The Wrightsville recorder. (Wrightsville, Ga.) 1880-18??, July 26, 1884, Image 4

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STATISTICS OF FERTILIZERS. Circular No. 55 of the State Commissioner of rsejisjssisi tins there season were inspected 151,840 tens as against 125,377 tong last year. The balance paid into the State treasury for the present season is %G2,133.92, an increase of $11,323.02 as compared with 1882-83. A TEXAS FISH STORY. lexas came to the front with a fish story last neck which seemed hard to heat. It claimed that a sea flsl. was found in the street of an interior town, one hundred miles from the coast, after a heavy hail storm. The peen liararity of the fish was that it was alive and flopping. This was a hard story to beat, but Massachusetts came to the front on Tuesday and tells one that makes Texas blush. It is claimed that after a rain storm at Pawtucket over one huqdred eels were found in a mud puddle. nitro-glyukkink fills. Fills made from a preparation of nitro-gly cerino will cure heart disease. Ho says a medi¬ cal journal. That nitro-glyccriuo will effectu¬ ally rid a person not only of heart disease, or any other ailment, in not questioned. It will remove the patient as far from tho disease as necessary to effectually relievo llio disease of the patient. As a remover, nitro-glyccrine takes a high rank. A rank so high, in fact, that an inquisitive person has been sent out of sight by it. However, nitro-glyccrine pills, while effectual removers, are too much so to in¬ spire entire confidence in their curing power. KING TI1EEBAVV. . King Theebaw, of Birniah, it will he recol¬ lected, recently poisoned his wife and her mother, and married his wife’s sister. This was had enough, but lie has been guilty of still more horrible crimes. At tho age of twenty when Vie ascended tho throne he caused all of his relatives to he put to death, One of liis brothers was killed by flogging, another had liis limbs broken and was lmricd alive, and an¬ other was blown to pieces with gunpowder. At another time the young monster was very sick, and fearing he would die ho caused seven hun¬ dred people to ho burned alive. Recently this bloody king announced that ho had reformed, but liis latest exploit will cause his sincerity to be doubted. INSTITUTION OF TRAINING. An institution that has long been needed is at last to be established ill New York. It is an institution for tho training of and the gradu¬ ating of actors and actresses—an American Conservatory of Dramatic Art. Tho building, which is now in course of construction, will contain a theatre with a sealing capacity of eight hundred. It will have a large stage litti il with nil the appliances of a first-class theatro; a rehearsal room and several rooms for recita¬ tion and practico. 3'lie elassos will be formed into stock companies subject to the discipline of the best professional theatres, and all to ho under the directorship of Frank II. Sargent, at present dramatic director of tho Madison Square theatre. Mr. Sargent will have a corps of assistants in the various branches of tho profession and the result of their work can not lie other than of good in American dramatics. VOLCANO IN FLORIDA. Tho supposed volcano in southern Florida has at last been investigated. For many years a thin smoke rising from the everglade region has attracted attention and it 1ms been rumor¬ ed that it came from Indian campfires or from a volcano. Various expeditions have been or¬ ganized to solve tho mystery, hut the explorers found so many difficulties in the way that they were forced to turn back after a fruitless search. A short time ago Captain Asher fol¬ lowed the Ancilla river, hunting for cypress logs, and in the course of liis journey saw this cloud of vapor and determined to find out what it was. In one of the swamps ho found a number of large, black rocks, rising out of the water. Home were worn in tho shape of basins mid others were huge, hollow shells, all filled with strong sulphur water supplied