton expo¬ sition-in Atlanta during October and November of next year. General Grant, in company with Senor Romero, attended the morning service at Plymouth Church last Sunday’. After the service the curiosity of the oiowd to see tin General was so great that may lingered in the church, whereupon Captain Beecher mounted the plat¬ form and desired that the audience would pass out. He added: “A special service can be held if you wish to worship a man. This is a bouse,for the worship of God.” Sensible Advice. If we were to advise any young man at all who is able to make a livelihood otherwise, it would bo to t'«chew polities as a means. We speak from experience and full knowledge, that a political career, commenced early in life, nine hun¬ dred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand ends in disappointment and ruin. If we have pity for any one who has the ability to a living hv honest work and 1 ails, it is for him who in early manhood throws self away in a wild hunt for thinking it the easiest and most orable method of getting this world without work Hock Oazette, Georgia’s Electoral Vote. The Electoral vote of Georgia is probably lost to Hancock and En¬ glish, on account of the discrepancy between the State law and the Fed¬ eral requirements. The Statutes of the United States provide that the electoral college of the several States shall meet on the first Wednesday in December and cast the vote. The Code of Georgia provides that the Governor shall notify the Electors to meet at the'capital on the first Monday in December, to be ready on the following Wednesday to cast their vote. This'year the first Wed¬ nesday came before the first Monday, —hence the confusion. The Governor followed the law as laid down in tin C >de, and called the Electors to nr et i i Atlanta last Monday, which w« after the first Wednesday had pas: Fortunately, the vote of Georgia does not affect the result or change the scale; if it^did there would be a tine opportunity for an exciting d's pute, and serious consequences might come of this conjlict in the two statutes. The law alone is to blame for this state of affairs. Georgia will be sure to amend her Code before the next Presidential election. Tlio Census of Georgia. Through out special Washington correspondent we are enabled to lay before our readers this morning an official statement by counties of the census returns of Georgia, with tin exception of the counties of (’hat ham, Chattooga, Decatur, Fulton, Harris, Jackson, Thomas, Washing¬ ton, Wayne and WhitfieM. Aceoid ing to the estimate of t,hc Census Bureau, the official figures of counties will bring the total popul - tion of the State up to between ' lit million five hundred and thirty and one million five hundred and forty thousand, being, in round numbers, an increase of three hundred and lifty-six thousand over the census of 1870 , when the total population of the State w as stated to be one million one hundred and eighty-four t oiis and. As the present ration of Fed¬ eral representation is one hundred and thirty-one thousand four bun Ired and twenty-five, it will he seen that this increase of population will (upon the same basis) give us two, i. not three additional members of Congress, and a corresponding in¬ crease in the electoral college. If, however, it should be deter¬ mined, as it most likely will bo, not to increase the number of Congress¬ men beyond three hundred—ten more than the present number—and the ratio should be placed at one hundred and seventy thousand, as has been suggested, Georgia would still hold her present number of Northern Representatives, while several of the and Eastern States would lose one or more members.— Sac. AVkvs. A Petition. An Atl ^ nta telegram says a peti¬ tion was signed . bv about half of the state Senators and Representatives of Georgia asking General Garfield to appoint II011. A. II. Stephens us a member of his cabinet. Colonel Frobcl is said to have charge of the nothing movement. be It obtained is true perhaps, without that can ask¬ ing; but this proposition, to our mind, with all due deference to the author, presents the sublimity of cheek. We favor a practical age but this is rather too much of the utilitarian. For the Legislative members of the foremost Democratic state in the union to ask that a life¬ long Democrat be appointed position bv a Republican President to a in his councils partakes a good deal of the unblushing be impudence. of Though act that individuals it is none the less thoughtless and assum¬ ing. The state did not give Garfield a single electoral vote; and opposed him to the utmost.. Mr. Stephens boasts of his Jeffersonian democracy which is the very opposite of the Mr. Republicanism of General Garfield. ed views Stephens is a statenian of enlarg¬ and wide liberality, but the north would be very slow to consent that the Vice-President of the Con¬ federate States should be admitted desertion into Republican councils without a of his party. The Repub¬ licans reward renegade Democrats but none who remain true to faith. General Key went as a Democrat into the cabinet of Mr. Raves, soon became as good a Republican as any, was nominated and confirmed as United States district judge—a life place at $0,000 a year—and at the last election, having been fully converted, he voted for Garfield for President. Five years ago General Key was appointed as Democratic senator from Tennessee. Such are the seduction of office, that the best of them fall. Such a nomination as this alleged petition calls for is so clearly useless impossible discuss that it would be to whether it is de¬ sirable.