front subterranean sources. From these arose the mist or vapor which lias so long puzzled the outside world. CONFERENCE CONCERNING EGYPT. The conference of European powers, called at the instance of England to consider tho condition of Egypt, especially the regulation of its perplexed finances, is now in session. The policy of Gladstone in Egyptian affairs has been vigorously assaulted by the opposition in parliament, and he has narrowly only escaped defeat in important measures. As this fight is increasing in intensity mid about to culminate in a vote of censure, it is shrewdly surmised that the conference has been called to meet in London in time for its deliberations to influ¬ ence the action of Parliament, and to divert the threatened final assault on the Administra¬ tion. France, Austria, Germany and Italy have sent representatives, who are to agree upon a plan for the adjustment of Egypt’s finances. No doubt, however, other questions of a serious political character will lxi consid¬ ered. This will force a suspension of decisive action in tho British Parliament, and give tho Administration time to repair damages. THE CENTURY PLANT. Years ago, in a couservatory in London, says a well-known florist, a century plant, generally supposed to have attained tho age of 100 years, began to show signs of life by sending out a stem in the center, which grew from soven to eight inches daily. It at once began to attract general attention. The stem grew larger even' day. The plant was moved from plaeo to place, for the glass roof was not high enough, until as a last resort it was placed under the cupola. Before many days the stem reached the cupola roof, and, in order that its progress might not be retarded, the glass was removed and the roof raised. 'Then the stem had attained a height of about forty-five feet, if I remember rightly, it stopped growing, and numerous •mall branches grew out of the main stem, eacfioi wtnen was topped with a cluster of magnificent greenish-yellow flowers, forming a solid bush of beautiful flowers of about ten feet in height. It seemed to me all London flocked to see that flower, and it was the topic of con¬ versation everywhere. The American aloe, or century plant, as it is commonly known, will sometimes bloom when but twenty-five years old. It altogether depends upon the care. At times it will not bloom unless it has attained the age of 100 years, but there are not many aloea in Northern climates which attain such image. TIIE FATHERLAND’S RAIUES. Parents have to be humble pretty often herb 1: zzzzzrjzz; tzm the number being large only when it rises to nearly twenty. Hence it comes about that all the hairy perambulators that one secs on the streets of a German city are groat wicker-work affairs, limit expressly for two children-not twins, mind you—who are too young to toddlb about on then own legs, and into which, if needs rnuBt, a third or even fourth tired little Teuton may be crowded. There is nothing in this world like foresight and preparing for future emergencies, even in such a simple mat ter as buying a baby carriage, for it is a pretty constant occurrence in German married life to have the baby carriage going all the time with tw0 occupants, so that when one first gets on German soil and secs the army of nurse girls trundling their perambulators, each one with two children arranged so that a little flaxen head peeps out from beneath the covers at each < nd, one is surprised at what he considers the great number of twins in Germany, and all his preconceived ideas t he twins are a compara¬ tively seldom human accomplishment disap¬ pear until ho examines more closely into the matter. LONG DELAYED UIIT DESERVED. Our Minister to England presented a gold medal the other day to George Bead, who was formerly chief of the life-boat post at Deal, as a rewaril for a heroic act which Head perform¬ ed twenty-two years ago. In 18G2 the Ameri¬ can slop Annin Hooper was wrecked off the Kentish coast, near Deal, and Head and liis men, by tho exercise of great skill and daring, in which Head especially imperiled his life, succeeded in reselling the entire crew of the doomed vessel. In replying to Mr. Lowell’s eulogistic speech and accepting the medal, Head said that ho had only done liis duty, and that in fact the circumstance had made s.i lit¬ tle impression upon him that when he was no titled that he was to receive a medal ho had almost forgotten tho (occurrence of the wreck and rescue. True heroism is always modest and self-sacrificing. The consciousness of hav¬ ing done one’s duty to God and man, in grand aH well as simple matters, is sufficient reward for men of the IPad and our own Rhodes’ stamp. Still wo are glad to notieo that our government, in tho most conspicuous and pub¬ lic manner, recognizes the grandeur of a heroic action, especially in Iho rescuing of life in shipwrecks. FIGUKICS OF THE FISCAL YEAR. The footingsof (lie fiscalyear can he approx¬ imately given. Hie reduction of debt will be $10(1,000,0(1(1 us against $137,000,000 last year. Tho interest-boaring debt will stand at the close of tho year at about $1,240,000,000, of which amount only $2-10,000,000 will be subject to call. If the present rate of redemption is maintained, tliero will not he a redeemable bond at the end of the fiscal year in 1880, anil a gap of five years will follow in which tho debt redeemed must be purchased at market rates. The revenue of the government lias fallen off about $40,000,000. Tho receipts from internal revenue will he about $20,000,000 less and the less from miscellaneous sources, Bllell as land sales, etc . will be ivbmit *5,0110, 000. The custom receipts show a reduction of about $15,000,000. We are importing less than we did last year. The total of dutiable im¬ ports for the ton months ending April 30, 1884, was $383,931,208, against $420,891,712 in the corresponding period of tho previous year. In tho ten months alone there was a reduction in dutiable imports of $13,000,000, and as the average rate of duty is 42 per cent, the loss in custom receipts is accounted for. It is estima¬ ted that the value of merchandise imported during the fiscal year will foot up $665,000,000 and the value of merchandise exported. $725, 000,000. The so-called “balance of trade” is therefore $60,000,000, against $90,000,000 Inst year. Wo have done less business as a people, and beyond that there is nothing especially un¬ satisfactory in the foreign trade of the closing year. But where, as a matter of curiosity, is the $60,000,000 that we nave Accumulated ac¬ cording to the statisticians during tho year Europe lias not settled in specie, for wo have exported during the piiRt year more specie than we have imported. The chances are that Mr. John Roach could, if closely pushed, toll where the immense sum lias ogno to. Nothing short of the rack or thumb screw would be apt. however, him. to draw tho truth on this point out of THE STAIt OF BETHLEHEM. A Varinblr Sun l,il<«>ly Soon to llriKlitvit IntnaGt m ol the Polar Shy. [From tho Providence Journal.] -ASTOJS so-called ‘Star of Bethlehem’ is now a member of the starry family and at staled periods returns to the sight of mortais ?” The theory concerning the Star of Bethlehem is based on a poetical foundation, bavin* little to support it. I 11 the year 1572 Tycho Brahe, a Dutch astronomer, discovered anew star near Gaph, in the constellation Cassiopea. It increased iu brilliancy until it was as bright as Venus and could be easily seen at noonday. It continued to shine brightly for a month, then gradually grew dim and in sixteen mouths disap peared from view. It was looked upon as a new creation or a sun on tire, and the general opinion was that it would never again shine iu the star depths. Forty years later the telescope was in vented. When it was turned to the po sition in the heavens occupied by tho blazing star a minute star was found near the identical spot. This telescope star is still there and is doubtless the sarne one that blazed forth iu 1572 The