— Columbia Enquirer. Established 1840. Mix & Kirtland, DEALERS IX Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Leather and Shoe findings,Hats,Caps,&c «• 3 Cotton Av., & 00 Third St., MACON, GEO. oct9-6m W. A. DOODY DEALER IN Dry Goods,Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. Nussbaum & Dannenbcrg’s old stand, 134 Third Street, Macon, Georgia. E3T When you go to Macon be sure to call on him. oetD-Bm oFORo Clothing and Hats GH) TO-J WINSHIP & CALLAWAY, 120, 2d Street, MACON, GA-H For twenty-three years the leading Cloth¬ ing and Hat House in the State. •snpt25-ly J. A. HOGUE, Jeweler and Repairer. Wrightsville Ga. I would respectfully inform the citizens of Johnson and adjacent counties that I have for permanently of plying located in Wrightsville the purpose my avocation of JEWELER, and solicit the patronage of the public. All work guaranteed or inontiv refunded. Bring in your Watches, Clocks and lySewing Jewelry. Machines repaired at short not ice. J. A. HOG UK. J. T. WALKER & CO., - Tennille, Ca. We have just opened, in our new store, the largest and finest lot of Fancy und Family Groceries ever brought to T 011 - nille. Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, To¬ bacco, Canned Fruits etc., are only a few of many articles in the Grocery lint, We keep constantly on hand a large lot of Farm Implements, Hardware, Guns, l’istols, Flocks, etc. tte also have on hand a large lot of genuine Itust-Prool Oats. All of our Goods we offer at the very lowest market prices. We pay the higest market prices for Hides, Bees-wax. Tallow eet. The patronage of the pul lie is respectfully solicited. J. T. WALKER &CO., nov 13 -Gm TENNILLE, GA. 1881 . 1881 . THE CONSTITUTION. Never in our history lias n reliable, FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER been so essentially needed by the Southern Never has THE people CONSTITUTION as at present. been as THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED and so fully prepared to furnish such a paper as at present. With Telegraphic Service Unequalled by any Southern paper. With trained Correspondents in every local¬ ity in which its With readers are interested, a CAPABLE EDITORIAL STAFF, a corps of efficient Reporters, and tho the l>est of "special” contributors, THE CONSTITUTION can promise to its readers that it will he better than ever lie fore, and will confirm its position as the Leading Southern Newspaper, While THE CONSTITUTION will carry its the opinions general frankly news of the political day, and ex¬ press it will devote special attention on the topics, to Development of Southern Resources in all legitimate channels or directions. in Every Southern Georgian enterprise ami every and "growth, man interested .should read THE CONSTITUTION in one of its editions. mouths, TERMS—Daily, one year. $2,50. $10; Weekly, six $5; three six months, clubs one year, $1,50; $1.25; months, $1; of to of ten, one year, to clubs twenty, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR, one year, $1.50; to clubs of ten, 12,50; to dubs of twenty, $20, Weekly Constitution and Cultivator to same aildress, one year. $2.50. Address TllK CONSTITUTION , Atlanta, Ga. For Sale. I offer for sale my residence in Wrights¬ ville, Ga. The improvements consist of a splendid new Dwelling with all the ueeces sary outbuildings. The entire premises arc In perfect repair, with 14 acres of land un¬ der a high state of cultivation. I will sell low and on easy terms. Purchaser will he allowed two or three payments, if lie so desires. Call at once and secure a bargain. Wrightsville, Respectfuly, Ga., JOSEPH Dec. 4th E. 1880, PAGE. 4t New Store! New Goods! ■o E. E. IIICKS, WEIGHTSVILLE. ! GEORGIA. -DEALER IX FAMILY GROCERIES -SUCH AS Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, To¬ bacco, Bagging and Ties. »5cc., Ac. In fact, I keep constantly on hand a full supply of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, Which will he sold at inside figures. Be sure elsewhere, to price and my give goods before chance purchasing make me a to a hid on your cotton before you sell to other parties. I will pay the highest market price for country produce. Give me a call. Respectfully, E. E. HICKS. septl8-(!m Take Notice, Save Money! —BUY YOUR GOODS FROM— HARRISON & BURNS, who arc now offering their well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise at prices to suit the times and as low as the lowest. If you want Clothing. Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, llats, Homespuns, Pants Cloth, Calicoes, Crockery, Glassware Hardware, Sugar, Coffee, Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, or other Groceries, or anything else generally kept in a general store, call on Harrison & Burns, southwest corner Public will Square, take Wrights- pleasure ville, Georgia, and they in serving you in such a way that you will feel it your duty and to your interest to call again. @rlUgliest prices paid for all kinds of Country produce in exchange for goods. Thanking the public all for past in the patronage and assuring them that future wo will more than please, We are respect fully, HARRISON & BURNS. my22 ly HUTCHINSON & SMITH. Smith ville, Ga., (Fifteen South Of) W r i g h t s v i II e, C a. — dealers in — Dry Goods, Groceries f : HARDWARE, Tin ware, Etc., Etc. Examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, and we goods will convince you Hint we are selling our at Imttom prices. Our motto is “Quick sales and small pro¬ fits." Respectfully, HIXSON SMITH. jy24-0m Ill ’K A A. F. DALEY 1 Attorney at Law, WToiglitsville, Gra. Will practice in this and adjoining counties, and elsewhere by special engagement. iuy22-ly Henry Cjirrell, Attorney - at - Law, WrightsviJJe, Ga. Residence six miles north of Wrights ville. BUOfllce in Wrightsville. iny22-lv J. L. WALKER, M. D.. GEN ERAL PRACTITIONER, Wrightville, Gkorc.ia. ■W Calls Promptly Attended Day or 221y Night. may J. W. FLANDERS, M. D. 1 Physician and Accoucheur, Wrightsville, Ga. Special attention given to practice of Obstetrics and the treatment of diseases of Hitmen. Office at his residence. my22-ly ROBERT L. RODCERS, A TTOltXEY-A T LA H' A-U3 £jTL~tPj y Q-a. Special attention to Collections, Convey ancing and Settling Estates. ju!2-ly THE “GEM,” M. H. BOYER, Sander9-ville, G-a,., Keeps Brandies, always Liquors, on hand Wines. the purest and best Clmni- pagnes, tW~ etc. Lager Beer always on draught. in A splendid with Billiard the Bar. and Pool Room connection jvl'6m M. II. BOYER. GINNING. r pHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE X spectfully prepared inform do the class public Ginning that he is now to first on his new BROWN’S COTTON FEE¬ DER and CONDENSER GIN. Yield good and sample the best. C5T Terms Flftv Cents per Hundred. Would solicit patronage. T. J BRANTLEY, aug28tilldec25 Near Wrightsville. G. ECKSTEIN & .GO, Wholesale Dry Goods, Notions, J Corner WHITAKER and CONGRESS Street. S.ATVMA.INGSIMA.IH:, GEOBGI. Agents Athens Mf’g. Co.’s Checks and Yurns. Agents for Keep Mf’g. Co.’s SHIRTS, COLLARS and CUFFS. * ZST" Orders executed with care and dispatch. G. Eckstein & Co aug7-6m Sa-varLuaiL, G-a. IiOBT. H. MAY'. A. It. GOODYEAR JAS. T. MAY, 8. S. PARMELEE ROBERT H. MAY & Co •i —MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN— Buggies, Carriages, Wagons 9 Children’s Carriages, Saddles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Leather and Shoe Finding# REPOSITORIES: 208 Broad Street, Augusta. I 16 ’and I 18 Cherry Street, Macon. aug28-6m fiewiPalsce Wholesale House OF NUSSBAUM & DANNENBERG 9 MACON, GEORGIA. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Dry Gocds, Motions, Clothing, Boots, Shoos, Stets. O TRUNKS, VALISES, "ETC. Y\ c offer great inducements in our various Departments, and a>, 4 trial to couviucc von that your wants will be most reasonable •nor-: our MAMMOTH'ESTABLISHMENT. l-t ';''Give usa call or send your orders, which shall have our caretui »c tention. NAUSGBAUM & BANNENBEHC. :u;g 28 -tf •>.r nmn, no. 1 ci„ WHOLESALE GROCERS, MACON, GEORGIA., Respectfully solicitsJtlis patronage of ail parties in need of Provisions, groceries and Tobacco. >( They Guarantee the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. -)o( The quality of Goods as represented. Satisfac¬ tion or no Trade. mv22-tf WHOLESALE HOUSE. A. EINSTEIN’S SONS, —MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS IN— v ■ BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, 153 Congress Street, G-_A_ GIVE US A CALL OR SEND US YOUR ORDERS. RESPECTFULLY, SSTOfficc 81 Pearl Street, 1 I. EllSTEil’S SONS, Boston, Mass. } my 22-1 y Savannah, Georgia, * NEW YORK JOBBING HOUSE, S. VIIELIIOI & BROTHER, 117, 119 & 121 Second St., Triangular Block, MACON, <3 Always keeps on baud the largest and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothings and Hats Of any house in the State. Call upon them anil satisfy yourself. This firm guarantee to sell strictly at New York Jobbing Prices. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO. sept25-6ra