discovery that it existed led astrono mere to search astronomical records, and it was found that similar bright stars had apyieared in the same region of the sky in 945 and 1264. Counting back three periods from 945 wo are brought to the near vicinity of tho birth of Christ About twenty-four of these temporary stars have appeared in the last two thousand years, subject, like the star in Cassiojica, by to sudden outbursts, followed a return to their normal insignili ' canoe. A Russian is not legally a man until he is 26 years old. Fancy a Russian mother saying ; “Alvirawiska, who was that sitting so close ou the sofa with you last night ?” and Alvi replying: “Only Chfpmunkiwiski, the a little boy from over way. \i c wt're oelebratiug his 25th birthday. ODDS AND ENDS. *- * age. a-*"—***«• hret ^ T „„ telescope was used in Erto j jgQg ° u TilJ{ first steamboat plied on the Hud son ill 1807 ' XflE CJji nese of San Francisco have labor unions The first watches were made at Nuren burg in M77 Christianity was introduced into j jn 1549 _ ,,, first nnwmianer * advertisement an. m j * * ftrrcs Uficd iu the United Statcb army m 1829. Women now serve On the juries m Washington Territory. A gargle of cold, strong black tea is a remedy for sore throat. Seven new churches are now being built in Little Rock, Ark. At Ems the ladies dres3 very much and society is aristocratic. The sardine catch of Maine will be worth $2,000,000 this year. The New Orleans exhibition grounds embrace tliirty-thrqe acres. Them arc in tlic United States 2,552 theatres, worth $115,000,000. JET ,'XSK 1 "‘ h <hc Tn southern and middle England 30,000 women steer canal boats. Macedonia is the most wilfully op pressed of all Christian countries. h&xftBSSttaff rt , , , , . , , Carpet bentera, according to the Lou. don Lancet, arc infection spreaders. An Ontario village is lighted with gas made from sawdust, equal to coal gas. Tim judicial powers of the English provost marshals have been abolished. Biarritz is much frequented by Spanish families who seek sea bathing. The East river bridge added $10,000, 000 lo Brooklyn’s valuation iti one year, About 125,000 elephants tl.« are killed in fp snpply ivory Irrio. Smv-Ruilding is revived at Alex andria, Va., after twenty years of stag nation. m I HE North .. Carolina „ Stnto ... , Exposition _ ... is to ho held in Raleigh, from Get. 1 to oVkk 13,000 pilgrims visited Shakes peares lost birthplace at Stratford-on-Avon year. Emm million baskets of peaches are promised this year from the Delaware orchards The railway system of Prussia covers over 9,000 miles—a little more than that of Canada, England’s army contains 63,050 Eng lishmeri, 14,415 Irishmen and 2,456 Scotchmen. The Chicago Tinas announces that the bottom is knocked out of the Cieur d’Alene mines. TnEUE are 250,000 trees iu full foliage along Washington, tho 150 Dlilos of avoimes and ftreots in Theke are in London 30,000 Polish Russiau Jews who have sought refuge from persecution. There arc 81,717 clergymen and 17,- 267,878 communicants in the churches of the United States. Soutbren members of Congress quote from the Bible more frequently than do Northern members. Stanley JIattiiews will address the Tennessee Bar July 4, ou the heights of Lookout, Mountain. The citizens of Pittsburg, Pa., fire prouil because their city covers more tor titory than Chicago. r lwo « MEN . nave tiled hi t petitions at , Youngs town, Ohio, asking for a divorce from the same woman. Tiie a~i.triy.oj- Im ~~| . lulling oil ol lo to -.0 per cent, in JliUto peail travel this season. The indications are that the wheat crop throughout the country will ap proximate that ot 3882. The Europeans, or white men, in China number fewer than 10,000, or ouo to about every 25,000 natives. A Substitute for genuine human hair is now tho bud being made out of the inner lining of of tho palmetto tree. Two Great Powers. At a Cooper Union Temperance meet S tw ® wre fP^seutative ones, ffes^ted 1 cached mankind, hi , good llie or evil pulpit just dissemi- as they 11 ‘° mau s ml » d > bod v luu1 , ^ - ?, * ie f n ° 01 .} 011 the „ other hand, was the P^pter ot evil, not only among lu ^vidually t but m tho community mu fp llon * ^ ieu 'vent on to 00 “ tr . « st * too resn ts of each of these U° wei ' s - The pulpit, said the speaker, ™ es economy, truth, ant ^ , c.mnty; the saloon begets maolellc ?. extravagance, Jymg, vicious salocuaud ne , SH aD( \ you selbshness. got rid of seven-eighlhs Get rid of the of 10 crlmo 1111 P° v erty that now prevails, 2° ^ ,, ew ' V v' or T ^ ai 2 ihere E root are • ,336 cou «ider. In , . }} lantlable < persons 011 - gag . 1U *h<-'necessaries i0 occupation of dis P™ 8 . that to make ?, butchers, go } l P, l e ’ ud V LIIS 1,110 aro ers a , arc grocers. Against . , 10 075 where 18 ■ 80 l? n There ’ avo are > „ 2,749 l'“\ ees more places rum ac c es .,, to mrtn f °r tho obtaining of d , ™ lk »»an for the securing of all the other things that go to make up our life, * ar “ Aldermen is composed of . ^' v0 , a " Jo r8 "° politicians—whatever > th f- v may b t '’ God aU>ae knows I don’t “^o builders, ., , . umbrella two agents, one maker thirleen liquor dealers and one onting-house proprietor For God’s 8a A X alermen. e ’ e !ls Let Gibbs do to the Board of ! if, L-A us something to St’". ? nlted 00 States ** V, $47,000,000 8 8pent m tlle the of the pulpit; annually for , for support the snp port of the rum traffic S715,573,000 is spent. Religion costs iw $1.11 per head, education $2.02 per head, while there is spent for every man, woman and child $17 for rum. Do you wonder poverty and crime prevail ?” He is one of those men in w horn n$- FOR CURING CHILLS AND FEVER AND Removing the Distressing Effects of Malaria, AYER’S AGUE CURE HAS BEEN FOUND SO NEARLY INFALLIBLE, THAT We Authorize Dealer tO RetUm the MflneV 7 ’ xt the medicine is taken according to directions, . without benefiting the patient PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER &. CO., Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. Q Sojd “ y a11 Dru KS lsts I ri '- e su bottles for $5. - A Filthy City.— The Rev. R. A. Hol and, pastor of the wealthiest congrega¬ tion in New Orleans, lately drew a fear ted picture of the filth of that city. New Orleans is peculiar as regards her streets, The drainage is entirely on the surface au d all the foulness is exposed to view, The public is thoroughly aroused and a >»« *«*• >* *> <**■ «p. A Danhury man recently went off to trade a horse which did not answer his purpose. He returned with another horse, $30 of money’ iu his pockets, ten •—*-« *» rt ol !”“■ &?-/£«bTtlS ‘ naTt J ora J,TncH - * Wltob " J Out of the four million eggs a codfish lias been known to spawn in a year only about one hundred survive. This must bo very discouraging to the codfish. It reminds one of legislative promises and performances .—Texas Siftings, r ibcr: ’■ ■ *onrpoor wearied wife : losing sleep night af crow, should have a bottle of Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum A Mullein, an undoubted Group preventive, and cure tor Cough, Colds, Whooping Cough, Consumption, and all lung and bronchial troubles. Price 25ets and $1.00. This with Dr. Riggers’ Southern Remedy, an equally efficacious remedy forCrsmp-Oolic, Di from the effect* of teething pregents * little Medicine Chest no household should be willi out, for tho speedy relief of sudden aud dan gerons attacks’ of the lungs and bowels. Ask yo«r ,,r «Kgwt for them. Manufactured ............ by ' Walter Va!terA Prejiuum A. - Taylor, ravlor. Cologne. Atlanta Atlanta, Ga., proprietor Tay¬ lor's After tho dose of the competition the jump itirmi wns was rAnieiunn.! remeasured, aiwl and the judges in. 1 rr.iu announced that by actual measurement it was just 6 feet 6 inches from tho ground, not 6 feet 5 inches, as was at announced, Anoinci- i i p Snvcil. J. C. Gray, of liadeville, Ala., writes us; ' lmvo been using your Dr. Wm. Hall’s Balsam for tho Lungs, and I can say. of a tiaitli, it is far suiierior to any- other lung piv paration in the world. My mother was con fined to her bed four week* with a cough, and had every attention by a good physician, but ho failed to effect a euro; and when I got one bottle of your Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for tho Lungs, she began to mend right away. laving'lm" lffe. 11 ’! knVvT/'U'^ea^s that Dr. Win. Hall’s I'a’sain has iaired, and my mother is bettor Ilian she- has been for twonty jears An Ohio manufacturing company gives its employees a half holiday Satur days, to discourage a desecration of Suu day. Hay-Fever. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to all Hay-Fever Hnfferers, it in, in my opinion, a sure cure. I found was afflicted for 25 vears, and never before permanent re ferer for three years ; have often heard Ely’s Cream Balm npoken of in the highest terms. 1 lt A “ n<l "L th ,he m0 TJ >ndcrful BUOce8B - “ r S GltEER S vnu ' UH0 « N '• ' ' ’ ’ ' - Only have two women reached in the Washington depart¬ ments an $1,800 clerkship “Rongli on Corns.** Ask for Wells’ “Rough ou Corns.” 15c. Com¬ plete cure. Ilaril or soft corns, warts, bunions, A monument is to lie erected in Paris to Ber¬ lioz, the eminent composer. The best test of a human life is the amount of good it lias been and done to others. Mrs. bvdia E. I’inkliam may he given a seat of honor among those who have helped to change sick¬ ness into health, and to transform the darkness iff suffering into the sunshine of rest and hope. Texas makes highway robbery punishable by an imprisonment of not less than ten years. rri Colonel Seller’s Eye Water. I no Colonel never made a success of the Eye Water business, but C.n boline struck a bonan¬ za ditli Petroleum as its base. If your hair- is thin and falling out, try it. nntil No Norwegian she bake girl bread is allowed and to have a beau can knit stockings. “Buchu Putbn.” Quick, complete cure, all Kidney. Irritation, Bladder and Urinary Catarrh Diseases, of bladder.$l.Druggists. Scalding, Stone,Gravel, Robert tho dedication 0. Wintbrop is tb» to deliver the oration at of Waulungton monu¬ ment. si 1TDIA E. riSKHAM’S syr Teptatile Compound 13 A POSITIVE CT7SS For Female Complaints and Weaknesses so common to / onr best female population* It will euro entirely tho worst fonn of Femide Com* plaints, ail Ovarian trouble*. Inflammation and Ulcers* lion, Falling and Displacements, and tho consequent Sniual Change Weakness, of Life, ana is particularly adapted to the It trill dissolve an<! expel tumors from the a terns f n an **;irly stf^ro of development. The tendency to c&nceroas vuruors tuero id checked very speedily by its use. It romovpN faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving or stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach, .6 cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration. General Sion. That Debility, Sleeplessness, of bearing down, Depression causingpain, and Indige* weigh! And backache, fueling is olwaya permanently cured by its use. It will at all 'imes and under all circumstances act la Uarmony with tho laws that govern the Female system. For the cure unsurpassed. of Kidney Complaints of either sex, thil •Compound is Price $1.00. Six bottles for $6.00 No family ekould bo without LYDIA E. PIXKHA3TS (IYER PILLS. They cure corurtipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. £5 cents a box at all druggists. emit. N atijxal Publishing Go , Atlanta, (J s PfliisionsirSfSfS^I “Roiiffh on Hats.” Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed¬ bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drgta. In California, last year, 880.000 pounds o ' salt were extracted from sen water. Heart Pnlin. Indigestion, Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness, “Wells’ Health Headache, Renewer." Sleeplessness cured by A leather cannon was proved at Edinburgh 1778, fired three times and pronounced good. The short, hacking cough, which leads to consumption, is cured by Pino's Cure. Madagascar, miles in the third and largest miles island, broad. is over length, 350 SOLID SILVER STEM WINDING FULL JEWELLED GENTS' SIZE WATCH FOR $ 12 . 60 . FULLY GUARANTEED. Ttai. offer marl* tot 60 days only. Goods sent Ly Exprosa O. O. 1>. , auh)*ct to luspnotiou before purchasing. * P. STEVENS dt CO-, Jewelers* Atlanta* Cite AOENTS WANTED r. r th. lives .« By (^Timjs.A^KJox. lute, others the Bett I oto and l. thfajetl. AuUior tied, Authentic. $1.50. linpnrtiBl Sells like Com 50 per cent, to Apenfo. 500 paeee end if. for ExtraTerms. etc., to Outfit UAUTFOUD Free. Freights PtlfUfeHlNtt paid. ■ CO-. Hartford, Co»». |Mdnr,*m,o r HEROES I MU. UEEDS. from theetrlieattimcat-itho preaent. Lives and famous ex¬ ploits of DeSoto, LeSaile, Standiah, Boone. Kenton. Brady, Bill, Crockett, Bowie, Houston. Crook, C Arson, Custer, Wild Bill, BuiFalo (lent. Miles and great Indian Chiefs and scores ot ^. ,T ^rn n ** r £r^1t A (X)., Box-1145. Pailadcluhin or St. Louis. -—-f'- Lying truth Agents can't SELL and tell YOUAREj the about Jonkb. Put your Hu8^)n^>ftper^and^xu if you dare. $60.5 TON LIAR WAGON SCALES. Beam Box. Tar* Beam. I’rtid. Free Price Ll«t. Every Size* address JONES OF BIN3HAMT0H, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Afoore's J?TtZu/Um Cjcu AN ORGANIZED BUSINESS COMMUNITY. 25th YEAR. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. G A l». ENTS E. F D1ETKRIUHS, WANT! Dt^»S« Cleveland, OUle. BUDDIES Write pi Free. einnati, O. for (,'ataluqne No. 14. ’•FIleyoorOiN ^^■arULVilr-JSKGI with NF.tTTOVS Patent#^ B b A m llado by W. S.NbwVuw. Lfaepevillc .Ct.^ 11 PATENTS ent Send Patents. L awyer, stamp L. fot- W. BiXGHAM, otlr shi ngton N«w Bo , D. >k on ■ PISO’S CURE FOR S .25 CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough By nip. Tastes good. iSs S Use In time. Bold by drug-f^*" I CONSUMPTION OPIUM addreuin stamp AND For CURED Pamphlet*, WHISK W. confidence, IN THREE i;. proofs K^LLA.UV, V with3-c HABITS and WEEKS. terms, a nt Atlanta, Goorsia. AGF.VTS AVtYTUI) to ,,n T Mrt ty-Tlirrt Vnr. omoncOl R WILD INDIANS fit G«n >.I)ODOE ,nd SIIERM an. W-ZO.OOH Mid. Aftrnta i.ll 1 O to «0 a day. A. ». UT*Send WOUTU1NUTON for Extra Terms, Specimen Pla tc. etc., to At CO., llartford. Conn. VOUR ■A a nd addres NAME 40c. ON Ben. RUBBER W. Austin, STAMP, Sioux 2oc City, s, PATENTS for patont until obtaiped. Write for Inventing' (I nula. PLEASURE BOATS AND CANOES. Send stamp for lllu*t rutoil Cntalntfu if* to J. II. UIXIITON, funic on* Y. Hi/' medicine that[_ q\puritV/ r [ 1 .1 Druggists re- K te Nffiax will not blacken\ x/commend it as y orlnjure sur’e'aFpetizer. the teeth. v \> ^^^' V / the best. Try knownN It. 3 HH 1 | I a best tonic ' Will cure quickly and completely Dyspepsia, Weakness, Malaria, Impure Blood, Chills and Fever, ■& ■ ^^PEBSONS FOR LADIES AND FOR ALL S |g M WHO LEAD A SEDENTARY LIFE.ygf I ^^ ■ \ REL It 1 EV is ESINDI GESTI remedy 0 N (y /CC^ O 1::7 X \ \ It 0 URES-DYSPEPS 1 A./I / mI ^ a sure strengthens the ■■fegSp KN. BKV tor the diseases UverandVoNPURiT of (_( v JyA ).•] muscles, tones and/’ IteaT 'M'Vl invigorates the / □IriaKlU 1 a. 1 bines It Brown’s is compounded Iron with Iron pure on vegetable Bitters thoroughly tonics. com¬ sci¬ [2EH [digests Best moves Brown’s Liver bile, Iron clears Regulator Bitters the is — skin, the re¬ entific and medicinal principles, and the food, CURES cannot intoxicate. ! Belching, Heartburn, Heat All other preparations of Iron cause in the Stomach, etc. headache, and produce constipation. It is the best-known remedy for Brown’s Iron Bitters is the female infirmities. ONLY Iron medicine thatl 0-20“! is not injurious —its use does not The genuine has above trade mark even slacken the teeth. and crossed red lines on wrapper. It not only cures the worst cases of Take no other. Made only by Dyspepsia, but insures a hearty ap¬ Brown Chemical Co., petite and good digestion. ' Baltimore, Md. Vital Questions! t! t Aik Of the most eminent what is physician the best thing in th* any school, allaying all irritation world for quieting and of the nerves, ana curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refresh¬ ing sleep always! will unhesitatingly And they tell you ‘‘Some fonn of Hops!!!" CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physi cians: ‘‘What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kid¬ neys and urinary organs; such as Bright’s dis¬ ease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain liar urine, and Women—” all the diseases and ailments pecu¬ to “And they will tell you explicitly and em phatically, Ask the ‘Buchu ! P ” “What is same the physicians reliable and surest cur. most constipa¬ for all liver diseases or dyspepsia, tion, indigestion, biliousness, malaria, fever, ague, “Mandrake &c.,’’ and they Dandelion will tell you: ill /” ! or Hence, when these remedies are combined with others equally valuable. wonderful And compounded into Hop curative Bitters, such is a and mysterious power developed, that'no disease which is ill -o health varied in its jiossibly ojierations exist or can or resist its power, and yet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weak¬ est invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II. “Patients “Almost dead or nearly dying’ For years, and given up by physicians, o< Bright’s plaints, and other coughs, kidney called diseases, consumption, liver com¬ severe have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! ! !! From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, peculiar to wakefulness, and various diseases women. People drawn out of shape from excruciat¬ ing pangs of rheumatism, inflammatory and chronic, or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas “Saltrlieum, ! blood poisoning, dyspepsia, in¬ digestion, and, in fact,almost all diseases frail* Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, neighborhood proof 01 in which can be found in every the known world. - |3?“ None genuine without a hunch of green Hops on tin-white label. Slum all the vile, poisonous stuff with “Hop”or “Hops”in their name. CATARRH .Hay Fevc^r ^ f catarrh hav Jca> I 1 J lining membrane of thf* 8 9 |^h "EAR r J, nostril*. tenr-micts anti viOfgktfL o throat. a ff e c t i n g tho f gM , ‘*7 Jungs. An acrid mucus KHAYF'EVERfy ty.-ir cl With K burn rnir.g senna , <W t y Lwti lion. There sneezing, are Revere fre¬ •cir. spasms of head¬ quent attacks of > G ache, watery and in¬ flamed eyoB, Cream Bwlwi 18 a remedy founded of on this a H5AJSSS-. irrect diagnosis Kill be de ani I can HAY-FEVER « mail. Sftinp'P bottle by mail 10 cts. __ Y« _____KIiY UKPS., D r u gging, Owego, MORPHINE t mS& EASILY ( FREO. HOOK FREE. I)R. J C. liOFFSAR. JEFFfcRSttS, Wisconsin. Albark Female Institute Charlottesville, Va. Full Facility, Best Equipment Accessible. Health ful. Bsnttiful Seenery. Terms vr.KV Imv. Pur eata liigiio apply t<* XV. I*. IMUKI XKQN. Pri m-lpnl. SO DAYS’ TRIAL l (BEFOUL.) 14FTKK.X YMtF.OTRO-VOI.TAlO I BELT Days’ and other Trisl Elect TO MEN WO j ApJ*t rANCfCB an»«jnt on au from ON’EY. YOI’NG OK OLD, who are Bifferin* Wasting Nervous Debility, kindiEl Lost Vitality, diseases. Speedy Weaknesses, aud all re¬ lief an I conuilete restoration to Health, Vigor ana Manhood Uuahanteed. Sen<l at once for IUustEMsa Tamphlet Iren. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich, GOOD NEWS IS LAmjSJ (irental inducement® ever of¬ fered. Now’s your time to get up orders for our celebrated Teas and Coffee*,and secure abeanti ful txoId Bana or Moss Rose China r.-Mcrxw ism- T»*n Set, or Handsome DecotAted Gold Band Mom Roee Dinner Set, or Gold Baud Mom D ecirated Toilet Set, F< r full particulars address ' TIIE («IIEAT A TIi KH AN TEA (O.,. P. O. Box 289. *1 and ati Vesey St., New Yor<^_ AQH Vx 1 Uf¥S Kfta WITHOUT PAIS OK UOTKN. r riON FROM BUSINESS. CURE GUARANTEED, fla U A — __ P1 _ Allcoramunicationsfilrictlycon | tiriontiai. Tor pam^aiets am<) B I SUP a I cerlificnteii address GEO. A. BRADFORD, M.D. CURED Druggist and Pharmacist, P. O. Box 162. Coin in l>u»* Ga A. .N. t . .............Twnity-pitflits *84